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1、英语期末考试复习资料英语期末考试-12月26日(一)题型:1.听力(10个短对话&2个短篇文章-10个问题)2阅读(3篇,其中一篇从第二册快速阅读的1-5单元中出)3.单词(3, 4,6单元 A 课文课后练习中 vocabulary&word-building)4.完型5.翻译(3, 4, 6单元A课文课后练习中汉译英部分: 以及3, 4,6A课文中一段的段落进行英译汉)(二)单词&短语1.1 firmly believe that this agreeme nt will be for our mutual ben efit.我坚决相信这份协议有利于我们的共同利益。1.People have

2、 bought these houses under the illusion that their value would just keep on rise.人们买房子是基于它们会增值这种幻象。2.The project has been canceled by the local government for lack of public resources.由于缺乏公共资源,当地政府取消了这个项目。3.The clerk must have overlooked your name, because he said you were not here.书记员一定是漏掉了你的名字,因为他

3、说你不在这。4.The speaker said something about the actors and then proceeded to talk about the film.发言人说了一些演员的事情,然后继续介绍电影。5.Differences of opinion are often the most difficult problem to resolve.如何处理各种不同的意见是最难解决的问题。6.When he looked for a job, John strongly felt that there was a widespread prejudice aga in

4、st men over forty.在找工作的过程中,约翰强烈的感觉到针对年过四十的男性的那种歧_ 视。7.Children should be encouraged to reach a compromise between what they want and what others want.应该鼓励孩子们在他们自己和他人的所想所愿中找到折中点_8.The discovery seems to con firm that people lived here over 100 years ago.这个发现印证了此处一百多年前有人居住。9.The book was first publish

5、ed in 1994 and was subsequently translated into fifteen Ianguages.这本书首次出版于1994年,而后被译成15种语言。10.Mind your own bus in ess. My affairs have no thi ng to do with you.管好你自己吧。我的事与你无关11.Having worked in the company for two years, Mr. Smith is now taking care for marketing and public relations.在公司工作两年后,史密斯先生

6、如今负责市场营销和公共关系。12.The farmer met with bad luck: His crops were destroyed by a storm.这个农民遭遇厄运:他的田地遭受了风暴。13.The old gardener seems cold and unfriendly on the surface, but hes really a warmhearted pers on.这个老园丁表面上看起来冷漠而粗暴,但实际上他是很热心的一个人。14.They had hoped to be able to move into their new house at the end

7、 ofthe mon th, but thi ngs did no t work out as they had expected.他们本打算在月底搬入新家,但是事情并不像他们预期的那样发展 15.Such viole nt attacks are in compatible with a civilized society.如此暴力的袭击与文明社会很不相称。16.There have been ups and downs in the old mans life, but on the whole his fortunes have grow n.这个老人家一牛历经沉浮,但是总体说来他的财富

8、却一直在增长。17.The mother only learned of her sons marriage long after the eve nt.这位母亲是在很久之后才得知自己儿子结婚的消息。18.Rising sales can give a good indication of how this product is received in the market.销量的不断上涨预示着这个产品的市场接受度。19.The Chinese government has all along been combating drug trafficki ng.中国政府一直以来都在与贩毒作斗争。

9、20.The management forbid their workers from accepting tips from customers.管理层严禁员工们收取顾客的小费。21.The picture is identical to the one in the Museum of Modern Art inNew York.这幅照片与纽约现代艺术博物馆中的那副一模一样。22.If you have no objection, I would like to ask your daughter to marryme.如果您不反对,我想与您的女儿结婚。23.Heari ng his co

10、mfort ing words, I felt a huge wave of warmth in side me and could not help crying.听了他令人安慰的话语,我感到内心一阵阵的暖流并不可抑制的哭出来。24.After the party, the mother needed some volunteers to help with the wash in g-up in the kitche n.聚会结束后,母亲需要一些帮手去厨房洗碗。25.The factory has now earned a large amount of foreign money, be

