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1、旅客列车乘务员实用英语旅客列车乘务员实用英语列车长服务用语 一、语言 1(组织旅客乘降)面带微笑“您好,请问您是几号车厢?*号车厢请向前/后走。直臂式手势。英文:Hello. Which coach are you in? The No. * coach please go ahead/backward.2(遇有领导)“*领导您好!我是*次列车长,欢迎您检查指导工作。同时双目注视领导,“请您随我来,您请上车。”引导手势。英文:I am the conductor of the Train No. *. Welcome for inspecting and guiding our work! T

2、his way please. 3(纠正违章)先敬礼“您好!请您到*处吸烟,那里容许吸烟,谢谢您的合作!” 英文:hello. Would you please smoke in *? Thank you for your cooperation.4(遇有旅客询问)“您好!请问您有什么事情需要我帮忙吗?”英文:Hello. What can I do for you?5(列车进站台)列车长整队并站在队伍中间位置,右手提包口中要有口号,使队伍整齐统一。二、举止 1(站台遇领导)敬军礼。(右手五指并拢提至眉间,面带微笑,双目注视领导,时间停顿1-2秒)2(领导伸出握手时)配合动作:立即摘手套,迎合

3、领导握手时用力不要过大,时间不宜过长(大约停滞3秒左右)站在靠近车厢一侧,为领导引路运用直臂式手势,注意走路不时回看领导位置,调整自己的走速。走到车门口面向领导站立运用请进手势将领导引导上车。总体要求做到:面带微笑,用规范的手势 用语,组织旅客 乘车,妥善安排重点旅客,耐心解答旅客问讯,语言轻柔亲切,队有需要的旅客主动帮扶。重点旅客上车时(外宾,领导)亲自陪同安排。 乘务员服务用语二、开车欢迎词 简单(中文):各位女士、先生晚上好!很高兴为您提供服务,欢迎您乘坐我们列车,祝各位旅途愉快!谢谢!英文:Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to ta

4、ke our train and its our pleasure to provide service for you. Wish you a pleasant trip! Thank you.三、中途作业清理茶桌语言:“对不起,打扰您了,我清理一下,谢谢。”英文:Excuse me. May I do some cleaning please?包房旅客订餐时语言:“您好,是需要定餐吗?请把需要的饭菜告诉我,我来帮您联系。”英文:Excuse me. Do you need the reservation service? Please tell me the dishes you like

5、 and I will contact for you. 旅客餐车点餐时语言:“您好,是需要用餐吗?您请坐,这是菜单,您看需要什么饭菜?”英文:Hello. Please take your seat. Here is the menu. What would you like to order?上菜时语言:“这是您点的,您点的菜齐了,您请慢用。”英文:Here are the dishes you have ordered. Please enjoy yourself.餐后告别语言:“您吃好了,您请慢走,欢迎您再次光临。”英文:Thanks for your drawing in and w

6、elcome to come again. 车内售饭语言:“您好,您需要套餐吗?(如不要)对不起打扰了!”英文:Excuse me! Would you like a package meal? Sorry for interrupting you.列车广播服务用语(一)正常情况广播用语1、始发通告主要内容:欢迎词、列车运行区间介绍、担当乘务组介绍、安全卫生提示、服务项目介绍、途中运行时刻及停站介绍、祝词。范例: 中文:旅客朋友你好,欢迎乘坐由*站开往*站的*次列车, *铁路局*列车段车队组的同志将竭诚为您提供服务。上车后请您对号入座,并将随身携带的行李物品安置好。列车设有大件行李存放处,贵重

7、物品请妥善保存。旅客朋友们,为了我们大家的安全,请不要携带易燃烧或爆炸的物品乘车。 有吸烟的旅客请到*号吸烟车厢 ,并将烟蒂熄灭后放进烟盒内。带小孩的旅客,请照看好您的小孩,注意安全。为了更好地为您服务,每个座位都配有列车服务指南,请您仔细阅读。英文:Good morning/afternoon/evening! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard train* from * station to * station! The crew members of team*, Train number* , *passenger train depot, *R

8、ailway Administration will be sincerely at your service!You are expected to take your seat in accordance with the ticket and well deposit your luggage and items. Bulky luggage storage is available on the train. Please leave your valuables under attendance. To ensure your safety, please do not bring

9、inflammable or explosive articles on board. Smoking is only allowed in the smoking coach No.* and cigarette stub should be put into the ashtray after being extinguished. Please take care of your children.The train Service Guidebook is available at your seat for your reference. Please read it careful

