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1、慢速英语听力212篇共212篇,MP3不少网站有提供1Fifty Missing Pages剩下的50页不见了He needed to study for a test. He went online to order a book. He went to the publishers website. He found the book he needed to study. It was 240 pages. It was $59. Shipping1 was $6. He could order the book from the publishers website. Or, he c

2、ould order it from the Borders store. It was only a block away. Borders wouldnt charge him for shipping. He walked over to Borders. He gave the book title to the clerk. She typed the title into her computer. The price was $59. Shipping was free. The number of pages was 190. Wait a minute, he said. I

3、 just looked at this book online. It has 240 pages, not 190. Where did 50 pages go? Thats strange, she said. Maybe you should order it from the publisher. No, he said. Its okay. Thats 50 pages that I wont have to study.他需要准备学习参加考试,因此他去网上订购了一本书,打开出版商的网站,他找到了自己想要的那本。总共240页,售价59美元,运费6美元。他既可以从出版商网站那里购买,

4、也可以从边界书店那里购买,并且该书店距离他只有一个街区那么远,另外这个书店也不会收取他邮费,因此他步行到边界书店,告诉店员这本书的名字。店员将书名输入电脑,显示价格是59元,免邮费。但是只有190页。“等等”,他问道“刚刚我在网上找到这本书,上面显示的页数是240页,而你们的只有190页,另外50页呢”?“这就奇怪了”店员回答道,“要不然你就在出版商那里订购吧”,“不”,他说,“既然是这样,那剩下的的50页我就不学了”。2Dinner Smells Good美味晚餐He was in his bedroom. He smelled food. The food smelled like chi

5、cken. It smelled good. A neighbor must be cooking dinner, he thought. But how could he smell his neighbors dinner? The smell couldnt come through his apartments heating vent. That vent was for his apartment only. So where was the smell coming from? He walked to the front door. He opened it. There wa

6、s no smell in the hallway outside the door. He walked into the living room. There was no smell in the living room. He walked back into the bedroom. He could smell the food again. The bedroom was the only place he could smell the food. It was winter. All the windows were closed. How could the smell g

7、et into the bedroom? Call up the landlord, his wife said. Maybe he knows how. Im just glad were smelling chicken. Im glad its not fish!他在卧室。他闻到了食物的味道。闻起来像是鸡肉。味道很好闻。他想邻居一定是在做晚餐。但是他怎么能够闻到邻居家的晚餐呢?这个味道一定不是从他家的通风口出来的。通风口只供他们家用。那么味道是从哪里来的呢?他走到了前门。打开了门。门外的过道没有味道。他走进了客厅。客厅也没有味道。他又回到了卧室。他又闻到了食物的味道。只有卧室能够闻到食物

8、的味道。现在是冬天。所有的窗户都是关着的。味道是怎么进入卧室的呢?他的妻子说,去叫房主人,或许他知道。幸好我们闻到的是鸡肉,不是鱼的味道。3Where Did Daddy Go?爸爸去哪了He was in Miami. He was an oil executive. He was at a bar with some friends. It was about 1 a.m. He walked out of the bar. He didnt say good night to his friends. He didnt say anything to anyone. He just wa

9、lked out of the bar. The videotape from a surveillance camera showed him walking west from the bar. His hotel was not west from the bar. Where did he walk to? Why didnt he walk straight back to his hotel? The police wanted to know. His family and friends wanted to know. He wasnt drunk. He wasnt sick

10、. Five days later someone found his body. It was in the water. The coroner did an autopsy. The coroner said he had drowned. The police said it was an accidental drowning. That cant be! Daddy taught all of us how to swim, said one of his adult daughters.他在迈阿密。他是一名石油高管。他与一群朋友在酒吧。大约午夜一点钟。他走出了酒吧。他没有和朋友说

11、晚安。他没和任何人说任何话。他只是走出了酒吧。监视摄像头显示出他出了酒吧向西走。他的酒店不在酒吧的西面。他去了哪里?为什么他不径直回酒店?警方想知道。他的家人和朋友想知道。他没有喝醉。他没有病。5天之后,人们发现了他的尸体。他的尸体在水里。验尸官进行了解剖。验尸官说他是被淹死的。警方说这是一次意外溺水事件。他的一名女儿说:“这个不是真的!爸爸曾经教过我们如何游泳。”4Lets Dance一起跳舞She was blonde and pretty. She was in a bar with her friend. Her friend was a brunette. A man put som

