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1、语言学导论复习思考题01西南大学外国语学院语言学导论复习思考题01. In each question there are four choices. Decide which one would be the best answer to the question, or best completes the sentence. Write the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET.1. According to Noam Chomsky, language is the product of_A_.A. an innate faculty,

2、 unique to humans B. communication C. environmental conditioning D. all of the above 2. Which of the following statements is FALSE? _A_.A. Language is just for communication.B. Language is one of many ways in which we experience the world. C. Language is a sign system.D. Language is arbitrary and co

3、nventional. 3. Which one of the following statements about errors in foreign language learning in FALSE? _C_.A. Errors can not be avoided in foreign language learning.B. Errors tell the teacher how far towards the goal the learner has progressed and consequently what remains for him to learn. C. Err

4、ors are something bad that should not be allowed in foreign language learning. D. Errors provide the researcher with evidence of how language is learned or acquired, what strategies or procedures the learner is employing is his discovery of the language.4. The English language has_D_.A. morphemes B.

5、 syntax C. number agreement D. all of the above5. “He” and “she” are not examples of gender agreement in English, because_D_.A. they are pronounsB. they need not agree with other words in an English sentence C. they mark biological/social gender D. both b and c above6. A phoneme is_B_.A. the smalles

6、t meaningful unit in language B. the smallest unit in language C. the same as an allophone D. both b and c above7. Of the following, what are the two types of phonetics_C_.A. acoustic and electric B. arbitrary and auditory C. articulatory and acoustic D. allophonic and allomorphic8. /ik/ is a transc

7、ription of_D_.A. sick B. chick C. chic D. thick9. The Black English sentence “I dont gotta do nothing” is considered incorrect because_C_.A. it contains a double negative and is thus inherently incorrect B. it is impossible to understand C. it is not associated with the upper class use of standard E

8、nglish D. both a and b above10. The use of non-standard English persists because_C_.A. the working class is incapable of speaking “correctly” B. English is a complicated and therefore difficult language to master C. subordinate groups use non-standard English to promote solidarity D. teachers do not

9、 properly stress the importance of standard English in schools11. True or false: Chinese has no inflections for grammatical case. _A_.A. True B. False12. What is defined as the study of sentence structure? _D_.A. Morphology B. Semantics C. Phonology D. Syntax13. _C_ refers to the fact that there is

10、no necessary or logical relationship between a linguistic form and its meaning. _.A. Displacement B. creativity C. arbitrariness D. duality14. The study of a language at some point of time is called_D_.A. computational linguistics B. sociolinguisticsC. diachronic linguistics D. synchronic linguistic

11、s15. _A_ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech communityA. Langue B. performance C. competence D. parole16. Traditional grammar is _B_.A. descriptive B. prescriptive C. non-Latin-based D. wrong17. _D_ is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteris

12、tics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription.A. Phonology B. Phonetic alphabet C. Corpus linguistics D. Phonetics18. _C_ is the minimal unit in the sound system of a language, which is of distinctive value.A. Allophone B. Phone C. Phoneme D. Morp

13、heme19. Which of the following factors does not help to identify a word? _A_.A. Relative shortness B.Relative uninterruptibilityC. A minimum free form D. Stability20. Speech act theory was initially developed by _B_.A. Halliday B. Austin C. Searle D. Grice21. The four major modes of semantic change

14、are_A_. A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation22. The relation between the two words “husband” and “wife” can be described

15、 as_B_.A. gradable antonymy B. converse antonymyC. complementary antonymy D. synonymy23. “friendly” is a _C_.A. compound B. inflectional word C. derivative D. morpheme24. The construction “honest people” is _C_.A. a coordinate construction B. an exocentric constructionC. an endocentric construction

16、D. an immediate constituent25. The word “brunch” and “motel” are _D_.A. formed by blending B. acronymsC. coined by back-formation D. clipped words26. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isnt it?” is _D_.A. directive B. informative C. performative D. phatic27. Which of the following sounds is a

17、 voiced bilabial stop? _D_.A. m B. v C. p D. b28. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless affricate? _C_.A. w B. f C. D. 29. In the sentence “Can I have a bite to drink?” the speaker may not have a problem with competence, but with_A_. A. performance B. utterance C. syntax D. context 30. The ph