11、cause there has bee n an in crease in overseas trade duri ng the past few years.工厂如今挣得大量得外币,因为过去几年里海处贸易量上涨了。26.At the press conference he declined to comment on the companys difficulties and only an swered questio ns about successes.在记者招待会上他拒绝就公司的难处发表评论而只回应有关成功方面的提问27.The university resisted pressur

12、e to close one of its departments.大学校方顶住了压力,未关闭其中的某一个院系。28.We dont serve anything fancy, just plain, ordinary food.我们不提供任何华而不实的东西,只提供那些平实普通的食物。29.Thanks to the great efforts made by the police, crime has been on the decrease in the past few years.多亏了警方的巨大付出,过去几年中犯罪率下隆了。30.I will finish this job for

13、you without fail by next Tuesday.我二定在下周二前为您做完这项工作。31.I cant get any of the children to volunteer for work in the school garde n.我无法说服任何一个孩子去学校花园中做志愿者。32.You can go fishing as long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock.只要你能保证在11点前回来就可以去钓鱼。33.I promise they can get their pay right away, before n

14、ext Mon day at the latest.我保证他们马上就能拿到付款,最晚下周一之前。34.If I tell my father what I have done, he will be more than a little an gry.如果我告诉我爸爸我的所作所为,他一定会非常生气。35.I am thankful to you for having taken so much trouble.我非常感谢您所费的心力。36.In our letter we offered to give him the job, and soon after he wrote back acc

15、epti ng our offer.在信中我们向他提供了一份工作,不久他回信表示接受这份工作。37.Women in older times were forbidden from going out without wear ing long cloth ing.古代时禁止女性穿短襟衣服外出。38.While I was talking with my friend, the kids vanished into a nearbypet store whe n they discovered a nice little dog.我正在与一位朋友聊天,孩子们一看见那只漂亮的小狗就走进了附近的那

16、家宠物店。39.I was free to express my own thoughts and feelings, though sometimes I hurt others.我无拘无束的表达自己的想法和情绪,虽然有时会伤害到其他人。40.I have enjoyed my stay in your city very much, and yet I have been missing my home at the same time. So it is with a mixed feeling of sadness and joy that I say goodbye to you.我

17、很享受在你们这座城市的时光但同时也非常想家。 所以在跟你们道别的时候我感到喜忧参半。41.He never complaints that there are any problems he can not deal with or that he is un der too much pressure; he believe that such compla ints are a sign of weakness.他从不抱怨自己对某些问题力不从心, 也不抱怨自己压力太大;他认为此类抱怨是脆弱无能的象征。42.The slightest carelessness in handling the

18、 current financial crisis can result in a fall of the coun trys stock market.在处理目前这次金融危机时任何一点些微的粗心大意就会导致整个国家股市的瘫痪。43.If your child shows any sign of illness, take him to the hospital without delay.如果你的孩子有任何发病的症状,应该立即去医院就医。44.The light went out and the entire hall sank into complete darkness. All of

19、us had to sit still, daring not to move about.灯灭了,整个大厅陷入了黑暗。我们所有人不得不静坐以待,不敢贸然动弹。45.She writes home saying that she never feels she is two thousand miles away from home, because she has bee n treated with great kindness by the local people.她在家信中说并未感到自己远在两千米之外, 因为当地人对她非常禾L善。46.Some people are unwillin

20、g to work because their standard of living is ensured by social assistance.Current employment laws will have to be cha nged to reward effort and puni sh laziness.由于社会保障保证了基本的生活水平, 有些人就不愿意工作。所以现 今的劳工法应该进行调整以奖励努力并惩罚懒惰。47.He opened the letter with such nervousness that he could not stop his hands from

21、trembli ng.在打开信的时候,他是如此的紧张以至于他的手不可自制的颤抖。48.He has to shut himself in his own room reading and writing because his little daughter is usually active and noisy in front of the television in the sitting room all evening.由于他女儿经常在客厅的电视前面整晚整晚的吵闹,他不得不把自己 关在房间里进行阅读和写作。49.In order to narrow the gap between t