12、e money in the jukebox. Slow music started playing. He went over to the womens table. Hi, he said. Both women looked at him. Would you like to dance? he asked the blonde. She laughed. No way, she said. He asked the brunette. She said, No, thanks. The two women resumed talking. He went back to his se

13、at at the bar. He finished his drink. Then he had another one. He didnt put any more money in the jukebox. The blonde got up from her seat. She walked toward the restrooms. He waited a minute. Then he walked toward the restrooms. He walked into the womens restroom. He beat the blonde in her face wit

14、h his fists. He beat her unconscious. He walked out of the bar.她金发碧眼非常漂亮。她与朋友在酒吧。她朋友有一头棕黑色的头发。一名男子在自动唱机里放了些钱。舒缓的音乐开始奏响。他走向了这名女子的桌前。他说,你好,两名女性看着他。他向那位金发碧眼的女孩问,能否跳一支舞?她笑道:“不可能”。他又问那位棕黑色头发的女孩。她说,不了,谢谢。两人又继续交谈着。他回到了自己的座位上。他喝完了他的酒。之后又喝了一杯。他没有在自动唱机里再放钱。金发碧眼的女孩从座位上站了起来。她走向了卫生间。他等待了片刻。之后,他也朝卫生间走去。他走进了女士卫生间。

15、他在金发碧眼女孩的脸上打了一拳。那名女孩没有了意识。他走出了酒吧。5Bad Toilet Paper质量差的卫生纸He needed to blow his nose. He pulled four sheets off the roll of toilet paper. Whats this, he wondered. The first two sheets were 2-ply. The next two sheets were mostly 1-ply. He pulled six more sheets off the roll. The first four sheets were

16、 mostly 1-ply. The last two sheets were 2-ply. How do they make toilet paper wrong, he wondered. Maybe the whole roll was no good. Maybe all the rolls were no good. He blew his nose. His wife came home. She went into the bathroom. She came out of the bathroom. She was holding about ten sheets. Some

17、were 2-ply. Some were mostly 1-ply. Whats this? she said. I dont know, he said. Sometimes they make mistakes. Ive used toilet paper my whole life, she said. Ive never seen this problem before. Was this on sale? Did you get a good deal on it?他需要醒鼻子。他拽了4张卫生纸。他疑惑道,这是什么。前两张纸有两层。后两张纸最多有一层。他又拿了四张纸。前四张纸也大部

18、分为一层。后两张为两层。他想,他们怎么会把卫生纸搞错了。或许,整卷手纸都不好。或许所有的手纸都不好。他醒了鼻子。他的妻子回家了。她进入了卫生间。她从卫生间出来。她手里拿着10张纸。许多是两层。但是绝大部分为一层。她问到,这是什么?他回答说,不知道。她说“他们有时也犯错。”“我用了一辈子手纸。还没有见过这样的问题发生。这样的手纸还在卖吗?你是不是买的廉价货?”6American Breakfast美国早餐She was running late. She wanted a fast breakfast. She didnt have time to make her own breakfast.

19、 Her usual breakfast was rice, vegetables, and meat. Will you make me a fast breakfast? she asked her boyfriend. He was American. She was Asian. He preferred cereal for breakfast. He grabbed a box of cereal. He grabbed a bowl and a spoon. He took a carton of milk out of the refrigerator. He grabbed

20、a banana. Heres something fast for you, he said. He put everything on the dining table. She looked at the box of cereal. Let me try this first, she said. She put a few flakes of cereal into her mouth. She ate them. Yuck, she said. How can you eat this? Its so dry. Well, thats what the milk and banan

21、a are for, he said. She said forget it. She grabbed the banana and went to work.她来不及了。她想迅速吃完早餐。她没时间做早餐了。通常她的早餐都会是米饭、蔬菜和肉。她问她的男朋友“你能帮我做一些简便早餐吗?”他是美国人。她是亚洲人。他喜欢早餐吃谷物。他拿了一盒谷物。又拿了一个碗和勺子。他从冰箱了拿了一盒牛奶。又拿了一个香蕉。他说,给你简便早餐。他把所有的东西都放在了餐桌上。他看着这盒谷物。她说:“让我先尝尝。她尝了几片谷物。她吃了进去。她说“额,这怎么吃,太干了。”他说,这是牛奶和香蕉。她说好了。她拿着香蕉去工作了。

22、7The Phone Call电话The phone rang as he was leaving the apartment. He didnt answer it. Its probably Dave, hethought. His brother Dave had said he would call. He returned home an hour later. He checkedhis phone for missed calls. There was only the one call. But it wasnt his brothers number. Whocould it

