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1、中高级口译中国特色政治句子英汉互译中国特色政治/经济类汉英句子互译1. 二一年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比一九八九年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三。In 2001, Chinas GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent. 2. 国内生产总值到二二年力争比二年翻两番。Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 200

2、0 by 2020.3. 经济总量已居世界第六位。China came up to the sixth place in the world in terms of economic aggregate. 4. 总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。Weve made a historic leap from having only adequate food and clothing to leading a well-off life. 5. 我国综合国力大幅度跃升。Chinas overall national strength has risen by a big margin. 6.

3、 科技进步日新月异。Science and technology are advancing rapidly 7. 综合国力竞争日趋激烈。Competition in overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce 8. 开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面。Lets create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 9. 高新技术产业和现代服务业加速发展。High and new technology industries and

4、modern services have gained speed. 10. 西部大开发the large-scale development of Chinas western region11. 坚定地站在时代潮流的前头。Well stand firm in the forefront of the times.12. 我们走过了很不平凡的历程/走过的道路很不平坦。We have traversed an extraordinary course / traversed a tortuous course. 13. 保持了经济较快增长。Weve maintained a relativel

5、y rapid economic growth. 14. 改革开放取得丰硕成果。Reform and opening up have yielded substantial results. 15. 社会主义市场经济体制初步建立。The socialist market economy has taken shape initially. 16. 农业的基础地位继续加强。The position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy has been strengthened17. 传统产业得到提升。Traditional indust

6、ries have been upgraded. 18. 个体、私营等非公有制经济较快发展。Self-employed or private enterprises and other non-public sectors of the economy have developed fairly fast. 19. 市场体系建设全面展开。The work of building up the market system has been in full swing. 20. 开放型经济迅速发展。The open economy has developed swiftly. 21. 商品和服务贸

7、易、资本流动规模显著扩大。Trade in commodities and services and capital flow have grown markedly. 22. 国家外汇储备大幅度增加。Chinas foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably. 23. 我国加入世贸组织,对外开放进入新阶段。With its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has entered a new stage in its opening up.24. 科技、教育、文化

8、、卫生、体育和计划生育等事业全面进步。Science, technology, education, culture, health, sports, family planning and other undertakings have moved ahead. 25. 根据国际形势的发展变化,坚持正确的对外方针和政策。In light of the developments and changes in the international situation, we have adhered to the correct foreign policy and related princip

9、les. 26. 我们提出并深刻阐述了“三个代表”重要思想。We have put forward and expounded the important thought of Three Represents. 27. 由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转变,实现了改革开放新的历史性突破。The shift from the planned economy to the socialist market economy represented a new historic breakthrough in reform and opening up. 28. 与时代发展同步伐,与人民群众共

10、命运。It always advances with the times and shares weal and woe with the people 29. 全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。Objectives of Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way 30. 现在达到的小康还是低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的小康。The well-off life we are leading is still at a low level; it is not all-inclusive and is very uneven. 31. 把我国建

11、成富强民主文明的社会主义国家。Lets turn China into a strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced socialist country by the middle of this century. 32. 在优化结构和提高效益的基础上。On the basis of optimized structure and better economic returns 33. 不进则退。We must move forward, or we will fall behind.34. 建成完善的社会主义市场经济体制。e

12、stablish a full-fledged socialist market economy 35. 走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。blazing a new trail to industrialization featuring high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of a

13、dvantages in human resources. 36. 推进产业结构优化升级。optimize and upgrade the industrial structure 37. 形成以高新技术产业为先导、基础产业和制造业为支撑、服务业全面发展的产业格局。an industrial pattern with high and new technology industries as the leader, basic and manufacturing industries as the kingpin and the service industry developing in a

14、ll areas 38. 加速科技成果向现实生产力转化。quicken the pace of translating research achievements into practical productive forces39. 通过辛勤劳动与合法经营先富起来的人们。people who have become rich first through hard work and lawful business operations quicken the pace of translating research achievements into practical productive

15、forces 40. 调动社会各方面的积极性mobilizing the initiative of all quarters of the society 41. 调整国有经济的布局和结构adjust the layout and structure of the state sector 42. 国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱State-owned enterprises are the pillar of the national economy 43. 投资主体多元化。Sources of investment must be diversified 44. 健全现代市场经济的社会信用体

16、系。establish a social credit system compatible with a modern market economy 45. 坚持以质取胜,提高出口商品和服务的竞争力sharpen the competitive edge of our goods and services for export by ensuring good quality 46. 就业是民生之本。Employment has a vital bearing on the peoples livelihood. 47. 经济持续快速健康发展maintain a sustained, rapi

