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1、提高听力的方法和步骤听力理解同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲对听力理解的要求是,“能听懂对话、简单的故事和演说,能抓住其中心思想和主要细节,能判断一般对话的情境场合、人物关系、身份及会话意图等。语速为每分钟120140个词。”听力由 A、B、C三节中的两节或三节组成。A节为510题小对话。考生针对对话之后的提问从四个选项中选其一。B节为23段对话或独白。内容为一般性交际会话、讲演、故事或论述等,每段对话或独白后有23个问题,考生根据录音中的提问从四个选项中选出最佳答案。C节是一篇有关日常生活或科普的短文、对话或独白。要求考生填空词语或短语,或简略回答问题。录音播放三遍。每题1分

2、,共1520分。 听力题项旨在测试考生获取口头信息的能力。考生只有通过大量的反复的听,听得滚瓜烂熟,直至形成直觉的而非理解性的反应,才能游刃有余地应对考试。然而要听懂,首先必须在基本的听力技能的掌握上下功夫,如单词的读音、辅音连缀、失去爆破,句子中的重读、弱读、连读,语音语调等。在此基础上,了解一些听力应试技巧无疑会提高自己的听力理解和应试能力。掌握相关词语, 直入语境 简短对话涉及的内容广泛,但主要话题还是围绕着衣食住行等日常生活、学习、工作等方面。熟悉这些话题的典型词语很快就会把我们带到相应的语言环境中捕捉到最主要的信息,对于情景场合、人物关系、身份及会话意图等做出准确的推理与判断。a)

3、学业和学习生活:admissions office(招生办),transcript: 成绩单,enrollment/registration 注册 to sign up for / register for/ enroll in (a course, a class) 报名选课,required/compulsory / necessary course必修课程,optional / elective course, electives,选修课, major主修,minor副修,record of formal schooling学历,academic degree学位,semester/te

4、rm 学期,project课题,作业,presentation发言,assignment作业,quiz 作业,随堂小考,seminar研究班;研究班课程;研讨会,专题讨论会,session 一段时间,review session复习课,lab session实验课,question-and-answer session答问时间,summer session暑期班, field trip户外实习/考察,实地观摩,grade exams 改考卷,make the highest grade得最高分,internship 实习,term paper学期论文,lab report实验报告,thesis

5、(毕业或学位论文),dissertation博士学位论文;专题论文;tuition (学费), miscellaneous expenses (杂费),living expenses / cost of living生活费,room and board fees 食宿费,assistantship助研金 , fellowship研究生奖学金 , scholarship奖学金, pass ones orals通过口试,fail the exam考试不及格,make up a course/ an examination 补修一门课/补考,drop out of school退学,disconti

6、nue ones studies辍学,transfer to another school转学,to graduate with honors / with flying colors作为优等生毕业,diploma 毕业文凭,commencement / graduation ceremony毕业典礼,dorm(itory)宿舍, campus校园 , clinic诊所, cafeteria自取饭菜的食堂 throw a party/ dance/ celebration举行聚会/舞会/庆祝会b) 看病、银行、邮局、机场等:write out a prescription开处方,fill a

7、prescription配药,come down with (the flu)得、患上(流感);cough咳嗽,sore throat喉咙痛,injection注射,run a high fever发高烧,toothache牙痛 , cavity龋齿, gum牙龈, pull out/extract the tooth拔牙,tablets片剂,pills丸剂,capsule 胶囊(剂),powder粉剂,dose一剂,一贴,infirmary医务室,clinic诊所,consulting hours门诊时间,emergency case急诊,laboratory report化验单,make

8、an appointment预约,go on a diet按规定的饮食进食, annual check-up一年一度的体检; get a check cashed 把支票兑成现金,deposit存款;定金, passbook存折,savings account存折账户,checking account活期存款、支票账户,bond债券, exchange rate兑换率, interest rate利率, withdraw取出, bill票面, dime角, coin硬币,teller银行出纳,get the postal / money order cashed拿邮政汇款单取款,remitta

9、nce汇款,汇款额,register letter挂号信, air mail航空邮件, postage邮费,邮资, commemorative stamps纪念邮票, special delivery专递, insured package保价包裹, pick up a package取包裹;direct flight直达航班, on schedule准时, behind schedule误点,boarding gate登机口,get ones ticket punched检票, go on board登机, boarding pass/boarding card登机牌, air hostess

