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1、船长面试问题及参考答案船长面试问题及参考答案船长是船上最重要的职位,也是个方面要求最高的职位。船东在面试船员时对船长的考 核最认真,最费时间,也是最复杂的,作为一名合格的船长,不但要求有丰富的海上工 作经历、娴熟的船舶驾驶经验和技术,更要有很好的商务操作能力、领导管理能力、极 佳的个人人品、强大的人格魅力和感召力。还要勤于动脑、身体力行,在所有船员面前 树立典范。船东在进行面试时,往往提问船长的问题最多,也最复杂,考察的时间也最 长。提问船长的问题涉及到国际安全管理规则、安全管理体系、船长资历、船舶管理、 各种具体商务和技术问题等等。下面收集了一部分面试试题,供广大面试船长参考。其中部分问题,

2、不但船长必备,其 他干部船员,尤其是大副也必须看,轮机长也应该参考一下。1.Can you tell me about your educati onal backgro und?实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会 培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。Please refer to a master s self -introduction in Part One of this book.2.What is a classificati on society? What is the purpose of classificati onsurvey

3、? Please list some famous classificati on societies in the word .A classification society is usually an independent organization that carries out classificatio n surveys, statutory surveys, surveys related to a no tary matters for ships, offshore installations, marine freight containers, materialsan

4、d marine equipments. It also provides safety managemencertification servicesto shipp ing compa nies and their ships .The purpose of classificati on survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and the managementof a companyand its ship.Some of the famous classification societies are :NK(Japanese 日本

5、海事协会),CCS(Chinese ),ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian ),SL(British Lloyd 英国劳氏),GL(German Lloyd 德国劳氏),KR( Korea) ,RINA(意大利船级社).3.Can you talk about the previous vessels you worked on board?实事求是,若没有做过,千万不要伪造。并且服务簿、书面简历以及你自己口头介绍的 资历的内容一定要一致,特别是时间、船型、航区、吨位、船员情况、外派公司、船东 及租船公司情况,因为你是船长,应该对自己管理的船有非常深的印象。Please

6、refer to an master s self -introduction in Part One of this book.4.What type of cargo was carried on board your last vessel?曾经在什么船上工作过,运过什么货物也是船东非常关心的问题,因为船东在考虑把他 的一条船交给你时,对你是否运过某种他们的船舶载的货物非常关键。因为你只有运过 某种货物,才对这种货物的特性、装卸时需要注意的事项、运输途中需要注意的事项有 所了解和经验。其实,你如果运过某些货物,你也应该说出来。下面提供几种货物的名称,供参考:Bulk cargo ceme

7、 nt, ceme nt clicker, ni ckel, ore, iron, sand, phosphorus, potash in bulk, salt, grain, pet coke, coal etc.,Gen eral cargo: vehicle, loader, wago n, heavy lifts, over-le ngth cargo, mine equipment, steel construction material. Other: Log, plywood, container, and soon.5.Whe n was your last vessel tr

8、ad ing area, which ports have you called?I have rich experienee in calling the ports in the US, somedeveloping countries and in the passage through the Suez Can al, Pan ama Canal and Den ver Strait, and Denmark Strait.Some useful expressions for trading areas : 全 球航线 ocean-going ,world widely ,globa

9、lly worldwide ;固定航线 fixed route.6.Can you tell me the differe nces betwee n the Chin ese states owned shipp ing compa nies and foreig n shipp ing compa ni es?Basically, in my opi nion, there are not big differe nces at all. It seems to me that foreign owners are more concerned about the master s ove

10、rriding authorityon board while the Chin ese shipp ing compa nies tend to ask their local age nts to do more for the vessel .Ano ther major differe nee betwee n them is that the Safety ManagementSystem of the Chinese companies is in Chinese and the working Ian guage on board is Chinese .What s more,

11、 most of the Chinese owners use the CCS for classificati on while foreig n owners may use differe nt classificati on societies.各个国家的船公司都有自己的特点和特色。至于您如何回答这个问题并不重要,关键是 不要妄自菲薄;试想一下,如果中国的船东一无是处的话,我们中国船员的素质又会如 何呢?7.In case of cargo damage, for example, before the vessel arrives at the dischargi ng port,

12、you find the quality of the surface cargo has cha nged, how would you han dle it?I have to look into the reason and volume of the damage first ,and then I llcon tact the owner for in structi onn the eve nt of small qua ntity of grain ,I shall just throw it in to the sea to avoid disput es .Or I will

13、 follow the own ers in structi on to con tact it s the P&l corresp ondent or local age nt for their advice .If necessary, I ll prepare a Sea Protest to claim that the ship owner and the crew have exercised their due dilige nee.关于货损失、方面的处理程序,各个公司都有相关的操作和程序文件,上面只是一般的 处理原则。8.How do you understand the M

14、aster s overriding authority under emergency situati ons?If the situation and time permit ,the Master should always report to the companyfirst before tak ing acti ons .However ,whe n the ship is in immediate dan ger ,the Master shall exercise his overriding authority and take whatever actions necess

15、ary in dealing with an emergency situation in order to protect the safety of the seafarers ,the cargo ,the vessel ,the port and the environment without considering too muchthe demandsof the ship owner and charterer. Nevertheless, the Master should report to the compa ny in detail what has happe ned

