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1、考研英语作文翻译2019年英语作文DearProf.Smith,I feel really delighted and honored to have the opportunity to suggest and plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, and Im writing to contribute my personal view on this debate。我感到非常高兴和荣幸有机会就城市交通的主题提出建议和计划一场辩论,我写信是想就这次辩论发表我个人的看法Iwould be ready to discuss this matte

2、r in further details。 As for the topic, I hold the opinion that we may focus on “Low-carbon Commuting”。我愿意详细讨论这件事。至于这个话题,我认为我们可以把重点放在“低碳通勤”上 Owing to the fact that the quality of air in our city is far from satisfying and most of us frequently experience traffic jam due to too many private car on th

3、e road,由于我们城市的空气质量远不能令人满意,而且由于路上私家车太多,我们大多数人经常遇到交通堵塞。it is environment-friendly to choose those clean-energy vehicles and public transportation。选择清洁能源车辆和公共交通是对环境有利的。The debate will explore some specific effective measures to achieve low carbon transport。这一辩论将探讨实现低碳运输的具体有效措施。Participants can be divid

4、ed into two groups to present their view alternatively and the one contribute more appealing means will be the winner and awarded prizes。参加者可分为两组,轮流提出他们的观点,其中一个更具吸引力的方式将是获奖者和奖品Those two aspects are what I would like to emphasize, and I would like to know of your opinions on this and I wish you could

5、 give me some further ideas on it。 I am looking forward to your reply。这两个方面是我想强调的,我想知道你对此的看法,我希望你能给我一些进一步的想法。我期待着你的答复。Yoursfaithfully,LiMingWhat looks abundantly clear in this bar chart is that a change has taken place in graduate students choices in the year of 2013 and 2018.在这个条形图中,看起来非常清楚的是2013年和

6、2018年研究生的选择发生了变化。In the light of the data offered,we can see that the number of those choosing to engage in a job declined slightly, decreasing approximately 8%, from 68.1% in 2013 to 60.7% in 2018. On the contrary, the amount of those who selected to pursue further study rose remarkably, increasing

7、 roughly 8%. While the quantity of those who started a business remained stable and steady, accounting for the least proportions.根据所提供的数据,我们可以看到,选择从事某项工作的人数略有下降,从2013年的68.1%降至2018年的60.7%,降幅约为8%。相反,选择继续深造的人数显著上升,大约上升了8%。而创办企业的人数保持稳定,所占比例最小。It is of no difficulty for us to come up with some factors re

8、sponsible for these changes. in the past years, quite a few students may be confronted with pressure from finance and family, as a result of which, they tend to chiefly choose to take a job to cover their living expenses, 我们不难提出造成这些变化的一些因素。在过去的几年里,相当多的学生可能面临来自财政和家庭的压力,因此他们往往主要选择一份工作来支付生活费用。however,

9、recent years it has been obvious to see the recession of economy, so an increasing number of students would like to weapon themselves through pursuing further study. Additionally, in recent years, we have witnessed serious employment situations,然而,近年来,经济的衰退是显而易见的,因此越来越多的学生希望通过深造来武装自己。此外,近年来,我们目睹了严重的

10、就业情况, coupled with a fact that an amount of individuals would like to fulfill the dreams with higher education, or alternatively some with the intention to broaden their horizons at universities, 再加上一个事实,即一定数量的人想通过高等教育来实现他们的梦想,或者有些人想在大学里开阔眼界,which triggers people in mounting numbers to select to pur

11、sue further study. Ultimately, there is another factor that starting an undertaking is an effective approach to fulfill a dream as a boss and to create more value, 这促使越来越多的人选择继续深造。最后,还有一个因素是,创业是实现老板梦想和创造更多价值的有效途径。nevertheless, they may be faced with a great deal of risks on the way to starting a bus

12、iness, which should be taken into account.然而,在创业的道路上,他们可能面临着巨大的风险,这一点应当加以考虑。Taking into account what has been argued so far,we may predict that this established trend will keep going in the near future.考虑到迄今所争论的问题,我们可以预测,这一既定趋势将在不久的将来继续下去。翻译It is easy to underestimate English writer James Herriot. H

