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1、银行常用短语 楼主 发表于 2010-08-09 03:31:48 引用 1 楼 摘要: 1. Good morning sir. What can I do for you?Hi Mr Jones. Can I help you?Excuse me madam but may I help you?Sir (miss) may I help you? 先生/女士/小姐 请问,我可以为您做些什么吗?2. H . 1. Good morning sir. What can I do for you?Hi Mr Jones. Can I help you?Excuse me madam but m

2、ay I help you?Sir (miss) may I help you?先生/女士/小姐 请问,我可以为您做些什么吗?2. Hello!您好3. How nice to see you again!Im glad to see you again!Its good to see you again!很高兴再见到您!4. Pardon?I beg your pardon.Beg your pardon.Would you mind repeating your questionplease?能再说一备沭?5. Im sorry but would you please speak mor

3、e slowly. I couldnt catch your meaning (follow you).对不起,能否请您说得再慢些,我没能明白您的意思。6. Do you mean that .?您指的是.吗?7. Would you like to open a current account or a time saving account?您想开立一个活期账户还是定期账户?8. How much do you want to deposit (draw) your money?您想存(取)多少钱?9. What is your name?请问叫什么名字?10. May I ask you

4、r nationality?请问您的国籍?11. Might I ask your passport number?请问您的护照号码?12. Would you mind if I ask your account number?请问您的账号?13. 如果对于顾客拜托我们的事,我们能够完成的话,那么我们可以回答:Yes sir(madam).Certainly sir(madam).Of course sir(madam).All right sir(madam).With pleasure sir(madam).14. 如果对于顾客拜托我们的事,我们不能完成的话,那么我们可以回答:Im so

5、rry sir(madam) butIm afraid we cannot help you because15. 由于各种原因,需要客户稍等,我们一般说:Please wait a minute.Just a minute please.One moment please.Im sorry to keep you waiting sir (madam) but Ill be with you in a moment.(先生/女士 很抱歉让您久等,不过,我一会儿就过来)16. 需要客户等一会儿,我们需要说:Will you please wait for a while? You see th

6、ere are several other people waiting ahead of you.Itll take about twenty minutes sir (madam). Would you like to wait?先生/女士 那要花20分钟的时间,您可以等吗?Im sorry to keep you waiting but will you please wait a few more minutes?对不起,让您久等了,能再等几分钟吗?Would you care to take a seat while I check our file?您介意坐下来等我查下档案吗?So

7、rry for having kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。Please wait a minute. Ill check our records.请稍候,我查一下记录.17. 表示感谢的说法:Thank you sir (madam).Thank you very much.Thank you so much.18. 当客户对您说:Thank you时,我们应该回答:With pleasure sir (madam).Thats all right.Youre welcome.19. 需要向客户道歉,我们可以说:Im sorry.Im very sorry.Im te

8、rrible sorry.Im awfully sorry.20. 接到客户的道歉,我们可以说:Thats quite all right.Dont mention it.It doesnt (didnt) matter.21. 请坐。Please take a seat.22. 再见。Goodbye.Bye-bye.You are welcome.Hope to see you again.23. 请填写这张申请表格并签名Please fill in this application form and sign your name.24. 请提供一下您的人民币账号,以便我们能把这笔美元兑换成

9、人民币Would you please tell us your RMB account number so that we may change this amount of USdollars into RMB for you?25. 请填写这张申请表格并签名Please fill in this application form and sign your name.26. 一定要把每项都写得很清楚Be sure everything is clearly written.27. 最低收费不少于20元人民币,最高收费不超过200元人民币The minimum charge is RMB2

10、0 while the maximum is RMB200.28. 请用大写和小写填写金额Please write the amount both in words and figures.29. 您可以在任何银行存取款,在任何一台柜员机上转账,查询You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any bank or make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with this card.30. 我想申请一张贵行发行的人民币借记卡I want to apply for a personal RMB Debi

11、t Card issued by your bank.31. 我们需要一张您的身份证复印件We need a copy of your identity card.32. 在异地存入现金按0.1%收取手续费,取现则按1%收取。每笔最低收取人民币1元。The service charge is 0.1% of the cash amount to be deposited but 1% of the amount to be withdrawn. At least RMB1 will be charged for one time.33. Please enter your password a

12、nd push the buttons again.请输入密码,再按一次。34. Our bank is open every day from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.我们银行每天营业,营业时间为早上9点至下午5点。35. No problem. Always come to us if you have any trouble.不客气,有问题来找我们。36. This is a leaflet about the new products. You can find more details in it.这是新产品介绍,上面有蠁i改谌荨保险库 strong room/va

13、ult 等价税则 equitable tax system 签字式样 specimen signature 营业时间 banking hours, business hours 付款方法 mode of payment 现金付款 payment by cash|cash payment/payment by ready cash 以支票支付 payment by cheque 以汇票支付 payment by bill 以物品支付 payment in kind 付清/支付全部货款 payment in full/full payment 支付部分货款/分批付款 payment in part

14、/part payment/partial payment 记帐付款/会计帐目内付款 payment on account 定期付款 payment on term 年分期付款 annual payment 月分期付款 monthly payment/monthly instalment 延滞付款 payment in arrear 预付货/先付 payment in advance/prepayment 延付货款 deferred payment 立即付款 prompt payment/immediate payment 暂付款 suspense payment 延期付款 delay in

15、payment/extension of payment 支付票据 payment bill 名誉支付/干与付款 payment for honour/payment by intervention 结帐/清算/支付 settlement 分期付款 instalment 滞付/拖欠/尾数款未付 arrears 特许拖延付款日 days of grace 付款 to pay/to make payment/to make effect payment 结帐 to settle/to make settlement/to make effect settlement/to square/to ba

