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Unit 17 Great women.docx

1、Unit 17 Great women高一英语下:Unit 17 Great women教案Unit 17 Great women I. Learning goals 1. Knowledge goals: 1)key words and set phrases 2)key sentence structures 3) grammar: subject-verb agreement 2. Ability goals: 1) learn to describe people 2) master the gramma of Subject-verb agreement3) Improve list

2、ening and reading abilities. 4) learn to write an essay about people 3. Emotional goals: Call on the students to be a self-respect, self-confidence people, especially girls. II. Key words: inspire admire generous mean threaten optimistic regret extreme extremely value bother promise cheers tense dul

3、l somehow bear fame III. Key phrases: die down as it is at the top of ones voice struggle to ones knees around the corner drop out fall into knock over refer to clear up leadto come to terms with become of sb/sth hang on IV. Key sentence structures: V. Grammar: VI. Learning Aids: A tape recorder, a

4、dictionary and some supplementary materials VII. Learning Methods: Ask and answer, discussion, individual and pair work VIII. Learning time: 7 periods 一. words: 1. inspire: v. 1) fill sb with the ability or urge to do, feel, etc sth beyond his usual ability, esp to write, paint, compose,etc Inspired

5、. Adj. Inspiring. Adj Inspiration n. inspire sb with sth inspire sb to don sth inspire sth, in sb. a. Lei Fengs noble example inspired the young people to greater dfforts. b. The beautiful scenery inspired the writer to write his greatest poetry. 2) fill sb with thoughts, feelings or aims inspire sb

6、 (with sth, inspire sth (in sb) a. 老师说的鼓舞我再试一次. What the teacher said inspired me to try again. b. 他的演讲鼓舞着我们所有的人 His speech inspired all of us. c. 这个好消息使我们产生了希望. The good news inspired us with hope. d. ,没有灵感你就写不出好的作品来. You cant write out good works without inspiration. e. 这个很脏的教室让我不舒服. The dirty cla

7、ssroom inspired dislike in me. f. Inspire hope, loyalty, enthusiasm 燃起某人的希望, 唤起某人的忠诚, 激起某人的热情 An inspired poet /artist有创作力的诗人/艺术家 act like a man/woman inspired 表现的象很有雄心壮志的人/女人 an inspired work of art 得自灵感的作品 an inspired effort 由灵感产生的力量 an inspired guess 凭灵感的猜测 an inspiring thought 鼓舞人心的想法 2.admire:

8、v. regard sb/sth with respect, pleasure, satisfaction Admirer. n admirable adj admiring adj admiration n admire sb. for sth admire to do sth. a. I admire her for her cleverness. b. We admire her honesty very much. c. Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humour. d. We all admire him for his su

9、ccess in business. e. Give him admiring glances f. Arent you going to admire my new hat? g. Id admire to go. 3.generous adj giving or ready to give freely generously adv generosity n generous with ones money/in giving help 用钱大方的/慷慨助人 you are generous of you to share your food with me. A generous gif

10、t/offer/increase 丰厚的给予; 慷慨的提议; 大量的增加 A generous helping of potatoes 一大份马铃薯 A generous mind/spirit 高尚的心灵/精神 A wise ruler is generous in victory. 一个好的统制者在胜利时能宽宏大量的. 4. cheerful. Adj in good spirits; happy; pleasantly bright cheer (v) give shouts of joy, praise, support or encouragement to (sb) a cheer

11、ful smile, disposition 欢快的微笑/性情 youre very cheerful today. 你今天很高兴. The news isnt very cheerful, Im afraid. 这个消息恐怕不太乐观. Cheerful colours 欢快明亮的颜色 a cheerful room 使人感到愉快的房间 a cheerful worker 肯干的工人 The young people cheered loudly as the singer appeared. 歌星有出现时年轻人高声欢呼起来. The winning team were cheered by

