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unit 1.docx

1、unit 1(13国商3)Unit 1 Business letters1. business correspondence 商务信函 2. business letter 商务书信3. fax 传真4. e-mail 电子邮件5. heading / letter head 信头6. date 日期7. inside name & address 封内名称和地址8. attention 交由9. salutation 称呼10. subject / caption 标题/ 事由11. the body of letter / letter body 信文12. postscript ( P.

2、S. ) 附言13. complimentary close 结尾客套语14. signature 签名15. enclosure 附件16. as stated / as above 如上所述17. reference No. 编号18. your reference 你方编号19. our reference 我方编号20. yours faithfully 某某人谨上21. international trade 国际贸易22. letter writing 书信写作23. terms & conditions 条件24. commodity contract 商品合同25. commo

3、dity list 商品目录单26. shipping documents 装运单据27. shipping advice 装运通知书 28. indented form 缩行式29. full blocked form 齐头式30. modified form 混合式31. Cpany 公司32. Corp.= corporation 公司33. Ltd.= limited 有限公司34. firm 公司,企业35. registered ( letter ) 挂号信36. confidential ( letter) 机密信37. opening date 开幕日期38. China Da

4、ily 中国日报39. have ( much ) experience in sth. 对某事很有经验40. be experienced in sth. 对某事很有经验41. hear from 收到来信42. hear of 听说43. in advance 事先44. do ( import & export ) business 做(进出口)生意45. sell well / fast 畅销46. VATValue-Added Tax 增值税47. Guangzhou Fair 广交会48. Chinese Export Commodities Fair 中国出口商品交易会49. h

5、all number 大厅号50. room number 房号51. free distribution 免费分发52. furnish sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物53. provide sb. with sth. / sth. for sb. 向某人提供某物54. supply sb. with sth. / sth to sb. 向某人提供某物55. head office 总公司56. general manager 总经理57. executive manager 行政经理58. assistant manager 协理,副理59. sales manager 销售经

6、理60. with keen interest 殷切地61. light industrial products 轻工业产品62. import & export corporation 进出口公司63. International Airlines 国际航班64. on / upon receipt of 一俟收到 Unit 2 Establishment & Development of Business Relations1. financial status and reputation 财务状况和声誉2. business standing and outline 业务声望和概况3.

7、 Chamber of Commerce 商会4. Commercial Counsellors Office 商务参赞处5. Trade Directory 贸易行行名录6. Business Houses of the Same Trade 同业商行7. intend to do sth. = plan to do sth. 打算做某事8. be obliged for sth. 感谢9. be obliged for your introduction = thank you for your introduction 感激你的介绍10. be obliged to do sth. 被迫

8、做某事11. = obtain /get / receive / learn.from 从.得知12. take this opportunity to do sth. 借此机会去做某事13. be well experienced in sth. = have (much) experience in sth 对.经验丰富14. engineering equipment 工程设备15. in the hope of doing sth. 希望16. open an account = establish business relations = enter into busi

9、ness relations = build up business relations 建立贸易关系17. enjoy an excellent reputation 享有盛誉18. be satisfied with = be pleased with 对.满意19. under separate cover = by separate mail 另封邮寄20. by separate airmail 另封航邮21. irrevocable & confirmed letter of credit 不可撤销的,保兑的信用证22. letter of credit = L/C 信用证23.

10、business activities = business operations 业务活动24. business line 业务范围25. general base 总基地26. general manager 总经理27. head office 总公司28. handle = deal in 经营29. specialize in 专门经营30. typewriter 打印机31. copying machine 复印机32. company printing machine 公司印刷机33. cash register 收款机34. addressing machine 姓名住址印写

11、机35. direct all inquiries to = refer to 向.查询36. purchase division 采购部37. development plan 发展计划38. meet your satisfaction 使贵方满意39. meet your requirements 满足你方需求40. on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上41. be in the market for 欲购买42. place an order with sb. for sth. 向某人订购某物43. mutually

12、 beneficial business relations 互利的贸易关系44. East China Region Trading Corporation 华东地区贸易公司45. by return mail 通过回函46. with full details 详细地47. upon / on receipt of 一俟收到.48. in the near future 在不久的将来49. in the future 在将来50. in future = from now on 从今以后51. the extent of our reliabilities 我们值得信赖的程度52. obj

13、ective information 客观信息53. at your request = comply with your request 按照你方要求54. specialize in sth. 专门经营55. contact sb. = make contact with sb. 联系某人56. be willing to dobe glad to do = wish to do 愿意做某事57. an incorporated company (美国)股份有限公司58. with reference to 关于59. machine tools 机床60. for ones benefi

14、t 为某人好61. first class cotton 优质棉花62. rayon goods 人造丝织品63. enclose herewith 随函附寄64. on condition that 条件是,如果65. amount to 总计达66. traditional skills 传统技术67. electric shaver 电动剃须刀68. for more information 若需更多信息69. superb material 上等材料70. at home and abroad 在国内外71. find business possible 认为有成交可能72. indi

15、vidual income tax 个人所得税73. through the courtesy of 承蒙的介绍74. a state corporation 国有公司Unit 3 Enquiries and Offer1. trade negotiation 交易磋商2. enquire , make an enquiry 询盘(v.)3. enquire for sth , make an enquiry for sth 询盘某物4. enquire sb for sth 向某人询盘某物5. enquire the price of sth 询盘某物价格6. quote / offer ,

