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1、高级英语词汇Lesson1preschool /priskul/ n. a school for children between the ages of about two and five幼稚园;幼儿园例句:While a handful of U-S schools have incorporated the teaching method, Peterson felt it was a bit too drastic a change for their publicpreschool.curricula /krkjl/ n.all the subjects that are incl

2、uded in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc . (学校等的)全部课程词组:the school curricula 学校课程例句:Spanish is on the curriculaexclusively /ksklusvl/ adv. without any others being included or involved 唯一地;专有地;排外地例句:a charity that relies almost exclusively on voluntary contributions.strategy /st

3、rtidi/ n. a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose 策略;计策词组: development strategy发展战略 control strategy 控制策略marketing strategy 行销策略;市场战略 business strategy 经营策略;商业策略; 例句:Its all part of an overall strategy to gain position /kmpz()n/ n.1 the different parts which sth is made of; the way w

4、hich the different parts are organized 成分;构成;组合方式2.a piece of music or art ;or a poem(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品rebellion /rbeljn/ n. 1. refusal to accept some authority or code or convention造反;反叛;叛乱 2. organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another反抗;不服从例句:

5、Brown said God meant for him to begin this rebellion by invading Virginia with a military force he already was organizingstraitjacket /stretdkt/ n. anything immaterial that severely hinders or confines紧身衣 vt. a garment similar to a jacket that is used to bind the arms tightly against the body as a m

6、eans of restraining a violent person 约束;限制authoritarianism / ,rtrnzm/ n. a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc. 独裁主义;权力主义例句:As Suhartos presidential term approaches its end, Indonesia waxes and wanes between openne

7、ss andauthoritarianisminstitutionalized /,nsttjunlazd/ adj. officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution or given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system 使成惯例的;有组织的;遭受收容机构所产生的不良影响的watchwords /wtwd/ n. a slogan used to ra

8、lly support for a cause or a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group口号;标语;口令例句:Delivering the second report to the assembly government, commission chairman Gerald Holtham said itswatchwordswere fairness and accountability.emerge /md/ v. come out into view, as from concealment or happe

9、n or occur as a result of something浮现;摆脱;暴露例句:There are high hopes that the press will emerge from the economic crisis more professionideology /,adld/ v. an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation; imaginary or visionary theorization意识形态;思想意识;观念学词组:political ideology 政治意识形态d

10、ecolonization /di,klnazen/ n. the action of changing from colonial to independent status非殖民地化,殖民地自治化例句:Our organization was established in the wake of decolonizationunrest / nrest/ n. a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; a feeling of restless agitation不安;动荡的局面;不安的状态词组:social unre

11、st 社会动荡;社会不安例句: For more than four months, news of theunrestwas blacked out in the official presspremature /premtj/ n. born after a gestation period of less than the normal time早产儿;过早发生的事物 adj. uncommonly early or before the expected time早产的;不成熟的;比预期早的enrollment / nrlmnt/ n. the act of enrolling or

12、the body of people (such as students) who register or enroll at the same time登记;入伍ghetto /get / n. a poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group linked together by economic hardship and social restrictions犹太人区;贫民区 例句:The south coast of Spain has become something of a tou

13、rist ghetto.integration /ntgre()n/ n. the act of combining into an integral whole集成;综合词组:economic integration 经济一体化 system integration 系统综合autonomy / tnm/ n. immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence 自治,自治权例句:Morrell quoted Gates as telling President Barzani the United St

14、ates has a long-term commitment to Kurdish security, prosperity andautonomywithin a united Iraqplow /pla/ n. a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing犁;似犁的工具 v. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression破浪前进;开路syllabus / slbs/ n. an

15、 integrated course of academic studies教学大纲,摘要;课程表substantial / sbstn()l/ adj . having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable大量的;实质的;内容充实的词组:substantial savings 巨额储蓄 substantial connection 实质联系;密切关系prerogative / prrgtv/ n. a right reserved exclusively by a

16、particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right) 特权Lesson 2Precede: prisi:did V To happen before sth or come before sth/sb in order在之前发生(或出现),先于; 走在前面 开始前;前先;在之前的;Precedence(over sb/sth) n . 优先,优先权Precedent n. 实例,范例precede vt 在 precede effects 先前效应 Precede Over 优先于例句:Agricultur

17、al development simply must precede economic development农业的发展必须在整个经济发展中处于领先地位Ingenious:ndinjs adj Very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas灵巧的; 精巧的; 设计独特的; 有天才的,聪明的 智谋棋;有独创性的;巧妙的;机灵的Ingeniously adv. 有才能地,贤明地Ingeniousness n 善于创造发明的例句:ingenious ways of saving energy节约能源

18、的巧妙方法Unanimous (in sth) jnnms adj in complete agreement;全体一致的; 一致同意的,无异议的Unanimity n. 一致同意,全体一致Unanimously adv. 无异议地,全体一致地例句:In the end, the decision to scrap the project was unanimous最后, 大家一致决定放弃这一项目.jim crow 对黑人的蔑称jim-crow 歧视黑人的 Jim Crow 黑人 Jim Crow Law 黑人法 ; 吉姆克劳法 Jim Crow South 种族歧视的南方 Jim Crow

19、system 黑人种族蔑视制度 例句:This was an era of lynchings, Jim Crow, and economic depression. 那是一个充满私刑、黑人歧视和经济萧条的时代。enact nkt vt to pass a law ; act out; represent or perform as if in a play制定法律; 规定; 颁布,颁布; 担任角色Enaction n. 设定,制定enact plan 制订计划 enact statute 颁布法令 enact laws 制定法律 例句:The king could not enact law