10、空中小姐, make a flight reservation机票预定, confirm ones flight确定(某人的)机座, the baggage claim area认领行李处, ticket agency,售票代理处,checkin procedure登机手续, passport护照, immunization record book免疫注射证明书, disembarkation card入境申报表, customs form海关申报表,arrival and depart time飞机到达和起飞时间c) 商店、饭店:bargain便宜货,a good buy/a great d

11、eal买得合算的东西,discount store折扣商店,sell at a discount削价出售,on sale大甩卖,regular price原价,for sale待售,出售,coupon 优惠券,line up,stand in line 排队,order定货, out of stock无现货,脱销, a custom-made suit一套定做的衣服, (This jacket) fits you perfectly. (你穿这件茄克衫)很合身, Have you thought of a size larger?要不要大一号的?Try it for size 试试大小,tak

12、e it (e.g. the jacket) in 把(夹克衫)改小,paperback平装本, hardback精装本, out of print绝版, register/lodge a complaint against对。投诉; take ones order 接受点菜, recipe 食谱,appetizer开胃品,dissert点心,甜食,snack小吃,seafood海鲜,cocktail鸡尾酒,specialty特色菜,menu菜单,tableware餐具,paper napkin餐巾纸,work up an appetite促进食欲,reception desk接待处servi

13、ce counter服务台,lounge休息厅,attendant宾馆服务员check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记、报到,check out (从旅馆、商店等)结账离开;办妥手续离去, grab a snack, 赶着吃点点心,This is my treat.这次我请。d) 其它:gas station加油站,garage路边加油站;修车厂, pull in: enter a station, a gas station驶进车站、加油站 give one a ride 让人搭车,get tied up/ held up/ delayed in traffic, 遭交通堵塞,give a ti

14、cket 发交通违章通知单或罚款单,give a seven-day notice 提前7天的预先通知,job offer工作机会,resign ones job/ post辞去工作/职务fire开除 lay off解雇,免职,开除 get a raise 加工资,get/ take some time off 抽出时间,newsletter定期短报, bulletin board 布告栏,editorial section 社论版, help-wanted section 招聘版, sport section 体育版,the classified advertisement 分类广告, bo

15、ok review书评;hang up(on one) 挂断(的)电话, hang on(电话)不挂断get cut off 电话断线; fitness center健身中心, stay/keep fit, keep in shape保持健康; in excellent physical condition良好的身体状况, be fit as a fiddle非常健康,精神很好, roller-skating溜旱冰, hiking远足, gym健身房, jog慢跑; treasurer财政部长,管钱的, cashier出纳员,收支员,plumber管道工, tailor裁缝, physicia

16、n内科医生, surgeon外科医生, tour guide导游, bus conductor汽车售票员,等等。生活中的对话方方面面,举不胜举,有待大家注意并牢记在各种语境中的典型词语。 直觉反应口语化短语后者完全赞同前者:I couldnt agree with you more. You said it! Ill say! You can say that again! You bet.对了,正是如此!我同意。对!你说对了! e.g. W: I cant believe vacation is almost over, it went so fast. M: You said it! (H

17、e means the vacation passed quickly for him too.) M: The football team seems to have lost a lot of games recently. W: You can say that again! (She means the team has certainly done poorly.)Forget(about) it.不必在意,别提它了,别想了!想都不要想! e.g. M: Do you know anything about Professor Simpsons course? W: If you a

18、re looking for an easy course, forget it! Professor Simpson write the trickiest questions in the department.(i.e. Professor Simpson gave hard test.)Not much, I dont/ wouldnt/ wont 不(介意,感兴趣)才怪呢 e.g. M: You dont care if we skip lunch, do you? W: Not much, I dont.(She means shes hungry.)W: I heard thun

19、der late last night, but I dont think it rained. M: Not much, it didnt!(The man means it rained a great deal!)还不怎么下(才怪呢)!(雨大着呢!)Why bother?干嘛费事?; Dont bother.别费事了. e.g. M: I think Ill wash my car this afternoon. W: Why bother? It looks as if its going to rain.(She implies that the weather is unsuita

