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本文(高考总复习英语江苏专用习题 综合过关 基础考点聚焦 检测六.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考总复习英语江苏专用习题 综合过关 基础考点聚焦 检测六.docx

1、高考总复习英语江苏专用习题 综合过关 基础考点聚焦 检测六综合过关检测(六)(时间: 100分钟分数:100分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. (2016宿迁三校质检)Was _ Bill, _ played basketball very well, _ helped the blind man cross the road?Yes, of course. He is always ready to help others.Ait; who; that Bt

2、his; who; thatCwhich; that; that Dit; that; whoA详细分析: 句意:是打篮球很好的Bill帮助了那个盲人过马路吗? 是的, 当然。 他总是乐于帮助别人。 根据强调句型的疑问句结构:Was/Is it 被强调部分that/who.? 故第一空填it, 第二空是引导定语从句, 先行词是Bill, 定语从句中缺少主语, 应用who引导定语从句, 第三个空是强调句结构中的that。故选A。2The goat looked_ at the man, _to say“Dont kill me!”Asad; as if Bsadly; as ifCsadly;

3、even if Dsad; even if B详细分析: 第一空应用副词sadly来修饰谓语动词looked。 根据句意第二空应该用as if, 意为“好像在说别杀我!”。3(2016盐城模拟)Professor Tang didnt give us a speech today. It was _ he had a traffic accident on the way to school.Athat BwhenCwhy DbecauseD详细分析: 句意:唐教授今天没给我们做报告, 这是因为他在来学校的路上出了交通事故。 It is/was because.“这是因为”, because引

4、导的表语从句表述原因。4(2016江苏兴化检测)She was the first woman _ to the board.Ato be appointed Bhaving been appointedCappointing Dto appointA详细分析: 当被修饰词前有序数词修饰时, 其后的定语需用动词不定式,再根据woman与appoint之间为被动关系,故选A。5I cant stand _ by my teacher in public any more. Im going to run away.Ato be made fun Bbeing made fun ofCmake f

5、un of Dbeing made fun B详细分析: stand sb.doing sth.“容忍某人做某事”。 句意:我不能再忍受我的老师在公共场合嘲笑我。 我想逃走。 make fun of “嘲笑”。6The police _and took away Mike, leaving the rest of us puzzled.Aburst in Bburst intoCburst out Dburst openA详细分析: burst in “突然闯入; 打断”, 用作不及物动词。 burst into“突然闯入; 突然开始”, 用作及物动词, 后面常接名词、 代词。 burst o

6、ut“突然出现, 突然开始”, 用作及物动词, 后面常接动词的ing形式。 burst open“突然打开”, 既可用作及物动词, 也可用作不及物动词, 可分开用。7Elizabeth Taylor, the Hollywood legend, died at CedarsSinai Hospital_ by her four children after being taken to hospital six weeks ago with heart failure.Ato be surrounded Bhaving been surroundedCsurrounded Dsurroundi

7、ngC详细分析: surrounded by her four children为过去分词短语作定语, 修饰Elizabeth Taylor。8Zhu Kai will_ the department while Im away. I hope you can _him with his duties.Of course I will.Atake charge of; assist Btake charge; helpCin charge of; assist Dbe in charge; helpA详细分析: in charge后不接宾语; in charge of后接宾语, 是介词短语,

8、可以做状语、定语和补语; 而take charge和 take charge of都是动词短语, 在句中通常作谓语。 take charge of后面接宾语; 而take charge后不接宾语。 根据句意, 此处需要用及物动词, 所以选A项。 assist sb.with sth.协助某人做某事。9After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _our astronauts desire to do is_ in space.Awhere; walk Bwhat; walkCthat; to walk Dhow; to walkB详细分析

9、: 从句 what our astronauts desire to do 作主句的主语; what在主语从句中作do 的宾语。 另外主语中含有实义动词“do”时, 后面的动词不定式可以省略“to”; 故此题选B。10With many major economic problems_ to be solved, there is no point _the growth rate of this year now.Aremaining; predicting Bremained; predictingCremaining; to predict Dremained; to predictA详

