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1、初中毕业升学考试贵州毕节卷英语含答案及解析2019年初中毕业升学考试(贵州毕节卷)英语【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六总分得分一、单项填空1. There _ only a little milk in the fridge. Ais_ Bare_ Cbe_ Dhas 2. The harder you stud y , the _ knowledge you will know . A. much_ B. more_ C. little_ D. less 3. -When is Womens Day? -Its _ March 8. A. in_ B. of_ C. o

2、n _ D. at 4. Uncle John _ for a walk after supper every day. A. goes_ B. went_ C. will go D. has gone 5. A bridge _ over the river last year. A . build s_ B. built_ C. was built _ D. is bui lt 6. _ is the last month of a year, A. January B. December C. September D. October 7. I d like you to meet Bo

3、 b . _ is my best friend. A. He_ B. Him_ C. His_ D. Her 8. Dont forget _ th anks when other people help you. A . accept_ B. to accept_ C. say_ D. to say 9. Can you _ the lost wallet in detail? ” the policeman asked. A. describe _ B. described C. to descr ibe_ D. describing 10. -Do you know Lang Lang

4、 ? -Of course. He is a famous pianist and he plays the piano _ . A. b eautiful B. more beautiful C. beauti full y D. more beautifu ll y 二、完形填空11. A man got off the bus an d Sam, the bus driver, drove on. Soon the bus to the next stop._ o ld man got on it. “ This bo y _ y ou his seat.”Sam said to the

5、 old man . But the boy in the front seat did not move _ the old man went up to h i m, Sam looked at him. Then he sai d again to the old man in a _ voice, “ Th is boy will be glad to give you his seat.” This time the bo y it. His face _ red. He got up at once. Then the old man sat down said to th e b

6、oy, “ Thank you, my boy. ” “Most people want _ nice, ” Sam told the old man . “ They just forget that. Sometimes they need a little . I am glad to give them such a push sometimes, too.” 1. A. come _ B. comes C. came D. coming 2. A. A _ B. An _ C. The _ D./ 3. A. will give B. give _ C. gives _ D. gav

7、e 4. A. while_ B. if_ C. unless D. when 5. A. loud _ B. louder C. loudly D. l oudest 6. A. hear _ B. hears C. heard D . hearing 7. A. goes _ B. go _ C . went _ D. gone 8. A. and _ B. so _ C. but_ D. or 9. A. will be B. to be_ C. b e_ D. b eing 10. A. rest _ B. money_ C. place D . push 三、阅读理解12. The

8、great Zen(禅宗)teacher, Benzei had many pupils. One day, one of them was caught because of stealing things by other students. And t hey reported him to Benzei, b ut he took no action against the boy. A few days later, the same b oy stole another s tudents things and was again caught. And again Benzei

9、did nothing. This made the other students angry, and they wrote a petition(请愿书) to ask the teacher to send away the thief from school. They all threatened to leave if the boy was allowed to stay. The teacher called a meeting of the students. When they ha d arrived, he said to them, You are good boys

10、 who know what is right and wha t is wrong. If you leave, you will have no trouble in joining any o th er school. But what about your brother w ho does not even know the dif ference between right and wrong ? W ho will teach him if I dont? No, I cannot ask him to go even if it means losing all of you

11、. Tears coursed down( 流下 ) the cheeks of the boy who had stolen. From then on, he never stole again and became an honest man. 1.What did the teacher do when the students reported me boy to him? A. He asked the boys parents to come to school. B. He was angry with the boy. C. He sent away the boy from

12、 the school D . He took no action against the boy. 2. The underlined word This in the passage refers to _. A. the teacher took no action a g ainst the boy who stole things again B. they didnt catch the boy who stole things C. the teacher hit the b oy who stole things D. the teacher told them not to

13、catch the boy 3.Which of the following sentences is true? A. The students all threatened to leave if the boy left. B. The teacher d idnt ask the boy to leave. C. If the students all leave, they wont join another school. D. The teacher called a parents meeting for the thief . 4. I n order to ask the

14、teacher to send away the boy from school, what did the students do? A. They didnt have classes B. They all left the school. C. They wrote a petition. D. They all threatened the thief . 5.From the passage we know _. A. Benzei wasnt really a good teacher. B. The boy realized he was wrong. C. The teach