12、their supporters. 获胜的队受到热情观众的喝彩. He was greatly cheered by the news.他听到这个消息非常高兴. 5. mean (adj) ungenerous; selfish (esp, money) be very mean with money she is too mean to make a donation. ( to sb, of people or their behaviour) unworthy; unkind That was a mean trick! It was mean of you to cheat in th

13、e examination. Dont be so mean to your little brother! I feel rather mean for not helping more. He looks like a mean character. v. intend to convey sth; signify sth mean to do mean doing a dictionary tell you what words mean. What does the word mean? These symbols mean nothing to me. 这些符号我不懂. What d

14、oes she mean by canceling the meeting? 取消这个会议是什么意思呢? He means to cause trouble. 他存心捣乱. He means the gift for you. 他这礼物是送你. She means to succeed. 她意欲成功. Im sorry I hurt you. I didnt mean to. 很抱歉我弄伤了你.我不是故意的. He means no harm to anyone. 他并无伤害任何人的意思. She was never meant to be a teacher. 她不是当老师才材料. Your

15、 friendship means a great deal to me. 你我的友谊对我意义重要. Money means nothing to him. 钱对他来说无所谓. Nodding means greeting. 6. threaten (v) make a threat or threats against sb; try to influence sb by threats threat (n) expression of ones intention to punish or harm sb 攻击我的人用枪威胁我. my attacker threatened me with

16、 a gun. 如果他们的要求得不到满足,他们威胁要杀了所有乘客. They threatened to kill all the passengers if their demands were not met. The clouds threatened rain. (give warning of sth) 乌云预示要下雨. It keeps threatening to snow. 天总象是要下雪. Usually we can see some threat of rain the sky before raining. 通常我们在下雨前可以看到天空中有下雨的某些预兆 7. thaw

17、 (v) a) pass into an unfrozen or a liquid state after being frozen 所有的雪都已经解冻了. All the snow has thawed. 先解冻食物再做饭. Leave frozen food to thaw before cooking it. b) Become warm enough to melt snow and ice 天暖得在化冻了. Its starting to thaw. 喝过几杯酒之后聚会的气氛变得轻松自然了. After a few drinks the party atmosphere began

18、to thaw (out). Go skating before the thaw. (n)趁没解冻之前去滑冰. (less cool or formal in manner) 8. somehow (adv) a) in some way; by some means 我们得想个办法阻止他去看到/跟她来往. we must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想法到广州去. Somehow we must get to Guangzhou. b) for a reason that is unknown or unspecified somehow, I

19、 dont feel I can trust him. 不知什么缘故,我不信任他. I always knew Id get the job, somehow. 也不知为什么,我总是觉得我能得到那份工作. He somehow dropped behind. 他不晓得怎么就落后了. Somehow or other I was able to solve the problem myself. 我总算能自己解答那个问题. 9. regret (n) feeling of sadness at the loss of sb/sth; feeling of annoyance, disappoin

20、tment or repentance (v) feel regret about (sth sad, annoying, disappointing) regret to do/doing sth express/feel regret at/about a missed opportunity 对错过良机表示/感到懊悔 I heard of his death with profound/deep/great regret. 我听到他去世的消息感到万分悲痛 Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your invitation. 很抱歉,我不能接受

21、你的邀请. I have no regrets about leaving. 对离去,我后悔 If you go now, youll regret it. 如果你现在走了,你会后悔的. I regret that I cannot help.很抱歉,我爱莫能助. It is to be regretted that. 遗憾地是. I regret what I said. 我很后悔我所说的话. I regret to say the job has been filled.我很遗憾地说/十分抱歉, 那工作已经有人做了. His death was regretted by all.他的死大家

22、都很悲痛. 10. climate a tropical climate热带性气候 he could not stand that terrible English climate.他无法忍受那可怕的英国气候. The climate of Italy is milder than that of Britain. 意大利的气候比英国的温和. She moved to a warmer climate.她搬到了较温和的地区去了. The doctor advised him to a drier climate.医生劝他去气候较干燥的地区. The weather is good today.