17、d and sound development of the national economy48. 在竞争比较中取长补短draw upon one anothers strong points through competition and comparison 49. 世界正向着光明和进步的目标迈进。The world is marching toward brightness and progress. 50. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的。The road is tortuous, but the future is bright. 51. 和平的力量,正义的力量,进步的力量,终究是不可

18、战胜的。The forces for peace, justice and progress are invincible after all. 52. 经得起风浪考验withstanding the test of trials and tribulations 53. 使企业真正成为市场竞争的主体to enable them to become main players in the market competition54. 科技是第一生产力。 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.55. 实践是检验真理

19、的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.56. “九五”计划胜利完成。The Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000) was fulfilled. 57. “十五”计划开局良好。The Tenth Five-Year Plan has seen a good start. 58. 公有制经济进一步壮大。The public sector of the economy has expanded. 59. 国有企业改革稳步推进。Steady progress has been made in the r

20、eform of state-owned enterprises. 60. 民主法制建设继续推进。Continued efforts have been made to improve democracy and the legal system. 61. 政治体制改革迈出新步伐。New steps have been taken in political restructuring. 63. 宣传舆论工作和思想道德建设不断加强。The media and publicity work as well as ideological and moral education have kept i

21、mproving. 64. 群众精神文化生活日益丰富。The peoples cultural life has become increasingly rich and colorful. 65. 城乡市场繁荣。The urban and rural markets have been brisk. 66. 居民生活质量提高。The quality of life of the residents has been on the rise.67. 我国政府恢复对澳门行使主权。The Chinese Government has resumed the exercise of sovereig

22、nty over Macao. 68. 贯彻“一国两制”方针。The principle of one country, two systems has been implemented. 69. 严格执行香港特别行政区基本法和澳门特别行政区基本法。The basic laws of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions have been carried out to the letter. 70. 香港和澳门社会经济稳定。Hong Kong and Macao enjoy social and economic stabili

23、ty. 71. 海峡两岸人员往来和经济文化交流不断加强。Personnel, economic and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits have kept increasing. 72. 反对“台独”等各种分裂图谋的斗争深入开展。The fight against Taiwan independence and other attempts to split the country has been going on in depth.73. 有些群众的生活还很困难。Some people are still badly off. 74

24、. 世界社会主义出现严重曲折。Socialism in the world suffered serious setbacks. 75. 我国社会主义事业的发展面临空前巨大的困难和压力。China was faced with unprecedented difficulties and pressure in its efforts to develop the socialist cause. 76. 捍卫中国特色社会主义伟大事业。Safeguard the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 77. 必将载入中华民

25、族伟大复兴的光辉史册。go down as a glorious page in the annals of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 78. 成绩来之不易。Our achievements are hard won. 79. 关心和支持中国现代化建设的各国朋友。our foreign friends who care about and support Chinas modernization drive 80. 为现代化建设提供强大的精神动力和智力支持。provide a strong motivation and intel

26、lectual support for the modernization drive81. 稳定是改革和发展的前提。Stability is a prerequisite for reform and development. 82. 发展最广泛的爱国统一战线。develop the broadest possible patriotic united front 83. 推动正个社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。 push the whole society onto a path to civilized development featuring the growth

27、 of production, an affluent life and a sound ecosystem84. 创新是一个民族进步的灵魂。Innovation sustains the progress of a nation. 85. 把思想认识从那些不合时宜的观念、做法和体制的束缚中解放出来。free our minds from the shackles of the outdated notions, practices and systems87. 大陆和台湾同属一个中国。Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China 88. 中

28、国的主权和领土完整不容分割。Chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division 89. 台湾前途系于祖国统一。The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.90. 在一个中国的前提下,什么问题都可以谈。On the premise of the one-China principle, all issues can be discussed. 91. 台湾问题不能无限期地拖延下去。The Taiwan question must not

29、be allowed to drag on indefinitely. 92. 和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题。Peace and development remain the themes of our era. 93. 南北差距进一步扩大。The North-South gap is widening. 94. 倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义。We shall advocate patriotism, collectivism and socialism while combating social ills such as money-wo

30、rshiping, hedonism and ultra-egoism.94. 始终做到“三个代表”,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源。Persistent implementation of the Three Represents is the foundation for building our Party, the cornerstone for its governance and the source of its strength.95. “三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之

31、基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。“Three Represents” shows that our Party must always represent the requirements of the development of Chinas advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of Chinas advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China, they are the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone for its exercise of state power and a source of its strength. Only by doing so can we really ensure that our Party always stand in the forefront of the time and maintain its advanced nature.96. 长期共存、互相监

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