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1、中考英语7BU1牛津英语7BUnit One 教案学习目标1、 掌握本单元出现的短语词组2、 掌握本单元出现的句型3、 掌握方位介词,基数词和序数词的基本用法检查落实及知识回顾:1. 听写上节课布置的单词,词组。2.抽读上节课要求的课文3.检查上节课布置笔头作业4.对上节课知识点进行提问新知探索: 一、 短语词组整理(1comic strip, 2welcome to the unit ,3-18reading ,19-21grammar22-24integrated skills ,25-28main task)1、 next to a restaurant 餐馆旁边2、 the capit

2、al of 的首都3、 on/at the beach 在海滩4、 on the balcony 在阳台上5、 chat with sb 和某人聊天6、 on the floor 在地板上/ on the +序数词 floor 在第几楼/ on the ground floor 在一楼 7、 look out 向外看look out at 向外看。look out of at 向的外面看look after照顾 / look for寻找 / look around环顾四周 / look forward to期待盼望/ look over仔细检查see sth. from 从看到某物8、 liv

3、e with sb. in sp 和某人住在某地9、 get into / get out of 进入/ 从出来10、 the second child of my family 家庭中的老二11、 rain a lot 经常下雨/ thanks a lot 多谢/ eat a lot 吃了许多12、 make dinner做饭13、 in the centre of 在的中心in the centre of city = in the city centre 在市中心14、 in a street 在街道上on a busy/ noise / quiet street 在一条繁忙/吵闹/安静

4、的街道上15、 share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物16、 be friendly / nice / kind to sb.对某人友好18、more than / over 超过19、cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待去做某事 cant stop/help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事20、dont worry = dont be worried 不要担心 worry sb.=make sb. worried 使/让某人担心 worry about = be worried about 担心 worry about (not) doing sth. 担

5、心不做某事 worry about sth./sb. 担心某事/某人21、the Palace Museum 故宫 The Space Museum 太空博物馆the Summer Palace 颐和园the Great Wall 长城22、be different from= be not the same as 和不同 be really different from = be quite different from 和大不相同23、your own bedroom / ones own 你自己的卧室 Owner拥有者 / the owner of / the master of 的主人

6、24、armchair / in an armchair在扶手椅上 / on a chair 在椅子上25、at least 至少 at most 至多26、stay at home 呆在家/ stay in bed 呆在床上27、a room with twelve showers 一个有十二个浴室的房间 a girl with big eyes/ short hair 有大眼睛/短头发的女孩 a woman with a baby 抱着孩子的女人27、have a shower /have a bath 洗澡 28、at the same time 同时 at times 有时 /some

7、 times 几次/ sometimes有时候 /some time 一段时间/sometime某事 on time 准时 in time 及时二、句型讲解1、Would you like to live in a palace ? would like sth. = want sth. would like (sb.) to do sth. = want (sb.) to do sth. e.g. Would you like something to eat?= Do you want something to eat? (注意解析句中为何使用something而不是anything) e

8、g.Would you like to go with me?=Do you want to go with me? eg.I would like you to go with me.2、There are many restaurants in Beijing . There be 句型的就近原则。口头上提一下即可。 拓展: There be +sth. to do sth. e.g. There are a lot of souvenirs to buy. eg.Is there a book on the desk? There be + sb. doing sth. e.g. The

9、re is someone knocking at the door.3、My friends think this is cool.宾语从句,提醒从句若是疑问句应用陈述句语序。e.g. People dont know who we are.(此例句在7Aunit3reading 已经学过)4、I climb a ladder to get into my house.(提及to get into my house 表示目的)=I use a ladder to get into my house.(同意句)= I get into my house with a ladder.(同意句)4

10、、 My family and I often sit in the kichen while my mother makes dinner.while 引导时间状语从句。它的后面用延续性动词或动词的ing形式。e.g. He called me while I was not in. She came to see me while I was doing my homework.6、I share my bedroom with my sister. Share sth. with sb. e.g. I share the computer with my brother.7、Im arr

11、iving on Sunday. arrive in+大地点 e.g. He arrived in Beijing yesterday. arrive at +小地点 e.g. She arrived at the bus stop very early today. get to +地点 e.g. He got to the doctors at 8 this morning. reach+地点 e.g. My father reaches his office at 7 every morning. 8、That sounds great. sound 系动词 听起来 + adj. / n

12、. e.g. Your idea sounds good . = That sounds a good idea. 类似的还有: look : The baby looks well. (并强调这里well的词性为形容词,表示健康) feel :I feel happy when Im with him . taste :The dish tastes salty.smell : It smells delicious.sound n.声音 e.g. Sound travels slower than light.区分voice / noise9、Ill call you when Im fr

13、ee. when 、If 引导的状语从句,主将从现,(需分析主句从句) e.g. If it doesnt rain tomorrow , well go for a picnic.10、There is also a swimming pool .It is fifty metres long. =It is a fifty-metre-long swimming pool . e.g.The boy is 8 years old = He is an 8-year-old boy.11、Wilson lives two floors above Wendy. =Wendy lives tw

14、o floors below Wilson. 结构: A lives 基数词 floor/s above / below B三、 语法部分A:preposition of place 1、 on(有接触面) over(强调正上方) under (强调正下方) above(笼统的上方) below(笼统的下方)e.g. There is a mirror on the table. There is a wooden house over the river. My football is under the bed.Wilson lives two floors above/below Wen

