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1、中考同义词近义词辨析中考同义词,近义词辨析1. too much / much too 1.The computer is _ expensive.2.Stop, Peter. You talked _.3.Ive got _ work to do.4.Father, have a rest. Youve _ tired today.5.Hurry up! You have wasted _ time.2. holiday/ vacation 1.Christmas is a _ for everybody.2.The children will take their summer _ in

2、half a month.3.My father is on _.3. close/ shut off/ turn off1.Youd better_the motor. It is making too much noise.2.All the shops are _ now.3.She didnt _ the door and entered the house.4.He _ the lights before he left the lab.5._ the television, please.4. instead/ instead of/ without1.I dont like th

3、is one; please give me that_.2.He stayed at home studying English _ going to the cinema.3.Tom passed by me _ saying hello to me.4.He went to school by bike _ by car.5.If Harry is not well enough to go with you, take me _.5. many/ much / lots of / a lot ( of )1._ of the visitors are workers.2.Has Jac

4、k _ money?3.During those three weeks, he ate _ meat.4.I did not understand why you had so_ strange questions.5.Although he is a boy, he reads _.6 above all / after all / first of all / at all1.Never waste anything, but _ never waste time.2._, let me introduce myself to you.3.What are you doing here

5、_ at all?4.He is still a child _. Dont blame him.5.I dont know him _.7. passed/ past1.They hurried _ the building.2.Tom _ by me without greeting just now.3.The train for the small town leaves at ten _ eight.4.Two weeks had _ since Martin had seen him.5.In the _ I have had many jobs.8. agree to / agr

6、ee with / agree on1.I _ what he said.2.All those who _ the plan, raise your hands.3.We _ leaving there the next day.4.Finally he _ get someone to help me.5.The food doesnt _ him.9. build/ found/ set up/ put up1.Last year a cinema was _ near our school.2.The rich man _ the hospital and a school in th

7、e town where he was born.3.The nursery was _ in our school.4.The newspaper reporter _ his camera under a tree.5.They must _ good relations with the masses.10. as / like1.she is a fine girl, _ her mother used to be.2.It looks _ a stone.3._ you know, he got into lots of bad habits.4.You are just _ wha

8、t I expected.5.He ought to do _ I tell him.11. a number of / the number of1.There were _ people out this afternoon.2.Do you write down _ my telephone?3._ of trees planted is never under 200 in our village every year.4.We have lived here _ years.5._ of jobless people grow in the country at present.12

9、. get( be ) ready / prepare / prepare for1.Mother is busy _ us lunch in the kitchen.2.The doctor told the nurses to _ the operation at once.3.We all _ to do anything for the people.4.Will you help me _ the party?5.Please _ by seven tomorrow morning.13. information/ news/ message1. I have a _ for you

10、 from my teacher.2.There is much new _ in this book.3.They were listening to the _ over the radio4.Will you take this _ to your brother ?.5.They have no _ about where she has gone.14. the same as / the same that1.The girl has _ hair _ her mother had.2.He was about _ age _ Tom.3.China is not _ the co

11、untry _ she was.4.The computer costs _ mine.5.He teaches English in the _school _ my brother does15. learn/ study1.She is _ to drive a car.2.The subject he _ was chemistry.3.Why dont you _ from my mistakes?4.- What is he _here? Law. He is a law student.5.The old and the young should _from each other

12、.16. but/ however/ while1.I like the film, _ I have no time to see it.2. Its raining hard. _ , I think we should go out.3. He said that it was so; he was mistaken _.4. She listened to me closely _ he read something.17. for example/ such as1. He, _ , is a good teacher.2. I know many students of your

13、school, Wang Hong,_.3. He can speak five foreign languages, _ German and French.4. He knows several languages, _ , he knows English and Japanese.5. Boys _ John and James are very friendly.18. answer/ reply1. She failed to _ to my question.2. _ my question in English, please.3. We havent _ to his let

14、ter yet.4. None of us knew the _ to the problem.19. That is( was ) because./ That is ( was ) why1. It was a long way and we wanted to come back on the same day. _ we started to so early.2. You have failed again this time._ you are proud.3. Tom is ill. _ he hasnt come today.4. Tom is ill. _ he wore t

15、oo little yesterday.5. He was late. _ his teacher got angry.20. near/ close1. The school is _ to my house.2. the post office is quite _.3. Childrens Day is quite _.4. He stood on the _ bank of the river.5. He is one of my _ friends.21. on fire/ on the fire1. The house is _. Please call the firefight