16、lance 支出/付款 to defray/to disburse 结清 to clear off/to pya off 请求付款 to ask for payment/to request payment 恳求付帐 to solicit payment 拖延付款 to defer payment/to delay payment 付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment 还债 to discharge 迅速付款 to pay promptly 付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well/to pay fairly well/to keep the

17、 engagements regularly 付款相当慢 to pay slowly/to take extended credit 付款不好 to pay badly/to be generally in arrear with payments 付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly/to never pay unless forced 拒绝付款 to refuse payment/to refuse to pay/to dishonour a bill 惠请付款 kindly pay the amount/please forward payment/please forwar

18、d a cheque. 索取利息 to charge interest 附上利息 to draw interest/to bear interest/to allow interest 银行常用英语短句默认分类 2008-06-14 16:07:03 阅读534 评论1 字号:大中小 1. Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?Hi, Mr, Jones. Can I help you?Excuse me, madam, but may I help you?Sir (miss), may I help you? 先生/女士/小姐, 请问,我可以为您

19、做些什么吗?2. Hello!您好3. How nice to see you again!Im glad to see you again!Its good to see you again!很高兴再见到您!4. Pardon?I beg your pardon.Beg your pardon.Would you mind repeating your question,please?能再说一遍吗?5. Im sorry, but would you please speak more slowly. I couldnt catch your meaning (follow you).对不起

20、,能否请您说得再慢些,我没能明白您的意思。6. Do you mean that .?您指的是.吗?7. Would you like to open a current account or a time saving account?您想开立一个活期账户还是定期账户?8. How much do you want to deposit (draw) your money?您想存(取)多少钱?9. What is your name?请问叫什么名字?10. May I ask your nationality?请问您的国籍?11. Might I ask your passport numb

21、er?请问您的护照号码?12. Would you mind if I ask your account number?请问您的账号?13. 如果对于顾客拜托我们的事,我们能够完成的话,那么我们可以回答:Yes, sir(madam).Certainly, sir(madam).Of course, sir(madam).All right, sir(madam).With pleasure, sir(madam).14. 如果对于顾客拜托我们的事,我们不能完成的话,那么我们可以回答:Im sorry, sir(madam), butIm afraid we cannot help you ,

22、because15. 由于各种原因,需要客户稍等,我们一般说:Please wait a minute.Just a minute, please.One moment, please.Im sorry to keep you waiting, sir (madam), but Ill be with you in a moment.(先生/女士, 很抱歉让您久等,不过,我一会儿就过来)16. 需要客户等一会儿,我们需要说:Will you please wait for a while? You see, there are several other people waiting ahea

23、d of you.Itll take about twenty minutes, sir (madam). Would you like to wait?先生/女士, 那要花20分钟的时间,您可以等吗? Im sorry to keep you waiting, but will you please wait a few more minutes? 对不起,让您久等了,能再等几分钟吗? Would you care to take a seat while I check our file? 您介意坐下来等我查下档案吗? Sorry for having kept you waiting.

24、对不起,让您久等了。 Please wait a minute. Ill check our records,. 请稍候,我查一下记录.17. 表示感谢的说法:Thank you, sir (madam).Thank you very much.Thank you so much.18. 当客户对您说:Thank you时,我们应该回答:With pleasure, sir (madam).Thats all right.Youre welcome.19. 需要向客户道歉,我们可以说:Im sorry.Im very sorry.Im terrible sorry.Im awfully sor

25、ry.20. 接到客户的道歉,我们可以说:Thats quite all right.Dont mention it.It doesnt (didnt) matter.21. 请坐。Please take a seat.22. 再见。Goodbye.Bye-bye.You are welcome.Hope to see you again.23. 请填写这张申请表格并签名Please fill in this application form and sign your name.24. 请提供一下您的人民币账号,以便我们能把这笔美元兑换成人民币 Would you please tell u

26、s your RMB account number so that we may change this amount of US dollars into RMB for you?25. 请填写这张申请表格并签名Please fill in this application form and sign your name.26. 一定要把每项都写得很清楚Be sure everything is clearly written.27. 最低收费不少于20元人民币,最高收费不超过200元人民币The minimum charge is RMB20 while the maximum is RM

27、B200.28. 请用大写和小写填写金额Please write the amount both in words and figures.29. 您可以在任何银行存取款,在任何一台柜员机上转账,查询You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any bank or make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with this card.30. 我想申请一张贵行发行的人民币借记卡I want to apply for a personal RMB Debit Card issued by your ban

28、k.31. 我们需要一张您的身份证复印件We need a copy of your identity card.32. 在异地存入现金按0.1%收取手续费,取现则按1%收取。每笔最低收取人民币1元。The service charge is 0.1% of the cash amount to be deposited, but 1% of the amount to be withdrawn. At least RMB1 will be charged for one time.33. Please enter your password and push the buttons agai

29、n.请输入密码,再按一次。34. Our bank is open every day from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.我们银行每天营业,营业时间为早上9点至下午5点。35. No problem. Always come to us if you have any trouble.不客气,有问题来找我们。36. This is a leaflet about the new products. You can find more details in it.这是新产品介绍,上面有详细内容。37. Welcome to the Industrial bank Shanghai Branch Business Department.欢迎光临兴业银行上海分行营业部38. Please follow me.请跟我来39. This way, please.这边请Please come this way.请这边走40. Thats handled over there.在那边办理41. Its position number five. Sir.在5号窗口, 先生Well, please go to Counter No.12那么,请您到12号窗口去办理。42. It

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