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1、汉译英常用分类词汇中国文化汉译英常用分类词汇中国文化概述 general terms 集体主义 collectivism爱国主义精神 patriotism 诚实守信 honesty 公民道德建设实施纲要 The Program for Improving Civic Morality弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化 highlight the central theme of the times while encouraging diversity全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign社会公德,职业道德和家庭美德教育education in social and prof

2、essional ethics and family virtues 为人民服务 serving the people 深入群众,深入生活 go deep among the masses and into the thick of life 奉献无愧于时代的作品 contribute to the people works worthy of the times 中华文明博大精深,源远流长。The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, and has a long history.重要文化遗产 major cultural herit

3、age 优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk arts 自立于世界民族之林 stand proudly in the family of nations一、传统节日风俗文化三节(中国的三天传统节日:端午节、中秋节和春节) the three Chinese traditional festivalsDragon-Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival1. 春节 Spring Festival/ Chinese New Year大扫除year-end household cleaning扎花灯焰火 make orna

4、mental lanterns and fireworks烧纸钱 burn paper coins/ burn paper money烧香 burn incenses in a censer除夕 New Years Eve春联 Spring Festival couplets (conveying best wishes for the year)年画 New Year picture 年夜饭family reunion dinner on Lunar New Years Eve压岁钱New-Year Money/money given to children as a Lunar New Y

5、ear gift爆竹 firecracker鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old and usher in the new ; ring out the old year and ring in the new 饺子 dumplings (with meat and vegetable stuffing)拜年 paying a New Year call贺年片New Year film恭喜发财May you be prosperous! / Wish you all the best!2. 元宵节Lantern

6、 Festival 元宵 sweet rice-flour dumplings (eaten on the Lantern Festival)庙会 temple fair观灯 viewing the lanterns灯谜 lantern riddles龙灯舞dragon lantern dance狮子舞 lion dance秧歌舞 yangge dance植树节Tree-planting Day3. 清明节Tomb-sweeping Festival/ Tomb-sweeping Day/ Ching Ming Festival扫墓paying respect to the dead清明上河图

7、 A Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 4. 端午节Dragon Boat Festival Duanwu Festival 赛龙舟 dragon-boat race粽子 zongji/ glutinous rice wrapped in a pyramid shape dumpling in reed leaves5. 七夕节 Double-seventh Festival6. 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival赏月 enjoying the full moon月饼 moon cake团圆 be united 7. 重阳节Double-ni

8、nth Festival登高 hill climbing饮酒 wine drinking赏菊 enjoying chrysanthemum吃糕 eating cakes (糕 与 “高”谐音)国庆节 National Day8. 冬至 the winter solstice 冬至饭 winter solstice dinner9. 立春 the Beginning of Spring/ early spring10. 秋老虎 autumn tiger11. 芒种节 Festival of Grain in Ear12. 春分 Rain Begins 13. 白露 White Dew14. 霜降

9、 Frost Falls15. 小雪 Slight Snow放风筝图的是这一乐,所以说放晦气。Kite-flying is just for fun, thats why we call it sending off bad luck”.办消寒会:hold a cold-dispelling party二、饮食文化 food/cuisine culture烹饪 culinary arts美食节 gourmet festival 中餐烹饪Chinese cuisine 色,香,味俱全perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance

10、八大菜系 eight schools of cuisine四大菜系:山东菜,四川菜,粤菜,扬州菜four major Chinese cuisines: Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine南淡北咸,东甜西辣the light southern cuisine, and the salty northern cuisine; the sweet eastern cuisine, and the spicy western cuisine 八宝菜eight-treasure pickles (

11、assorted walnut meats, asparagus, lettuce, almonds, cucumber and peanuts, etc. pickled in soy sauce)八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding (glutinous rice steamed with preserved fruits, sweetened bean paste, lotus seeds, longan, etc.)白斩鸡tender boiled chicken (made by boiling a whole chicken in water and cut

12、ting into cubes, then dipping into seasonings)臭豆腐strong-smelling preserved bean curb 粉蒸肉pork steamed with rice flour狗不理包子 Goubuli steamed buns油条 deep-fried dough sticks风味小吃local delicacy腐竹 rolls of dried bean milk cream冷盘 hors doeuvres萨其马Manchu candied fritter cut in squares 刀切,火候 Cutting and Slicin

13、g Techniques , Heat Control切片 slicing 切条cutting to strips切丝 shredding 切柳filleting切丁 dicing 切碎mincing磨碎 grinding大/旺/武火strong heat中火 medium heat小/微/文火gentle heat 烹饪方法 cooking techniques煎 pan-frying 炒stir-frying爆 quick-frying 炸deep-frying烩 stewing 熏smoking煨 simmering 煮boiling烘 baking 烤roasting蒸 steamin

14、g 红烧braising (with soy sauce)涮羊肉hot-pot mutton dip-boiled mutton slices羊肉串小摊mutton barbecue stall三、茶文化 tea culture禅宗 Zen Buddhism 日本茶道 Japanese tea ceremony茶馆 tea-house 看茶/献茶 serve tea 沏茶 brew tea一碗茶 a bowl of tea 一杯茶a cup of tea 茶具 tea set 茶锅 kettle 茶盘 tea-tray宜兴紫砂壶 boccaro teapot绿茶 green tea红茶 red