16、ers.2. In the ancient time, people used to cook whole animals _.3. Dont put your clothes _. Its dangerous.4. I dont know who set the house _.5. Look out! The pan is _ .22. alive/ living/ live1. Who is the greatest man _?2. My brother bought a _ fish?3. The _ people are more important than the dead.4

17、. The badly wounded soldier was unconscious but still _.5. When we found him ten days later, he was still _.23. greatly/ very / much1. Since then the number of milu deer there was _ increased.2. I think he is _ old.3. Now it is _ easier to make plans for our trips.4. I dont _ like it. 5. He is _ too

18、 busy.24. cost/ spend/ take/ pay1. It _ us two hours to clean the room.2. I _ a lot of money on books every year.3. the clothes _ me 200 yuan.4. Her sister _ 200 yuan for that dress.5. Im _ a lot more time in writing English than before.25. wear/ put on / have on / dress1. Do you know the girl who _

19、 a red skirt?2. He often _ a black jacket _.3. He _ his coat and went out.4. I _ my brother every morning.5. she is _ in a new dress.26. job/ work 1. I have a lot of _ to do today.2. They are hard at _.3. He has a _ as a teacher.4. I always take a _ in my holiday.5. Something is wrong with the _ of

20、my watch.27. included/ including1. Their names are -_ in the list.2. There are a lot of names in the list, _ his name.3. There are a lot of names in the list, his name _4. The rent is 4 yuan a month _ water and electricity. 5. The price _ postage then.28. how many times/ how soon / how often / how l

21、ong1. I dont know _ this will take.2. I wonder _ he will come.3. “ _ have you been to Beijing?” “ 4 times.”4. _ _ do the American people elect a president?_ Every four years.5. _ is the longest river?29. mainly/ mostly1. She is _ out on Sundays.2. She uses her car _ for her job.3. The audience consi

22、sted _ of educated young people.4. All of you have made mistakes, but you are _ to be blamed.5. He depended _ on his father to finish his education.30. feel like/ would like1. I dont _ walking very much today.2. I _ to have dinner with you.3. What _ you _ to do now?4. Do you _ having something to ea

23、t?5. I _ a walk after supper.31. across/ through1. Look around when you walk _ the street.2. She drove straight _ the town.3. There is no bridge _ the river.4. Water flows _ this pipe.5. The river is 10 metres _.32. accept/ receive1. I _ his letter yesterday. 2. He didnt _ my suggestion.3. We shall

24、_ you as a friend.4. Ive _ an invitation to the ball, but I cant _it because I dont know whether Ill be able to attend.5. she _ a good education.33. provide for / provide with1. They provided us _ all the books we need.2. The school provided food _ the students.3. We are provided _ everything we nee

25、d for work.4. The manager of the guest house provides everything _ the guests.5. Can you provide me _ a room for the night?34. right away/ right now/ just now1. We must be off _ . Its eight already.2. She is cooking her meals _.3. Dont talk about this _.4. He was here _ .5. Do it _.35. compare/ comp

26、are with / compare to 1. If you _ these two words, you can tell the difference between them.2. Please _ this word _ that one and tell me the difference.2. We usually _ children _ flowers of the motherland. 36. country / nation/ state/ land1. How many _ are there in the world?2. All the natural resou

27、rces are managed by the _3. Trade between _ in better than war.4. He was forced to leave his native _.56. one another/ each other1. The two sisters were caught in a strong storm. They encouraged _ all the way.2. All the students in our class should help _.3. All of us didnt accept _ opinion.37. cust

28、om/ habit 1.He has formed the _ of smoking after meals.2. It is the _ in China to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.3. He has fallen into the _ of getting up late.4. They broke some of the old _.38. care for / care about1. He doesnt _ his clothes.2. I dont _ going. 4. I dont _ movies.5. Who w

29、ill _ your children when your when you are away?39. one / that / the one.1. His attitude to me was _ of a comrade.2. Im looking for a house and I like _ with a garden.3. The white horse is a stronger than the black _.4. I like this book better than _ I read last time.5. The best coal is _ from Datong.6. He is not _ to bow before difficulties.40. silent/ quiet/ still1. Be _. The boy is asleep.2. The girl is a _ girl.3. All the students kept_about what had happened.4. Stand _ wh

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