13、e had such a pleasant, readable style that are might think that anyone could imitate it. 英国作家James Herriot很容易被低估。他有一个如此令人愉快的,可读的风格,可能是任何人都可以模仿它How many times have I heard people say, “I could write a book, I just havent the time” Easily said. Not so easily done. James Herriot, contrary to popular op

14、inion did not find it easy in his early days of,我听人说过多少次了,“我可以写一本书,只是没时间”。不是那么容易做到的。James Herriot,与大众的看法相反,在他的早期并不容易, as he put it, “having a go at the writing game”. While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final polished work that he have to the world was the result of years of p

15、racticing, re-writing and reading. 就像他说的,“尝试写作游戏”。虽然他显然有丰富的天赋,但他对世界所做的最后的精雕细琢的工作却是多年的练习、重新写作和阅读的结果。Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, 和大多数作者一样,他也不得不忍受着许多失望和拒绝,but these made him all the more determined to succeed. Everything he achieved

16、in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literacy field was no exception.但这些使他更有决心取得成功。他在生活中所取得的一切都是以艰苦的方式获得的,他在扫盲领域的成功也不例外【真题译文】人们很容易低估了英国小说家詹姆斯赫里欧。他的作品有一种令人愉快、易读的风格,大概就让人以为任何人都能模仿他。我总是听人说:我也可以写书,就是我没有时间。这话说得轻松,做得到可不容易。与大众的观点相反,詹姆斯赫里欧在他早期,用他的话说,“在写作游戏中尝试”并不容易。他显然极具天赋,但他留给世人的最终的、精雕细琢的作

17、品却是多年练习、重写和阅读的结果。和大多数作家一样,他在写作过程中也遭受了许多失望和拒绝,但这些都使他更加坚定了成功的决心。他一生中所取得的一切成就都是来之不易的,他在文学领域的成功也不例外。2018年英语作文Dear Prof. Smith,I am writing this letter in order to apologize to you for I have to cancel my travelling plan in your local city, and I will fail to visit you as I promised.我写这封信是为了向你道歉,因为我不得不取消

18、在你们当地城市的旅行计划,而且我不会像我承诺的那样去拜访你。I really have kept our appointment in my mind all these days. However, when I was set out for the airport, I suddenly had a severe stomachache , 这些天我真的把我们的约会记在脑子里了。然而,当我被送上机场时,突然感到严重的胃痛so I have to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Its unexpected and urgent and I must

19、 go. I am extremely sorry that I cannot keep my promise, 所以我得去医院看医生。这是意外和紧急的,我必须去。我很抱歉我不能遵守我的诺言but I wonder whether I could have another appointment with you on next weekend if you are available.但是如果你有空的话,我想知道下周末能否和你再约个时间I am looking forward to your early reply. I apologize to you more than I can sa

20、y. Please forgive me.我期待着你的早日答复。我向你道歉的次数比我能说的还多。请原谅我Yours sincerely,您真诚的,Li Ming李明What is clearly presented in the above chart is the factors that consumers will take into consideration when they are choosing restaurants.Specifically speaking,上图中清楚显示的是消费者在选择餐馆时会考虑的因素。the features of the restaurant a

21、ccount for 36.3%;the services account for 26.8% and surroundings take up 24.2%.餐厅的特色占36.3%,服务占26.8%,环境占24.2%。What triggers this phenomenon?It is not difficult to come up with a considerable number of factors to account for this phenomenon,but the most crucial ones are as follows. First and foremost,

22、是什么触发了这一现象?不难提出相当多的因素来解释这一现象,但最关键的因素如下。首先,最重要的是,with the development of our society and economy,the living standard of people is on the rise.Consequently,people in mounting numbers will choose characteristic restaurant,随着我国社会和经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,因此,越来越多的人选择特色餐馆。which can provide them with distinctive

