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日常英语会话Chapter 1 Household居家篇.docx

1、日常英语会话Chapter 1 Household居家篇日常英语会话Chapter 1 Household居家篇1.1 饮食 Food1.2 家具Furniture1.3 家务Housework1.4 养花Raise Flowers1.5 宠物Pets1.1饮食Food情景对话Stevens wife Julia has prepared breakfast. She called Steven to have it. Now they are at table.史蒂文的妻子茱莉亚已经做好了早餐。她喊史蒂文来吃早餐。他们此刻正在饭桌上Julia: Steven, breakfast is re

2、ady now.茱莉亚:史蒂文,可以吃早餐了。Steven: OK. But where is my favorite coffee? Didnt you boil it?史蒂文:好的。但是我最喜欢喝的咖啡在哪里呢?难道你没有煮吗?Julia: Its in that pan over there. Your boy Dean broke the silex yesterday, so I have to boil it in the pan.茱莉亚:在那个锅里。儿子迪恩昨天把咖啡壶打碎了,所以我只能用锅煮咖啡。Steven: It tastes like crankcase oil, but

3、 delicious.史蒂文:这味道有点像汽车里的机油,不过还是很不错。Julia: Well, you can make breakfast by yourself if you dont like it.茱莉亚:那好,如果你不喜欢,你可以自己动手做早饭Steven: What is there besides coffee?史蒂文: 除了咖啡还有什么?Julia: I warmed a couple of rolls, and your eggs are in the frying pan.茱莉亚: 我热了两个面包卷。你的鸡蛋在煎锅里。Steven: Oh, my God. Its nea

4、rly eight. I have no time to have breakfast now. My watch says seven fifty.史蒂文:哦!天啦。快8点了,我没时间吃早饭了,我的表显示已经7点50分了。Julia: Dont worry. Its only ten to seven. You must have forgotten to set your watch one hour back.茱莉亚:不要担心,只有6点50分,你一定忘记了把表拨慢1小时了。Steven: Yes, it was. The clock on the wall says eight to s

5、even.史蒂文:嗯。墙上的钟显示是6点52分。Julia: Yeah. Just eat your breakfast. You can catch the early bus.茱莉亚:是啊,继续吃早餐吧。你能赶上早班车的。Steven: Gee. I could have slept another hour.史蒂文:唉!我本来可以再多睡一个小时的。单词短语 words and phrasessilex【salks】(n) 玻璃制成的咖啡壶 crankcase oil 机油delicious (adj.) 美味的,可口的 roll (n)面包卷核心句型 sentences1. Its ti

6、me for breakfast. (Its time to eat breakfast.) 该吃早饭了。2. Is dinner ready?(Is it time for dinner yet?)晚饭好了吗?3. Its time to eat. We have bacon and eggs for supper. 该吃饭啦!我们的晚饭有胶猪肉和鸡蛋。4. We had a late supper yesterday. 我们昨天很晚才吃的晚饭。5. Lets sit down to breakfast. 我们坐下来吃早餐吧!6. Im full. (I have had enough. )

7、 我吃饱了。7. We breakfasted on toast and milk. 我们早餐吃的是烤面包片和牛奶。8. I am picky about what I eat because I am on a diet. 我正在节食,所以挑食挑得厉害。9. Where is my favorite coffee?我最喜欢喝的咖啡在哪里?10. I will fill your bowl with rice. 我给你盛点米饭。11. Your eggs are in the frying Pan. 你的鸡蛋在平煎锅里。12. Come over and taste this. 快来尝尝这个。

8、13. Ill have a little bit. 我再吃一小块。14. Eat up your dinner. 你把饭吃完。15. I have had breakfast,but they have not had it yet. 我吃过早饭了,但他们还没吃。地道英语 veritable English1.What is there besides fish?除了鱼还有什么?注:“有” 不见得就要用“have”,翻译要灵活,符合英语表达习惯。2. Ill eat whatever you cant finish. 剩下的我全包了。注:“包了” 一词要注意避免用中式英语。3. How ab

9、out another piece of pie?再吃一块馅饼吧?注:表示委婉的提议,要注意语气。4. I cant eat any more. (I couldnt eat another thing)我吃不下了。注:表示 “吃饱了” 也可以简单地说成是Im full.5 You eat like a bird. 你饭量真小。“饭量”一词应避免直译, 类似的还有:You eat like a horse. 你饭量真大。由此及彼 Draw Inferences 1.I cooked two fried eggs. 我做了两个煎蛋。2. Just be quick to finish your

10、breakfast. 快点儿把早餐吃完。3. Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me?你能从这个深底盆里舀点汤给我吗?4. Eat all of your vegetables in your plate. 把你盘子里的菜吃光.5. What would you like to eat,tomatoes or mushrooms?你想吃什么,西红柿还是蘑菇。6. Dont be picky不许挑食。7. We usually eat at home, but sometimes we go out for lunch.我们通常在家吃