10、ly. ( 送餐及旅客信息采集按规定宣传)本次列车全程运行千米,小时分,中途停车站有:*、*,请您注意收听广播到站通告。列车运行前方停车站*站,到站时间*。旅客朋友们,预祝大家旅途愉快!英文:The total length of our journey is *km and will take *hours and *minutes to destination, passing by the *station, *station. Please be attentive to the broadcast for arrival announcements.The next station

11、is *. The arrival time is *.Wish you a pleasant trip!2、中途通告用语(范例)(1)通告站名到站前: 中文:旅客朋友你好,列车运行前方停车站车站,到达车站的时间是点分,停车分。在车站下车的旅客,请您整理好行李物品,到车门口等候下车。等列车停稳后按顺序下车,(双门时:请下车的旅客携带好行李物品,等列车停稳后从门下车)。英文: Ladies and gentlemen, the next station is * and the train will arrive at *, stopping for *minutes. Passengers t

12、o get off at *station, please pack up your luggage, wait by the door and get off in proper order after the trains complete stabilization.(passengers to get off at *station, please pack up your luggage and get off by the * door after the trains complete stabilization.) 开车后:中文:旅客朋友你好,欢迎乘坐本次列车,列车运行前方停车

13、站站,到达站的时间点分。 英文:Good morning/afternoon/evening! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard! The next station is * and the arrival time is *.(2)服务通告中文:旅客朋友你好,用餐时间到了,列车将为大家提供免费(早、午、晚)餐 ,请您及时回到自己的座位上等候,把小桌打开准备就餐。(用餐后请将餐盒放入垃圾袋内,不要放在地板上,谢谢您的合作)如您有特殊就餐或购物需求欢迎前往*号车厢选购。英文:Ladies and gentlemen, its time for meal.

14、The catering service on the train is free. Please wait by your seat and put down the tray table in front of you.(After your meal, please put the snack box in the rubbish bag instead of on the floor, thank you.)You are also welcomed to choose your favorite food and do some shopping in coach No.*. 3终到

15、站前 :(范例)中文:旅客朋友你好,列车运行前方是本次列车终点站车站,到达车站的时间是点分,请您整理好行李物品,准备下车。 感谢您一路上对我们工作的支持与协作,下次旅行再会!英文:The next station is the terminus of our journey: the * station. The train will arrive at *. Please pack up your luggage and prepare for getting off. Thank you for your support and cooperation during the journey

16、. See you next time!(二)非正常情况广播词 范例:1广播找人中文:旅客朋友请注意,现在广播找人。从站上车到去的旅客,听到广播后,请您到号车厢去,有人找。英文:Attention please! Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.* who got on the train at * station leaving for *. Please go to coach No.*. Some one is waiting for you there. 2失物招领中文:旅客朋友请注意,刚才有位旅客( 乘务员)拾到,是哪位旅客丢失的,请到去认领。英文:Attention please

17、! Anyone who has lost a * please go to * for claim.3认领孩子、寻找小孩中文:旅客朋友请注意,列车上有一名岁左右的小男(女)孩与家长走散了。小孩身穿衣服,现在号车厢,请孩子的家长听到广播后,到号车厢去认领。英文:Attention please! A -year-old boy/girl is looking for his/her parents. The boy/girl is wearing a and is now in coach No.*. Parents please come here soon.4请医找药中文:旅客朋友请注意,

18、现在列车上有位旅客得了急病(有位孕妇快要分娩了),由于列车上没有随车医务人员,哪位旅客是医务工作者,请到号车厢协助诊断治疗(接生)。谢谢。(旅客朋友,现在列车上有位旅客生病了。经医生诊断,需要(药品)进行治疗,哪位旅客随身带有这种药品,请您给予支援。谢谢。)英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please? There is an emergency here. (A pregnant passenger on board this train is going to give birth to a baby very soon

19、.) Because the trains medical staff is not available, could anyone who happens to be a medical doctor please come to the No. coach to help the patient (the baby delivery)? Thank you very much.(Ladies and Gentlemen, there is an emergency here. An ill passenger on board this train has been identified

20、by the doctor and he needs medical treatment with medicine now, could anyone who is taking this medicine with you please offer help? Thank you very much. )5临时停车中文:旅客朋友,列车现在是临时停车,还没有到站,请大家不要下车。 英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, the train is making a temporary stop now and has not arrived at the station, so pl

