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1、玩具专业英语Xp Xp 玩具专业英语 喷油问题 Painting defect 外壳 Housing Housing bottom halve 底壳Abnormal sound 杂声 Housing halves Abrasion mark 擦花 外壳等份Iintermittent non-function Abrasion mark on 间竭无功能擦花痕 Impure plastic 塑料不纯Abrasion mark on window sheet 玻璃纸擦花Incomplete tampo painting 气泡 /移印不完整Air bubble on plating 缺油Incorr

2、ect blister 漆上有气泡吸塑不对 Air-bubble on painting Incorrect blister card Assortment park 混合装 吸塑咭不对Incorrect molding color 长毛脱落露底Bald spot on plush 错啤件颜色 Incorrect packing method 电池弹簧松 包装方法错Battery spring loosen Incorrect packing ratio Battery spring come off 电池弹簧甩错包装比例Incorrect paint color Battery spring

3、 expose 电池弹簧凸出 喷油颜色不正确 Incorrect painting position 接缝口打开了错喷油方向Beam opened Incorrect polybag 胶袋不对 豆袋公仔 Bean bag toy Incorrect tampo printing color 屈曲移印油颜色不正确Bent Incorrect tampo printing oriention. 硅油Bilicon oil 移印图按错方向 Incorrect tampo printing position. 两种语言装 移印图按错位置 Bilingual pack Incorrect thickne

4、ss of inner blister 内罩厚度不正确 Blister 吸塑 Inner blister cracked 内罩破裂 Blister card 吸塑咭Inner blister crushed Blister card damage 内罩压环吸塑咭烂 Inner blister damaged 吸纸内层内离 Blister card delamination 内罩破烂Inner carton 内箱 吸塑咭蒙 Blister card illegible Insert 内托Blister card poor die-cut 吸塑咭剪裁不良 Insert card/platform

5、break /托座破裂 卡纸印刷不良 Blister card poor printing 内卡Insert card /platform /内卡吸塑卡上下倒转热烫 Blister card sealed up-side down 托座压坏 crushed Insert card/plateform damaged 内卡/托座破烂Blister card wet 吸塑咭湿 Instruction sheet 说明书Blister card wrinkle 吸塑咭皱 Instruction sheet illegible 说明书蒙Blister card wrong die-cut 吸塑咭剪裁错

6、误 Intermittent(int)-function Blister crack 间竭功能 吸塑裂j-hook Blister crushed 挂吸塑压凹j-hook bamage 挂烂Blister deform 吸塑变形j-hook delamination Blister detach 挂内层分离 吸塑甩掉j-hook poor die-cut Blister misdirection 挂剪裁不良 吸塑走位 j-hook sticker dislocate Blister park 挂胶贴移位 吸塑装 j-hook sticker expose Blister poor heat s

7、ealing 挂贴纸凸起 吸塑不良 j-hook wrinkle Blister shrinkage 吸塑缩水挂破 j-hook wrong die-cut 吸塑走料不到Blister undershot 挂剪裁错误 2 吸塑无粘 Blister unseal 跳针 Jumping stitches Label peel off 胶贴翘起Brittleness 脆 Lacquer accumulation Broken 烂 力架积聚Left housing halve Bubble paint 喷油表面起泡 左边外壳 Light bulb without light 灯泡无光Bulk pack

8、 胶袋装 Linoege-plate 车牌烧焦 Burn mark Logo 公司唛头Burn mark on blister 吸塑烧焦 Logo illegible Burn mark on blister card 唛头不清楚 吸塑咭烧焦Long loose thread 长线 蝴蝶孔烂 Butterfly hook damage Low dense stitch 车缝太疏 蝴蝶孔内层分离 Butterfly hook decompose Mailer box Butterfly hook poor die-cut 邮寄盒蝴蝶孔剪裁不良 Mal-function 其中某一功能不良Butte

9、rfly hook poor wrong die-cut 蝴蝶孔剪裁错误 Materials fray 物料散口蝴蝶子孔破 Butterfly hook wrinkle Materials run 物料走纱 Cable tie 铁线扎带 Migration from card onto car Come off 卡纸甩色在车上脱落Migration from card onto figure 不能旋转 Cannot rotate 卡纸甩色在公仔身上 Migration from card onto toy 卡纸甩色在玩具身上箱印蒙 Carton mark illegible Mismatch

10、配合错误Clamp mark 钳痕 Misarrange 放不正确 Cold mark 冷纹 Mismatched parts Cold-heading 起级车轴冷打头Missing component Color deviation 颜色有差异 漏附件Missing country of original 磨擦甩色 Color migration 漏产地来源 Missing date code Color misalignment 颜色不对称 漏日期印 Missing logo Color mismatch 颜色不配对 漏唛头Missing marrowing 颜色不配合Color mism

11、atched 漏车骨Missing paint 电池片甩 Contact plate come off 漏喷油Missing parts Contact plate expose 电池片外露 漏装配件Missing plating Contact plate loosen 电池片松 漏电镀Missing sealing tape 漏胶盒胶纸 电池片生锈 Contact plate rust Missing tampo printing 漏移印混点 Contamination Missing whole pack of accessory 混色Contamination mark 漏整包配件Mi

