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what the weather like第二册.docx

1、what the weather like第二册what the weather like-(第二册)一、 Function: Talking about the weather二、 Language:Whats the weather like? Its What do you wear when? I wear a raincoat when its raining.三、 Vocabulary: windy, snowing, raining, sunny, mask, raincoat四、 教学环节:本节课分为四个部分:即导入新课、讲授新课、练习、课堂小结。五、 教学过程: Step 1

2、 Warmer: 1、Say “hello” to each other.2、Sing “A B C” song.3、Do some actions “clap your handsStep your feetsmile.”Step 2 Have the new lesson1、Show the topic “Whats the weather like?” Let the stusents read and ask the meaning of “weather”2、 Look the picture (课件出示)carefully and learn the word “sunny”T:

3、Spring is coming, the sun is shining. We fell very comfortable. We can go out for a walk or climbing the hills. We call it “sunny”S: Read after the teather. (领读齐读分组读单个读)T: Ask “Whats the weather like?”S: Answer “Its sunny.”3、Practice in pairs. 4、Look the picture (课件出示)carefully .T: After spring,it c

4、omes summer. “Whats the weather like?” S: Answer “Its hot.”(男女生分读互问)T: Do you want some wind? Please listen carefully. Whats sound?5、Show the picture (课件出示) Lets the students look the picture carefully .(raining)T: Please tell me “Whats the weather like?”S: 下雨.T: Yes, raining.(read it.)S: Read it.(B

5、oys and girls ask each other. “Whats the weather like?” “Its raining.”)6、Show the picture (课件出示) Lets the students look the picture carefully .(cold ) T: Please tell me “Whats the weather like?”S: Its cold.7、Show the picture (课件出示) Lets the students look the picture carefully .(snowing) Step 3 Learn

6、 the poem.T: This poem is very popular in England. It is known by almost British children. Now lets learn it together.(Read the poem for 3 times.)Step 4Dismiss the class by saying “Good-bye”. The expected response is “Good-bye ,Miss Li.” PART A 教学目的及重点: 1. 通过教学使学生掌握个新单词man,father(dad),woman(mum),fam

7、ily,达到能听说认读这些单词。 2. 完成句型教学,使学生理解句子Whos that man/woman? He/Shes my father/mother.熟读并能在实际语言环境中正确运用。 3. 培养学生热爱家庭,关心父母的情感。鼓励学生用英语表达自己的想法。 教学方法 运用多媒体辅助教学,采取看听读做等多种方法提高学习兴趣,巩固新知. 教学步骤 1. 单词教学 单词-与单词有关的歌曲 2. 句型教学 出示句子-教授答语-新句练习-读课文,用课文-句型扩展. 课前准备 课文中人物图卡,单词卡片 教学过程 一、Greetings. T:Hi,boys and girls. SS:Hello

8、,Miss Wang. T:How are you? SS:Fine,thank you,how are you? T:Very well,thanks. 二、Presentation. Today,well learn the new Unit-Unit 2.Part A. (一)Lets learn:Lets learn the new words. 1.words.(Before the class,teacher draws the simple pictures of a family.) T:First,some words. (Pointing to a girl.)Look h

9、ere,this is a(girl).师教读后,指名学生个别读,老师正音。(Pointing to a man.)This is a man. Read after me,”man”.学生分组练习,组与组之间进行比赛,看哪组读得又准又快。 And your father is a man.Your father means your dad or your daddy.学生同桌之间,前后相互读。 (Pointing to a woman.)ont forget your mother.Your mother means your mum,or your mummy.用找单词卡片的游戏练习读这

10、个单词。And your mother is a woman.I am a woman,too.学生边传单词卡片,边读单词。Father add g-r-a-n-d being grandfather. Guess,how to say “奶奶”in English? 教学grandfather, grandmother. Reading the words “man, father, woman, mother, grandfather, grandmoter.” They make up a family.My family.(在Unit 2后边板书My family,把课题补充完整。)

11、.Learning the song of your family. T: I love my family, do you love your family? SS: Yes! T: Well, lets learn a song about your father and your mother. When you go back home, sing this song to your daddy and your mummy, they will be very happy. (Listen and sing.) (二)Lets talk. 1.Learn”whos that?” Po

12、inting to a man,and say”Whos that man?”(那个男的是谁?)Read it again and againThen T:Can you make a sentence like this? SS:Yes! SA:Whos that woman? SB:Whos that girl? SC:Whos that boy? 看人物卡片Students ask”Whos that?”And Miss answers.(注意突出he,she的不同用法)。 Now, you can see, when you answer these questions, must u

