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北师大高一英语Unit 4重点词汇.docx

1、北师大高一英语Unit 4重点词汇北师大高一英语Unit 4重点词汇1、offer提供、提出、出价。短语:offer (somebody)/ make (somebody) an offer of 100 yuan for the bike (向某人)出价目100元买自行车;offer (somebody) the bike for 100 yuan愿以100元把这自行车出卖(给某人);offer somebody something/ offer something to somebody 提供某人某物;something be offered by somebody 某物是某人送的; of

2、fer him a cigar 给他一支香烟(双宾);offer help to somebody 主动帮助某人;offer his life to the country 把生命献给祖国;offer a few ideas to improve the plan提出几点意见来改进那个计划;make an offer of help 主动表示愿意帮忙;Thank you for your offer of help 感谢你的帮助;make an offer to catch the ball 想要接住球;用法:(1)、offer to do something 主动提出做某事,后跟不定式,不跟

3、that 从句。(2)、give 不与offer 连用,因offer 本身就是“(主动)给予”,give 是多余的。如:offer to (去:give) her help; (3)、offer 通常指给对方有利的东西,如:offer somebody help/ money等;训斥、惩罚等对接受者不利的因素一般不用 offer。 配套练习:He _ to help me work out the problem, but Id prefer to depend on myself. A. managed B. offered C. suggested D. refused I have be

4、en _ a chance to study in Italy, and I have decided to accept it. A. offered B. supplied C. offering D. provided All the rooms are _ with electrical light. A. supplied B. given C. offered D. burnt We offered him our congratulations _ his passing the college entrance exam. A. at B. on C. for D. of $

5、500, but thats my last _. Oh, thats a great deal. A. price B. cost C. offer D. pay They _ her 3000 pounds for the computer. A. cost B. paid C. offered D. spent2、scene(戏剧、电影等的)一场、场景、布景。短语: a stirring scene 激动人心的场面;town scenes 城市风光;scenery风景;比较:scenery指一地或一国整个风景,不一定都在眼前,是不可数名词。如: the scenery in Hangzh

6、ou; scene指眼前所见到的具体的风景或景致,也可指自然名胜,是可数名词。如:The scene of the play is in North China.view 景色,指眼见到的景色。如:the ten famous views of the West Lake西湖十景;配套练习:My first visit to the temple was in 1980. Today, 25 years later, the temple was the _ of a busy repair program. A. scene B. spot C. scenery D. place The f

7、ilm director needed a _ of sunset to go with the plot when the hero and heroine said good-bye to each other for ever. A. sight B. scenery C. view D. scene The director added a new _ to the film so that the story ended in a more amusing way. A. sign B. scene C. sight D. view The 110 police and severa

8、l journalists arrived on the _ immediately the accident happened. A. place B. set C. scene D. road The _ after the earthquake was terrible. A. sight B. scene C. scenery D. view You can always see a happy _ of children playing in the garden. A. scene B. scenery C. view D. event3、touch接触、触摸、够着。短语: kee

9、p/ be in touch with = keep touch with 保持联系;give somebody a touch on the arm碰一下某人的手臂;bring somebody into touch with 使某人与某人联系;get in/ into touch with 与某人取得联系;be out of touch with/ lose touch with 和某人失去联系;touch with接触、联系;be touched by something 为某事所感动;touch (somebody to) the heart 触动(某人)心弦;配套练习:After s

10、o many years they still _ with each other.A. get in touch B. keep in touch C. lose touch D. keep touch We havent seen Brown for many years. As a matter of fact, we _. A. have lost in touch B. have lost touch with C. have lost touch D. have been in touch Here is my card. Lets keep in _. A. touch B. r

11、elation C. connection D. friendship The _ the two friends have kept in with each other is becoming closer and closer. A. relation B. tie C. link D. touch I have _ with him for 5 years and I miss him very much. A. been out of touch B. been in touch C. lost touch with D. lose touch with Here is my car

12、d. Lets keep in _. A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship The _ the two friends have kept in with each other is becoming closer and closer. A. relation B. tie C. link D. touch 4、suggest建议、提议。短语: suggest to/ for somebody to do something 向某人建议做某事;An idea suggested itself to me/ to my mind 我想

13、起了一个主意;suggest doing something 建议做某事;It is suggested that 有人提议;用法:(1)、主语是人,suggest 表示建议,后接名词、动名词或宾语从句,接从句时,要用虚拟语气。如:I suggest that somebody (should) do something;suggest 作“暗示、表明、使想起”讲时,从句的动词不用虚拟式,主语是事物为多。如:His restlessness suggested that he wanted to leave; (2)、不能说:suggest somebody to do something,要

14、说: suggest to somebody a visit to somewhere/ suggest a way out to somebody向某人建议一个方法;(3)、在suggest后的wh-从句中,使用should或could,不能用would。如:What do you suggest we should/ could do? 在口语中,表示suggest具体建议的that从句中,常省略should,否定形式也有用dont/ doesnt代替should not的情况。如:I suggest that you dont / not/ should not ask him home

15、 for the vacation.(4)、虚拟语气常用动词(字头记忆口诀):I drop caps (insist, demand/ desire, request/ require, propose, order, command, ask/ advise, prefer, suggest);这些动词变被动,如: It is suggested that 形式后,主语从句的谓语动词仍用虚拟语气;这些动词变名词后,其后的表语从句和同位语从句中的谓语动词也用虚拟语气;此类动词不表达“某事必须做或很重要”这一意义时,宾语从句中不用虚拟语气。suggestion 建议: put up/ make