22、he rich and the poor, the gover nment has rece ntly take n steps to raise in come tax on wealthy bus in ess people.为了缩短贫富差距,政府最近提高了针对富商的收入税。50.Though it was in the middle of January, the weather was surprisingly warm and sunny, so we stayed out of doors the whole morning to enjoy the sunshine.虽然已经是一

23、月中旬了,天气却惊人的暖和、阳光明媚,所以我们整 个上午都待在屋外晒太阳。51.He was lucky that it was only an empty beer can that knocked him on the head.一个空啤酒罐砸在了他的头上,他已经算幸运的了。52.I thi nk that the food is very tasty at the restaura nt, though the service n eeds to be improved.我觉得餐馆的食物非常美味,虽然那的服务有待改善。53.You said that you dont feel very

24、 well these days. I think you need to lead a more bala need life to become healthy and happy.你说最近觉得不舒服。我觉得你需要过一种更平衡的生活,更健康、更幸福。54.The result of the research made the director unhappy. Thats why he became angry.调研的结果让主任非常抑郁。这就是他生气的原因。55.An icy. wind from the north had been blowing the whole night, so

25、 the temperature dropped below zero early this morni ng.寒冷的北风吹了一整晩,所以今早的气温降到了零度以下。56.After two days of questi oning by the police, the crim inal fin ally confessed.在警察审讯了两天之后,这个罪犯最终认罪了。57.It is a very popular play, and it would be wise to reserve seats in advanee.这出戏非常受欢迎,应该提前预定座位。58.He was an enthu

26、siastic amateur writer for many years before he turned professional.在成为职业作家之前,他极富热诚的当了多年的业余作家。59.The actors performanee inHamlet has been impressive.这个演员在哈姆雷特中的表演令人印象深刻。60.Where unemployment and crime rates are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.一旦失业率和犯罪率都居高不下时,据常理假设是前者导致了后

27、者61.A good photograph can often convey far more than words.好的图像远比语言传达的多的多。62.Although you have graduated from university, a bachelors degree inEn glish does no t qualify you to teach En glish.尽管你已大学毕业,但是本科文凭还不能使你有资格去教英语。63.The young girl is refined in her manners and she always eats cakes with a lit

28、tle fork.这个年轻女士举止优雅,总是用小叉子吃蛋糕。64.I have a packed timetable this week. Could you substitute for me atthe meeti ng at the head office?我这周的时间表非常满。你能代替我去参加总部的会议吗?65.The new project is expected to start early next year; it has won the approval of the board.新项目应该于明年初开始;董事会已经批准了。66.They have been out of wo

29、rk for too long and they each have a large family to support. That expla ins why they are so impatient to find some secure work. 他们都已经事业许久,又都有一大家子要养。这就解释了他们为什么 要如此不耐烦地找有所保障的工作。67.Si nee I know that to commit money to the project will be a risk, it would be irresponsible of me not to advise my compa

30、ny to give up the project.既然我了解往这个项目投资的风险性,建议我们公司放弃这个项目对 我来说责无旁贷。68.What the government is saying now is inconsistent with its earlier statement to this issue.政府最近对这个问题的言论与其之前的发言并不一致_69.While the manufacture, sale and transport of alcohol was illegal in the US, it was legal in surrounding countries.

31、虽然在美国生产,销售和运输酒类饮品是非法的,但这在其邻国是合 法的。70.Jok ing with every one at this official celebrati on is in appropriate behaviour for such a serious occasi on.在官方庆典这样的严肃场合,与众人开玩笑是不合时宜的一种行为。71.What do you think of your chemistry instructor? Oh, shes incapable of doing any real teach ing and shes so bori ng.你觉得你的

32、化学导师怎么样?哦,她没有能力真正教导我们什么又很 无聊。72.The young woman has a very small child to look after and she does not like such irregular working hours.这位年轻女性有个小孩要照顾,所以她并不喜欢这种不规律的工作时间。73.It was impolite of her not to say goodbye to the hostess at the end of the party.在聚会结尾与女主人不告而别,她的这种举动非常不礼貌74.Many readers were misled by the incorrect

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