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1、大学英语学术英语考试A篇重点句子A 篇重点句子Unit 1 textA1、 Although there are probably a few doctors who truly are tone-deaf, most are reasonably empathic human beings, and I wonder why even these doctors seem prey to this criticism.虽然可能会有那么几个医生确实充耳不闻, 但是大多数医生通情达理, 还是能够感同身受 的人。我就纳闷为什么竟然这些医生似乎 成为批评的牺牲品 。2、 Sometimes it f

2、eels as though my brain is juggling so many competing details, that one stray request from a patient even one that is quite relevant might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down.如果病人冷不丁提个要求, 即使所提要求十分中肯, 也会让我那小心翼翼维系平衡的大脑 乱作一团,就像井然有序 同时演出三台节目的大马戏场 突然崩塌一样。3、 From her prospective,

3、this is probably the most important item in our visit, but the fact is that shes caught one of my neurons in mid-fire.从她的角度来看, 这可能是她此次就诊最要紧的事。 但事实是,她却让我的神经紧张起来。4、 My instinct is to put one hand up and keep all interruptions at bay. 我的本能反应是举起一只手,阻止她打断我的思路。5、 My choice seem to boil down to entertainin

4、g fewer thoughts , accepting decreased accuracy for each thought, giving up on though documentation, or have a constant headache from neuron overload.我的选择似乎 归结为 马马虎虎 少应付几个想法 ,并接受降低每一个想法的精准度, 放弃事 无巨细全面记录,要不然就要常常承受因神经过载而导致的头痛。6、Here are thoughts that run through my head as I proceed through our 20-min

5、 consultation. 以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。7、 Does the benefit of possible better blood pressure control outweigh the risk of her possiblynot taking all of her meds?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?8、 What if one of my thoughts evaporates while I adress another concern? 当我在处理一件关心的事情时另外一个念头转瞬即逝怎么办?9、 I h

6、ave to keep looking toward the screen to get her lab results,check her mammogram report, document the progress of her illness, order the tests, refill her prescriptions.我不得不一直伸长脖子, 盯着屏幕,找寻她的实验室结果、 查看她的乳房 X 线检查报告、 记录她的各种病情的进展、安排各种检测、给她补开处方等等。the straw that breaks10、 An innocent and completely justifi

7、ed request,but I feel that could be the camels back,that the precarious balance of all that I am keeping in the air will be simply unhinged.这是个简单并且完全合乎情理的请求,但我觉得这可能是压垮我的最后那根稻草,因为 我小心翼翼保持的这种毫不设防的平衡会被完全打乱。11、 If I do a good job juggling 98% of the time,that still leaves ten thoughts that might get los

8、t in the process.即使 98的时间里我能应对自如,仍有 10 个想法在整个过程中不知所踪。12、 Most doctors are reasonably competent, caring individuals, but the overwhelming swirl of thoughts that we must keep track of leaves many of us in a perpetual panic that something serious might slip.大多数医生是称职的,是富有爱心的人。但是医生要时刻注意的想法像漩涡一样,来势 凶猛,让许多

9、医生永远处于恐慌之中,生怕遗漏什么大事。13、 Any one of those lost thoughts could translate into a disastrous outcome, not to mention a possible lawsuit.这些不知所踪的想法中的任何一个都可能转化为一个灾难性的结局,更别提可能还要吃 官司。Unit 2 textA1、 Every returning condition marches to the beat of a different drum. 每种回归疾病的回归步调各有不同。2、 TB also hitched a ride on

10、 the HIV wagon by attacking the immunocompromised an emerging disease that helping reignite( ri?gna?t 死灰复燃 ) an old one.结核病也搭了 HIV 的顺风车,借机攻击免疫力已经受损者:一种新病就这样帮助一种旧 病复燃3、 Vaccination practices are also at the heart of the pertussis and the diphtheria threats. 预防接种措施也是应付百日咳和白喉威胁的核心4、Flu changes its coa,

11、t a powerful new strain of flu sweeps the world 同样,流感也改变了外衣,一种强大的新型流感菌株席卷全球5、 The diphtheria situation in the former Soviet Union involves a more serious disease combined with a crumbling(kr ?mbli ? 破碎的 ) public health infrastructure; Organized vaccination efforts are in shambles.在前苏联,白喉的情况更加严峻,加之公共

