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1、listening经验真题2 TEST 1 听力PART 3(2011.05.31)Man: Who are the managers of the best innovation developments in British industry? That was the question which the first Business Today innovation awards set out to answer. This project is all about rewarding good practice and performance.男:谁是英国工业最具备革新发展的领导者

2、?今日第一商业革新奖着手解答这个问题。这个项目都是关于奖励良好的实践和成绩的公司。So, rather than simply recognizing excellence in the design of specific products, or analyzing their financial impact on profits, the awards set out to take an objective look at exactly how companies manage the development process itself.因此,与其简单的认可在设计特殊产品优异成绩

3、,或者分析他们的财政对利益产生的影响,倒不如用这个奖项着手设置一个客观看待公司怎样彻底管理自己开发的程序。Over three hundred and fifty organizations entered the competition and were initially reduced to about forty. Then after further careful checking, a short list of just fourteen of them was arrived at. 超过350个组织参加比赛,初赛淘汰到大约40个。然后经过更加细致的筛选,一个只有14个组织的

4、候选名单产生。These finalists, all manufacturers, were then visited by the competition judges, a panel of four chief executives from leading companies. 然后,一个来自领先公司的CEO组成的评判团访问了这些参加决赛的生产厂商。The panel toured the finalists facilities, received presentations on the companies and their projects, and interviewed

5、the key development team members. 小组参观决赛单位的设施,倾听公司里的演讲和项目,与开发团队的重要成员会谈。The products varied enormously in their scale, function and degree of technology-from bread for a supermarket chain to a printer inside an automatic cash dispenser. 产品在尺寸、功能和技术等级上各不相同,从连锁超市的面包到自动取款机内的打印机。Initially the organizers

6、were concerned that this range could create difficulties in the assessment process. 最初组织担心这个范围会使评估程序产生困难。But this fear proved baseless, as most elements in the innovation process are shared by all manufacturers.但是这种恐惧证明是无根据的,因为革新程序的大多数因素是与所有制造商分享资源。Interestingly, the finalists broke down into two di

7、stinct and equal groups: large firms with one thousand employees or more and small firms with two hundred and fifty employee or fewer. 有趣的是,决赛候选人明确的分成了明显不同而又相等的两个团队:多于一千人的大公司和少于两百五十人的小公司。With both groups the judges decided to concentrate on two of the clearest indicators of a successful innovation p

8、rocess, which are: how well the new product is combined with the companys existing business, and secondly, how well the innovation methods are recorded and understood. 对于这两个集团,评判都聚焦于一个成功的创新过程的两个最明显的指导因素:即这个新产品与这个公司现有的业务结合的有多好,以及第二,这个创新方法被记录以及理解的有多好。Small firms naturally tend to do well in the first

9、category since they have fewer layers of management and thus much shorter communication lines. 小公司自然是倾向于擅长第一点,因为他们管理的层次很少而且因此沟通起来比较容易一些。But they seem to put less emphasis on creating formal development methods which would be repeatable in future innovations.但是他们似乎并不重视在将来革新中可重复的正规的开发方式。Large firms, o

10、n the other hand, have difficulty integrating the new development within their existing business for reasons of scale. 大公司,在另一个方面,因规模的原因与其他现存公司合并有一些困难。But they tend to succeed in achieving well-documented and repeatable development methods. 但是他们倾向于成功实现良好记录且可重复的开发方法。This is because larger companies,

11、with their clear emphasis on training, fixed management structure and administrative systems, require more formal, daily record-keeping from their staff.这是因为大公司明确着重于培训。固定的管理结构和管理系统,需要员工更正式,的日常持续记录。So what were the key questions the judges had in mind when assessing the finalists? One of the most imp

12、ortant areas concerned how thoroughly a company checks what is happening in other fields in order to incorporate new ideas into the development process. Many of the finalists impressed in the area. 因此当评估入围者时什么是裁判心目中的关键问题?重要的方面之一涉及到一个公司怎样彻底的检查其在其他领域上发生了什么以便于在开发过程中结合新的想法。许多决赛者对这方面印象深刻。Natura, for exam

13、ple, had demonstrated genuine energy in searching for new ways of producing their range of speciality breads. 例如Natura,已经在寻找制作他们的特殊系列面包的新方法方面展示了新的能量They had looked at styles of home cooking in different countries, as well as the possibility of exploiting new production technologies in order to achie

14、ve equally good results but on a high-volume production line.他们已经看到不同国家在家中烹调的方式,也看到在大规模生产线上,利用新的生产技术,达到一样良好结果的可能性。What then occupied much of the judges thoughts was the quality of the links which the development team established with senior management, suppliers, the market and manufacturing. 然后占据评判

15、很多想法的是开发团队与高层管理者,供应商以及市场之间建立的联系的质量。The best examples of the first category were found in small firms, where the individual entrepreneur at the top was clearly driving the innovation forward.最好的例子是第一种类,发现在小公司,个别高层的企业家已经清晰的推动了革新。Links with suppliers were also seen as an important factor, but not all s

16、upplier experiences were positive. 与供应商的联系也被看作重要的因素,但不是所有的供应商的经验是积极的。Occasionally serious problems had to be solved where suppliers were working hard to meet specifications, but the companies that the suppliers were using to adapt their machinery were not so efficient. This led to disappointing faul

17、ts or fluctuations in quality.偶尔严重的问题必须被解决,供应商正努力工作去满足规范,但是这个供应商所使用的用来调整他们机器的公司并不是很有效率。这导致令人失望的错误或者质量上的波动。But in conclusion the awards demonstrate that innovation isnt just for high-tech internet companies. You can also be successful in mature markets with determination and skill.但是结论是奖励证明革新并不只是高科技网