23、meals or feelings. In addition,owing to the improving of living standard of people,为他们提供独特的食物或感觉。此外,由于人民生活水平的提高,more and more customers focus their attention on services and surroundings rather than price. Accordingly,restaurants with better services and surroundings will attract customers.越来越多的客户把注

24、意力集中在服务和环境上,而不是价格上。因此,有更好服务和环境的餐厅将会吸引顾客。After what we have discussed above,we can easily come to the conclusion that it is imperative for restaurants to take effective measures to improve their services and surroundings,经过以上讨论,我们很容易得出结论:餐馆必须采取有效措施来改善其服务和环境to cultivate the core competence that will m

25、ake them distinguished.Only by doing so,can they achieve success.培养使他们与众不同的核心能力。只有这样,他们才能取得成功。翻译A fifth garder gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations. He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well. 第五个加德得到了家庭作业,从一

26、份职业清单中选择他未来的职业道路。他点击了“宇航员”,但很快就把“科学家”加到了名单上,并选择了它。The boy is convinced that if he reads enough. He can explore as many career paths as he likes. And so he readseverything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels. He reads so passionately that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy”at

27、 the dinner table.这个男孩确信如果他读的足够多。他可以探索很多他喜欢的职业道路。所以他读了-从百科全书到科幻小说。他阅读如此热情,以至于他的父母不得不在餐桌上制定“禁止阅读政策”。That boy was Bill Gates,and he hasnt stopped reading yetnot even after becoming one of the most science fiction and reference books; recently,那个男孩是比尔盖茨,他还没有停止阅读-甚至在成为最科幻小说和参考书之一之后;最近, he revealed that

28、he reads at least so nonfiction books a year. Gates chooses nonfiction title because they explain how the world works.“Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge,”Gates says.他透露,他至少每年读这么多非小说类的书。盖茨之所以选择非小说类的标题,是因为它们解释了这个世界是如何运作的。盖茨说:“每本书都开辟了新的知识之路。【译文】一个五年级的学生需要完成一份作业,作业的内容是要从工作清单中选出自己未来的职业。他在“宇航员”那

29、里画了线,但是又很快加上了“科学家”。他相信,如果他读的书够多,就可以任意选择他所喜欢的职业。所以他读了从百科全书到科幻小说非常多的书。他对于读书太过于痴迷以至于他的父母不得不制定了在餐桌上“禁止读书政策”。这个男孩就是比尔盖茨,他至今都没有停止过阅读,即使已经成为世上最成功的人士之一。如今,他不仅阅读科幻作品和百科丛书:他最近透漏自己一年至少阅读50本非小说书籍,因为这些书揭秘了世界的运转方式。比尔盖茨说:“每一本书都开辟了探索知识的新路径”。2017年英语作文Dear Professor Williams,I feel really delighted and honored to be

30、invited by you to give a presentation to the foreign students, and I will certainly be careful to prepare for the making of it.我很高兴和荣幸能受到你们的邀请,向外国学生做报告,我一定会认真准备的。To let the overseas students know much about our Chinese culture, I think that my presentation is supposed to include at least two key poi

31、nts. 为了让海外学生了解我们的中国文化,我认为我的报告至少应该包含两个要点。On the one hand, I will put much stress on the history of China. You must know that our China is an ancient country with a pretty long history. 另一方面,我会把很多对中国的历史应力。你要知道,我们中国是一个古老的国家,有一个相当长的历史。On the other hand, my second strong point should be put on the main d

32、iet in China. 另一方面,我的第二个支撑点应放在中国的主要食物。The reason is that Chinese people in different regions have totally different inclination to choose food and Chinese food everywhere is quite delicious.原因是不同地区的中国人对食物的选择完全不同,中国菜到处都很好吃。Those two points are what I would like to emphasize, and I would like to know of your opinions on this and I wish you could give me some further ideas on it. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you.这两点是我想强调的,我想知道你对这一点的看法,我希望你能给我一些进一步的想法。我期待着你的回信。谢谢您.Yours sincerely,谨上,Li Ming李明the chart shows great changes in the number of

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