11、饭,不过有时也会出去吃午餐。8. Once in a while we go to a restaurant, but usually we eat at home.我们偶尔下馆子, 但一般都在家吃。9. I juiced an orange for my breakfast. 我用一个橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。10. We may have cold dish for supper. 晚饭我们可以吃凉菜。1.2 家具Furniture情景对话Steven and his wife Julia are in the furniture store. They are discussing on bu

12、ying a coffee table.史蒂文和他的妻子茱莉亚在家具商店,他们正在商量买一个咖啡桌。Steven: What do you think of this coffee table?史蒂文: 你觉得这个咖啡桌怎么样?Julia: Its nice, but it doesnt match the color of our room.茱莉亚:好是好,就是和我们房间的颜色不搭配。Steven: How about that one?史蒂文: 那个呢?Julia: Oh no, this type of coffee table gets dirty very easily and it

13、s difficult to clean.茱莉亚:哦,不行,这种咖啡桌很容易弄脏,也不容易擦。Steven: All right, lets look at some others.史蒂文: 好吧,我们去看看其他的。Julia: Look, this one matches our room well and its inexpensive.茱莉亚:看, 这个和我们房间很配,也不贵。Steven: Moreover, its easy to clean, right? You are really lazy. 史蒂文:而且容易擦是吧? 你真是太懒了。单词短语 Words and Phrases

14、inexpensive nkspensv 廉价的,便宜的 lazy lezi懒惰的,懒散的核心句型 Key Sentences1. I was struck by the disreputable furniture in his room 我感到惊讶的是他屋里的家具非常破旧。2. The furniture was threadbare from everyday use。家具由子天天使用而磨损破旧了。3 What style of furniture do you like, traditional or modern? 你喜欢什么样式的家具,老式的还是现代的?4 .Some of the

15、 furniture in this old house has been gnawed away by rats这所老房子里的一些家具已经被老鼠咬环了。5. My father bought the furniture on credit. 父亲赊账买了这件家具。6. This furniture is so old and useless and you might as well chop it up for firewood这家具太旧了,不能用了,还不如把它劈了当柴烧。7. Instead of chucking them out, we made do with these old

16、furniture.家具虽旧,我们还是将就着用,不肯丢弃。8. The room had no furniture in it apart from a dilapidated bed房间里除了一张破旧的床外没有别的家具。9. The room was chocked up with useless old furniture,房间里塞满了无用的旧家具。10. The room was cluttered up with old furniture. 房间里乱七八糟地堆放看旧家具。11. There is a lot of second-hand furniture in the room.

17、房间里有很多二手家具。12. We must replenish our room with some furniture. 我们必须为房间添置些家具。 13. Some articles of furniture were lost when we moved, so we need to buy some new ones.搬家时有几件家具丢失了,所以我们需要买些新的。14. I need a big wardrobe with a mirror. 我需要一个带镜子的大衣柜。15. The furniture are kept in order. 这些家具摆放得井井有条。地道英语 Veri

18、table English1. The color of the table clashes against the wardrobes.桌子的颜色与衣柜的不协轧表示“颜色 ( 不) 协调” ,可以用clash against/with,have a clash with,match/suit with.2. You have placed the furniture badly. 你没把家具放置好。本句中的badly赶到了否定的作用。3. His room is tastefully furnished with modern furniture. 他的房间用新式家具装饰得非常雅致。中文常常

19、会出现一词多义的现象,翻译时要根据具体的语境确定用词,如本句中的“雅致”和 “新式” 。4. The furniture was sitting around uselessly. 这些家具都毫无用处地摆放着。中文的被动意义,是用英文的主动形式来表达。5. My mother bargained eagerly for this old furniture.母亲急切地想以低价买到这件旧家具。短语bargain eagerly for,简明而形象地表达出了“急切地想以低价买”的含义。由此及彼 Draw Inferences1. The furniture suffers a lot of wea

20、r and tear when my son is at home. 儿子在家时,家具磨损得很厉害。2. They moved the old furniture away. 他们把旧家具搬走了。3. They worked over the old furniture. 他们翻新了旧家具。4. This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧桌子是一件珍贵的家具。5 He put his all his old furniture for auction. 他把所有的旧家具都拍卖掉了。6. Could we at least get a

21、 new table?至少我们可以买个新桌子吧?7. We did the house over and bought new furniture.我们把房子重新布置了一番,并买了新家具。8. Redwood furniture is the best kind. 红木家具是最好的。9. This kind of wood furniture isnt very durable. 这种木制家具不耐用。1.3 家务Housework情景对话Steven just got home from work. He saw his wife Julia doing housework. Now he i