13、se “he”.师手指板书 Whos that man/boy?并板书”He is”用同样的方法教”She”的用法。学生看着同学用he/she造句。 Students follow me reading”Whos that man?Hes my father.Whos that woman?Shes my mother.” 2. Reading books. T:Lets read our books.Turn to page 14. (Listen to the tape,read after the tape,and read it together.) 3. Practice. (Sho

14、wing the photoes.)Ask the students”Whos that boy?Whos that girl?Whos that man?Whos that woman?”And the students answer my questions like this: T:Whos that girl? SS:She is (Shes ). T:Whos that boy? SS:He is A.(Hes A.) T:Hi,A.Whos that man? SA:Hes my father. T:Whos that woman? SA:Shes my mother. 三、总结,

15、布置作业 Today, we have learned some new words. They are “man,woman,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother.” Lets read.老师领读。And a new sentence “Whos that” When you go back home, sing the family song to your father and mother. See you. PART B 教学目的及重点: 1.复习巩固Part A 学习的5个单词,学习新单词sister, brother达到能熟练地听说认读这些单

16、词。 2.完成句型教学,使学生理解句子Is he your brother / father /grandfather? Is she your sister/mother /grandmother?熟读并能结合Part A句型Whos that?在实际语言环境中正确运用。 3.培养学生学习英语的兴趣。鼓励学生用英语表达自己的想法。 教学方法 运用多媒体辅助教学,采取看听读做等多种方法提高学习兴趣,温故知新. 教学步骤 1. 单词教学 复习旧单词学习新词汇 2. 句型教学 出示句子-教授答语-新句练习-读课文,用课文-句型扩展. 课前准备 单词卡片,帽子、围巾等化装用具。 教学过程 一、Gre

17、etings. T:Hi,boys and girls. SS:Hello,Miss Wang. T:Nice to meet you. SS:Nice to meet you,too. 二、Presentation. Today,well go on learn Unit-Unit 2.Part B. (一)Words: 1. Review words. At first, lets review the words. Lets watch the video of the words.观看动画帮助学生回忆Part A学过的六个单词(grandfather, grandmother, fat

18、her, mother, man, woman)。 板书,进一步复习巩固单词。板书man,问指名学生读该单词,同样的方法复习woman。出示father, mother的单词图卡让学生认读并分类板书好。老师戴上花镜扮作老年人问:Who am I ?学生回答grandmother。老师用:grandmother love grandfather引出单词grandfather,也把它们分男女板书好。师领生读。 2。Learn new words. Next, lets learn two new words-brother, sister. “brother” means “兄弟”,”sister

19、” means “姐妹”。老师利用单词图卡直接教授新单词。男女分读加深学生印象,Boys read “brother”, girls read “sister”, please. Now, lets change. 挑选几组同学来读。 3。Words practice. Lets read. Read after me, then, youre the teachers and I am the student. Let me follow you. 在学生较熟练地掌握新旧单词后,让他们看单词图卡进行抢读,比比哪位同学认得又快读得又准。 Game: man left, woman right.

20、学生听老师读单词,如果单词是男性学生就向左跳,反之,向右。先由几名同学上讲台演示,然后集体玩这个游戏。When you hear a word of man, please jump to left, when you hear a word of woman, jump to right. (二)Sentences: 1. Review sentences. OK, go on learn sentences. 板书:Whos that man?问学生:Do you remember this sentence? Lets read. 学生读后造句,老师板书Whos that man/boy

21、? Whos that woman/girl? Great! Now, I ask and you answer. Whos that woman/ man/ girl/ boy? 学生一起回答,再指名提问,引出本课新句型的学习。 2Learn new sentences. Whos that boy? Is he your grandfather? Is he your father? (No, hes my friend.) 老师板书好新句子,解释汉意,教读。Is he your grandfather/ father/ brother? 学生仿造句子,注意he/she的不同用法。Can

22、you make some sentences like these? 老师把学生造的句子板书好,Is she your grandmother/ mother/ sister? 3。Sentences practice. 用多媒体课件展示人物卡片,师生就句子进行问答练习。Brother T: Whos that boy? Ss: Hes my brother. Mother Ss: Whos that woman? T: Guess! Ss: Is she your mother? T: No, shes Mimis mother. Man/woman Ss: Whos that man/w

23、oman? Sister/grandmother Ss: Is she your sister/grandmother? 4。Lets talk. 通过多媒体教学课件展示课文对话内容,老师用课前准备好的教具给学生化装,布置照片,学生根据课文进行对话练习。Lets watch the video. Then, talk about your family photo like the video. 三、总结,布置作业 Today, we have learned 2 new words. They are “brother, sister”, and a new sentence “Is he/

