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1、初中英语教案名词林晓龄基础词法-名词本课内容基本要求名词1. 八年级上册unit1 词汇和短语复习巩固2. 中考基础词法“名词”知识点讲解3. 中考题型训练八年级上册Unit 1单词检测adj. 人的n.恐龙n.音乐家n.科学家v.出生n.乡村;农村n.才智;智慧adj.有艺术天赋的n.才能;能力adv.可能;大概v. 发明n.笔记本v.包括;包含adv.甚至adv.然而adv.突然;忽然pron. 没有人v.获胜;赢n.美元n.发明家短语检测在乡村人,人类灭绝;消失了解(到);弄清去散步出生重点词汇和短语用法:_一首字母填空1. The food is not fit for h_ bein

2、gs, but for pets. 2. Alexander Graham Bell is the i_ of the telephone. 3. As a s_, he disbelieves in Jesus(耶稣). 4. At an early age, Newton showed his great i_ in Physics. 5. I believe he has the a_ to handle the job. 二完成句子6. 北京以其众多的名胜古迹而闻名于世。Beijing _ _ _ its many places of interest in the world.7.

3、在街道的尽头有一个博物馆。There is a museum _ _ _ _ the street.8. 过去我们经常写信,而现在写电子邮件。We _ _ write letters, but now we write email. 9. Jennifer 总是帮我解决英语学习的问题。Jennifer _ me _ English study all the time. 10. 我们队由10位成员组成。Our team _ _ ten members. 第一题模仿朗读(8分)听以下短文一遍,给你50秒钟的时间准备,然后模仿朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在50秒内朗读短文,当听到要求“停

4、止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。Last year,/ my parents took me ona very special holiday.My dream was to see some real snow,/ so during the Christmas holiday,/ we took our passports/ and flew over the Pacific to Calgary,/ Canada. We tooka bus to a ski resort/ in the Canadian Rockies. As the bus climbed through the

5、mountains,/ we saw the thick snow on the trees. I was dying to getout/ and play withit! At last,/ we reached the resort/ and quickly jumped outof the bus. This was our first experience with snow. We were like little children/ we made snowballs,/ and threw them at one another! Then we checkedin at th

6、e hotel. We could see the ski slope opposite the hotel. We could not wait to getoutand ski. 第二题信息获取(20分)第一节听选信息(共6小题,每小题2分,满分12分)听三段对话或独白,每段播放两遍。各段播放前你有10秒钟的阅题时间。各段播放后有两个问题。请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,选择正确的信息在8秒内口头回答。听一段对话,回答第1-2两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。1. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?(The two spe

7、akers are mother and son / teacher and student / doctor and patient)2. Whats wrong with John?(He has a stomachache / has a fever / has a headache)听一段对话,回答第3-4两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。3. Whats the weather like now?(It is rainy / sunny / windy now)4. How will the speakers go back home?(The speakers will go

8、back home by bus / by bike / by taxi)听一段对话,回答第5-6两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。5. Whats the talk mainly about? (The talk is mainly about Cindys schedule / Mr. Browns schedule / Mr. Roberts schedule)6. When will Cindy and Mr. Brown meet at the airport? (Cindy and Mr. Brown will meet at 7:00 tomorrow evening / a

9、t 8:30 tomorrow morning / at 10:00 tomorrow morning at the airport)第二节回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,满分8分)听下面一段对话,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答第7-10四个问题。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在6秒钟内口头回答。7. What do the Italians do on New Years Eve?_8. In which country do people eat grapes to welcome the new year?_9. Why do people in Japan eat long nood

10、les on New Years Eve?_10. What do some Japanese do on Mount Fuji to welcome the new year?_第三题信息转述及询问(12分)第一节信息转述(8分)你将听到一则关于Tom作为小丑(clown)的自我介绍,录音播放两遍,请根据听到的内容,选择思维导图中的正确信息,在50秒钟内说一段话介绍Tom,包含五个要点的内容。现在你有15秒种的时间阅读思维导图。第二节询问信息(4分)你希望了解更多关于Tom情况,请根据以下提示向他提两个问题。每个问题有15秒种的准备时间和8秒种的提问时间。11. 你参演过电影吗?_12. 你

