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1、新视野大学英语读写教程第4册教案doc新视野大学英语教案新视野大学英语读写教程第4册教案doc-新视野大学英语教案课程名称: 大学英语读写课 授课对象: 二年级全校公共课学生 授课教师: 职 称: 教材版本: 新视野大学英语?读写教程第四册 参考资料: 教学光盘,教学参考书(外语教学与研究出版社) 教学方法: 计算机辅助多媒体教学手段授课。(大班上课,小班辅导,上机自主学习)交际法与翻译法。 教学周次: 4x18 教学手段: 多媒体教室,电子备课材料(移动硬盘),教材 教学目标及要求: 1. 掌握每一单元的Section A中心思想、了解篇章结构,写作特点、文化背景知识。 2. 掌握并背诵每一

2、单元的Section A的核心词汇和短语、核心句型。并能举一反三,熟练运用。写出较通顺的短文。 3自学Section B 和Section C 的内容。 4 课后自己做新视野大学英语?综合练习第四册 1 Unit One (Book Four) Content of the Course Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman (精讲) Section B. The Obligations and Responsibilities to Marriage(略讲) Section C. The Positive Meanings of L

3、ove (泛读) Audience Teaching Span 6-7学时 Teaching Aims 1Appreciate the text to know sth. about what happened between Mrs. Baroda and her husbands friend. 2. Learn to use some important words, expressions and sentence patterns. 3. Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4. Learn some translat

4、ion skills Instruction Objectives &. Teaching Procedures Step One Pre-reading Activities (导入) 文章主题(Themes) 10 minutes 课文A向我们讲述了一位女性与她丈夫的一位生性沉默的朋友一起度过的一段时间,描写了她对这位朋友在感情上发生的变化。因为这位特殊的朋友首先令她吃惊不已,然后又深深地吸引了她。 课文B讨论的是两种不同的家庭:基于浪漫基础之上的情爱家庭和基于婚姻基础上的家庭。 课文C探讨了爱这一概念的方方面面。同时也探讨了婚姻伴侣的行为是如何影响其他人的感情和个人发展的。 Step T

5、wo While-reading Activities Language Points ( 语言知识) 140 minutes 1、重点单词及短语 ( Key words &. Expressions) idle penetrate impose presence keen nonsense deserve propose for the most part count on/upon make a fuss about run down object to a succession of yield to 2 2、重点语法及结构( Key Grammar and Structures) a.

6、 情态动词+have done的用法 b. So+ 主语+谓语(have, do或情态动词) 和So+(be, have do 或情态动词)+主语结构 3、Sentence Interpretation (难句精析) 50 minutes a. After a few days with him on her plantation, she knew no more about Gouvernail than at the very beginning. b. I should like him better if he did if he were more like others, and

7、 I had to plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment. c. She could gather nothing from them but the feeling of distinct necessity to leave her home the next morning. d. Now all there was left with him to desire to be permitted to exist, with now and then a little breath of genuine life, such as he

8、was breathing now. Step Three Post-reading Activities 100 minutes 1阅读技能 (Reading Skill) 2找出段落中隐含之意 (Reading between the lines) 3语言技能训练 (Language Practice) 课本后练习 (Page 815) 4写作技能训练 ( Writing Practice) 顺序法,心理描写 5 探讨设计(Discussion) Topic: A. What do you think of Mrs. Baroda? Is she a respectable woman?

9、B. What can you learn from the story about Gouvernail? Try to say as much as possible about him? Assignments 1. Page 12 X. Translation (Homework) 2. Review and Preview. 3. Read Aloud (New words and text) 3 Unit Two (Book Four) 一、教学内容(Content of the Course) Section A. Charlie Chaplin (精讲) Section B.

10、The Political Career of a Female Politician(略讲) Section C. A Family of Firsts (泛读) 二、教学对象(Audience) 三、教学时间(Teaching Span) 6-7学时 四、教学目的 (Teaching Aims) 1Appreciate the text to know sth. about the world-famous comedy master Charlie Chaplin. 2. Learn to use some important words, expressions and sentenc

11、e patterns. 3. Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4. Learn some reading, writing skills 五、教学任务及步骤 (Instruction Objectives &. Teaching Procedures) Step One Pre-reading Activities(导入) 文章主题(Themes) 10 minutes 课文A讲述了查理?卓别林不平凡的人生经历以及他所塑造的其中一些经典荧幕形象,启示人们只要对生活充满希望热情,勇于面对,条条大路都可以通罗马的道理。 课文B通

12、过讲述一位名为姆波戈的女性当选为非洲肯尼亚恩布市市长的经历,以及她当选后的作为,表明在非洲妇女的政治力量日益壮大,以及随之带来的积极影响。 课文C作者通过讲述自己家族历史中一系列第一的发明创造,以激励人们不要忘记自己的责任,勇于超越前人创新求变。 Step Two While-reading Activities 1、Language Points ( 语言知识) 140 minutes 2、重点单词及短语 ( Key words &. Expressions) behave spark to ones relief rumor incident revolt against cut down

13、 in advance execute on purpose lose ones faith comic comedy postpone rouse correspond clumsy script 3、重点语法及结构( Key Grammar and Structures) a. 虚拟语气(表示同过去事实相反) 4 b. It is a +名词+to do sth+ that clause 4、Sentence Interpretation (难句精析) 50 minutes a. English tramp didnt sport tiny moustaches. b. In Oona O

14、Neill Chaplin, he found a partnerwaited outside. c. This physical transformation, plus great comedy. d. Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make contact with himself as an artist. e. Yet even this painfully-bought self-knowledge found its way into his comic creations. Step Three Post-reading

15、Activities 100 minutes 1阅读技能 (Reading Skill) 2区分文章中事实与作者观点 (Distinguish between facts and the writers opinions or interpretations) 3语言技能训练 (Language Practice) 课本后练习 (Page 3744) 4写作技能训练 ( Writing Practice) 举例说明 5 探讨设计(Discussion) Topic: A. What do you think of Charlie Chaplin and his comic movies? B.