21、ease dont get off the train. 6因故停车中文:旅客朋友请注意:由于(说明原因),有关部门正在组织抢修。列车在车站要停留个小时左右(列车要暂时在本站停留,开车时间还没有确定)。列车停留期间,大家的吃饭、喝水等生活问题,我们会妥善安排,请旅客们放心;希望大家保管好自己的行李物品,防止丢失或被别人拿错;同时,希望旅客之间要发扬团结友爱的精神,照顾好老年人和小朋友;下车散步的旅客,要注意车站开车通告,请不要远离车厢,更不能穿越轨道或钻车底,以免发生意外 。请各位旅客协助我们维持好车内秩序。英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, because , the depa

22、rtment concerned is organizing a rush repair now. Therefore the train will stay at this station for about hours. (The train will temporarily stay at this station, and the departure time has not been fixed yet.) During the stay period, we will provide catering to you. Everyone please keep an eye on y

23、our baggage in case of being lost or mistaken by others. Meanwhile, we hope you take good care of each other, especially the old people and children. The passengers who get off train for a walk please notice the train departure announcement at the station. Please dont leave far away from the coach,

24、and dont walk across the track or go under the train for fear of accidents. Everyone please help us to keep order in train. 7列车晚点中文:旅客朋友你好,我是本次列车列车长,列车运行前方停车站车站,正点到站时间点分,列车现在大约晚点小时分。因列车晚点给您的旅行造成不便,在这里我代表铁路部门向您表示诚挚的歉意,我们工作人员将努力为您提供服务,同时,请您给予谅解。(大雾、水害、沙尘暴、线路中断、下雪、设备故障)英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome

25、on board. Im the chief conductor of the train. Our train will arrive at station, and the arriving time is : by the timetable. However, the train will be hours and minutes late. On behalf of the railway department, I apologize to you for the inconvenience of being late. Our train crew will make great

26、 efforts to provide services to you and hope for your understanding. (heavy fog, flood disaster, sandstorm, interruption on track, snow, equipment breakdown)8组织赶点中文:旅客朋友你好,为了争取恢复正点,列车到站要缩短停车时间。在站下车的旅客,请提前作好准备到车门口等候下车。下车散步和购买食品的旅客,不要远离车厢,注意开车铃声,铃响立即上车。英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, our train will shorten t

27、he stopping time at stations in order to restore punctuality. Passengers who get off the train at station please get ready to wait at the train door, and who decide to get off the train for a walk or to buy some food please dont leave the coach far away. Please pay your attention to the ring of depa

28、rture, and get on the train as soon as the bell rings. 9列车停运中文:旅客朋友你好,由于前方线路发生故障,列车运行到站后要停止运行。现在向大家介绍列车停运的有关规定:(1)如您到前方终止旅行,请您到*车站(终止旅行站)办理退票手续。(2)如您愿意返回发站,可以免费送回,并在发站退还有效车票的票价;如您返回中途站要求停止旅行 ,退还己收车票票价与发站至停止旅行站的车票票价差额。(3)愿意在发站、停运站、返回中途站等候继续旅行的旅客,请注意车站公告,凭原票在通车10天内恢复旅行。以上向大家介绍的是列车停运的有关规定。 英文:Ladies an

29、d Gentlemen, there is some breakdown on the front line, so the train will stop running when it arrives at station. Now, Id like to introduce to you the rules of train suspension:(1) If you decide to cancel your trip when the train stops, you can return your ticket at the * station (suspension statio

30、n) and get your immediate full refund. (2) If you decide to go back to the departure station, we will send you back for free, and refund your ticket fare at the departure station. If you decide to go back and get off the train at a midway station, the price difference between your original ticket fa

31、re and the new ticket fare charged from the departure station to the midway station will be refunded to you. (3) If you decide to continue your trip at the departure station, the suspension station, or the midway station back to the departure station, please pay attention to the station announcement. Your original ticket can be used within 10 days after the trains reopening to traffic. Thats all for the rules of train suspension. 10绕道运行中文:旅客朋友你好,由于前方线路发生故障,不能通行,本次列车需要变更经由 等站开往本次列车终点站车站。 现在,向大家介绍列车绕道运行的有关规定:(1)到站下车的旅客请注意,由于列车绕道运行,前方不再经过这些车站,如您愿意等候继续旅行 ,请注意车站公告;如您要停止旅

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