20、s without the sanction of Parliament未经议会批准,国王不能制定法律。alley li n a narrow street with walls on both sides胡同,小巷; 小径; 球道blind alley 死胡同;没有前途的职业 bowling alley 保龄球馆;球戏场;滚球槽 back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带 例句:The centre of the city is full of tiny intersecting alley-ways市中心到处是纵横交错的小巷道。imprecation mprken n. 诅咒t

21、he act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult);Imprecatory adj. 诅咒的I imprecation 坚定不移 Our Imprecation Success 我们祈求成功 impetrate imprecate imprecation invoke 祈求 例句:Let I not imprecation I of pain and sufferings will stop.让我不祈求我的痛苦会停止notorious(for sth/for doing sth/a

22、s sth) not:ris adj having an exceedingly bad reputation;臭名昭著的; 臭名远扬的; 声名狼藉的; 恶名昭著notoriety n. 恶名,丑名; 臭名昭著,声名狼藉notoriously adv. 恶名昭彰地; 声名狼藉地; 著名地; 众所周知地Notorious Conduct 丑行例句:He is notorious for making unexpected, often self-contradictory, comments. 他发表的那些出人意料而且经常自相矛盾的评论令他臭名昭著Compensate(for sth/sb fo

23、r sth) k:mpenset vt adjust or make up for; make amends for; pay compensation for;补偿,赔偿; 报酬; 抵消compensative adj. 偿还的,补充的compensator n. 补偿者compensate for 赔偿,补偿例句:He did not have the means to compensate her. 他没有钱来补偿她acrobatic krbtk adj involving or performing difficult acts or movements with the body杂技

24、的,杂技般的,杂技演员的acrobatically adv. acrobatic(杂技的)的变形例句:He performed a sensational acrobatic feat. 他表演了一套惊人的杂技功夫。payroll perol n a list of employees and their salaries; the total amount of money paid in wages;工资名单; 工资总支出,工薪总额Payroll payable 应付工资 ; 应付职工薪酬 ; 应付关饷 Accrued payroll 应付工资 ; 应付薪工 ; 应付关饷 ; 应计工资 p

25、repaid payroll 预付薪资 ; 预支薪资payroll tax 工资税例句:All told there were 104 people on the payroll 在职的总共有104人。predilection(for sth) pri:dlekn n a strong liking;偏爱,偏好,嗜好例句:Predilection towards children is conniving them, which is adverse for their growth 回护孩子等于纵容孩子, 这样做不利于孩子的成长.Nightmare(for sb) natmer n a si

26、tuation resembling a terrifying dream噩梦;可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧; 泛滥成灾; 紧张nightmarish adj. 恶梦似的,不愉快的worst nightmare 梦魇例句:They began to recover slowly from their nightmare of pain and suffering. 他们开始从痛苦的梦魇中慢慢恢复过来。sensation snsen n a feeling that you get when sth affects your body感觉; 直觉; 知觉; 轰动sensational adj. 轰

27、动的; 耸人听闻的; 极好的; 绝妙的sensationalism n. (指行文或报道)耸人听闻,哗众取宠; 煽情主义sensationalize vt. 使引起轰动,以耸人听闻的手法处理sensationalist n. 感觉论者pleasant sensation 快感 visual sensation 视觉 tactile sensation 触觉;质感 auditory sensation 听觉 例句:The pain was so bad that she lost all sensation太疼了,疼得她都失去了知觉fury fjri n. a feeling of intens

28、e anger; state of violent mental agitation狂怒; 罗神复仇三女神之一; 暴怒; 激怒者sound and fury 大吵大闹;喧嚣与愤怒like fury 拼命,猛烈例句:He was working himself up to a fury, his face reddening. 他勃然大怒,脸涨得通红incongruous nk:grus adj. lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness; 不协调的,不一致的; 不和谐的; 不相称的; 异向incongruously adv.

29、不调和地incongruity n. 不协调; 不一致; 不适合; 不协调的东西例句:She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform. 她又小又弱,穿一身军装看起来很不协调。formula (for sth /for doing sth)f:rmjl n. something regarded as a normative example;公式,准则; 客套话; 方案; 婴儿食品empirical formula 经验式;实验式 infant formula 婴儿配方;婴儿配方食品 formula one

30、一级方程式赛车 general formula 通式;一般公式 mathematical formula 数学公式 例句:The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula. 外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经制订出合适的折中方案。shatter(into sth) t vt. break into many pieces;使破碎,使碎裂,砸碎; 使成为泡影; 使痛不欲生; 使散开Shatteringly adv.破碎地(shatter现在分词的副词形式); 令人震惊地shatterproof adj. 防碎的t

31、haw(out/in sth) v .become or cause to become soft or liquid; 使融化n. a relaxation or slackening of tensions or reserve; becoming less hostile; 放松to thaw 融化 ; 解冻 thaw out 融化,解冻例句:A failure would shatter the hopes of many people. 一次失败会使很多人希望破灭。odd :d adj. extraordinary , temporary古怪的; 奇数的; 剩余的; 临时的oddish adj. 有点怪的oddly adv. 奇怪地,古怪地; 奇妙地; 额外地,附加地; 零碎地,单数地oddness n. 奇怪,奇妙 odd number 奇数 odd couple 出人意料互不相配的一对 at odd 争执;奇数 odd one o

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