23、 be, he wondered. He dialed the number. A woman answered. She said, Hello, Kim, howare you doing? Kim was his wifes name. Who is this, he wondered. Whos this? he asked. Whos this? she asked. You called me. He didnt answer. Now he realized who it was. It wassome woman who called his wife occasionally

24、. They had been classmates at school. His wifewas polite to her. But his wife didnt like her. She never returned this womans phone calls. Hehimself had never met or talked to her. Sorry, wrong number, he said.他正要离开公寓时电话响了。他没有接。他想很有可能是戴夫。他的哥哥戴夫说要打电话。一小时之后他回到家。他查看了未接电话。只有一个未接电话。但是不是他哥哥戴夫的号码。他想会是谁呢?他打了

25、这个电话。一位女士应答。她说,“你好,金姆,怎么样了?金姆是他妻子的名字。他想这会是谁?他问道,你是哪位?她说,这是谁?你给我打电话。他没有接。现在他知道是谁了。偶尔会有女性给她的妻子打电话。他们以前是同学。他的妻子对她非常有礼貌。但是他的妻子并不喜欢她。她从来没有回过她的电话。他也从来没有见过或是和她说过话。他说,“对不起,打错了。”8The Info Desk信息台This was his first visit to the corner library. He walked over to the library information desk. The woman behind t

26、he information desk was reading a magazine. He stood in front of her. She continued reading the magazine. He cleared his throat. She looked up from her magazine. Im looking for a book, he said. Title? she asked. Good Manners, Bad Manners, he said. She typed the title into her computer. Downstairs, s

27、he said. How do I get downstairs? he asked. She tilted her head to her right. The stairs are over there? he asked. She tilted her head to her right again. Is there a restroom downstairs, too? he asked. She tilted her head to her left. The restroom is over there? he asked. She tilted her head to her

28、left again. Do you have a sore throat? he asked. She didnt answer. She was reading her magazine.这是他第一次来到图书角。他走到了图书馆信息台。坐在信息台后面的女士正在阅读杂志。他站在她的前面。她仍然继续读杂志。他清了清嗓子。她抬起了头。他说:“我在找一本书。”她问道:“名字?”。他说:“有礼貌和无礼貌。”她把题目打进了电脑。她说:“在楼下”。他问道:“怎么去楼下?”她的头向右倾了倾。他问道:“楼梯在那边吗?”她的头又向右倾了倾。他问道:“楼下也有洗手间吗?”她把头向左倾了倾。他问道:“厕所在那边吗?

29、”她又把头向左倾了倾。他问道:“你是嗓子疼吗?”她没有回答。依然读着报纸。9Hassle Man麻烦男子Everythings a hassle, he thought. The smallest thing is a hassle. Taking the cap off the toothpaste tube is a hassle. Squeezing the toothpaste tube is a hassle. Putting the toothpaste on the toothbrush is a hassle. Brushing his teeth is a hassle. L

30、ife is just one hassle after another. You always exaggerate, his wife said. Not everything is a hassle. He thought about that. Could his wife be right? Are some things not a hassle? How about eating food? Thats not a hassle. How about taking a hot shower? Thats not a hassle. How about reading? How a

31、bout watching a good TV program? How about sleeping? He couldnt think of anything else. Eating, showering, reading, watching TV, and sleeping arent a hassle. Okay, I wont exaggerate, he said to his wife. I wont say that everything is a hassle. Ill say that everything except five things is a hassle!他

32、总觉得所有的事情都非常麻烦。小事情也非常麻烦。打开牙膏帽是件烦人的事。挤牙膏很麻烦。将牙膏放在牙刷上是一件琐事。刷牙很麻烦。生活就是一个麻烦接着另一个麻烦。他的妻子说:“你总是把事情想得那么夸张,并不是所有的事情都这么麻烦。”他想了想。他的妻子说得对吗?有些事情是不是没这么繁琐?比如说吃饭?这件事不麻烦。好比如洗热水澡?这不麻烦。阅读?看一个好的电视节目?睡觉?他想不到其他不繁琐的事情了。吃饭、洗澡、阅读、看电视、睡觉不繁琐。他对妻子说:“好的,我不会小题大做了,我不会说所有事情都这么麻烦了。我会说除了五件事情以外,其他的都麻烦!”10He Hates to Fly他讨厌坐飞机He had a 9 p.m. flight. He hated to fly. A passenger plane is always crowded. It is always full. Passengers are jammed together. They are packed together. Side by side. Elbow to elbow. Fron

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