10、细分析: 第一空remaining to be solved(有待于解决的)在with复合结构中作宾语补足语。 第二空考查固定句型there is no point doing sth.做某事没有意义。11The numbers in this textbook _ points on the map.Acontribute to Bsubscribe toCcorrespond to Dsubmit to C详细分析: contribute to“有助于”; subscribe to“订阅, 同意”; correspond to“与相一致, 符合”; submit to“屈从, 听从”。12

11、These children arent noisy at all, are they?No, they arent. They are accustomed _ when they have lunch.Ato talk Bto not talkCto talking Dto not talkingD详细分析: 考查词组be accustomed to(习惯于)的用法, 其中to是介词, 后跟名词或动名词。 根据arent noisy at all可知,答案应为D项。13The fire caused thousands of pounds_of damage.Aworth BpriceCv

12、alue DprizeA详细分析: worth n“价值”; thousands of pounds worth of damage“价值数千英镑的损失”。14(2016江苏盐城中学学期调研)_ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.AIf only BAs far asCSo long as DOnly ifD详细分析: 从后面的will you可知是倒装语序, 前面需要only if修饰条件状语从句。15. (2016泰州模拟)Shall we offer

13、 the new position to Jack?_. You are the boss.AYou bet BIts your callCNo problem DIt dependsB详细分析: 句意:我们能把新职位提供给Jack吗? 那是你的事。 你是老板。 AYou bet当然; BIts your call由你做主; CNo problem没问题; DIt depends看情况而定。 根据题干中的You are the boss判断, 应是“由你决定”。 所以选B。第二节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出

14、最佳选项。About 10 years ago I was having my annual party and my niece came to see me. As she _16_ around the room, she noted that my employees seemed happy. Then, I asked her how she thought I did that. “Im sure you treat them _17_, ”she replied.“Thats half of it, ”I said.“Do you know _18_ the other hal

15、f is?”She didnt have the answer. So whats the answer? I _19_ the unhappy people. People laugh at this point. I wish I were _20_. Im not. I have learned that as a manager you cannot make everyone happy. Good _21_ requires training, communicating and patience.Dont _22_ me wrong. This doesnt happen a l

16、ot. Theres no joy in the _23_ of firing someone. And its not always the employees _24_ there are many bad bosses out there. And not all employees _25_ your company. I dont have a Ph.D., an MBA, or even an economics degree. What I do have is a _26_ company. Now I know some people argue that a busines

17、s is _27_ making money, and not everyone has to be happy. When you _28_ a company, you have the right to _29_ yourself with the people you choose.I have a good day today. Not _30_ Ive got a big order or great _31_ reports. I have wonderful people working for me. They care. They are committed (尽心尽力的)

18、. _32_, they understand the whole customerstaffcompany triangle, where all of the aspects _33_ each other. When you have the right people, business is much _34_. I know because I have _35_ it.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 “我”作为公司老板有自己的管理员工的理念:对待自己的员工要好, 开除那些感觉不幸福的员工。16A.showed BlookedCturned DcameB详细分析: 当她环顾房间时

19、, 她注意到“我”的员工们看起来很幸福。 此处用固定短语look around表示“四处看, 环顾”。17A.nicely BfirmlyCstrictly DseriouslyA详细分析: 因为员工看起来很幸福, 所以侄女推测“我”这个老板对待员工很好(nicely)。18A.which BthatCwhat DwhoC详细分析: 你知道另一半是什么吗?此处是一个宾语从句, 根据语境可知, 应用连接词what。19A.trick BhireCdislike DfireD详细分析: 根据下文中的“Theres no joy in the _ of firing someone.”可知, 此处表

20、示“我”解雇不幸福的人。20A.crying BjokingCcheating DregrettingB详细分析: 人们嘲笑这个观点。 “我”希望“我”是在开玩笑, (但是)“我”不是。21A.assessment BagreementCmanagement DemploymentC详细分析: 好的管理需要培训、交流和耐心。 根据语境可知C项正确。22A.bring BthinkCtreat DgetD详细分析: 不要误解“我”。 get sb.wrong“误会, 误解, 曲解(某人的意思)”。23A.way BchanceCact DformC详细分析: 解雇某人的行为无乐趣可言。 way“

