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1、TOEFL模拟测试题12TOEFL模拟测试题(1-2) READING COMPREHENSION 牐牐 As many as one thousand years ago in the Southwest, the Hopi and Zuni Indians of North America were building with adobe - sun-baked brick plastered with mud. Their homes looked remarkably like modem apartment houses. Some were four stories high an

2、d contained quarters for perhaps thousand people, along with storerooms for grain and other goods. These buildings were usually put up against cliffs, both to make construction easier and for defense against enemies. They were really villages in themselves, as later Spanish explorers must have reali

3、zed since they called them pueblos, which is Spanish for town. 牐牐牐燭he people or the pueblos raised what are called the three sisters - corn, beans, and squash. They made excellent pottery and wove marvelous baskets, some so fine that they could hold water. The Southwest has always been a dry country

4、, where water is scarce. The Hopi and Zuni brought water from streams to their fields and gardens through irrigation ditches. Water was so important that it played a major role in their religion. They developed elaborate ceremonies and religious rituals to bring rain. 牐牐燭he way of life of less-settl

5、ed groups was simpler and more strongly influenced by nature. Small tribes such as the Shoshone and Ute wandered the dry and mountainous lands between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. They gathered seeds and hunted small animals such as rabbits and snakes.In the Far North the ancestors of

6、today s Inuit hunted seals, walruses, and the great whales. They lived right on the frozen seas in shelters called igloos built of blocks of packed snow. When summer came, they fished for salmon and hunted the lordly caribou. 牐牐 The Cheyenne, Pawnee, and Sioux tribes, known as the Plains Indians, li

7、ved on the grasslands between the rocky mountains and the Mississippi River. They hunted bison commonly called the buffalo. Its meat was the chief food of these tribes, and its hide was used to make their clothing and the covering of their tents and tipis . 1.What does the passage mainly discuss? (A

8、) The architecture of early American Indian buildings (B) The movement of American Indians across North America (C) Ceremonies and rituals of American Indians (D) The way of life of American Indian tribes in early North America 2. According to the passage the Hopi and Zuni typically built their home

9、s (A) in valleys (B) next to streams (C) on open plains (D) against cliffs 3. The word They in line 6 refers to (A) goods (B) buildings (C) cliffs (D) enemies 4.It can be inferred from the passage that the dwellings of the Hopi and Zuni were (A) very small (B) highly advanced (C) difficult to defend

10、 (D) quickly constructed 5.The author uses the phrase the three sisters in line8 refer to (A) Hopi women (B) family members (C) important crops (D) rain ceremonies 6. The word scarce in line10 is closest in meaning to (A) limited (B) hidden (C) pure (D) necessary 7.Which of the following is true of

11、the Shoshone and Ute? (A) They were not as settled as the Hopi and Zuni. (B) They hunted caribou. (C) They built their home with adobe. (D) They did not have many religious . 8. According to the passage which of the following tribes lived in the grasslands? (A) The Shoshone and Ute (B) The Cheyenne

12、and Sioux (C) The Hopi and Zuni (D) The Pawnee and Inuit 9. Which of the following animals was most important to the Plains Indians? (A) The salmon (B) The caribou (C) The seal (D) The buffalo 10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a dwelling place of early North Americans? (A)

13、 Log cabins (B) Adobe houses (C) Tipis (D) Igloos 11 . The author gives an explanation for all of the following words EXCEPT (A) adobe (B) pueblos (C) caribou (D) bison 12. The author groups North American Indians according to their (A) tribes and geographical regions (B) arts and crafts (C) rituals

14、 and ceremonies (D) date of appearance on the continent 牐牐燤arianne Moore (1887-1972) once said that her writing could be called poetry only because there was no other name for it. Indeed her poems appear to be extremely compressed essays that happen to be printed in jagged lines on the page. Her sub

15、jects were varied: animals, laborers, artists, and the craft of poetry. From her general reading came quotations that she found striking or insightful. She included these in her poems, scrupulously enclosed in quotation marks, and sometimes identified in footnotes. Of this practice, she wrote, Why t

16、he many quotation marks? I am asked.When a thing has been said so well that it could not be said better, why paraphrase it? Hence my writing is, if not a cabinet of fossils, a kind of collection of flies in amber. Close observation and concentration on detail are the methods of her poetry. 牐牐燤ariann

