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1、Unit3Lifeinthefuture课后作业2新人教必修五Unit 3 Life in the future 课后作业2(新人教必修五).单词拼写1She felt she had looked at the problem from every _ (方面)2He was a little worried because he had no _ (以前) experience of this kind of job.3He _ (转换) the conversation from the subject to another.4We will not _ (容忍) any invasio

2、n of our motherland.5Id like to bring up my children in healthy s_.答案:1.aspect2.previous3.switched4.tolerate5.surroundings.从方框内选择合适的词语,并用其适当形式填空remind.ofmake a good impressionbe back on ones feetcatch sight ofworry aboutslide into1The girl was almost frightened to death when she _ a snake.2The photo

3、 _ Mary _ her life in middle school.3_, she is dressed in her finest skirt.4Tired out, he _ bed and fell fast asleep.5After receiving timely treatment, the boy _ soon.6_ her daughter, the mother came to see her yesterday.答案:1.caught sight of2.reminded;of3.To make a good impression4.slid into5.was ba

4、ck on his feet6.Worried about.补全句子1因为缺乏关爱,这个孩子感到很孤独。(lack)_ _ _ care and love, the child felt very lonely.2毕业后他开始从事写作。(take up)He _ _ _ after graduation.3老师不能容忍在课堂上吃东西。(tolerate)The teacher cannot _ _ in the class.4我们不应忽略所涉及的问题是道德上的问题这一事实。(sight)We should not _ _ _ _ _ that the issues involved are m

5、oral ones.5我的话对他简直不起作用。(impression)What I said practically _ _ _ _ him.答案:1.For lack of2.took up writing3.tolerate eating4.lose sight of the fact5.made no impression on.单项填空1In our childhood, we were often_by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallowed Dhoped答案:B考查词义辨析。

6、句意:小时候祖母经常提醒我们注意吃饭时的礼仪。remind“提醒;使想起”符合语境。demand“要求”,不用于demand sb. to do的结构中。allow“允许”;hope“希望”;不符合语境。故选B。2The old man drove the car at a_speed, which made us very comfortable.Ahigh BsurprisingCcrazy Dconstant答案:D形容词词义辨析。句意:老人以恒定的速度开车,这使我们感觉非常舒适。结合句意可知constant“恒定的,不变的”,符合语境。high“高的”;surprising“令人吃惊的

7、”;crazy“疯狂的”;都不符合语境。故选D。3_from heart trouble for years, Mr White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASuffered BSufferingCHaving suffered DBeing suffered答案:C考查非谓语动词。句意:患心脏病很多年了,怀特先生必须随身带着药,不管他去哪里。suffer from“患病”,与主句主语构成主动关系,又因时间状语for years,故用完成时态。故选C。4Please explain how two or more t

8、hings are similar_different from each other.Ato or BorCin and Dand答案:A句意:请解释一下两个或更多事物之间彼此的相似或不同之处。“与相似”用be similar to表示。故选A。5Everyone involed in the filming has enjoyed working in such beautiful_.Asurrounding BsurroundingsCsituation Dconditions答案:B考查词义辨析。句意:每一个参与电影拍摄的人都喜欢在这么漂亮的环境中工作。surrounding是形容词,

9、意为“周围的”;situation“情况”;conditions“条件”都不合语境。surroundings“环境”,符合语境。故选B。6Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant_so much noise.Aresist BsustainCtolerate Dundergo答案:C考查动词辨析。句意:一些老人不喜欢流行音乐因为他们不能忍受那么多的噪音。A项“抵挡”;B项“蒙受;遭受”;D项“经历,承受”均不符合语境。tolerate表示“忍受”符合语境。故选C。7Health problems are closely conn

10、ected with bad eating habits and a_of exercise.Alimit BlackCneed Ddemand答案:B考查名词辨析。句意:健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼密切相关。lack作名词时常构成a lack of短语。故选B。8(2013郑州模拟)The sculptures have been carved so vividly as if two cyclists _.Acycled BcyclesChas cycled Dwere cycling答案:D考查虚拟语气。句意:雕塑被刻得如此栩栩如生,就像两个自行车运动员在骑车一样。从句意看as i

11、f引导的状语从句与现在事实相反,故谓语用过去进行时。9(20122013东莞市高级中学期中考试)They tried to persuade him to _ the post but he declined.Atake off Btake inCtake up Dcarry out答案:C句意为“他们企图说服他担任这个职位,但他谢绝了”。take up表示“接受,从事”之意,符合语境;而take off表示“起飞;脱下”;take in表示“吸收;欺骗”;carry out表示“执行”。10The wind is blowing hard; please make sure all the

12、windows are _ properly.Afastened BswitchedCflashed Dpressed答案:A句意:开始刮强风了,请确定所有的窗子都关好了。fasten表示“系牢,扎牢”,符合语境;而switch表示“切换”,flash表示“闪现”,press表示“压;按”。.阅读理解AEatable plates, cups made of ice, tables made with tires,and bar seats made of water pipes: Its not a science fiction film but a realworld lowcarbon