16、 What enlightenment can we gain from the life of Charlie Chaplin ? Try to say as much as possible about it? How do you understand the proverb all roads lead to Rome? 六、作业(Assignments) 1. Page 41 X. Translation (Homework) 2. Read Aloud (New words and text) 3. Review and Preview 4. Choose one of the t

17、opics on page 44 to write a composition no less than 120 words. 5 Unit Three (Book Four) 一、教学内容(Content of the Course) Section A. Longing for a New Welfare System (精讲) Section B. A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World(略讲) Section C. A Hard Job to Come By (泛读) 二、教学对象(Audience) 三、教学时间(Teaching

18、Span) 6-7学时 四、教学目的 (Teaching Aims) 1Appreciate the text to know why the writer, who is an unable person in this text, longs for a new welfare system. 2. Learn to use some important words, expressions and sentence patterns. Expressions: face with, drum up, make a fool of sb, under the table, talk bac

19、k, break down, get around, look into, fill out, account for, go through, lend oneself/sth. to convict of Sentence structure: (1) There is no provision in the ofinfor在 没有明确/提供, 使你达到什么目的。 (2) There needs to be sth./sb. who/that,because 真需要有来, 因为 3. Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4.

20、 Learn some translation skills Learn how to translate attributive clause into Chinese 五、教学任务及步骤 (Instruction Objectives &. Teaching Procedures) Step One Pre-reading Activities(导入) 1 文章主题(Themes) 10 minutes The unit helps us have a better understanding of what the disabled face, how they look at life

21、 and try to live on their own. Passage A gives us an insight into the life of welfare clients in the US: having to share a dinner of raw cat food, being under the suspicion of cheating and feeling embarrassed when questioned by their caseworkers. Passage B concerns the chance meeting between a busin

22、essman and a blind Belgian in Thailand. Acting as the blind 6 mans eyes and look at things with intensity which is often missing. The third passage describes the determination of a blind man to work and support himself without resorting to pensions. While many would consider him to be unlucky, he re

23、fuses to see himself as a victim. Step Two While-reading Activities 1、Language Points ( 语言知识) 140 minutes (1) 重点单词及短语 ( Key words &. Expressions) sticky entitle paste liberal receipt donation screw alert bid leak thrive convict of account for go through break down drum up under the table look into l

24、end oneself/sth. to (2) 重点语法及结构( Key Grammar and Structures) a. be v-ed +to v的用法 b. the differences between the same verbs which follow with an infinitive or an ing form. 2、Sentence Interpretation (难句精析) 50 minutes a. Deep down, caseworkers know that they are being made fools of by many of their cli

25、ents, and they feel they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation. b. Most caseworkers begin as college-educated liberals with high ideals. But after a few years in a system that practically requires people to lie, they become like the one I shall call Suzanne, a detective in shorts.

26、 c. There is no provision in the law for a gradual shift away from welfare. d. There needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients, because the system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients. Step Three Post-reading Activitie

27、s 100 minutes 1阅读技能 (Reading Skill) 2找出段落中隐含之意 (Reading between the lines) 3语言技能训练 (Language Practice) 课本后练习 (Page 6671) 4写作技能训练 ( Writing Practice) 举例法 5 探讨设计 (Discussion) Topic: A. What do you think of the US welfare system? Is it reasonable? B. What can you learn from the story? Try to say as muc

28、h as possible? 六、作业 (Assignments) 1. Page 70 X. Translation (Homework) 2. Review and Preview. 3. Read Aloud (New words and text) 4. Recite the essay summary 7 Unit Four (Book Four) Content of the Course(教学内容) Section A. The Telecommunications Revolution (精讲) Section B. The Information Superhighway(略

29、讲) 二、Audience(教学对象) 三、Teaching Span(教学时间) 6-7学时 Teaching Aims(教学目的) 1. Why are developing countries investing great sums of money in telecommunications networks? 2. What does China hope to achieve? And what does Shanghai hope to achieve? 3. What do some people fear? Instruction Objectives &. Teachin

30、g Procedures (教学任务及步骤) Step One Pre-reading Activities(导入) Themes(文章主题) 10 minutes All the three passages have the common theme of electronic communications in the modern world. The first passage discusses how investment in the most modern telecommunications equipment will help the economic growth o

31、f developing countries by attracting foreign and domestic investment. These countries hope to leap over many of the normal stages of economic growth and also have an advantage over their competitors. Passage B outlines the benefits of the information superhighway, the Internet, but also points out some of the potential challenges which exist if the poor as well as the rich are to benefit. Passage C explores the biggest disadvantage of the informat

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