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1、TED英语演讲稿拥抱他人拥抱自己演讲稿TED英语演讲稿:拥抱他人,拥抱自己Thandie Newton Embracing otherness, embracing myself拥抱他人,拥抱自己Embracing otherness. When I first heard this theme, Ithought, well, embracing otherness is embracing myself. And thejourney to that place of understanding and acceptance has beenan interesting one for m

2、e, and its given me an insight into the whole notion of self, which I think is worth sharing with you today.拥抱他类。当我第一次听闻这个主题时,我心想,拥抱他类不就是拥抱自己吗。 我个人懂得理解和接受他类的经历很幽默, 让我关于“自己这个词也有了新的认识, 我想今天在这里和你们分享下我的心得领悟。We each have a self, but I dont think that were born withone. You know how newborn babies believe

3、 theyre part ofeverything; theyre not separate? Well that fundamental senseof oneness is lost on us very quickly. Its like that initialstage is over - oneness: infancy, unformed, primitive. Itsno longer valid or real. What is real is separateness, and atsome point in early babyhood, the idea of self

4、 starts to form.1/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习Our little portion of oneness is given a name, is told all kinds of things about itself, and these details, opinions and ideas becomefacts, which go towards building ourselves, our identity. And that self becomes the vehicle for navigating our socialworld. But the

5、self is a projection based on other peoples projections. Is it who we really are? Or who we really want to be, or should be?我们每个人都有个自我, 但其实不是生来就这样的。 你知道重生的宝宝们感觉他们是任何东西的一局部, 而不是分裂的个体。 这种根源上的“天人合一感在我们出生后很快就不见了, 就好似我们人生的第一个篇章 - 友善一致:婴儿,未成形,原始 - 结束了。它们似幻似影,而现实的世界是孤独互相分别的。而在孩童期的某段时间,我们开始形成自我这个看法。 宇宙中的小小个

6、体有了自己的名字, 有了自己的过去等等各种信息。 这些关于自己的细节, 看法和看法慢慢变成事实,成为我们身份的一局部。而那个自我,也变成我们人生路上前行的导航仪。尔后,这个所谓的自我,是他人自我的照射,还是我们真实的自己呢 ?我们终归想成为什么样,应该成为什么样的呢 ?So this whole interaction with self and identity was a very difficult one for me growing up. The self that I attempted totake out into the world was rejected over an

7、d over again. And my panic at not having a self that fit, and the confusion that2/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习came from my self being rejected, created anxiety, shame andhopelessness, which kind of defined me for a long time. But inretrospect, the destruction of my self was so repetitive thatI started to see a

8、 pattern. The self changed, got affected,broken, destroyed, but another one would evolve - sometimesstronger, sometimes hateful, sometimes not wanting to be thereat all. The self was not constant. And how many times would my self have to die before I realized that it was never alive in the first pla

9、ce?这个和自我打交道, 搜寻自己身份的过程在我的成长记忆中一点都不简单。我想成为的那些“自我不断被否认再否认, 而我害怕自己无法融入周围的环境,因被否认而引起的迷惑让我变得更加忧虑,感觉惭愧和无望,在很长一段时间就是我存在状态。但是回头看,对自我的解构是那么频频, 致使于我发现了这样一种规律。 自我是变化的,受他人影响,分裂或被战胜,而另一个自我会产生,这个自我可能更刚毅,可能更可憎,有时你也不想变成那样。所谓自我不是固定不变的。而我需要经历多少次自我的破碎重生才会理解其实自我向来没有存在过 ?I grew up on the coast of England in the 70s. My

10、dad iswhite from Cornwall, and my mom is black from Zimbabwe. Eventhe idea of us as a family was challenging to most people. But3/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习naturehad itswicked way, and brown babieswere born.But fromabouttheage offive,Iwas aware thatI didntfit.Iwas theblackatheistkidintheall-whiteCatholicscho