12、卫生基础设施摇摇欲坠;有组织的疫苗接种 工作一团糟。6、 That kind of readiness can keep future headlines free of news of worldwide pandemics. The price of liberty from infectious disease, as for most freedom, is eternal vigilance.有了这样的充分准备, 将来再也见不到世界大流行病的新闻报道。 和大多数自由一样, 免 受传染病的困扰也需要代价,即永远保持警惕。7、 AIDS accounts for slightly mor

13、e than half of that jump,but other conditions,especially respiratory infection,also contributed significantly.艾滋是疾病跳跃式增长占比一般以上的因素, 但是,其他的一些情况, 尤其是呼吸道感染, 也贡献良多。8、 Everyone in the infection-disease fields fears the day when a powerful new strain of flu sweeps the world.the war has been won,one scienti

14、st recently the other side .传染病领域的很多人都担心一波新的流感病毒席卷全球。 战役胜利了, 一个科学家最近调 侃,但获胜的是另一方。9、 we arrive at the realization that world health is indivisible,that we cannot satisfy our most parochial needs without attending to the health conditions of the globe.我们达成了这样一个共识, 那就是全球健康是不可分割的, 我们不可能去满足大多数

15、国家 自身的需求而不去关注全球的健康状况10、 with our help,strains of TB have also developed during resistance;incomplete courses of antibiotic therapy allow the hardiest bugs to survive and develop new,more powerful lineages.在我们的帮助之下, 结核菌株又逐渐发展出耐药性; 抗菌过程的不彻底也让新的更强的菌 株存活下来并得以发展11、A larger-scale genetic shift could also

16、make the virus something like new wine in new bottles. 大范围的基因漂变让病毒看起来像新瓶装新酒。12、if a powerful new flu arises and those public health measures are not in place quickly enough,myriad people may become very sick,with the elderly and infirm fighting for their lives.如果一种强有力的新流感出现, 但公共健康措施迟迟没有就位的话, 大量的人会患严

17、重的 疾病,这些人只能衰老虚弱的为命运抗争13、a slightly warmer climate combined with deteriorating cities could also enable various diseases that seem exotic today to come back.稍微温暖的气候加上恶化的城市状况也能导致在今天看起来像是舶来品的各种疾病的回归14、In his previous position,Morse was one of the earliest voices raising awareness about these conditions

18、 ; his objective at Columbia is to establish a center for emerging and re-emerging diseases,bringing together all appropriate disciplines and coordinating with other centers internationally.他干以前工作的时候, 他是最早发声提高对这些状况意识的人, 他在哥伦比亚的目标是建 立一个新现和重现疾病中心,将所有的适当学科综合在一起,并与全球其他中心展开合作。Unit 3 textA1、 I began my ow

19、n study of the literature, reading article after article on PubMed , the seeds for today s clinical care were laid years, sometimes decades earlier in the basic science literature. I hoped to find a magic bullet that would halt my worsening disability.我开始研究文献,一篇篇阅读 PubMed上的文章,我心里明白当今临床治疗萌发于数年或数十年前的基

20、础科学文献所撒的种子。我希望能找到阻止我日益恶化残疾的魔弹。2、I loved the surge of adrenaline ( ?dren ?l?n) that came with the controlled combat of tournament.我酷爱参加各种循环比赛时,在点到为止的格斗中肾上腺素飙升的激情3、 When I developed the foot drop, the diagnosis was made: multiple sclerosis. 出现足下垂后,我最终被确诊罹患多发性硬化症。 ( para3)4、 My doctor said that genetic

21、s accounted for only 10 to 30% of the risk of MS; the rest was due to some combination of unknown environmental factors. He never told me what I could do to address those unknown factors, only offering interferon and copolymer-1 to reduce the risk of relapse. He said that fewer relapses would mean l

