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复Unit 1 Living well语法.docx

1、复Unit 1 Living well语法Unit 1 Living well Part 3Grammar1 and 2Revise the Infinitive (复习动词不定式)Study aim:To discover and learn to use the usage of the Infinitive.1结构 肯定形式 否定形式2时态与语态观察主动还是被动? 形式 观察句子一般式 ( )There is nothing to see.They pretended not to see us.( )否定/肯定?一般式( )I hope to be invited to the par

2、ty. -完成式( )She pretended to have known it before.进行式They seem to be practicing singing over there. -3. 分析句中不定式的成分。A. To see is to believe.Its important to learn .it+ be+ adjective (for sb)+ to doB. My job is to help the patient.Your task is to clean the classroom.C. I want to go home.The workers dem

3、anded to get better pay.I found it necessary to talk to him again.常用动词不定式作宾语的动词有:ask, agree, afford, choose, decide, determine, expect, decide, hope, like, learn, offer, pretend, prefer, plan, want, wish, refuse, manageD. The teacher told me to clean the blackboard.I expect you to give me some help.

4、E. I have something to say.He has a lot of homework to do .He is looking for a room to live in .There is nothing to worry about.F. I came here to see you.He got up early to catch the train.G. to be frank, to be honest, to tell the truth总结:不定式所做的成分有_【诊标练习1】分析下列句子中不定式的作用(主语,宾语,表语,状语,定语,补语)1To make hig

5、h scores in high school in a short time is really a hard nut.做_变成it 做形式主语 【诊标练习2】2. My wish is to buy a fancy car in the near future.做_此句可变成_3 His plan is to start building a skyscraper immediately.做_此句可变成_【诊标练习3】4.I want to do it myself.做_5.We found it difficult to work with him.It 做_, 真正的宾语是 _【诊标练

6、习4】Ill get someone to carry your luggage. 做_The mother had the boys clean the living room. 做_The doctor made him give up smoking. 做_【诊标练习5】I have an article to write today.今天我有一篇文章要写。(可说to write an article)做_I want to have a pen to write with.我想要一只写字用的钢笔。(可说to write with a pen,但不可说to write a pen)做_H

7、e has a lot of business to deal with. 做_I have got no place to live in. 做_ 【补标练习】1. He seems _ the old lady.A. knowing B. to be knowing C. to know D. to be known2. Tom _ when they spoke ill of him.A. happened to be passed B. happened to be passing by C. happened passing by D. happened to passed3. We

8、 all hope _ scientists. A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became4. The boy refused _ for climbing the tall tree.A. to pay B. to be paid C. being paid D. paying5. I happened _ the article when he asked me about it.A. having read B. to have read C. to be read D. reading6. _ with him is a great ple

9、asure. A. To talk B. Talk C. Talked D. To talking7. It is nice _ your voice. A. to hear B. hear C. heard D. to be hearing8. _ is to struggle. A. Living B. Live C. To live D. To be lived9. Her wish is _ a doctor. A. becoming B. become C. to become D. being come10. I was just about _ the office when t

10、he phone rang.A. leaving B. leave C. to leave D. to leaving11. I didnt _ it until you had explained how.A. manage to do B. managed to do C. manage to have done D. manage doing12. He found it important _ the situation all over the world.A. study B. to study C. studies D. to be studied13. At last the

11、enemy soldiers had no choice but _ their guns.A. to lay down B. lie down C. laying down D. lay down14. Yesterday I did nothing but _ TV.A. watch B. watched C. to watch D. watching15. It had no effect except _ him angry.A. make B. making C. to make D. made16. Bob did nothing except _ tennis. A. play

12、B. to play C. playing D. played17. Im considering _ his letter.A. to answer B. how answering C. to be answering D. how to answer18. Tell us _ next. A. how to do B. what to do C. how do D. what do19. We want to know _ to help him when he is in trouble.A. what will do B. what we should do C. how to do

13、 D. what will we do20. Dont stop trying. Youll be sure _ .A. succeed B . succeeding C. of succeeding D. to succeed21. The government calls on us _ our production.A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. to increase22. With his teacher _ he wanted to try it a second time.A. helping B. to help C. hel