23、 今天天气很好. In clear weather we can see the island from here. 天气晴朗的时候我们能从这里看到那个岛. 11. value (v/n) a) estimate the money value of sth valuable (adj) He valued the house for me at $100000. b). have a high opinion of sth/sb 重视某人/某物 value sbs advice 重视某人的劝告 value truth above all else把真理看得比什么都重要 a valued cu

24、stomer 重要的顾客 Do you value her as a friend? 你把她当好朋友吗? Be of great/little/some /no value to sb 对某人有很大/没什么/有一些/毫无帮助 12. bother (v/n)cause trouble or annoyance to sb; pester sb. Im sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station? 对不起打扰你一下,请问去车站怎么走? Does the pain from your operation bot

25、her you much?你手术后疼得很难受吗? Does my smoking bother you?我抽烟影响你吗? Dont bother your father (about it) now; he iw very tired.别打搅你爸爸.他很累. He is always bothering me to lend him money.他老是缠着我借钱给他. What is bothering you?你愁什么呢? The problem has been bothering me for weeks.这问题已困扰我好几个星期了. It bothers me that he can

26、be so insensitive.他这样麻木不仁,我心里很不痛快. Shall I help you with the washing up? - Dont bother-Ill do it later. 要不要我帮你洗碗?不用了,我等会洗 He didnt even bother to say thank you.他甚至连一个谢字也不说. Bother about sb/sth concern oneself about sb/sth关心某人/某事 Dont bother about us -well join you later. Bother oneself/ones head abo

27、ut sth be anxious or concerned about sth 为某事焦虑/操心 Cant be bothered (to do sth) 嫌麻烦而不干/偷懒 The grass needs cutting but I cant be bothered to do it today. 草得剪剪了,但我今天却懒得剪. He could produce excellent work but usually he cant be bothered. 他其实可以把工作做好的,可他往往嫌费事而不干. Did you have much bother finding the house?

28、你找到房子费劲吗? Im sorry to have put you to all this bother.很抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦. What a bother! Weve missed the bus. 真恼人! 我们误了公共汽车. 13. bear-bore-borne (v)endure sth; tolerate; stand (more informal, with can/could, in negative sentences or questions) the pain was almost more than he could bear. 这样的痛苦几乎使他受不了了. Sh

29、e bore her sorrow without complaint. 她毫无怨言地忍受着悲痛. I cant bear (having) cats in the house. 你怎么吃得下那样的东西? How can you bear to eat that stuff? 他禁不住拿他取笑. He cant bear to be laughed at/bear being laughed at. b) take (responsibility) on oneself; shoulder do they have to bear the cost of the spending? 他们得承担

30、这费用吗? The president has to bear the blame. 总统难辞其咎. Hes a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly. 他是个满不在乎不大负责任的人. c) give birth to sb bear a child生孩子 she has borne him six sons.她给他生了六个儿子. d) produce; yield trees bearing pink blossom 开粉色花的树 land which bears no crops 不长庄稼的地方 his efforts

31、 bore no result.他的努力毫无结果. Bear/keep/set sb/sth in mind: remember sth/sb 记住 Exercises: 1. Translate 即将来临/在拐角处 搭起帐篷 别弱; 平息 高声地 没有征兆地;突然地 退出;掉队;退学 身体好 挣扎着爬起来 后半生 甘心忍受 出名 祝某人成功 练习自救 爬出来 一点不后悔地离开 一天24小时 在第三天 在教室里过一天 使那天很特别 发现自己在医院 抓紧系在树上的绳子 撞在地上 一个卑鄙的人 沿着山坡向下 一个极其聪明的女孩 在历史上 put through put out put on put off put in put down put away build up stay up set up die off die back die away die out die hard drop back drop behind drop by drop in drop into struggle again

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