15、 tea乌龙茶 oolong tea黑茶 dark tea碧螺春 Biluochun黄山毛峰 Huangshan Maofeng六安瓜片 Liuan Guapian安徽祁门红茶 Qimen Black Tea of Anhui云南滇红茶 Dian Black Tea of Yunnan云南普洱茶 Puer Tea of Yunnan菊花茶 chrysanthemum tea茉莉花茶 jasmine tea浓浓的姜茶strong ginger tea龙井茶 Longjing tea女儿茶 neur tea蜜饯茶 sweetened tea贡茶 choice tea四、酒文化 wine cultu

16、re杜康酒 the Dukang Liquor绍兴酒 Shaoxing wine烧酒 hot spirits 橘酒 orange wine 冷酒 cold wine 暖酒 warm wine发压岁钱 distribution of New-Year money合欢宴 family reunion feast屠苏酒 New-Year Wine合欢汤 happy-reunion soup吉祥果 lucky fruits如意糕 wish-fullfilment cakes行酒令 play a drinking game 划拳 play a finger-guessing game射覆 play co

17、nundrums(谜)摆酒接风 arrange a feast of welcome/ prepare a feast for sb.s home-coming水酒掸尘 prepare some watery wine by way of welcome治酒饯行 prepare a farewell feast举酒送行 offer sb. wine to see sb. off奠酒 pour a libation 五、服饰文化 culture of costumes and ornaments女子传统服装 traditional clothes for women(ladies)旗袍 cheo

18、ng-sam 唐装 Chinese-style costumes 立领 a stand-up collar裙子 skirt 紫色绣花绵裙 pink embroidered silk skirt髻/冕 tiara 珠宝髻 tiara (set) with jewels and pears垂饰 pendant 耳环 ear pendants/ear rings饰物 habiliments 碧玉红带 red belt with green jade簪/钗 pin 赤金匾簪 a flat gold pin串珠/项链 necklace 手镯 bracelets 戒指 finger ring 订婚戒指 e

19、ngagement ring 结婚戒指 wedding ring黄袍 golden robe 蟒袍serpent-embroidered robe长袍long gown 马褂mandarin jacket盘领round necks 窄袖narrow sleeves 坎肩 short tunic中国不动地域和不同民族的服饰也各有特色。The feature of Chinese clothing varies with areas and nationalities.肚兜 bellyband 头饰 head wears 缠头 decorate brocade round the head 绣花帽

20、 a cap with embroider披风 manteau 裤子 trousers红地毯 red rug高跟鞋 high-heel shoes绣花拖鞋 embroidered slippers 靴子boots宝玉穿着大红袄儿、白绫裙子。Baoyu is wearing a red tunic and a white silk skirt.好几个丫头都擦脂抹粉,簪花插柳。A few maids are powdered and rouged with flowers or willow shoots in their air.六、艺术美学 arts and aesthetics1. 戏曲文化

21、 culture of theatrical performance戏剧表演 theatrical performances京剧脸谱Peking Opera mask生male characters 旦female characters净“painted face” character(role)末middle-aged male characters 丑clown红脸 red face黑脸 black face白脸 white face京剧票友amateur performer of Peking Opera昆曲 Kunqu opera绍兴戏 Shaohsing opera川剧 Sichua

22、n Opera白色记 The White Serpent西游记 Pilgrimage to the West相声 crosstalk单口相声monologue comic talk 双口相声witty dialogue木偶戏 shadow play puppets独角戏monodrama; one-man play皮影戏shadow play; shadow puppertry折子戏opera highlights戏剧小品skit哑剧dumb show; mime; mummery; pantomime口技vocal imitations; ventriloquism 说书 monologue

23、 story-telling杂技acrobatic performance马戏circus performances叠罗汉making a human pyramid特技stunt睬高跷stilt walk2. 艺术及工艺 arts and crafts 国画 Chinese painting漆画 lacquer painting版画 engraving painting/woodcut painting水彩画 watercolor painting水墨画Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting木刻画wood engraving painting

24、贝雕画shell carving picture卖秸画straw patchwork壁画 mural 泥塑 clay sculpture彩塑 painted sculpture释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni千手观音 Guanyin with 1000 Hands 大足石刻 Dazu Stone Sculpture兵马俑 the Terracotta Army陶俑 terracotta warriors云冈石窟 the Yungang Grottoes莫高窟 the Mogao Grottoes龙门石窟 the Longmen Grottoes袈裟 kasaya雕刻 carving剪纸 paper

25、-cutting刺绣 embroidery双面绣 two-sided embroidery木/石/竹刻wood/stone/bamboo carving漆器 lacquer ware宫灯 palace lantern皮影 shadow puppet蜡染 batik彩塑 painted sculpture陶器 pottery; earthenware宜兴陶Yixing pottery瓷器 porcelain; china景德镇瓷Jingdezhen porcelain景泰蓝Cloisonn/ Jingtai blue唐三彩 Tang tri-colored pottery泥人 clay figurinr面人 dough figurine檀香扇 sandalwood fan图章 seal 拓碑 making rubbings from

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