16、a suggestion 提出建议;at/ on ones suggestion 根据某人的建议;do something on/ at your suggestion 根据你的建议做某事;用法: suggestion 后的表语从句和同位语从句,要用虚拟语气。如:Our suggestion is that you (should) be the first to go/ What do you think of the suggestion that we (should) put on a play at the English evening?配套练习:His pale face sug

17、gested that he _ too tired and it was suggested that he _ a rest. A. be; should have B. was; have C. be; had D. was; had Do you have any suggestions to _? A. take B. have C. make D. ask _ be sent to work there? A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. D

18、o you suggest whom should I dont know this area quite well, so I suggest we _ this path. A. had better go B. should go C. stick to D. will follow What suggestions do you _ for it? A. make B. do C. ask D. have Our teacher suggested that a firm decision _ to go for a further study or not. A. would be

19、made B. should make C. should be taken D. be made Do you have any suggestions to _?A. take B. have C. make D. ask She suggested that we _ lunch at the new restaurant. A. have B. should have C. shall have D. had 5、likely 很可能的。短语: be likely to do something有可能做某事;It is likely that the meeting will go o

20、n会议很可能继续开;用法: likely 像的、可能的,是形容词;很可能,是副词,不能单独使用,必须由very, quite, more, most 等到来修饰。如:It is going to rain likely;要改为: It is likely to rain/ It is going to rain very likely.比较:likely 暗示从表面迹象判断,某事有可能发生或可能是真的。如:This looks a likely field for wheat. possible 有可能,强调客观上有可能性,但也含有实际上希望很小。如:He is a possible choi

21、ce. probable 很有可能,指有根据、合乎情理、值得相信的事物,有大概、很可能的意味。如:I dont think the story is probable.配套练习:He is _ to come this afternoon. A. possible B. probable C. possibly D. likelyYou may _ remember some idioms in your study, but you couldnt _ remember all the idioms in English. A. probably; possibly B. possibly;

22、 probably C. likely; possibly D. probably; likelyOnly in this way _ master it well. A. you will possibly B. will you be possible to C. will it be possible for you to D. you can The train was _ to arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late. A. about B. likely C. certain D. supposed6、settle安排、解决、安家、停留。短

23、语: settle down to write an article/ ones work静下心来写文章;settle down 定居;settle the problem 解决问题;settle in/ on somewhere 停留在某处;settle the bill吃饭后结账;We have settled that well go to Beijing 我们已决定去北京;settle when to start off 决定什么时候出发;settle on就达成协议;settler 移居者、开拓者;settlement 住宅区、部落、村落;用法:settle 前往居住(接in),安居

24、、安家 (接in/ at),如: Theyll settle (down) in the country;配套练习:Darkness _ the fields. A. settled on B. settled over C. settled below D. settled up The bee, _ in her hair a long time, gave her a good biting as she tried to get it away. A. sitting B. seated C. stood D. settling The bird _ in the tree is so

25、 beautiful. A. settled B. settling C. stayed D. sits With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settledPeter really doesnt know how to _ the matter. A. do with B. deal with C. solve with D. settle with7、view风景、景

26、色。短语: in view of 由于、有鉴于、考虑到;in view 在视野中;get a view of something 看到某物;a view of the river河上风光;The hills block our view(不可数)山挡住视线;viewer观看者;come into ones view出现在某人面前;fall in with ones views与某人观点一致;meet ones views符合某人的意图;view oneself as a success认为自己成功了;with the/ a view of/ to以为目的;配套练习:He studies har

27、d _ serving the people better in future. A. with a view to B. in order to C. with a view in D. in order that One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good _. A. sight B. scene C. view D. lookAlthough I like the appearance of the house, what really made me

28、 decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the windows. A. vision B. look C. picture D. viewStudies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction. A. for example B. in view of C. in case of D. such asIf y

29、ou stand here, youll get a better _ of the river. A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery8、join连接、参加、加入。短语:join in 参加(作为一个小组成员参加某一活动);join somebody in (doing) something 和某人在一起做某事;join the army 参军; 把.连接起来;join up 连接起来; be joined in marriage 结成夫妇;join in with somebody to take a risk与某人同冒风险;join me

30、 for a cup of tea 和我一起喝杯茶;a join in a coat衣缝;join up with汇合;join hands with互相合作、携起手来;比较:join in指“参加某项活动”时,和take part in有时是通用的。前者侧重娱乐、欣赏,后者侧重身体力行,参加在其中。但“参加考试”不可说:join 或take part in,而须说: sit for 或take。如: sit for/ take the making-up exam 参加补考;配套练习:Were going to have a sports meeting. How many of you w

31、ill _?A. join it B. join in C. take part in D. take part In the first games for the disabled in 1948 just two teams of injured soldiers _. A. took part in B. joined in C. took part D. attended Will you join us in the game? Thank you, _. A. but why not B. but Id rather not C. and I wont D. and Ill joinWill you _ us _ her 15th birthday? A. join; in celebrating B. join in; celebrating C. take part in; celebrating D. join; to celebrateMike, we are going to have a picnic next weekend. Will you _ us? Certainly. Thats a good idea.

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