11、是怎样鼓励生病的孩子笑的呢?_名词一、名词的分类名词即表示人,事物,及抽象概念名称的词。它分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。具体情况见下表:类别意义例词专有名词表示特定的人,物,机构或场所等的名词(首字母须大写)Bill Gates, the Great Wall, the UN, Beijing, China普通名词可数名词个体名词表示同类的人或物中的个体student, tree, house, piano, dog集体名词表示若干人或物的总称只用作复数:people, police, cattle可用作单数&复数:family, team, class, group不可数名词物质名词表示物质

12、和材料的总称paper, water, air, wood, rice, glass steel抽象名词表示动作,性质,状态或情感等抽象概念的名称work, news, weather ,health, life, homework, knowledge二、名词的数可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。复数名词的变化有规则变化和不规则变化两种。1. 可数名词【小试牛刀】1. All the _ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday.1. man B. men C. woman D. wome

13、n2. The farmer raised ten_. A. sheeps B. deers C. horse D. cows3. There are two _ in the city. A. cars factory B. cars factories C. factories of cars D. car factories4. _the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _teachers. A.A number of; women B. A number of; woman C. The

14、number of; women D. The number of; woman5.There are lots of _ and _are talking on the bus . A. Chinese, Germans B. Germans, Frenchmans C. Frenchmans, Germen D. American, Frenchmen6. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here.A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges7.

15、 An old _ wants to see you.A. people B. person C. the people D. the person8. Help yourself to _.A. chickens and apples B. chickens and appleC. chicken and apple D. chicken and apples9. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _.A. family B. house C. home D. room10. He is

16、a success as a leader but he hasnt _ in teaching.A. many experiences B. much experienceC. an experience D. a lot experience2. 不可数名词【小试牛刀】1. _ we had making snowmen last Sunday! A. What a great fun B. What great fun C. How a great fun D. how great fun2. The news_ very interesting! Tell me more! A. is

17、 B. are C. were D. was3. There _ a lot of good news in todays newspaper. A. is B. are C. was D. Were4. There is some _ on the table. A. apple B. orange C. cake D. Sandwich5. We need to come up with a/an _ and make a decision at once. A. information B. advice C. idea D. news6. I like_ a lot, and my m

18、other usually cooks it in different ways. A. fish B. butter C. potatoes D. noodles7. Oh, my _ is broken. A. a cup of tea B. a cup of teas C. tea cup8. Im hungry, Can you give me _?A. some slice of bread B. some slices of bread C. some breads9. He does some _and gets a lot of_. A. work;moneys B. jobs

19、;money C. job; moneys D. works;money10.There is good _for you .Ive found your lost watch. A. news B. ideas C. messages D. thoughts三、名词的格名词所有格表示名词之间的所有关系。【小试牛刀】1. Marys skirt is the same as her_ . A. sisters B. brother C. sisters D. brothers2. It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holid

20、ay each year. A. ten-day B. ten day C. ten days D. ten-days3. He borrowed a dictionary from_. A. one of his friend B. a friend of him C. a his friend D. a friend of his4. Lets meet at 7:30 outside the gate of_. A. People Park B. the Peoples Park C. the People Park D. Peoples Park (2009广东)5. Tomorrow

21、 Im going to my_. Its a_. A. aunt; five minutes walk. B. aunts; five minutess walk C. aunt; five minutes walk D. aunts; five minutes walk一词性变换1.Not all the people who had received Peters _ attended the party. (invite)2.The English newspaper China _ is too difficult for secondary school students to r

22、ead. They can read Shanghai Students Post instead. (day)3.Frank is _, but now he lives in England. (France)4.In order to let every child receive _, the government is going to make some new laws. (educate)5.Mrs Chen watched her granddaughter playing on the beach with great _. (please)6.The _ of the g

23、ame is waving his hand to the audience(win) 7.”A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Is a famous Chinese _. (say)8.After much _, we all agreed to share the cost. (discuss)9.The radio program already has more than two million _ across the country. (listen)10.Now our country is paying more attention t

24、o the environmental _. (protect)11.Tom wants to be an _ like his father. (engine)12.After some years, Einstein became a famous _. (science)13.You should take the advice on road _. (safe)14.This morning I met several _ at a supermarket. (German)15.The students are having a _ about where to go during

25、May Day. (discuss)二语法选择(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)Our Earth is our beautiful home. She 16 blue in space, 17 bright and clean! But she 18 her colour now. Pollution changes 19 .Water 20 makes the rivers dirter and dirter. The 21 water becomes black. Air pollution stops people 22 the blue sky. The sky 23 them is very grey. We breathe 24 fresh air every day. 25 are smaller and smaller. Green is going away and brown is coming faster and faster. Our home 26 quie

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