15、er had a wrong action. D. From then on, nobody stayed with the boy. 13. One day, I heard an American boy sa id to a Chinese girl student, You speak very good English. But the girl answered, No , no. My Engli sh is very poor. The foreigner was quite surp ri s ed at the answer. Thinking he had not mad

16、e himse lf understood or the girl had not heard him clearly, he said, Yes, indeed, you speak ver y well. But the g i rl still kept sayi n g, No. In the end, the American boy co uld not understand and didnt know what to say. Whats wrong wi th th e girls answer ? She didnt accept a compliment( 夸 奖) in

17、 the same way as the American people do. She should answer, Thank y o u instead of “ No. She rea ll y u nder stood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should b e modest. In the w est, people wi ll feel proud and conf i dent when they are praised. So if someone says the dishes you hav

18、e cooked are very delicious, you should say, Thank you.” In our country, we think bein g modest is a virtue(美德)and being proud is a bad thing, but i n my opi ni on, being confident does not mean b eing proud, so sometimes you should be confident instead of b eing modest. If y ou are modest and say,

19、No, Im afraid I cant do i t wel l , while working in a w este rn country, the others may think that you rea ll y cannot do i t. If you often say, “ No ” , you will certainly b e looked down upon by others. When asking for a job, if one says something likeYes,I can cert ainly do it”instead of “ le t

20、me have a try ”,he or she wi ll expect to get it. So in th e wes t, you should be bra v e t o show your self-con fi dence。 1.Why did the Chinese girl say“No”when she was praised? A. Because she thought she should be proud. B. Because she thought she should be confident. C. Because she thought she sh

21、ould be modest. D. Because she thought she is a student. 2.If you say,“I can do it well.“when asking for a job in the west,the others may think that _. A. Y o u can do it we ll ._ B. You c ant do it well. C. You like doing it. D. You don t like doing it. 3. What does the underlined part“looked down

22、upon”mean in Chinese? A瞧不起 B瞧得起 C表扬 D批评 4.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The girl didn t hear the boy clearly. B. The American boy understood the girl s answer. C. In China, people think being modest is a virtue. D. The writer thinks being modest means being proud. 5. Wh

23、at does the writer want to tell us? A. We should be proud and selfish in the west. B. We should be modest and confident in the West. C. We should be modest and brave in the West. D. We should be brave and confident in the West. 14. S hould Shan h ai bid for (申办)the Su mm er Oly mpics in 2028? Here a

24、re s om e peoples op ini ons Some people said,“The games will i m prove Shanghais gl o bal infl uen c e and the city is powerful and must try to become a platform (平台)for major inte rnational dialogues, Shanghai has succeeded in holding the World Expo in 2010 a nd t he city can also hold the success

25、ful Summer Olympics . Others, however, are n ot sure that i t s a good idea. They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things. The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought much prestige(声望) to the city and t o China, but its cost, over $40 m illion, was high an

26、d t he Olympic site(场地) in t he center of the city i s now large l y unu s ed, Could Shanghai learn from Beijings experience and do it better? My answer is yes. As one American said, A great city has to do great t hings. Shanghai is a g reat city an d is not afraid of facing challenges. Holding the

27、2028 Summer Olympics would prove that. 1. Shanghai held the Wo rl d Expo in 2010 successfully. 2. The Olympic site in the center of Beijing is now largely used. 3. The 2008 Beijing Olympics cost more than $40 million. 4. All people think i t is a good idea for Shanghai to hold the Summer Olympics, 5

28、. The writer thinks Shanghai can learn from Beijings experience and do i t be t ter. 四、其他题15. 情景交际(10分 ) 根据对话内窖,从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话,使对话意思完整、通顺,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 。 (每小题2分共10分) W: Wha t s wrong with you, young man? M: _ 1. W: Have you taken your temperature? M: Yes, it seems t o be all right, b

29、ut I am cou g hing badly and Ive also got a pain in my head. W:_ 2. M: For two days. W:_ 3. M:Ah W: _ 4._ Youve jus t got a cold, Please t ake this medicine three times a day. Stay at home and have a good rest . You ll be we ll soon. M: Oh, doc t or, 5. I must go to school because Im going to have a math ex am tomorrow. W : I see. You can g o to school but dont work too much . M : Thank you, doctor. p16. ly:宋体; font-size:10.5ptA. I cant rest at home. B. Mmm, no t hing serious. C. How long have you been like this? D. Im

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