11、olrunby nuns.I was an anomaly,and my selfwas rootingaround fordefinitionand trying to plug in. Because the self likes to fit, to seeitself replicated, to belong. That confirms its existence andits importance.And itisimportant.Ithasanextremelyimportant function. Without it, we literally cant interfac

12、ewith others. We cant hatch plans and climb that stairway ofpopularity,ofsuccess.But my skincolor wasntright.My hairwasnt right. My history wasnt right. My self became definedby otherness,which meant that, inthatsocial world,I didntreally exist. And I was other before being anything else -even befor

13、e being a girl. I was a noticeable nobody.我在 70 年代英格兰海边长大,我的父亲是康沃尔的白人,母亲是津巴布韦的黑人。 而想象我和父亲母亲是一家人关于其他人来说总是不太自然。自然有它自己的魔术,棕色皮肤的宝宝出生了。但 从我五岁开始,我就有种感觉我不是这个集体的。 我是一个全白人天主教会学校里面黑皮肤无神论少儿。 我与他人是不相同的, 而那个热衷于归属的自我却各处搜寻方式搜寻归属感。 这种认同感让自我感觉到存在感和重要性,因此十分重要。这点是这样重要,若是没有自我,我们根4/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习本无法与他人沟通。没有它,我们手足无措,无

14、法获取成功或变得受人欢送。但我的肤色不对,我的头发不对,我的过去不对,我的所有都是另类定义的,在这个社会里,我其实其实不真实存在。我第一是个异类,其次才是个女孩。我是可见却毫没心义的人。Another world was opening up around this time: performanceand dancing. That nagging dread of self-hood didnt exist whenI was dancing. Id literally lose myself. And I was a reallygood dancer. I would put all

15、my emotional expression into mydancing. I could be in the movementin a way that I wasnt ableto be in my real life, in myself.这时候,另一个世界向我敞开了大门:舞蹈表演。那种关于自我的唠叨害怕在舞蹈时消失了, 我松开四肢,也成为了一位不错的舞者。我将所有的情绪都融入到舞蹈的动作中去, 我可以在舞蹈中与自己相溶,尽管在现实生活中却无法做到。And at 16, I stumbled across another opportunity, and Iearned my fir

16、st acting role in a film. I can hardly find thewords to describe the peace I felt when I was acting. Mydysfunctional self could actually plug in to another self, notmy own, and it felt so good. It was the first time that I existedinside a fully-functioning self - one that I controlled, thatI steered

17、, that I gave life to. But the shooting day would end,5/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习and Id return to my gnarly, awkward self.16岁的时候,我遇到了另一个机会,第一部参演的电影。我无法用语言来表达在演戏的时候我所感觉到的平和, 我无处着落的自我可以与那个角色融为一体,而不是我自己。那感觉真棒。这是第一次我感觉到我拥有一个自我,我可以驾驭,令其富饶盛名的自我。但是当拍摄结束,我又会回到自己粗糙不明,笨拙的自我。By19,Iwas afully-fledgedmovieactor,butstill

18、searching for definition. I applied to read anthropology atuniversity.Dr. PhyllisLee gave memy interview,and she askedme, How would you definerace?Well,I thought Ihad the answerto thatone,and I said,Skincolor.So biology, genetics?she said. Because,Thandie,thatsnotaccurate.Becausetheresactuallymore g

19、enetic differencebetween a blackKenyanand a black Ugandan than there is between a black Kenyan and,say, a whiteNorwegian. Because we allstem fromAfrica.So inAfrica, theres been more time to create genetic diversity.In other words, race has no basis in biological or scientificfact. On the one hand, r

20、esult. Right? On the other hand, mydefinition of self just lost a huge chunk of its credibility.But what was credible,what isbiologicaland scientificfact,is thatwe all stem from Africa- in fact,from a womancalled6/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习Mitochondrial Eve who lived 160,000 years ago. And race is an illegit