12、ssing window sheet 漏玻璃纸裂 Crack Molding condition 破裂气炼问题Cracked Mottle 削痕斑点 Cut mark Mottle mark Dark paint 混点 油料深色No sound Date code illegible 无声 日期印蒙 Oil mark 变形油渍Deformation 3 水口料 Degraded material 橙皮油 Orange peel Orange peel painting 漏喷油 Dent mark 凹痕 Outfit fade Dent mark on window box film 彩盒胶窗有

13、凹痕 公仔衫褪色Outfit shrivel Dirty mark 公仔衫缩水污渍 Outfit unfit 公仔衫不合身变色 Discoloration Outfit wet 走位 Dislocated 公仔衫湿Over glue 胶水多Display box park 开口彩盒装Over hot stamp 热熨过多 颜色染沉 Dull color Over plating 哑色Dull painting 电镀过多Over print 印油过多Dust on painting 漆上有尘Over spray 喷油有尘点 喷油过多 Dust paint Over stamp 热烫过多Dust

14、painting 喷油表面粘尘 Over stuffing 顶针位 Ejector mark 入棉过多Over tampo 漏电 移印油过多 Electric leakage Oxidation 电子玩具 氧化Electronic toy Packing defect Electro-plating abraded 包装问题 电镀擦花 Packing method Electro-plating abrase abrade 包装方法 电度擦花Packing ratio 混装 电度发黑 Electro-plating black mark Paint abraded 电度脱落Electro-pl

15、ating peel off 喷油擦花Paint accumulation 聚油Electro-plating rain 电镀成彩虹印 Paint color deviation 喷油颜色有差别Electro-plating shadow 电镀阴阳色Paint color dull(matte) Electro-plating yellow 电镀变黄 喷油颜色亚色Paint color misalignment 顶针痕Evection pin mark 喷油颜色不对称Paint color mismatch 喷油颜色不配对 多余的批锋Excessive burr Paint color shi

16、ne(glossy) Excessive flash 披锋喷油颜色有光泽 Paint insufficient coverage 看到底色( 咀印花不良on mouth ) 喷油反底em Poor Paint peel off Face is too fat 甩油 脸太胖/ 起皮Paint smear(dirty) eie Poor tacking on bow 蝴蝶结钉不良油污(染杂)Paint under coverage 油漆太薄Fabric fray 纤维散口Painting 涂油(油色)Fabric texture mismatch 布料组织不对Painting color devi

17、ated Fixture 油漆颜色有差异 夹口工具Painting color mismatched Flap opened 油漆颜色不配合 盖口打开Mainting oversprayed 油漆太厚Flock 植毛 Painting pattern misalignment 油漆图按不对称Flow lime 流水纹 Painting peeled off Flow mark 油漆脱落 流水痕 Painting scratched 折纹油漆刮花Fold line Painting smeared 折痕油漆被弄脏Fold mark 4 吸塑折痕 Fold mark on blister card

18、 喷漆 Painting spraying defects description Painting undersprayed 喷油不足Fold mark on gift box 彩盒折痕 Part line Folding line cracked 折位破裂 夹摸线Part line misalignment Foreign liquid 夹摸线移位外来液体 Parts deformed 胶件变形Foreign materials 外来杂物Parts warkpaged 外来飞油 Foreign paint 胶件弯曲Pear skin Front housing halve 沙梨皮(搪胶)

19、前壳 Peel 剥落Fuel tank tip 油箱盖 Pile trapped by seam 离颖 长毛夹于缝口Gap on Plastic 塑胶类Gate 水口 Plastic residue ola 胶丝胶 水口未清 Gate remnant on parts Plastor wire broken 断铁线General word 一般字眼Plateform deformed Gift box crushed 压破 托座变形彩盒压烂/Plating oxided 彩盒压变形 Gift box deform 电镀氧化 Plating too thin Gift box flap seam

20、 open 彩盒缝口爆开 电镀层太薄Plush Gift box illegible 毛公仔 彩盒蒙 Polybag damage Gift box pack /胶袋烂穿孔 彩盒装 Polybag poor die-cut 胶袋剪裁不良 Gift box wet 彩盒湿Polybag shrinkage 光面 胶袋缩水Glossy finishing Polybag undershot 光油 Glossy painting 胶袋走料不到Polybag wrong die-cut Glue gassing 胶水霞气 胶袋剪裁错误Poor aesthetic quality 外观不良Glue ma

21、rk 胶水渍 Poor assembly 装配不良 Goldish plating 电镀变黄 Poor coating 油漆外层不良Grease mark 机油Poor cold sticking Grill 气压锅合不良冷却水箱Poor contact Hailers misalignment 配件装不对称 接触不良Poor cutting 头发剪裁不良 Hair poor cut 剪裁不良Poor electro-plating 头发夹于缝口 Hair trapped by seam 电镀不良Poor embroidery 塑胶玩具 Hard toy 绣花不良 Poor finishing

