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Unit 15 Learning Communication WorkshopCulture CornerBulletin Board 导学案北师大必修5精品.docx

1、Unit 15 Learning Communication Workshop Culture Corner Bulletin Board 导学案北师大必修5精品Unit 15 Learning Communication Workshop & Culture Corner & Bulletin Board导学案目标:1. To write a letter of description; 2. To use linking words expressing cause; 3. To make a debate about studying abroad. 课前 自主预习一根据词性和汉语意思写

2、出单词1. v. 使适应 n改编,改编本2. v感激,欣赏 n欣赏,评论3. adj.职业的 n工作,职业二根据首字母提示和英文释义写出单词1. that must be done because of a law or a rule2. detailed and exact3. the scientific study of the chemistry of living things4. a group of people who sing together, especially in church services or public performances5. the work o

3、f a carpenter6. an official document that may be used to prove that the facts it states are true7. the limits between which something variesPeriod 1 Language Points目标:To master the important language points in this lesson. 课堂 互动探究核心词汇 讲练悟1adapt .教材原句For a start, it would be hard adapting to a new cu

4、lture. 一开始,适应 新的文化会有困难。(1)vt.使适应;使适合;改编The movie was adapted from a novel. 这部电影是由小说改编的。拓展:adapt oneself to .使自己适应(to为介词)adapt sth.(for .) (为)把某物改编adapt sth. from . 根据改编某物运用 He tried hard to the new environment.他努力使自己适应新的环境。Many people buy books after they have been adapted for TV series.许多人在书改编为电视连续

5、剧后购买该书。(2)vi.适应adapt to .适应运用:The children find it hard to the new school. 孩子们发现很难 适应新学校。2appreciation n欣赏;理解;体谅;同情;感激;感谢 教材原句However,there would also be some new optional subjects, for example, literary appreciation, astronomy, biochemistry, etc. 然而,也会有一些新的选修课程,例如文学欣赏、天文 学、生物化学等。I sent her a presen

6、t to show my appreciation for her help. 我送给她一份礼物以表达对她帮助的感谢。拓展 :appreciation of sth. 理解/体谅某事appreciation of /for sth. 感激/感谢某in appreciation of 为感谢I had no appreciation of the problems they faced.我没有体谅到他们所面临的困难。运用:Please accept this gift all youve done for us.承蒙鼎力相助,不胜感激,谨备薄礼,敬请笑纳。appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激

7、appreciate (doing) sth. 感激(做)某事I would appreciate it if . 如果,我将不胜感激运用:I you paid in cash.如果支付现金的话,我会不胜感激。3range. 教材原句Students take between 812 GCSEs in a range of subjects that always include mathematics, science, English, and at least one foreign language.学生要参加812级普通中等教育证书的考试,考试范围通常包括数学、科学、英语和至少一门外

8、语。(1)n.变化范围;一系列;种类The drug is effective against a range of bacteria. 这种药可以有效抵制一系列细菌。扩展:a (full/wide) range of一系列in the range of 在范围内in/within the range of 在的范围内out of range of 超出的范围The hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services.酒店提供一系列设施和服务。运用:There will be an increase 0 to 3 percent.将会有0到

9、3个百分点的增长幅度。(2)v.(在一定的范围内)变动range from A to B/range between A and B从(在)A到B之间的变化/变动运用:Costs 50 several hundred pounds.花费在50英镑到几百英镑之间。重点短语1as a whole总的来说教材原句As a whole, I think that studying abroad can be a positive experience but should be done when students are older, possibly at university.总的来说,我认为留

10、学会是一种积极的经历,但应该在学生大一点的时候可能在大学时。 This scandal reflected badly on the Party as a whole. 这件丑闻极大地损害了整个党的荣誉。运用:The population is/are in favor of the reform. 全体人民普遍拥护改革。 辨析:as a whole强调作为一个整体,总的来说,意为“从整个来看,就全体而言,总括而论”on the whole抽象一点,可能说了很多话,最后总结,强调“大体上;基本上;整体上”,相当于in general, mostly自填助记 用as a whole或on the

11、 whole填空He asked us to look into the case . . , Im in favor of the idea.2in conclusion总之,最后教材原句In conclusion, I think my school would have a good variety of activities something for everyone.总之,我认为我理想中的学校应该有大量的活动适合大家的某些活动。In conclusion, I would like to thank all my teachers. 最后,我想要感谢我所有的老师。 拓展:come

12、to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion 下结论,得出结论come to/reach the conclusion that 得出结论lead to the conclusion that 使得出结论draw conclusions from 从得出结论I find it difficult to come to a conclusion我发现要得出结论很难。运用:Ive hes not the right person for the job.我断定他不适合做这项工作。We can safely our discussion.从讨论中我们可以有把握地得出一些结

13、论。3in preparation for做的准备,为做准备教材原句Instead they learn how to play with other children in preparation for school. 然而他们学会了与其他学龄前的儿童玩。The team has been training hard in preparation for the big basketball game. 为备战这场重要的篮球比赛,队伍一直在努力训练。拓展:in preparation 在准备中make preparations for/to do为 (做)做准备prepare for/to

14、 do 为(做)做准备The third book in the series is currently 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。Iran is making preparations for war.伊朗正在进行备战。运用:Were preparing foreign visitors.我们正准备接待外国游客。重难句导学句型展示As well as the subjects on the timetable, there would be many afterschool interest groups such as chess, choir, photography and spor