16、after the eve nt.9.Can you tell me about your experie nee as a Capta in?Hin ts: Your experie nee may in clude such things as the durati on you have worked as a Captain, the places or ports you have been ever been to ,the types of vessels you have served ,the types for cargo you have ever experie nee

17、d ,the man ageme nt styles on the vessels, and so on.Please also refer to Chapter One for more detailed an swers.10.What is the Master s Standi ng Order?It is basically the Master s own set of in struct ions and orders for the vessel s operation .The contents may include the watch-keeping duties for

18、 the officers ,whe n to ask for order from the master ,the port en try procedure ,and how to deal with emerge ncy situati on like oil pollutio n ,firedisaster ,collision ,grounding ,as well as when to call the master to thebridge ,and so on. For special vessels (tanker, LPGor car carriers, etc.,) th

19、e sta nding orders may have some more conten ts.The Sta nding Order is no rmally found on the first pages of Deck Log Book and in the Bridge Order Book .Besides, some warnings shall be prominen tly posted on the bridge and read and sig ned by all duty officers.11.Howdo you un dersta nd the importa n

20、ee of keep ing good harm onious relati on ship with the Chief Engin eer and other officer and engin eers?Without harm onious relati on ship with the Chief Engin eer and other officers andengineer, the Master cannot managethe ship well .But how can the Master achieve it? First of all ,the Master must

21、 have close con tact with the departme nt heads because the daily man ageme nt is delegated to them although the Master himselfis resp on sible for the overall safety and pers onnel man ageme nt .Sec on dly, the Master himself must know his job well and know when to do what and how. Thirdly, the Mas

22、ter should be very strict in himself in discipline and behavior. Fourthly, he should be fair in job assignment, pay distribution and other dailyman ageme nt .But if some one on board breaks the Master s order or the rules on purpose, the Master will have to pen alize the offen der and can con sider

23、firing him accordi ng to the procedure of the ship owner.这是一个考验船长管理能力的问题,可能不同船长有不同的管理经验和办法,但是船东 希望船长在这方面有较好的办法。有些船长在回答这类问题时,会不假思索地说:“ Iwill dismiss those who do not liste n to me ”。我们这样的船长未免太霸道了。上述答案只是笔者个人见解,仅供参考。12.Did you have the experienee of working with foreign crews?Yes, I have worked on four

24、 ships of mixed crew from Chi na ,Chi na Taiwa n , Philipp ine ,Viet nam ,Russia ,South Korea , Japa n, Burma and Ukrai ne.实事求是。但是,外派资历外国船东很看中的事,如果你有很好的外派资历,可千万不 要错过让船东知道的机会。13.How do you differentiate the Chinese crews and the Pilipino crews? Or howdo you like Pilipino (Korea, Vietnamese, Indian, B

25、urmese, Ukrainian, Russian, British etc.) seama n?I had the experienee of working with the Filipino crew. The Filipinos are mostlyvery professi onal and obedie nt. Sometimes they are also dema nding in terms of wages. As a whole, they are very nice seafarers.在回答这类问题时,切忌把其他国家的海员说得一无是处,如果你认为人家什么都不 是的话

26、,那么很难想象你在未来的工作中能和人家配合好。何况,不论哪个国家、哪个 文化的人都有好人和坏人。要尽量说出人家的长处。船员队伍本来就很国际化,在一个 类似“联合国”的工作团队里,能和不同国籍的、不同文化的、不同性格的人相处,显 得十分重要。14.Can you tell me about the companies you have worked for? What are the differe nces among these compa ni es?The compa ny I have worked for the past ten years is a state-ow ned co

27、mpa ny .It is a good company. But the management of the company is in some ways, different from foreig n ship-ow ners compa ni es.实事求是。同样,也不希望你过多地贬低你曾经工作过的公司,因为既然你憎恨所有原 来的公司,你也可能会憎恨你即将服务的新公司。而事情往往是,在船东认为,公司和 船东发生冲突时,并不见得是你公司的问题,也许是你本人就不适合在原来的公司工作。15.How is a passage /voyage plan made on board ships?

28、 What materials do youn eed to refer to whe n you make such pla ns?Usually, a passage plan should be made before a new voyage starts. The Master should give the Sec ond Officer the saili ng in structio n and his in ten ti ons on the sailing routes and before the Second Officer prepares the draft pla

29、n. Then the Master is supposed to check it very carefully. If someth ing wrong is found in the passage pla n, the Master should ask the Second Officer to correct it immediately. If nothing is wrong about the draft, the plan shall be ratified and impleme nted.Whenthe Second Officer is making the draf

30、t plan, the Master should help provide some importa nt in formatio n sources for the Sec ond Officer prepares the draft plan. Then the Master is supposed to check it very carefully. If something wrong is found in the passage plan, the Master should ask the Second Officer to correct it immediately. I

31、f nothing is wrong about the draft, the plan shall be ratified and impleme nted.Whenthe Second Officer is making the draft plan, the Master should help provide someimporta nt in formatio n sources for the Sec on dOfficer, such as the port entryguida nee, the saili ng directi on s, lists of lights, t

32、idal stream tables, deep draught vessel planning guide, the IMO ship route guidanee, government and port authority s regulations, pilot charts, notice to mariner, weather information,and the voyage pla n and so on.The Master should ensure that the plan covers “ berth to berth ” area in thepassage. And the Master should help the Second Officer to select the best sailing route that will save fuel and time, and avoid bad weather conditions.16.Can you describe the preparation procedures before entering the US ports? First,

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