22、 车缝太密Higt dense stitch 喷油完成不良 Poor flocking 车头盖 Hood 搪胶植毛不良Poor function 车轴热熔头功能不良 Hot-deading Poor hair styling Hot-stamping 发型不良 烫金Tampo incomplete Poor heat sticking 移印不完整 热贴不良 Tampo off position 移印移位Poor hot melting 溶合不良Tampo painting dislocate 烫金不良/热烫移印位置不正确Poor hot stamp 5 熨画不良 Poor hot stampi

23、ng 移印颜色不同 Tampo painting mismatch Tampo painting off set 移印套色偏移Poor marrowing 车骨不良 Tampo printing color deviated Poor painting 油漆涂喷不良 移印油颜色有差异Tampo printing defects description Poor plating 电镀不良 移油 Tampo printing misregistrated 移印套色晃良Poor plushing 织毛不良Tampo printing pattern misalignment 印刷不良 Poor pr

24、inting 移印图按位置不对称Tampo scratching Poor printing of box 移印刮花 彩盒印刷不良 Tampo printing smeared 移印油弄脏 Poor re-painting 补油不良Tampo printing too thin resulting base visible 搪胶不良 Poor rotacasting 移印油太薄引致露底色Tampo scratching Poor sewing 移印刮花 车缝不良 Tampo-printing 移印Poor silk screen printing 丝印不良 Thread trapped by

25、seam 钉缝形状不良 长线夹于缝口 Poor sketching Too hard 太硬Poor spray 喷油不良 Too soft Poor stitching 太软 合缝不良Top housing halve 入棉形状不良 顶壳Poor stuffing Toy packed reversed direction 玩具左右方向放错移印不良 Poor tampo printing Toy parked w/back facing front /玩具反转放在罩透明度不良 Poor transparency 盒内Transmission gear-bos 变速箱 玻璃纸透明度不好 Poor

26、 transparency of window sheet Trim 打磨/Poor vacuum plating 真空电镀不良 修饰Under glue Printed box cracked 胶水少彩盒破裂 Under plating Printing misregistration 电镀不足 彩盒套色不良Under print 印油不足Pucker 缝边皱起 Under shot 连花插 R.C.A.plug. 走料不足Under spray 连花插座 R.C.A.socket 喷油过少Under stamp 热熨不足电镀有彩虹色 Raimbowish plating Under stu

27、ffing 入棉不足后壳 Rear housing halve Under tampo 移印油不足 后辘挡泥板 Rear mud-guard 喷油不足,喷油起牙边 后防撞杆 Rear-bumper Under spray 胶件颜色不平均 补油 Re-paint Uneven molding color Uneven painting 丝带散口喷油不平均Ribbon fray Uneven plating 电镀不平均右边外壳 Right housing halve Uneven shape 姻脂形状不对称Rough Uneven spray 喷油表面不平滑 Rough surface on co

28、ating 喷油表面不均匀 Uneven stuffing Rough surface painting 入棉不平衡 油漆面粗糙 Uneven tampo printing 移印图按不平均Rust 生锈 Uneven thickness of blister 外罩厚薄不平均 刮花Scratch mark Uneven thickness of inner blister 刮油内罩厚薄不平均Scratch paint 6 刮花痕 Scratched mark on 摇模胶件厚度不平均 Uneven wall thickness Untrim 不修饰Scratched mark on window

29、 sheet 玻璃纸刮花 Untrimmed thread Seam allowrance expose 缝口子水外露 线未剪Velcro detach Seam open 缝口烂开 魔术贴甩 Warpage 弯曲Sewing label loosen 唛头甩Water mark Sewing machinery mark 衣车靴痕 水印Water stain mark Shine color 喷油水渍颜色光亮 Weld mark 夹水纹 Shipping carton 落货箱Wheel stuck 箱唛 车轮不能转Shipping mark Wheel-hub 车辘芯Short crcuit

30、 断电路 White box Shoutshot 白盒 走料不足White mark 发白Shrink wrap 胶片带 White mark on window box film 彩盒胶窗发白Shrinkage 缩水 Whole pack 挂整大包 Sink mark 凹铒 Window box film 彩盒透明窗 Small sound 细声Window box film damage Soft toy 布公仔 彩盒窗胶烂Window box film detach Solid pack 独立装 彩盒胶窗甩 Window box film poor sealing Solvent mar

31、k 彩盒胶窗粘合不良溶剂印 Window box film poor transpare Sonic 彩盒窗透明度不良超声Window box filme stress 彩盒胶窗顶白 大声 Sound too loud Window box pack Spraying 喷油 有胶窗彩盒装 Windshield 移印类涂油/ Spraying,painting,tampo 挡风玻璃喷油Wire detach Staking 打窗钉 电线甩掉 Wire expose 电线凸出呔盘 Steering-wheel Wire poor welding 电线焊接不良Stitching hole 针孔 Without airplane hoke on blister card Story book illegible 故事书蒙 卡纸漏“飞机”孔Without J hole on blister card Stress mark 卡纸丁开挂钩顶白 Woid 穿孔 胶件有顶白痕Stress mark on part Wrong assembly Stressed mark on window sheet 玻璃纸有发白痕 装配错误Wrong blister 入棉比例不称Stuffing disproportion 用错外罩Wrong blister car

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