18、络公司。你也可以在用决心和技能在成熟的市场取得成功真题2 TEST 2 听力PART 3 (2011.06.15)Woman: Hello, Im Jane Bowen with our regular Friday look at the week just finished on the London stock market.女:你好,我是简鲍恩,每周五与大家见面。看一下一周刚刚结束的伦敦股市。The general picture is pretty mixed. Shares in the major banks are trading down, while mining comp

19、anies have surprised analysts with a small rise. 从整体上看相当混乱。各大银行的股票正在下滑,然而分析师却惊讶于煤矿公司小幅上涨。Overall, its been a week of considerable movement, with the highest level reached at the close two days ago and a sharp fall yesterday. 总体来说,这是有相当大浮动的一周,伴随着两天前达到最高水平和昨天剧烈的下滑。A strong recovery saw most of those l

20、osses being made up today, but the closing figure still fell short of Wednesdays. Now heres Charles Wrighton with some company news.今天一个强烈复苏弥补大多数的损失。但是收盘价仍然下滑到低于周三的样子。现在请查尔斯 赖顿介绍公司的新闻。Man: Thanks Jane. And first, clothing retailer, Brownlow. Having finally found a buyer for their loss-making sports

21、footwear subsidiary, Hiform, theyre rejected a take-over bid from a leading French retail chain which has been looking to buy into the British market for some time. 男:谢谢,简。首先是关于服装零售商布朗罗的消息,他们终于发现了个一个买主收购他们的亏损运动鞋分公司,西佛,他们拒绝了一个已经在某段时间企图出售到英国市场的领先法国零售连锁公司出价接手。This activity has moved Brownlows shares up

22、 by twenty per cent to ninety-six pence.这个行为已经推动布朗罗的股票增长20%到96便士。Theres a lot of interest in the Lek energy group, which recently bought Westwales Electricity. 很多人对里克能源集团有很大的兴趣,该公司最近购买了西维尔电力To the relief of Westwales managers, Lek havent brought in their own people to run the company. 接替了西维尔士的管理者后,里

23、克还没有引进他们自己的人管理公司。Despite predicted job cuts of something like a third of the engineering staff, no announcement has been made, and indeed, Leks comprehensive training scheme has been opened to all grades of staff in Westwales. Back to you, Jane.尽管在没有通告的情况下,预测会裁掉三分之一的工程技术人员,而事实上,里克对于各级别员工在西维尔士的综合培训项目

24、已经开启,轮到你了,简。Woman: Were had a number of emails from investors asking what to do with their shares in gas and electricity companies after their consistently poor performance recently. 我们从投资者那里收到大量的邮件,询问在最近一直差强人意的成绩之后他们的汽油和电力公司的股票怎么办。Many of you might be thinking of getting rid of yours as quickly as

25、possible. But financial experts are fairly optimistic about the outlook for the power sector, and investors may do better to see what happens over the next few months. 女:你们中许多人也许想尽快抛售手中股票。但是财政专家对能源版块前景相当乐观,投资者可能在下几个月里做得更好。With so many other investors deciding to cut their losses and sell now, intere

26、st in this sector may increase, and that , of course, would push share prices up.许多其他投资者决定马上抛售股票以减少其损失,该行业的利益可能增加,当然也将推动股票价格上涨。Pharmaceutical companies have done well today. 制药业的公司今天做得很好。Recently were seen several periods of rapid expansion in this sector, only for it to be overtaken a short time la

27、ter by the strong financial institutions. 我们发现这个版块最近这几个时期快速扩张,只是因为它在短期之后将被强大的财政机构超越。But I actually think the recent performances of pharmaceuticals companies has hidden a steep drop in the share prices of many other companies.但是实际上我认为制药业公司最近的表现一直掩藏在其他许多公司股票股价大幅下跌之后。 All other sectors have lost consi

28、derable amounts, but this simply has not been reflected in the overall value of the market, because pharmaceuticals companies are keeping the value high.所有其他版块已经损失相当大的数量,但这根本没有反应在市场的整体价值,因为制药的公司一直保持高价值。Looking next at the sectors whose troubles have been in the news recently: supermarkets, having su

29、ffered a downturn in business for over a year, at last have some reason for optimism.看下一个版块,最近在新闻中存在的问题,超市已经遭受大约一年的商业低迷时期。终于有了一些乐观的理由。 The leisure industry, which has suffered even more than supermarkets, is also showing signs of a turnaround. 休闲产业,已经遭受甚至比超市更严重的损失,也展示好转的信号。The same cannot be said of

30、 the building sector, though, which expects little relief for at least another six months. Charles同样的事情虽然没有发生在建筑业版块,不过至少半年之内也不会缓解,查尔斯Man: one company in the news is Freewaves, which owns a chain in internet cafes. Like other new companies, Freewaves has tended to pay low dividends to investors, pref

31、erring to re-invest profits in research and development.男:一个关于自由浪潮公司的新闻,它拥有一个连锁的网吧,像其他新成立的公司,自由浪潮倾向于给投资商少部分的分红,宁愿再投资于研究和开发利润。 Although Freewaves was able to turn in a healthy profit in the first quarter, taking everyone by surprise, the company has now declared operating losses close to a million po

32、unds. 虽然自由浪潮能够在第一季度上交丰厚的利润,让大家大吃一惊的是,公司现在宣布营业损失接近100万英镑。This, of course, will make shareholders think about whether to keep their shares.当然这使得股东考虑是否保留他们的股票。And news from Simpsons, the big retail group. For years Simpsons have been acquiring other chains, giving them a strong market position, and they now sell everything from make-up to computers.从大零售集团辛普森得到的新闻,辛普森已经兼并其他连锁很多年,带给他强大的市场地位,而且他们现在从化妆品到电脑,什么都销售。 But today Simpsons Announced that they are to consolidate their three home i

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