16、 make a / an quotation / offer 报盘(v.)7. quote / offer for sth , make a/ an quotation / offer for sth 报某物的盘8. quote / offer sb for sth 向某人报某物的盘9. counter-offer 还盘(v.)10. accept 接收(v.)11. firm offer 实盘12. non-firm offer 虚盘13. voluntary offer 主动报盘14. pro forma invoice 形式发票15. for our consideration / in

17、formation / reference 供我们参考16. with reference to 关于17. comply with your request = at your request = as requested 按照贵方要求18. meet your satisfaction / requirement 满足要求19. full-range products 全套产品20. enquiry form 询价单21. Enclosed please find . 随函寄去,请查收22. be subject to 以为有效23. have / command / find a goo

18、d market 畅销24. sell fast / well 畅销25. enjoy fast sales 畅销26. be popular with customers 畅销27. famous-brand athletic shoes 著名品牌运动鞋28. a promising market 有前途的市场29. long term partner 长期合作伙伴30. detailed information on such items 关于这种商品的详细资料31. place an order(n.) for sth 下定单32. order(v.) sth 下定单33. place

19、order elsewhere 去别处订单34. in this regard 关于此方面35. consider = take into consideration 考虑36. be interested in sth / doing sth 有兴趣做某事37. be interested to do sth 迫切想做某事38. illustrated catalogue 有插图的目录本39. under separate cover 另封40. by separate mail / post 另封41. by parcel post 用包裹邮递42. by separate airmail

20、 另封航邮43. terms & conditions 条件44. the same as usual 按照惯例45. a large / great / active / heavy demand for 对.需求很大46. a growing demand 日益增加的需求47. FCL= full container load 整集装箱货物48. the increase in price 价格的上升49. result in = lead to 导致50. result from 源自51. name of commodity 商品品名52. article NO. of commodi

21、ty 商品货号53. packing requirement 包装条件54. unit price 单价55. in duplicate = in two copies 一式二份 56. in triplicate = in three copies 一式三份57. in quadruplicate = in four copies 一式四份58. out of question 毫无疑问59. out of the question 不可能60. in your favor 以你方为抬头61. prospective customers 未来客户62. promote the sale 促销

22、63. take pleasure in doing sth = enjoy doing sth 乐于做某事64. take all the necessary steps 采取所有的必要的措施65. take measures 采取措施66. dispatch date 离港日期67. in the new season 本季度68. a trade discount of 30% 七折69. in all = all together 总共70. study information 研究信息71. good / excellent value for money 货真价实72. trial

23、 order 试订单73. fresh / new order 新订单74. initial order 首批订单75. free of charge 免费76. free distribution 免费分发77. modern design 设计新颖78. nice color 色彩鲜艳79. fine quality 质量上乘80. in view of 鉴于81. take full advantage of 充分利用82. current / prevailing price 时价Unit 4 counter-offer1. we regret that 2. we regret to

24、 say/state that .3. we note/find with regret that 4. much to our regret5. we feel/are sorry/regretful that6. come to terms/business 达成协议,成交7. close a deal/bargain 达成协议,成交8. reduceby (reducedeclinecut) 降低了.9. reduceto 降低到.10. make are reduction of 降低.11. declining market 行情下跌的市场,市场疲软12. strengthening

25、/advancing market 行情上升的市场,市场活跃13. weak market 行情下跌的市场,市场疲软14. strong/active market 行情上升的市场,市场活跃15. direct your attention to 着眼于16. prices are fixed on a reasonable level 价格定位合理17. prices are in line with the current/ prevailing market level 价格与现行市价相符合18. prices are out of line with current/ prevaili

26、ng market level 价格与现行市价不相符合19. prices (cant) match/ match up to the current market level 价格与现行市价(不)相符合20. prices are favorable/ workable/ acceptable/ reasonable/ suitable/ competitive 价格优惠/能做的开/接收/合理/何时/具有竞争性21. prices are unfavorable/ unworkable/ unacceptable/ unreasonable/ unsuitable/ uncompetitiv

27、e22. see ones way clear to do = be able to do = be in a position to do 能够做.23. with a view to doing = in order to do 为了24. in view of 鉴于25. cover (the increasing) cost 弥补上升的成本26. cover the rise in the cost 弥补上升的成本27. freight cost 运输成本28. labor cost 劳动力成本29. export cost 出口成本30. increase in freight ra

28、te 运费的上升31. increase/ rise in price 价格的上升32. reduction in price 价格的降低33. request for lower price 降价的要求34. request for reducing price 降价的要求35. ask for lower price 要求降价36. in reply 此复37. reply to the letter of April 6 回复4月6号的信38. in this case 在这种情况下39. persuade our customers to accept your prices 劝说我们的顾客接受你们的价格40. even though/ if 即使41. be prepared to do 愿意做.42. prepare to do 准备做43. result in = lead in 导致44. result from 由于,源自45. market share 市场份额46. market share with great profit 高利润的市场份额47. decline price reduction 拒绝降价48. meet the competition 与其他报价竞争49. compete with other dealers

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