22、ess disability, a greater chance that I d swalking, working, and living my life as I once knew it ten years later. ( para4)我的医生指出, 导致多发性硬化症的危险因素中, 遗传因素只占 10%到 30%,其余是各种 未知的环境因素。 他没有告诉我如何应对这些未知因素, 仅仅开了降低复发的干扰素和共聚 物-1。他说复发越少, 致残程度越低, 再过 10 年,我还能如那时一样行走自如、 工作有效、 生活无妨,这种可能性会大增。5、 It was increasingly app

23、arent that, with time, becoming bedridden due to my illness was inevitable.(para.5)随着时间的流逝,因病卧床不起不可避免,这越来越明显。6、 I had only two options: accommodation and acceptance of deepening disability despite optimal treatment, or increased involvement in my own health care. ( para.6)我只有两个选择:要么调节心态,接受现实,即虽然接受最佳

24、治疗,但是残疾日剧,要么 更为积极主动,自己应对健康状况。7、 Eventually, realizing I could not access those drugs unless I was in a clinical trial, I turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types dementia, Parkinson s disease, Huntington s,and Lou Gehrig s dis(eapsaer.a.8 )最终, 我意识到除非参加临床试验, 否则不可能得到这类药物。 我转而开始研究各种

25、神经 退行性疾病的相关文章,包括痴呆、帕金森症、亨廷顿舞蹈症和路 ?盖里格氏病。8、 However, although my decline had slowed, I was still declining.(para.9) 但是,恶化虽然变缓,但是恶化没有停止。9、 I felt the best I d felt i nM ye tahresr.apist implemented a program of e-stim coupled withdaily exercise. ( para.12 )我已多年没有如此美妙的感觉。 我的理疗医生给我实施了电刺激结合日常锻炼的治疗方案。10、

26、As good as the article was, it did not list all of the building blocks needed for optimal brain health. ( para.13)这篇文章虽然非常优秀,但没有罗列大脑健康需要的所有物质。11、 The medical literature didn hta ve that information, nor did the registered dieticians with whom I consulted, nor did I see it in the food science literat

27、ure. I turned eventually to Google, which did help me, nutrient by nutrient, to understand where various micronutrients I was taking by pill each day were located in the food supply. ( para.14 )医学文献中没有相关资料, 我咨询的注册营养师也不清楚, 查阅的食品科学文献也一无所 获。最终,我求助于 Google 搜索,还真有帮助。我对营养物质逐个查询,了解哪些食物含 有我每天服用的微量营养素。Unit 4

28、 textA1、 Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM.全世界有关针灸、草药、按摩和太极拳的持续研究已阐明了中医的有些理论和实践。2、 Evidence derived from vigorous research design as well as patient demand are fueling the merger of TCM with moder

29、n medicine at the clinical level. 雄心勃勃的研究设计提供的证据和巨大的患者需求正在推动传统中医和现代医学在临 床层面的结合。3、 Future clinical trials that test acupuncture within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine are likely to provide a more appropriate and clinically meaningful assessment of acupuncture efficacy than the current g

30、eneration of clinical trials which use a diagnosis framed primarily in biomedical terms.未来在传统中医架构下进行的针刺临床试验与当前这一代主要从生物医学的角度对针 刺疗效进行评判的临床试验相比,可能对针刺的疗效提供更恰当更有临床意义的评估。4、Unlike drugs, acupuncture is more akin to surgery and physical therapy in terms of therapeutic modalities.就治疗形态而言,针刺不同于药物,而更接近于手术和理疗。5

31、、 For the time being, evidence based on large case series should be considered in determining recommendations for clinical practice while evidence derived from more vigorous research designs is being carried out.目前,人们正在通过进行严格研究设计取得证据,与此同时,在确立临床实践建议 时也应该考虑进行大型病例系列分析得来的证据。6、 Clinical research methodol

32、ogists should take the theoretical construct and clinical approach of TCM into consideration when designing trials.在设计这些试验时,临床研究的设计者应该考虑到中医理论框架和临床方法。7、Research designs such as randomized controlled trials26 have advantages and disadvantages in determining the efficacy of any therapeutic intervention, and can be carried out for botanicals, as seen by a study on herbal formulas for irritable bowel syndrome.随机对照试验等研究设计在确定治疗疗效时既有优点又有缺点, 可用于植物药材的研究, 一项用草药配方治疗肠道易激综合症的临床研究已经证明了这一点。8

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