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1、七年级英语下册全教案教师备课教案2018-2019学年度 下学期 年 月 日课题Unit 1 Dream homes知识与能力目标To talk about cities and countries.过程与方法目标Write articles about students dream homes.情感态度与价值观目标Have a discussion in groups, and talk about their dream homes.教学重点To talk about cities and countries.教学难点Have a discussion in groups, and tal

2、k about their dream homes.教具准备Multimedia some cards教学过程. Warm-up (presentation) 1. Ask if any students have lived in another country. Elicit from students ideas about an ideal place to live.2.Do a mini-survey. Ask students which is their favourite place to live. Listening Listen to the tape, answer

3、my question, Which is Eddies favourite place to live? Help the Ss to answer. Listen again, Ss read after the tape recorder, then act it out.Language points:1.Id like to live next to a restaurant. would like sth.= want sthwould li ke to do sth = want to do sthe.g. Would you like some water?= Do you w

4、ant some water? Would you like to go with us? Yes, Id love/ like to.=Do you want to go with us? Yes, I do. next to =besidee.g. Toms house is next to mine. Jack wants to sit next to me.2. Learn about homes in different countries. learn about I want to learn more about the world. learn from We should

5、help each other and learn from each other. diffe rent samein different classes in the same class. Countries and capitals 1.Ask students to study the p ictures on page 3. 2.Say: The capital of China is Beijing . The Capital is the most important city in a country. Ask students to do Part B. Ask them

6、to check with others. . Discussion (task) Have a discussion in groups of four to talk about their dream homes. Each group will choose a student to tell us about his / her dream home. Why? Language points: The capital of the USA is Washington D.C. the capital of e.g. Nanjing is the capit al of Jiangs

7、u Province. The capital of China is Beijing. .Sum-up Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson. Homework 1.Review the contents of this lesson.2. Write articles about students dream homes. 板书设计课后反思Unit 1 Dream homesComic strip W elcome to the unitWhich is Eddies favou

8、rite place to live? would like sth.= want sth would like to do sth = want to do sth next to =beside2. Learn about homes in different countries. learn about learn from different same兴趣是最好的老师。根据本班学生的学习方式和学习习惯来设计我的教案,设计每个步骤时都思考着怎样才能引起他们的兴趣。这节课的设计比较多样,既有多媒体图片,又有比赛的形式总第 1 课时教师备课教案2018-2019学年度 下学期 年 月 日课题

9、Unit 1 Dream homes Reading I知识与能力目标能正确朗读生词mile, garden, flat, centre, living room, share, bedroom, own, bathroom, balcony, beach, sea, 并能正确运用share with。过程与方法目标读懂文章,了解不同国家的居住状况。情感态度与价值观目标能用读懂文章,了解不同国家的居住状况。能用英语说出房屋室内外不同功能的区域。英语说出房屋室内外不同功能的区域。教学重点词汇mile, garden, flat, centre, living room, share, bedro

10、om, own, b athroom, balcony, beach, sea的正确朗读。教学难点正确运用share with。教具准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures教学过程一、课前自主学习1.尝试根据音标大声地朗读词汇表中有关P8的单词和词组,在文中圈出并尽量记住它们的中文意思。2.跟录音朗读文章,试着理解大意,划出难以理解的句子。二、课堂交流展示1.朗读生词. 2.听录音,完成书本P10 Part B3.3.朗读课文,订正Part B3中判断为F的句子。4.再次仔细朗读Reading 内容.三、课堂合作探究1.小组合作,谈论室内不同功能区域的名称。Whe

11、n you are at home, where do you sleep at night?Where do you study?Where do you watch TV?Where does your mother cook?Where do you wash you face in the morning?Where do you grow flowers?2.小组合作,谈论在不同的房间或区域中可开展的活动。What do you do in your living room/ bedroom/ balcony/ bathroom/ ?Which place do you like b

12、est in your home?四、课堂达标检测Neils house:Neil lives in a big house 15 from London. There is a _ outside the house. His pet dog often sleeps there. His favourite room is the _ . His mother _ dinner for them every day.Annas house:Anna is from Moscow. She lives in a _ in the _ of the city. It is not very b

13、ig but it has a nice _ _ in it. She doesnt have her own bedroom. She _ her bedroom with her _. Stephens house:Stephen lives in a large _ . He likes the _ best because he love to sit there and look out at the _ and the _ . He has his _ bedroom and .五、自我提高选择正确的句子完成对话.A: Hi, Stephen. I hear you come fr

14、om American. B: _1_ Its very big.A: _2_. B: It has 12 rooms.A: Oh, its smaller than my flat. B: _3_.A: It has two dining rooms, a bathroom, fifteen bedrooms and two living rooms.B: Who do you live with?A: _4_ . Which is your favourite place? B: _5_A: I hope I can visit your flat one day.板书设计课后反思Unit

15、 1 Dream homesReading on the beach be friendly to sbon the balcony sharewith sbin a flat get into/get out ofover a river look out at the beach on a busy street chat withon the seventh floor句型: whileeg. I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.激发学生对学科兴趣的过程中,不能只停留在课堂表面的“活”,“乐”,“玩”中。我们更要

16、注重学科本身,从学得后产生的成功体验来不断滋长兴趣,挖掘学生学习的动力总第 2 课时教师备课教案2018-2019学年度 下学期 年 月 日课题Unit 1 Dream homes Reading II知识与能力目标Learn the language points in this article.过程与方法目标Learn to talk about Ss own homes.情感态度与价值观目标理解文章大意,完成相应的练习,提高阅读理解能力。教学重点能正确捕捉文章的有用信息。教学难点能够运用所学知识简单介绍自己或他人的家。教具准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictur

17、es教学过程 Step 1. Revision1. Fill the blanks according to the blogs we learned.Neil is from _. He lives in a _ house in a town fifteen _ from London. His favorite place is the _. They have a beautiful garden. He always _ _ with his pet dog in it. Anna lives in a _ in the _ of Moscow. Its a little _, bu

18、t they have a nice _. She _ a bedroom with her sister. They often _ _ music in bed. Stephen has a _ house in Los Angeles. He has his _ bedroom and _. The _ is his favorite place. He can look out at the _ and the _.2. Read aloud the blogs then complete B4 on Page 10.Step 2. Language points1. have fun

19、 = have a good time 玩得愉快 We often have a lot of fun in the park at the weekend. have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 They had fun playing football yesterday.2. in the centre of Moscow 在莫斯科市中心3. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享(合用)某物 Lets share the cake.4. look out at the beach and the sea 向外看海滩和大海Step 3. InterviewYo

20、u are an interviewer. You want to interview one of your classmates. Ask him/ her at least four questions about his / her homes.Step 4. ExercisesHomework1. Recite the three blogs.2. Remember the language points in this lesson. 板书设计课后反思Unit 1 Dream homes Reading I share a bedroom with my sister.本班学生的学

21、习方式和学习习惯来设计我的教案,设计每个步骤时都思考着怎样才能引起他们的兴趣。总第 3 课时教师备课教案2018-2019学年度 下学期 年 月 日课题Unit 1 Dream homes知识与能力目标To learn to use cardinal numbers correctly.过程与方法目标To learn to use ordinal numbers correctly.情感态度与价值观目标Learn the spellings and usages of the cardinal and ordinal numbers教学重点How to read and write some

22、big cardinal numbers.教学难点How to read and write some big cardinal numbers.教具准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures教学过程Step 1. Talk about cardinal numbersAsk Ss to remember where they can find numbers in their lives.Give pictures about numbers in our lives. Ask Ss to read page numbers, room numbers, stud

23、ent numbers1 章节,页数的读法 第三课 the Third Lesson, Lesson Three 第507页 Page five o seven 第2564页Page two five six four /Page twenty-five sixty-four 2房间,门牌,电话号码的读法 第305房间 Room three o five 长安街76号seventy-six Changan Street 电话号码204486 telephone number, two o four four(double four) eight six. 十一路公共汽车Bus (No.) el

24、evenReview numbers from 1 to 100, and give Ss some simple maths problems to plus and minus; Step 2. Talk about the spelling0 - 19 zero - nineteen21 - 99 twenty-one - ninety-nine20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90twenty ninety Pay attention!(1) teen重音在 “teen”上;-ty重音在单词开头;(2) 特殊变化:13/15/18/30/40/80;(3) 表示“

25、几十几”的数词中有 “-”, 如twenty-two,thirty-five等。Step 4: Talk about the large numbers (how to read and write)thousand n.千 hundred n.百 111 , 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 billion n.十亿million n.百万Practise: How to read them1001,00010,000100,0001,000,00010,000,000100,000,0001,000,000,000Pay attention!1.读三位以上的数词时,要在十位前加

26、“and”,如十位为0则在个 位前加 “and”,其他每三位数用”,”隔开;2. hundred, thousand, million, billion1) 当有具体数量时,不能加 “s”和 “of ”。2)当表示泛指数量时用以下形式: hundreds of thousands of millions of, billions ofTry to say the numbersA 597B 976 C 1,204 D 4,978 E 5,809 F 9,784 G 10,000 H 12,648 I 19,581 J 24,783 K 198,679 L 1,683,000 Step 5: P

27、11: Learning about different countries Read the numbers correctlyStep 6: read the ordinal numbersStep 7: How to write ordinal numbers 1.序数词119:除first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth变化不规则外, 其余均由在基数词后加上 “th”。 2.十位整数的序数词:将基数词的词尾“y” 变成 “ie” 再加 “th”。 3.几十几的序数词: 把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变。 4.整百、整千的序数词:

28、hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth基数词变序数词的规律1基变序,有规律,末尾加上 thfour - fourthfourteen - fourteenth2一二三,特殊记,末尾字母 t,d,dOne-firsttwo -secondthree -third3八减t,九去e,f要把ve替eight - eighthnine - ninthfive - fifth; twelve-twelfth4Ty把y变为i,莫忘th前有个etwenty-twentiethforty-fortiethninety-ninetieth5如果遇到几十几,只变个位就

29、可以Twenty-one-twenty-firstThirty-three-thirty-thirdStep 8: How to write ?序数词缩写1或个位为1:数字+st2或个位为2:数字+nd3或个位为3:数字+rd其余:数字+thStep 9: Pay attention!序数词须与the、物主代词或名词所有格连用eg. Look at the fourth picture on your book. Today is my fifteenth birthday. Its Lilys fifth time to come to China.1.他在他们班第五名。2. 明天是我表妹三十岁生日。3.我们计划十月二十日去法国。Step 10: P12: B2Complete the sentencesStep 11: Homework板书设计课后反思Unit 1 Dream homes Grammarcardinal numbersordinal numbers在游戏教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。我们设计的游戏要注重面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。

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