24、she your?” Homework, read your books and talk about your family with your deskmates. Classs over, goodbye! 课型:新授课课题:Lesson Seventeen教学目标认知目标1、掌握Lesson 17 Part(II)单词和句型,能依照课文句型用所学的单词和句型在模拟情景中进行对话。2、掌握句型:Whos she及其回答Shes/ Hes和一般疑问句Is she ?及其回答,并能在实际中运用。3、能用“The girl with a ”并在实际中运用。思想情感目标继续激发学生学习英语的兴趣

25、,树立正确的学习目的,养成良好的学习习惯以及培养和提高学生与他人交往的能力。智力发展目标培养学生拼读单词的能力,扮演角色进行情景会话的能力,与他人交往的能力和参与活动的能力。教学重点 Whos she?(Whos he)句型及其回答。Is she ?(Is he ?)及其回答。三 教学难点。Is she ?(Is he ?)肯定回答:Yes, she is (he is )否定回答:No, she isnt (he isnt)四、教学媒体录音带 录音机 课文插图 单词卡 句型卡 电脑 电脑软件五、教学过程1Warming Up 课前准备“Sing a Song”Look at the boy

26、on the bike.Who is he ? Who is he?Hes my good friend. He is Mike.He s Joans brother. ( 唱2次)2步骤:上课前,老师组织带领全班边唱边做动作。歌曲是改编自“London Bridge Falling Down”目标:复习上一节课学习过的Lesson 17的(I)的内容。作用:让学放松神经,调节好情绪,同时又可回忆上一节课学过的知识。2板书,讲目标步骤:a宣布课题b板书课题c宣讲目标(这节课我们继续学习Lesson 17的II部份,掌握四价目四会单词和Whos she ? Is she?句型及其答语)目标 :让

27、学生有一个学习新知识的概念。3复习Lesson Seventeen (I)A Act Outa表演(I)原文(课文插图)b按照(I)让学生自己编对话目标:让学生回忆上一节课所学的知识,教师可以在发展性练习中检查学生的掌握程度。作用:巩固旧知识B Game (电脑)荧屏上有五幅伟人图像:毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、刘少奇、邓小平。引导学生用“Whos he? Hes .句型来问答。目标:再现上一节课的重点,让学生反复运用朗朗上口。作用:重点句型的巩固,为下面新知识Whos she ?Shes 句型做准备。4呈现新课A 课文(II)的整体呈现(电脑呈现2次)A:Whos that girl? ( 2个男

28、孩手指远2个女孩)B:Which girl?A: The girl with a bag. (女孩手中书包闪动)B:Thats Rose (手拿书包的女孩闪动)A:Is she your sister? (一男孩手指另一男孩)B:No, she isnt my sister . Shes my cousin.目标:让学生尽量理解文章内容作用:以“听”为先。使学生对内容有一个大概的理解。(教师提问)Question Q Answer AQ: Whats that? (指住书包)A:Its a bag.Q: Thats Rose .Yes or No?A: Yes , thats Rose.目标:

29、检查学生对课文的理解B:分步呈现(电脑呈现,共分成三部份)a: Whos that girl? (Section 1)Which girl?(板书 句子)Whos that girl?Which girl?(板书 单词:girl )b: The girl with a bag .(Section 2)Thats Rose .(板书)四会单词 with 拿着 具有 (板书)(解释意思并带实单词和句子)c:Is she your sister ? (Section 3)No, she isnt my sister . Shes my cousin (板书)四会单词:sister i cousin

30、(解释意思并带读单词及句子。)目标: 分步呈现课文,让学生进一步理解课文,掌握四会单词, 不作扩展性的操练。 只要求学生熟悉课文。作用: 在第一步“听”后,让学生容易上口。c 整体呈现课文目标: 让学生对课文按整分整的步骤了解课文。作用: 保证学生对课文的整体概念,强调课文的完整性。巩固操练 A: Read after the tape (the pupils open the books)齐读一次。以组为单位,分角色朗读。Pair work 同桌对练,背 ()。 表演 (检查)目标:这个环节以“读”为主,基本完成学生对课文的掌握工作。作用:熟读课文,为后部分的发展性练习做好准备。B: 小结四会单词: girl, with, sister, cousin句型: The girl with a bag.句型对比 Whos that girl? (电脑呈现)Whos she? ShesWhos he? HesIs she ? Yes, she is. (No, she isnt.)Is he ? Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.)目标:总结L17 (II) 所

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