20、ble for washing the car.) W: I left my raincoat in my room. Wait while I go back to get it. M: Dont bother. The weather report said it would clear up by noon. (He tells the woman not to worry about the raincoat.)How come? 为什么 e.g. How come you missed the bus this morning? (How did you happen to miss

21、 the bus?) M: Watching fish in an aquarium is supposed to have a soothing effect on people. W: How come? (The woman wants to know why fish affect people that way.)get nowhere无进展;不能成功 e.g. get nowhere with ones job工作一无所成;get absolutely nowhere with the problem对这个问题一筹莫展)make it及时赶上;办成,做到e.g. I cant be

22、lieve I overslept. Im lucky I made it to the breakfast meeting time. It was a tough struggle to reach the summit, but in the end they made it. Its a beautiful night. Lets try to get there on foot. And if we dont make it, lets just have dinner near the theatre.That/ It (all) depends.那得看情况 e.g. M: How

23、 long will I have to stay out of school? W: That depends. You still have a fever. Let me take your it a day: stopping working/ playing for the day今天到此为止,今天收摊了,今天不玩了 e.g. M: Weve worked long enough for a Saturday afternoon. W: OK, lets call it a day.(Shes willing to stop working.)I couldnt

24、 care less: dont care at all我才不管(理)呢! e.g. W: Bills spreading rumors about you. M: I couldnt care less. Come what may 不论发生什么 e.g. Come what may, well pick you up tomorrow at eight.Ill see what I can do.我看看怎么办吧. e.g. W: I wonder whether you can help me sort them out (解决好,弄清楚). M: Ill see what I can d

25、o. To think 想想看,以前居然,现在不了To think I once wanted to be a psychologist!(I no longer want to be a psychologist.) To think I trusted you!(I should never have believed you.)know the ropes: learn all the details/ rules/ customs, etc. 晓得诀窍;懂行,在行;熟悉风土人情e.g. You wont find the job difficult, once you get to k

26、now the ropes. Ive been to Japan before so I know the ropes. make a point of: insist on; make a rule of 坚持做某事;总是要做某事;注重e.g. She made a point of arriving on time. You make a point of forgetting everything I have cut out for: suit as if by nature 生来适合于e.g. Dr Hamilton doesnt feel Larry is cut

27、out for the medical through/be done /be finished with做完e.g. M:I just have to type this last page and then Im through. W: By then Ill be done too. hit the nail on the head: do / say something exactly right 一针见血 e.g. M: I think the reason you didnt apply was you were afraid of being reje

28、cted. W: I think youve hit the nail on the head. How on earth/ Where in the world? 到底(用于加强语气)e.g. M: Arent you going to Canada for your summer vacation? W: Where in the world did you get that idea? (She means that she wont go to Canada.) M: Ive decided to do some volunteer work down at the hospital.

29、 W: How on earth will you ever find time for that? (She means the man is always busy.) beat around/ about the bush: not come to the point 说话拐弯抹角 e.g. M: Do you ever know what Tony is talking about? W: Never, he always beats around the bush.(He doesnt come to the point.) keep an eye on: look after, s

30、upervise 照顾,督导 e.g. M: Wheres Ann this afternoon? W: Shes working at the cafeteria keeping an eye on the new student helpers. (Shes supervising new employees.) around the clock: day in and day out, night and day连续一整天(或一昼夜);日夜不停地 e.g. We worked around the clock to meet the deadline.我们日夜不停地工作赶在最后期限之前完

31、成。 make ends meet 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计 e.g. W: Did you hear that Michelle turned down that job? M: Yeah. The hours were convenient, but she wouldnt have been able to make ends meet. go out of ones (the)way: make a special effort特地;不怕麻烦地 e.g. M: You dont care much for ballet, do you? W: Well, lets just say I

32、 wouldnt go out of my way to see it.(She doesnt like ballet very much.)get/ have ones (own) way/ have it ones (own) way为所欲为,随心所欲 e.g. M: I cant help you, Im afraid.恐怕我帮不了你的忙. W: You mean you wont.你这是不愿意帮忙。M: Have it your own way. 你爱怎么说就怎么说吧。get out of: escape from 逃避;摆脱e.g. W: Do you really have to work at the student center tomorrow night? M: Im afraid so. I wish there were some way I could get out of it. M: How come youre not working on that presentation any more? W: Oh, I got out of having to give it.(She was excused from giving the

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