21、imate concept which our selves have created based on fear and ignorance.19岁的时候,我已经是富饶经验的专业电影演员,而我还是在搜寻自我的定义。我申请了大学的人类学专业。 Phyllis Lee 博士面试了我,她问我:“你怎么定义种族 ?我感觉我很认识这个话题,我说:“肤色。“那么生物上来说呢,比方遗传基因 ?她说, “Thandie 肤色其实不全面,其实一个肯尼亚黑人和乌干达黑人之间基因差异比一个肯尼亚黑人和挪威白人之间差异要更多。 因为我们都是从非洲来的,因此在非洲, 基因变异演化的时间是最久的。换句话说,种族在生物学

22、或任何科学上都没有事实依照。另一方面,我关于自我的定义瞬时失去了一大片基础。 但那就是生物学事实,我们都是非洲后辈,一位在 160 02021 年前的伟大女性 Mitochondrial Eve的后辈。而种族这个无效的看法是我们基于害怕和无知自己捏造出来的。Strangely, these revelations didnt cure my lowself-esteem, that feeling of otherness. My desire to disappearwas still very powerful. I had a degree from Cambridge; I hada

23、thriving career, but my self was a car crash, and I wound upwith bulimia and on a therapists couch. And of course I did.I still believed my self was all I was. I still valued self-worth7/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习above all other worth, and what was there to suggest otherwise?Weve created entire value systems

24、 and a physical reality tosupport the worth of self. Look at the industry for self-imageand the jobs it creates, the revenue it turns over. Wed be rightin assuming that the self is an actual living thing. But itsnot. Its a projection which our clever brains create in orderto cheat ourselves from the

25、 reality of death.奇怪的是,这个发现并没有治好我的自卑,那种被排挤的感觉。我还是那么强烈地想要走开消失。 我从剑桥拿到了学位, 我有份充满睁开的工作,但是我的自我还是一团糟, 我得了催吐病不得不接受治疗师的帮助。我还是相信自我是我的所有。 我还是坚信“自我的价值甚过所有。而且我们身处的世界就是这样, 我们的整个价值系统和现实环境都是在效劳“自我的价值。 看看不相同行业里面关于自我的塑造,看看它们创立的那些工作,产出的那些利润。我们甚至必定相信自我是真实存在的。 但它们不是, 自我但是是我们聪颖的脑袋假想出来骗自己不去思虑死亡这个话题的幌子。But there is somet

26、hing that can give the self ultimate andinfinite connection - and that thing is oneness, our essence.The selfs struggle for authenticity and definition will neverend unless its connected to its creator - to you and to me.And that can happen with awareness - awareness of the reality8/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学

27、习of oneness and theprojectionof self-hood.For a start,we canthink about all the times when we do lose ourselves.Ithappenswhen I dance, when Im acting. Im earthed in my essence, andmy selfissuspended. Inthose moments,Imconnected toeverything-theground, the air,the sounds,theenergyfromthe audience.All

28、my senses are alertand aliveinmuch thesameway as an infant might feel - that feeling of oneness.但其实我们的终极自我其实是我们的根源,合一。挣扎自我可否真实,终归是什么永远没有终结, 除非它和赐予它意义的创立者合一,就是你和我。而这点当我们意识到现实是你中有我,我中有你,友善一致,而自我是种假想时就会领悟到了。我们可以想想,什么时候我们是身心一致的,比方说我跳舞,表演的时候,我和我的根源连结,而我的自我被抛在一边。 那时,我和身边的所有 - 空气,大地,声音,观众的反应都连结在一起。 我的知觉是敏锐

29、和鲜活的, 就像初生的婴儿那样,合一。And when Im acting a role, I inhabit another self, and Igive it life for awhile, because when the self is suspended sois divisiveness and judgment. And Ive played everything froma vengeful ghost in the time of slavery to Secretary of Statein 2021. And no matter how other these selves might be, theyreall related in me. And I honestly believe the key to my success9/13文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习as an actor and my progress as a p

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