15、ts.除了时间表上的课程之外,还要有很多课后兴趣小组,比如国际象棋,合唱队,摄影和运动等。典例背诵As well as seeing the Birds Nest, we will visit the Water Cube.除了看鸟巢之外,我们还将参观水立方。as well as是固定短语,意思是“除以外还;和一样也”,as well as之后接附加信息The boy is clever as well as healthy. 这个男孩既健康又聪明。She could dance as well as sing.她既会唱歌又会跳舞。The teacher as well as the stud

16、ents enjoys watching football match.老师和学生都喜欢看足球赛。He speaks English as well as a native speaker.他英语说得同母语是英语的人一样好。as well as可以连接两个对等的成分 (如名词、形容词、动词、介词等),通常不位于句首。此时强调的重点在前面。as well as 连接句子主语及其附属成分时,谓语动词的数不受附属成分的影响,即谓语动词的数与as well as 前的名词或代词一致。as well as可用于同级比较,well为副词,意思是“和一样好 ”。Period 2 Writing目标:To l

17、earn how to describe things. 写作部分:事物描写文佳作观摩根据以下信息为临沂市临沭县红石湖公园(Red Stone Park)写一篇旅游指南。1红石湖公园是临沭县五大公园之一;与临沭一中相对,苍马山旅游区(Mount Cangma)的北面;2总面积60公顷(hectare),其中水域面积18公顷,园内现有各种植物1万余株;3景色宜人,是盛夏纳凉、游泳、划船的最佳场所;4以其各种各样的红石而知名,每年很多外地游客慕名而来观赏奇石。5注意事项:游玩时注意安全。The Red Stone Park, located in the North of the Mount Ca

18、ngma and across No.1 Middle school of Linshu, Linyi, is one of five famous parks in Linshu.With an area of 60 hectares, 18 hectares of which is covered by water, it contains more than ten thousand plants.The Red Stone Parks beautiful scenery and enormous trees make it a perfect place for an escape f

19、rom the hot summer, where you can swim and go boating.It is famous for its more than 1,000 various kinds of red stones.Every year, many people from the country come here to enjoy the natural power, which forms a special scene in Linshu.The Red Stone Park welcomes tourists from all over the world.How

20、ever, please pay attention to your safety and look after yourself when enjoying the beautiful scenery in the park.结构分析:第、句简要介绍公园的位置、面积及树木种类;第、句介绍公园的风景以及其特有的1000多种不同的红石所形成的特别风景;第、句发出邀请以及提醒游玩时的注意事项。亮点点击: 句中用了过去分词短语“located in.”作定语,说明了公园的位置;句中用with说明公园的面积;句中使用了“make宾语宾补”结构;句中使用了which引导的非限制性定语从句;句中使用了wh


22、描述。3要选好主题,突出主题,用细节来烘托主题。发挥想象力,从不同的方面描写景物的特征,把它活灵活现地呈现在读者的面前,唤起读者的想象和情感共鸣。4具体写作时要注意的细节:(1)文章的组织要有层次顺序,避免忽东忽西,杂乱无章。(2)充分利用、正确选用形容词和副词,以达到引人入胜、生动直观的效果。(3)尽量使用简单常用的词语和单句,少用或不用复杂冗长的复合句,以避免出错。(4)描写一般使用动词的现在时态。黄金表达:1. (It is) Located/Situated at the back of/in the east of/in the front of/at the southwest o

23、f .2. It covers an area of .3. The old building is 20 years old/dates back to/dates from .4. In the east of/East of the old building is/lies .5. It plays an important role/part in our life .6. It really makes our school beautiful .达标同步检测.根据句意填空。1. The college _(获得)a reputation for very high standard

24、s.2. The boy soon became _(习惯于)to hard work and poor food.3. Hes quite _(不情愿的)to pay the price she asked.4. He who does his duty is _(值得的)of praising.5. Fresh air and good food are _(有益的)to the health.6. His friend _(激励)him to try again.7. He is quick to _(适应于)to new circumstances.8. She _(主张)that I

25、 should apologize to her.9. He _(证明)himself to be an able leader.10The whole world longs for _(长久的)peace.选词填空acquire,tend to,be accustomed to,assumption,rank,go against,unwilling,ignore, urge,more than1. We _ knowledge through practice.2. They are _ to do it,but they were forced to.3. After 3 months

26、,he _the life on campus.4. He _ support that team,and donated some money to them.5. I warned him of the danger,but he _ me.6. Do you dare to_ your father?He will beat you flat!7. The chemists _turned out to be right.8 . The United States continued to _ first in goods trade.9. Modern science is _ a l

27、arge amount of information.10. My friends _ that I should apply for the job.单项填空1. The owners of many coal mines must _ measures which _improve working conditions. A. take;tends to B. take;tend to C. make;tend to D. have;tends to2. They _ him to prepare for the coming exam,but he spent all day playi

28、ng computer games. A. persuaded B .urged C. suggested D. made3. We could _him and go direct to the chairman,but wed be skating on very thin ice. A. ignore Brefuse C. avoid D. disagree4. She had a habit of going to bed and getting up early one year ago but now she has been _ otherwise. A. accustomed

29、to doing B. accustomed to do C. used to do D. transformed to do5. He does not think he can _himself to the hot climate. A. adopt B. adapt C. appeal D .apply6. Only through constant practice can the ability of using a foreign language be _. A. earned B .acquired C. gained D. achieved7. With the Chinese people _ as one,any attempt to separate China is bound to fail. A. unite B. having been united C. to have united D. united8. Who _ a theory about black holes? A .put forward B.

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