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1、西雅图工作英语西雅图工作英语一共由20章组成,每章里面又分成不同的节,可是每一节都是由五部份组成:Introduction, Dialogue, Words & Phrases, Sentences和Tips。从五个方面为学习者全面补充英语维他命,下面咱们节选了第六章(工作技术)的第三节的完整内容,帮忙大伙儿了解一下本教材的内容结构,可是排版和字体和教材不同。第三节报告撰写 Report WritingIntroduction刚开始工作的时候,Cindy很少考虑汇报,只是一门心思做好具体工作。感觉花时刻在写报告上太费时刻了,没什么用。When Cindy began her job, she

2、rarely pay attention to reporting, and instead just focus on completing the job at hand. She found it is a waste of time and useless to spend time on writing reports.但越到后来她越发觉其实做汇报文件很重要。若是能用成绩说服老板,以后再争取资源、批准项目什么的也容易患多。But later on, however, she found report writing to be a very important facet of he

3、r work. If she is able to convince her supervisors of her achievements, it will be easier to get more resources and to get her projects approved faster in the future.DialogueHanson: Cindy,你上次的演讲表现得不错。Hanson: Cindy, you did a good job in the last presentation.Cindy: 谢谢您的夸奖。Cindy: Thank you.Hanson: 可是

4、你的活动总结报告做得还不够好。Hanson: But your post-event report was not good enough.你要明白在外企里,光做好工作是不够的,沟通也是很重要的。You know in foreign companies, it is not enough to do a great job. Communication is also important.当你向领导、同事们介绍你的工作打算或成绩的时候,要让他人认可,你的报告质量也会起到很关键的作用。When you present your work plan and performance report

5、to your supervisors and colleagues, the quality of your report is the key factor to gain their acceptance.Cindy: 您感觉我有哪些地址能够改善啊?Cindy: How do you think I should go about improving my report?Hanson: 第一你的报告文字太多,密密麻麻。Hanson: First, your report is too verbose.只要在直观的形式中多用些图表和原始数据,在一样的时刻里人们会更有效地同意这些信息。Peo

6、ple can get their message across more effectively and in the same amount of time by simply using more charts and raw data presented in visually appealing forms.有一门课叫“怎么用图表说话?”There is a lesson called, “How to say it in the charts.”确实是介绍在配有相关图表的基础上如何做一份清楚简明的报告,你完全能够自学一下。It tells you how to make a cle

7、ar and concise report based on referencing charts. You can learn it all by yourself.Cindy: 好的,我试试吧。只是我发此刻PPT里画图表和图片实在很麻烦。Cindy: OK, I will try, but I found it troublesome to draw charts and pictures in PPT.我花了很多时刻在研究那个上面,真正做工作的时刻反而少了。It takes me so much time to study it that I have less time to do m

8、y actual job.固然这些直观的图片让他人看的时刻却是节省很多。Yet these visual pictures do save others time.Hanson: 别担忧,那只是开始。Hanson: No worries Cindy, youre only just beginning!总有个熟能生巧的进程,何况,我没说你不能够加班啊!Practice makes perfect, and you know that Ive never said you cant work overtime!Cindy: 呵呵,好的!Cindy: Haha, OK!Hanson: 你看这些市场

9、数据,完全能够用Excel做出来,转换成图表形式,贴在PPT里。Hanson: You can create and edit your marketing data in Excel, and then simply copy the finished charts directly into PPT. 市场平均的增加率和咱们产品的增加率一对照,结果一目了然啊。Here you can clearly see the difference between the average growth rates of the market and of our product.Cindy: 确实是如

10、此,那您再给我讲讲做PPT的关键步骤吧!Cindy: Indeed. Could you tell me again the key steps that go into creating an effective PPT?Hanson: 第一,逻辑是最重要的。Hanson: First, logic is the key factor.在每一页幻灯片里要有明确的目标、打算和结论;There should be a clear goal, plan and conclusion in each PPT.然后才是策略、执行活动、预算分派、人员组成、流程及结果等等这些要紧的部份。Then ther

11、e are the tactical aspects, implementation activities, budget allocation, staffing, processes, and results, etc.缺一不可。All of these are necessary.第二呢,确实是适才提到的用图表说话。Second, just like what I said, “Say it in charts.”每一页都要用图表或数据来支持你的结论。Every page should use a chart or data to support your conclusion.若是是活

12、动汇报呢,你要展现活动现场的照片。If it is an activity review, you should show the pictures taken at the event site.如此显得生动活泼。This will make your report livelier.另外需要注意的是,那些动画倒不是必需的,颜色也不用太花哨。On a separate note, flash is not necessary and neednt be colorful.有时候过度利用动画,反而会鹊巢鸠占。Sometimes overkill with flash just amounts

13、to a big distraction.Cindy: 谢谢老板,我会把下一份报告做得更好的。Cindy: Thank you boss, I will make the next report better than the last.Hanson: 那个很重要,是专业性的表现。Hanson: Your reports are important and serve as proof of your professionalism.固然我也不是说你要成为没用的、只会做文档的员工,如此反而变成不专业了。 Of course Im not saying that you will become

14、a useless document producer. This would be borderline unprofessional!Words and Phrasesa stable period can be seen 有一个稳固的进程appendices附录area 区域表bar chart.柱形图break line 虚线bubble 气泡图charts 图表column 柱状表conclusions 结论curve graph线形图cylinder柱体图dot line点线doughnut 圈状表executive summary 摘要feasibility reports 可行

15、性研究报告findings 调查结果flash动画编辑程序flowcharts 流程图gain the percentage of 在中占introduction / terms of reference 导言investigative reports 事件调查报告key messages 重要信息line 线形表line-timescale 线形时标图line-trend 线形趋势图mount to达到顶峰pie chart 饼图prediction 预见progress reports 进展报告radar 雷达表recommendations 建议say it in charts用图表说话scatter 点状表solid line 实心的线stacked column 分层柱状图survey reports 意见调查报告SWOT Table 竞争态势比较表timetable 时刻表title题目weekly reports 周报告increase / rise / ascend /

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