17、e Moore grew up in Kirkwood, Missouri, near St.Louis. After graduation from Bryn Mawr College in 1909, she taught commercial subjects at the Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Later she became a librarian in New York City. During the 1920 s she was editor of The Dial, an important literary mag

18、azine of the period. She lived quietly all her life, mostly in Brooklyn, New York. She spent a lot of time at the Bronx Zoo, fascinated by animals. Her admiration of the Brooklyn Dodgers-before the team moved to Los Angeles -was widely known. 牐牐燞er first book of poems was published in London in 1921

19、 by a group of friends associated with the Imagist movement. From that time on her poetry has been read with interest by succeeding generations of poets and readers. In 1952 she was award the Pulitzer Prize for her Collected Poems. She wrote that she did not write poetry for money or fame. To earn a

20、 living is needful, but it can be done in routine ways. One writes because one has a burning desire to objectify what it is indispensable to one s happiness to express. 13. What is the passage mainly about? (A) The influence of the Imagists on Marianne Moore. (B) Essayists and poets of the 1920 s (C

21、) The use of quotations in poetry (D) Marianne Moor s life and work 14. Which if the following can be interred about Moore s poems? (A) They are better known in Europe than the United States. (B) They do not use traditional verse forms. (C) They were all published in The Dial. (D) They tend to be ab

22、stract. 15. According to the passage Moore wrote about all of the following EXCEPT (A) artists (B) animals (C) fossils (D) workers 16. What does Moore refer to as flies in amber (line 9)? (A) A common image in her poetry (B) Poetry in the twentieth century (C) Concentration on detail (D) Quotations

23、within her poetry 17. The author mentions all of the following as jobs held by Moore EXCEPT (A) commercial artist (B) teacher (C) magazine editor (D) librarian 18. The word period in line 13 is closest in meaning to (A) movement (B) school (C) region (D) time 19.Where did Moore spend most of her adu

24、lt life? (A) In Kirkwood (B) In Brooklyn (C) In Los Angeles (D) In Carlisle 20.The word succeeding in line 19 is closest in meaning to (A) inheriting (B) prospering (C) diverse (D) later 21 . The word it in line 21 refers to (A) writing poetry (B) becoming famous (C) earning n living (D) attracting

25、readers 22.It can be inferred from the passage that Moore wrote because she (A) wanted to win awards (B) was dissatisfied with what others wrote (C) felt a need to express herself (D) wanted to raise money for the Bronx Zoo 牐牐燱hat makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds for the same reason anything fa

26、lls to Earth. The Earth s gravity pulls it.But every cloud is made of water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn t rain or snow fall constantly from all clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly small.The effect or gravity on them is minute. Air currents move and lift droplets so

27、 that the net downward displacement is zero, even though the droplets are in constant motion. 牐牐燚roplets and ice crystals behave somewhat like dust in the air made visible in a shaft of sunlight. To the casual observer, dust seems to act in a totally random fashion, moving about chaotically without

28、fixed direction. But in fact dust particles are much larger than water droplets and they finally fall. The average size of a cloud droplet is only 0.0004 inch in diameter. It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in perfectly still air,and it does not fall out of moving ai

29、r at all. Only when the droplet grows to diameter of 0.008 inch or larger can it fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million times as much water as a tiny cloud droplet. The growth of a cloud droplet to a size large enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms of precipit

30、ation. This important growth process is called coalescence. 23. What is the main topic of the passage? (A) The mechanics of rain (B) The weather patterns of North America (C) How Earth s gravity affects agriculture (D) Types of clouds 24.The word minute in line 4 is closest in meaning to which of th

31、e following? (A) second (B) tiny (C) slow (D) steady 25 .Thc word motion in line 5 is closest in meaning to (A) wind (B) change (C) movement (D) humidity 26.Ice crystals do NOT immediately fall to Earth because (A) they are kept aloft by air currents. (B) they combine with other chemicals in the atmosphere (C) most of them evaporate (D) their electrical charges draw them away from the earth 27. The word random in line 7 is closest in meaning to (A) unpredictable (B) perplexing (C) independentI (D) abnormal 28.What can be inferred about drops of

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