18、rase “Colorful ideas sleep furiously” is an example of_D_.A. rapport talk B. indexical language C. an ungrammatical but acceptable sentence D. a grammatical but unacceptable sentence 31. There are _C_ morphemes in the word “childrens”A. six B. two C. three D. four32. The words “take” and “table” are

19、 called _B_ because they can stand as a word by themselves.A. inflectional morphemes B. free morphemesC. stems D. roots33. Identify the morphemes in the word unimaginative: CA. un-im-ag-in-at-ive B. un-imaginative C. un-imagin-ative D. unimagin-ative 34. Which of the following two-term sets shows th

20、e feature of complementarity? _B_.A. Husband/ Wife B. Alive/Dead C. Hot/ Cold D. White/ Black35. The Whorf Hypothesis claims that_D_. A. language is full of “rich points”, whose meanings are difficult to translate into another language B. abstract terms are easily translatable C. accents are part of

21、 identity D. language influences culture-specific ways of knowing36. The phrase time is a commodity is an example of_B_.A. The Whorf Hypothesis B. A metaphoric systemC. A non-standard variety D. A rich point 37. The last phoneme in the word “hang” is a _D_. A. glottal B. palatal C. dental D. nasal38

22、. Three places of articulation that involve the teeth and/or the lips are: BA. palatal, velar, glottal B. bilabial, labiodental, dental C. stop, fricative, affricative D. nasal, lateral, semi vowel39. In the sentence I took my big brown cat to the vet yesterday, which of the following does not appea

23、r? _D_.A. Adjective B. Preposition C. Adverb D. Conjunction40. What is the meaning relationship between the two words “plant/grass”? _C_.A. Homonymy B. Antonymy C. Hyponymy D. Allomorphs41. The syllabic structure of the word “linguistics” is _B_.A. CVCCVCCVCC B. CVCCCVCCVCCC. CVCCVVCCVCC D. CVCVVCCV

24、CC42. The phonetic transcription with diacritics is called _D_.A. broad transcription B. International Phonetic AlphabetC. American English Pronunciation D. narrow transcription43. The Black English sentence “I dont gotta do nothing” is considered incorrect because: Ca) it contains a double negative

25、 and is thus inherently incorrect b) it is impossible to understand c) it is not associated with the upper class use of standard English d) both a and b above 44. According to their _B_, words can classified into closed-class and open-class words.A. variability B. membership C. similarities D. funct

26、ions45. When language is used to do things, it serves the _D_ function.A. evocative B. expressive C. directive D. performative46. Classroom is a _C_.A. free morpheme B. derivative C. compound D. root.47. The phrase “time is a commodity” is an example of_B_.A. The Whorf Hypothesis B. A metaphoric sys

27、temC. A non-standard variety D. A rich point48. _A_ is a type of phonological process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.A. Assimilation B. Transformation C. Code-switching D. interference49. _C_ refers to the use of a native language pattern or rule w

28、hich leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language.A. Interlanguage B. Positive transfer C. Negative transfer D. Overgeneralization50. In the sentence “I took my big brown cat to the vet yesterday”, which of the following does not appear? _D_.A. Adjective B. Preposition C. Adverb D.

29、 Conjunction51. _C_ is that part of the meaning of word or phrase that relates it to phenomena in the real world or in a fictional or possible world.A. Connotation B. Affective meaning C. Denotation D. Sense52. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as _C_.A. unnatural B. someth

30、ing to be feared C. natural D. abnormal53. The semantic components of the word “boy” can be expressed as _D_.A. +human, +male, +adult B. +human, -male, +adultC. +human, -male, -adult D. +human, +male, -adult54. Conjunctions, preposition, pronouns and articles can be classified as _B_.A. lexical word

31、s B. grammatical wordsC. pro-forms D. content words55. If two sounds are of no distinctive value, but are varieties of the same phoneme, they are called _C_.A. phones B. speech sounds C. allophones D. morphs56. In the following sounds, _A_ is a voiced stop.A. b B. d C. p D. k57. “You stand up” is transformed into “Stand up”. Which transformational rule is used according to TG Grammar?

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