14、p D. helped23. The lady was watched _ her room in silence.A. had left B. left C. leave D. to leave24. Im hungry . Get me something _.A. eating B. to eat C. to be eaten D. eaten25. His wish ,_ a doctor ,came true. A. coming B. come C. to come D. came 动词不定式(2)【示标】本节课共学习12种不定式的固定用法【学标】固定句型。1. had bette

15、r/had best + (not) do sth.最好(不)做某事你最好不要在室内吸烟。_2. cannot but (不得不)3. cannot choose but +do sth. 不得不做 4. cannot help but我不得不这样想。 _5. Why (not) do sth.?今天是周日,干嘛不出去放松一下(relax oneself)_6. prefer to do/prefer doing我更喜欢晚上看书。_或者_7. prefer + n./doing to + n./doing我喜欢肉而不喜欢鱼。_他喜欢听音乐而不喜欢踢足球。_8. prefer + to do s

16、th. rather than do sth.我宁愿看电影而不喜欢呆在家。_9. would rather do sth.Would rather not dosth.我宁愿做小汽车去那。_我很累。我宁愿今天晚上不出去。_10. advise建议 allow允许 permit允许forbid禁止他建议立即走。_他建议我们立即走。_【补标练习】动词不定式专题练习26. He loves praise. He is always the first _ and the last _.A. of coming ; of leaving B. comes; leaves C. to come; to

17、leave D. coming; leaving27. At last they found a house _ .A. to leave his things with B. to leave his things in C. leaving his things in D. living his things with28. There is nothing _ . A. to worry B. to worry about C. worry D. worry about29.Have you got enough room _all of us ?A. seating B. to sea

18、t C. seated D. to be seated30. It is too dark for us _ anything in the room.A. see B. seeing C. to see D. seen31. The young man is _ willing _ the old living around here.A. very; helping B. very; to help C. too; to help D. enough ; help32.He bent down _ the pen lying on the floor.A. pick up B. to pi

19、ck up C. picking D. picked33. _ the room temperature, he added some coal into the stove.A. To keep up B. So as to keep up C. Keep up D. In order keep up34. The teacher did what she could _ me with my lessons.A. help B. helps C. helped D. to help35. It is difficult for a foreigner _ Chinese.A. learni

20、ng B. to learn C. learned D. to be learned36. It is careless _ the same mistake in your composition .A. for you to make B. for you making C. of you to make D . of you making37. The girl is easy _ along with. A. to be got B. got C. to get D. getting38.- Are the problems easy? - No, in fact I found _.

21、A. them hard to solve B. it was hard to solveC. in hard to be solved D. very hard to solve them39. _ is a big problem.A. To get rid of these things B. How to get rid of these thingsC. Getting rid of these things D. Get rid of these things40. I felt silly because I didnt know _.A. to say B. how to sa

22、y C. what to say D. what saying41.The question is _ the answer .A. where find B. to find C. where to find D. where finding42. Would you please _ to each other before you hand in your examination papers?A. not talk B. dont talk C. not talking D. not to talk43. Tell him _ the window.A. to shut not B.

23、not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut44. He doesnt like _ in public.A. praised B. to praise C. to be praised D. praising45. We want the job _ by the end of the week.A. doing B. done C. to be doing D. being done46. The film is reported _ on show at the cinema.A. to being B. will be C. to be D. being

24、47. He is said _ to London already.A. having sent B. to be sending C. to have been sent D. being sent48. Alice is said _ her homework in her own room now.A. she is doing B. to be doing C. doing D. be doing49. These boys are said _ for doing good deeds.A. to be praising B. to be praised C. praised D.

25、 to have praised50. Who did the manager _ the report?A. have B. have write C. have writes D. have to write51. Oh, its very cold here, lets make a fire _ ourselves up.A. warm B. warming C. warmed D. to warm52. Would you please _ a little more room for me?A. to make B. make C. making D. made53. I wish to finish my task and _ away.A. get B. getting C. to get D. to getting参考答案1-10 CBBAB AACCC 11-20 ABAAC ADBBD 21-30 DBDBC CBBBC 31-40 BBADB CCABC41-53 CABCB CCBBB DBA

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