15、dy.2、 in front of (外部的前面) 反义词: behind in the front of (内部的前面) 反义词组: at the back of e.g. She sits in front of him .= He sits behind her. She sits in the front of the car .3、 at + 小地方 e.g. He arrives at school at 7 every + 大地方 e.g.When did you arrive in Beijing ?4、 beside = next to e.g. Would y

16、ou like to sit beside /next to me ? 5、between (强调两者) among (强调三者及以上)e.g. There are some big differences between these two words. I found this dictionary among these books.B:Cardinal numbers (基数词)a. 0-12 特殊记b. 13-19 以teen结尾 特殊的有:thirteen ,fifteen,eighteenc. 整数以ty结尾 特殊的有:twenty, thirty,forty,fifty,eig

17、htyd. (几十几: 十位数与个位数用“-”连接)e. hundred、thousand、million:前有具体数次修饰时不可+s e.g. five hundred表示不具体的的数量:成百的、成千的、成万的时候+s ,加过s一定要加 of。(注:反言之则是不正确的。)e.g. There are five hundred students in the playground. There are hundreds of students in the playground.f. 注意读法和写法 4,056 =four thousand and fifty-six 23,813=twent

18、y-three thousand,eight hundred and thirteen 6,425,200=six million ,four hundred and twenty-five thousand ,two hundred注:百与十之间加andC、ordinal numbers(序数词)a.在基数词的基础上进行变化,特殊的序数词记忆口诀:1,2,3要牢记(first,second,third)ve 要用f 替 (fifth , twelfth )eight 去t, nine 去e (eighth, ninth)ty 变为tie ( e.g. twentieth)最后,th 通通加上

19、去。若是遇上几十几,只变个位就可以。(thirty-first)b.序数词用法:前要有the (前有限定词时不用+the) e.g. the second child my first time可以缩写:数字+序数词末两位 e.g. first=1st 日期: e.g. the fifth of June 编号:e.g. the seventh floor分数:e.g. 1/5=one fifth, 2/5 = two fifths, 1/4 =one fourth= a quarter 练习:一、词形转换:1. Lets do some _ tomorrow, shall we?(shop)

20、2. There are no _ on the moon.(life)3. Xian is a _ city in China.(west)4. There are _ books in the bookshop than in that bookshop. (many)5. How many _ of bread did you buy yesterday?(loaf)6. I _ feel sorry for this thing. (real)7. We have a _ time today. (wonder)8. We all live in tall _.(build)9. To

21、morrow will be a _ day. (sun)10. How many rooms at _(little) are there in your dream home?11There are many books on those _(shelf).12. Well learn the _(two) lesson today.13. I often watch TV in the _(sit) room.14. Her _(print) is over there behind the computer.15. England is quiet and beautiful and

22、English people are more (friend) than I think.16. The (visit) are going to the Great Wall tomorrow.二、动词填空 1. The first class _(begin) at 8:00 a.m. in our school next term.2. Hes staying at home and _(chat) with his friends on the Internet.3. The song _(sound) beautiful, so we all like it.4. When he

23、got home yesterday, he couldnt wait _ (turn) on the TV.5. Ann with her family often _(go) walking after supper.6. Mr. Black told me _(take) the seat opposite his.7. I _ (give) him the message when he returns to Wuxi. 8. Nobody else _ (know) where he is from. 9. The family _ (leave) for Paris in two

24、weeks, arent they? 10. Would you like _(see) the fine works of art in the museum. 11Simon is in the bed in the afternoon.(lie) 12.Your aunt is you from Jinan.(call) 13.This is a room bath room.(call) 14.Our classroom is different from (they) 15.Ill ask her the classroom after school.(clean)三、选择题:1.

25、When the Spring Festival comes, children cant get red packets from their parents and grandparents.A. wait for B. wait to C. look for D. look out2.The exchange students are going to visit Summer Palace day.A. /, one B. the, one C. the , a D. /, one3. The houses in Britain are quite different the ones

26、 in China.A. to B. from C. with D. between 4.We can see some cushions in the .A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom D. garden5.Where are Kates clothes? They are in the A. bookshelf B. wardrobe C. bed D. sofa6.How many days are there in the second month in 2005? There are .A. twenty-eight B. twenty-nine

27、C. thirty D. thirty-one7.Tom, could you read the number in English? Let me have a try. Its thirty-four thousand and sixty-nine.A. 3,469 B. 340,069 C. 34,069 D. 34,6908.A dining room is a room where you can .A. cook meals B. have meals C. meet friends D. have a rest9.Which floor do you live on? I liv

28、e on floor.A. the third B. the three C. ground D. third10.It great to watch Royal Madrid on TV tonight.A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. listens to 11._ sheep _ there on the farm? A.How many; is B. How many; are C. How much; is D. How much; are12. How many tomatoes are there in the basket?_.A. No B.

29、NO one C. None D. Nothing13.Its new term. Do you know who teaches_ English?A. us B. our C. We D. ourselves14. How do you go to school? I usually go to school_.A. on bicycle B. by a bicycle C. on my bicycle D. by the bicycle15. _woman with_ baby in her arm is my aunt.A. A, the B. The, the C.A, a D. T

30、he, a16. Why dont we_ outside our school at 8:00a.m. tomorrow?A. to meet B. meeting C. meet D. will meet17. That boy is Simon. And the girl next to_ is Amy.A. he B. his C. him D. she18. It takes him 40 minutes_ school by bus.A. gets B. to reach to C. to get to D. get 19.Most of the students did _good work this term. A. a B. an C. one D. / 20. If you are not careful, you_ fall down from the tree. A. may B. must C. can D. need

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