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苏教牛津译林版小学六年级上册英语Unit7 第1课时教学设计.docx

1、苏教牛津译林版小学六年级上册英语Unit7 第1课时教学设计Unit7 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】译林版(六年级)上册Unit7【主 题】Protect the Earth【课 时】第1课时:Story time; Checkout time一、板块介绍Story time: 本部分篇章由四个段落构成,分别介绍了地球上的淡水、石油和煤炭、树木和塑料等资源或材料的用途及使用情况,并根据它们各自的现状提出了保护地球的一些建议。Checkout time: 本板块有两个活动。Look and write是看图填空活动,旨在检测学生对图片的理解以及情态动词should的运用。在操作本活动时,教师要提

2、醒学生正确使用动词词组。Think and write是语言实践活动,旨在检测学生以“保护地球”为主题进行书面表达的能力。教师可以根据实际教学需要,把本部分的活动同Story time和Grammar time教学结合起来,达到操练巩固的最佳效果。二、教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写coal, Earth, oil, paper, plastic, wood 2、能听懂、会说、会读Story time中的故事,并能够熟练复述出来。3、通过本节课的学习,培养学生养成保护地球的良好习惯。三、教学重难点会用以下句型和日常用语:(1) We use to (2) We should (3) We

3、shouldnt 四、教学准备教学课件(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载)、课文录音、动画、教材图片五、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in1. 歌曲导入教师利用多媒体播放Michael Jackson的英文歌曲Earth song, 然后师生对话,引出本单元话题。如:T: Who knows the name of the song?S1: Heal the World.T: Youre right. What does the song talk about?S2: Its about protecting the Earth.T: Right. We should pr

4、otect the Earth. Make the Earth a better place for you and the entire human race2. 问答导入教师可以就Culture toe的两个公益日和学生进行问答活动,引出本单元话题。T: When is Earth Day?S1: Its on 22nd April.T: When is World Environment Day?S2: Its on 5th June.T: What do these days tell us?S3: We should protect our Earth.3. 图片导入教师可以呈多幅课

5、文插图或其他有关于滥用水资源滥砍滥伐树木和白色等问题的照片,要求学生观察图片并思考问题,引出本单元话题。如:T: What can you see in the picture?S1: The boy is brushing his teeth. The tap is running.T: Is that right?Ss: No.Step 2: Presentation/Practice1. 调查统计教师可以就学生的日常生活习惯做一个问卷调查(选择题),然后进行数据统计和分析,引出话题。教师在问卷中可包括如下问题。1)Do you reuse water? (yes, no)2)Do you

6、 turn off the lights when you leave a room? (yes, no)3)Do you use tissues? (always, usually, often, sometimes, no)4)Do you use a hankie? (always, usually, often, sometimes, no)5)Do you use plastic bags? (always, usually, often, sometimes, no)6)Do you use a cloth bag? (always, usually, often, sometim

7、es, no)7)Do you use disposable chopsticks? (always, usually, often, sometimes, no)8)Do you use paper cups? (always, usually, often, sometimes, no)9)Do you write on both sides of paper? (always, usually, often, sometimes, no)10)Do you come to school by car? (yes, no)2. 猜谜游戏,教授目标词汇 教授可以用谜语的方式来呈现目标词汇co

8、al, oil和paper。待揭示谜语之后,教师可以要求学生用谜面来描述目标词汇,以作操练。如:T: Its black and hard. We can find it under the ground. It can make us warm. Theres a lot of it in Shanxi. Its coal.Ss: Coal is black and hard. We can find coal under the ground. Coal can make us warm. There is a lot of coal in Shanxi.T: Its a black li

9、quid. We can find it under the ground too. Cars need it. Its oil.Ss: Oil is a black liquid. We can find oil.T: Its usually white and thin. We write and draw on it. Its paper.Ss: Paper is white and thin. We .3. 利用图片,教授目标词汇plastic和wood 教师可呈现若干由塑料和木头制成的物品,让学生说出原材料,教授词汇plastic和wood。教师也可以利用学生手里有的塑料文具,水壶和

10、教室里木质的桌椅,教授目标词汇。如:T:(呈现塑料瓶)Look at this water bottle. Its light and soft, but its strong. Its a plastic bottle. What plastic things do you have?S1: I have a plastic cup.S2: I have a plastic pencil case.S3: I have a plastic bag.S4: I have a plastic toy.T: Look at your desks and chairs. Are they plast

11、ic too?Ss: No, theyre not.T: (出示木头图片)Right. We dont have plastic desks or chairs in our school. Our desks and chairs are made of wood. Wood is from trees. Wood is heavy and hard. Wood is strong too.4. 利用图片,教授新句型教师准备两组图片,一组是water, coal, oil, paper, plastic, wood原材料图片,一组是有关这些原材料应用的图片,然后用本单元重点句型use . t

12、o .表述两组图片的关系。教师也可以根据学生的接受能力拓展介绍glass, metal等词汇。如:T: We use water to wash clothes/brush teeth/cook food.We use coal to make electricity.We use oil to make gas.We use paper to make books.We use plastic to make bags/bottles/toys.We use wood to make desks/beds/boats. We use metal to make cars/trains/shi

13、ps.We use glass to make bottles/windows.5. 看图说话,操练目标词汇和新句型教师可将原材料和有关原材料用途的图片放在一起呈现,要求学生描述原材料的特性和用途。教师可以将学生分成若干小组,每个小组选择一组图片,以接龙的形式,一人一句,合作完成描述。最后,教师邀请小组代表单独完成表述任务。如:S: Water has no colour or smell. You can find water in the rivers and lakes. We drink water. We use water to cook. We use water to wash

14、 the clothes and the dishes.6. 整体呈现课文教师播放课文录音或课文动画,整体呈现课文,让学生了解保护地球的四个方面。如:T: How can we protect the Earth?S1: We can save water.S2: We can save energy.S3: We can save trees.S4: We should not use too much plastic.7. 分段学习课文,完成信息表格 (1)听录音,捕捉关键信息,学习课文第一段在听录音之前,教师可以呈现一组问题,让学生带着问题有针对性地去听。教师可用关键词或表格的形成呈现问

15、题的答案。如:1)What do you think of water? (useful)2)What do we use water to do? (drink, clean things)3)Is there a lot of water everywhere? (no)4)What shouldnt we do? (waste)5)What should we do? (reuse, save)Wateris .We use . to .Theres .We should notWe shouldusefulclean thingsnot muchwastereuse and save it(2)自读课文第二段,掌握大意教师先呈现一组句子,然后要求学生自读课文第二段,寻找依据,判断句子正误。教师可以继续用表格的形式呈现课文第二段的主要内容。如:1)Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. (T)2)There is a lot of coal and oil on Earth. (F)3)We should drive cars every day. (F)4)

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