13、 restaurant.The restaurant is one of Londons zerocarbon buildings in the Shanghai World Expos Urban Best Practice Area (UBPA)where more than 50 lowcarbon exhibits are on show.What is more impressive is that the two London zerocarbon exhibition buildings have realised energy independence.On the roof

14、of the two buildings, there is special equipment to collect both solar and wind energy. The collected energy provides the two buildings with electricity. At the same time, the buildings rainwater collection system satisfies the nondrinking water needs of both buildings.The buildings zerocarbon meeti

15、ng room has 87 seats. The very modernlooking seats are all made of recycled materials like pans, barrels (桶) and traffic signs.KEEPING CARS AT BAYGermanys Freiburg is another lowcarbon exhibitor in the UBPA. Vauban, a district of Freiburg, is a “carreduced district” with most streets having no parki

16、ng spaces and 70 percent of families having voluntarily given up driving.The district also started a “shareonecar” campaign to encourage citizens to carpool (合伙使用汽车) as much as possible to reduce emissions (排放)Meanwhile,citizens in the district build their houses in an energysaving way,and so solar

17、energy equipment is widely used.LOWCARBON LIFE ON SPINNING WHEELS At the UBPA, dozens of colourful bicycles catch visitors eyes. The bicycles are from the Odense exhibition area. Odense, the third largest city in Denmark, is a city worldfamous for its bicycle culture.The bicycles on exhibition help

18、develop a low carbon city lifestyle. What, then, will bicycles in the future look like? The exhibition has an interesting answer: they will be similar to bicycles today. Throughout the long history of the bicycles,little has changed.“The simple design of the bike is also made for the future,” a sign

19、 by the exhibition reads.1Which of the following is TRUE of Londons zerocarbon buildings?AThey can provide the energy they need by themselves.BThey have a special system that can produce drinking water.CTheir meeting room is all made of recycled materials.DThere are 50 lowcarbon exhibits on show in

20、them.答案:A事实细节题。根据第三段的“the two London zerocarbon exhibition buildings have realised energy independence”和第四段第二句“The collected energy provides the two buildings with electricity.”可知,来自伦敦的两个“零碳”大楼基本能够实现能源自给。2We can know from the passage that _.Athe number of cars in Vauban is growing rapidlyBcitizens i

21、n Vauban rely much less on carsCFreiburg has achieved zerocarbon emissionsDwind energy equipment is widely used in Vauban答案:B推理判断题。根据第六段的“70 percent of families having voluntarily given up driving”可知,德国Vauban的大多数居民都已经不开汽车了,故选B。3According to the passage, in the future bicycles will _.Abe replaced by

22、carsBrun much fasterCchange littleDhave more functions答案:C事实细节题。根据倒数第二段的“they will be similar to bicycles today”可知,与现在的自行车相比,未来的自行车不会有多少变化。4The main purpose of the passage is to _.Apredict our energysaving lifestyles in the futureBtell us how to visit the Shanghai World ExpoCshow how Shanghai is hol

23、ding a lowcarbon World ExpoDintroduce the UBPA of the Shanghai World Expo答案:D主旨大意题。本文是一则新闻。根据全文可知,本文的写作目的是介绍上海世博会的城市最佳实践区(UBPA)。BWhat will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question,you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in biotechnolo

24、gy (生物科技). With the help of new medicine,the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents,murder and war. Todays leading killers, such as heart disease, cancer, and aging itself,will become distant memories.In discussion of technological changes, the Internet gets mos

25、t of attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells are the basic units of all living things,and until recently,scientists were sure that the life of cells could not

26、 go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells, such as those of brain cells, would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100,medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so,people will be able to take

27、 medicine to repair their organs. The medicine, made up of the basic building materials of life,will build new brain cells,heart cells and so on, in much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.It is exciting to imagine that the advance in technology may be changing

28、 the most basic condition of human existence, but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future. 文章大意:在未来的100年,人类的生命由于生物科技的发展可以无限期延长的愿望有可能成为现实。5According to the passage,human death is now mainly caused by _.Adiseases and aging Baccidents and warCaccidents and a

29、ging Dheart disease and war答案:A细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句可知,当今生命的主要杀手有心脏病、癌症和衰老。6In the authors opinion,todays most important advance in technology lies in _.Amedicine Bthe InternetCbrain ceils Dhuman organs答案:A细节理解题。第二段前两句的意思是“在讨论技术变化时,人们往往注意到的是网络。然而药学方面的变化可能是当今技术方面的真正事件”,故选A。7Humans may live longer in the f

30、uture because _.Aheart disease will be far away from usBhuman brains can decide the final deathCthe basic materials of cells will last foreverDhuman organs can be repaired by new medicine答案:D推理判断题。由第二段的后半部分可知,在20502100年间,每隔10年左右,人们可以通过服药来修复生病或衰老的器官,这是未来生命延长的原因。8How long can humans live in the future according to the passage?AOver 100 years.BMore than 120 years.CAbout 150 years.DThe passage doesnt tell us.答案:D细节理解题。阅读全文可知,文章没有具体告诉我们人们将来能活多少年。

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