21、方式, 方法”; chance“机会”; act“行为”; form“形式”。24A.decision BfailureCfortune DfaultD详细分析: 根据破折号后的内容可知, 有许多坏老板, 故此处表示被解雇并非都是员工的错误。 选D项。 BbelieveCchoose DunderstandA详细分析: 而且并非所有的员工都适合你的公司。 根据语境可知, 选A项fit“适合”。26A.funny BbusyChappy DlargeC详细分析: 此处对应首段中的“happy”, “我”没有博士学位, 没有工商管理学硕士学位, 甚至也没有经济学学位。 “我”有的是一

22、个幸福的公司。 选C项。27A.with BbeyondCinto DaboutD详细分析: 现在“我”知道一些人争辩说公司是为了挣钱, 并非每个人都得幸福。 about“关于”。28A.leave BjoinCown DshareC详细分析: 当你拥有一个公司, 你有权力和你选择的人在一起。 根据语境可知, 选C项own“拥有”。29A.relax BhelpCamaze DsurroundD详细分析: 参见上题解析。 surround yourself with sb.是固定短语, 表示“和某人在一起”, 故选D项。30A.until BbecauseCafter DthatB详细分析:

23、今天“我”过得愉快。 不是因为“我”得到了一个大的订单或者很好的财政报告。 此处用because引导原因状语从句。31A.physical BmedicalCpolitical DfinancialD详细分析: 此处和空格前的a big order并列, 结合所给选项可知应选D项。 physical“身体的”; medical“医疗的”; political“政治的”; financial“财政的, 金融的”。32A.Besides BHoweverCOtherwise DThereforeA详细分析: 他们(员工们)关心(公司)。 他们尽心尽力。 除此之外, 他们理解整个顾客员工公司的三角关

24、系。 besides“除此之外, 而且”。 BfightChold DhurtA详细分析: 顾客员工公司这个三角关系中每个方面都互相支持。 support“支持”; fight“竞争”; hold“抓住”; hurt“伤害”。34A.busier BeasierCsafer DhigherB详细分析: 当你拥有了合适的员工, 生意变得更加容易。35A.made BforgottenCgot DputA详细分析: “我”知道因为“我”已经做到了。 make it“获得成功”。第二部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、

25、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A (2016淮安模拟)The Appleton Club is the focal point of undergraduate ministry in The Memorial Church. The Appleton Club provides a safe, inclusive, and welcoming space for undergraduates to grow and develop as faithful Christians as they grow and develop as intellectuals and professionals

26、. We focus on building community through worship, study, and service, as well as through social gatherings and outings. All are welcome!For details on all the activities of The Appleton Club, or to be added to our email list, contact Epps Fellow Nathaniel Katz at or 6174961

27、426.You can also visit us on Facebook at Our life together is centered around three weekly gatherings:Sunday Night Student Service9:00 pm., Appleton ChapelEvery Sunday night we gather for a“come as you are”worship service that includes the celebration of Holy Communion. The service is designed to pr

28、ovide a peaceful and contemplative space to find peace and encounter the divine at the start of the week. Following the service, we gather downstairs in the Buttrick Room for food and some social time together.Wednesday Night Discussion Group9:00 pm., Sparks House, 21 Kirkland Street, CambridgeThrou

29、ghout the academic year we will come together during the middle of the week to read and discuss the works of the late Reverend Professor Peter J. Gomes. This spring we will continue discussing his bestselling book The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart as an entry point to conversation

30、s about what scripture is, what it isnt, and what it means for our lives as faithful contemporary Christians of the 21st century. Food will be provided.Friday Afternoon Social Gatherings4:00 pm., Sparks House, 21 Kirkland Street, CambridgeEvery Friday afternoon we gather as a community to check in and wind down from the busy week. This is our time to plan special events, service trips, and retreats, as well as a safe pl

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