22、s talking about the housework with Julia.史蒂文刚刚下班回到家,他看到妻子茱莉亚正在做家务。此刻他正在和茱莉亚谈论家务。Steven: Darling, I am back. What are you doing?史蒂文: 亲爱的,我回来了。 你在干什么?Julia:I am washing clothes. Are you hungry now? Wait for a moment, Ill cook dinner for you. (Steven bends his brows.)茱莉亚: 我在洗衣服。你现在饿吗? 等一下,我这就去给你做饭。(史蒂文

23、皱了皱眉头) Steven:Julia, should we get a maid?史蒂文:茱莉亚,我们请个保姆吧!Julia: I can do all the housework. We dont need a maid.茱莉亚: 家务活我都能做, 我们不需要请保姆。Steven: You have worked very hard in the office. If we can get somene to help you, you can have more rest.史蒂文:你在办公室已经很辛苦了, 请个保姆帮你,你可以多休息一下。Julia: We really dont nee

24、d to.茱莉亚: 我们真的不需要。 Steven: You are a good wife, Julia. But you must take care of yourself.史蒂文:你是一个好妻子,茱莉亚,但是你要照顾好自己。Julia: Well, give me some time to think about it.茱莉亚: 嗯,给我些时间让我考虑一下吧。单词短语 words and phraseshungry hri adj. 饥饿的;渴望的 maid meid n 女仆,侍女核心句型 Key Sentences1. Clean up/ Straighten up/ Tidy u

25、p your room. 把你的屋子收拾一下。2. There is a pile of washing-ups to be put into the dishwasher.那儿有一堆碗碟需要用洗碗机清洗。3. Nancy didnt wash the dishes before she left, so I have to do it.南希走的时候没有洗碗,因此我不得不洗碗。4. I have to vacuum my room.我得用吸尘器打扫一下我的房间。5. Set up the mosquito net before you make the bed. 铺床之前先把蚊帐挂起来。 6.

26、 Wipe the table with cleaning cloth before the guests arrive. 在客人到达之前,用抹布把桌子擦一擦。7. I kept cleaning the apartment the whole morning. 整个上午我一直都在清理房间。8. Its your turn to take out the garbage. 今天该你扔垃圾了。9. Housework engages much of my mothers time. 家务活占去了母亲许多时间。10. I am always blaming my daughter for not

27、helping with the housework.我总是责备女儿不帮我干家务活。11. Help me to clean up the house.帮我打扫下屋子吧。12. Please dust the shelves. 请掸掸柜子上的灰尘。13. Dont use washing powder to wash these clothes. 不要用洗衣粉洗这些衣服。14. Shall we do the washes these clothes?我们一起动手洗这些碗好吗?15 My weekend was dominated by housework.我的周末全用来做家务了。地道英语 V

28、eritable English1. Its your turn to clear away the dinner things.轮到你收拾碗筷了。“碗筷” 不必直译出来,用dinner things 代替就好。2. I have a large wash this week. 这星期我有很多衣服要洗。下次再说这句话的时候,不要再简单地说I have many clothes to wash. 试试新句型I want my clothes washed。3. Help me to set up the table,Will you?你能帮我把餐具摆好吗?用set up the table来代指

29、 “摆放餐具” ,是常用的表达。4. Ill do the dishes. 我会清理碟子。用do来替代clear away and wash。也可以用attack the washing-up表示动手洗碗碟。6. Empty dishwasher and put dishes away. 将洗好的碗碟从洗碗机中拿出并放置好。用empty来形象生动地表达“从中拿出”。由此及彼 Draw Inferences1. Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地。2. Clean it up now, please! 请立即打扫干净。3The first thing I do after ge

30、tting up is to make the bed. 我起床后的第一件事就是整理床铺. 4. If you have any laundry, just leave it in this bag. 如果你有什么衣服要洗,就放在这个袋子里好了。 5. Will you help me to fold the clothes? 你能帮我把衣服叠起来吗?6. Would you put up the clothes to dry? 你能把衣服晾上吗?7. I have to iron my shirt. 我的衬衣得熨一熨了。 8. Susan always helps her mother cl

31、ear off the table after dinner. 苏珊总是在饭后帮助妈妈清理餐具。9. Have the dinner things been washed up yet?碗筷洗好了吗?10. Susan would do housework rather than do her homework. 苏珊宁可做家务, 也不愿做作业。1.4 养花Raise Flowers情景对话Bob comes to visit Steven today. And now they are talking about Stevens flowers in garden.鲍勃比尔来拜访史蒂文。现在他们正在花园里谈论史蒂文养的花。Bob: Oh. What a beautiful garden!鲍劫:哦,好漂亮的花园啊!Steven: These are my roses. The roses have been in flower for a week.

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