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八年级英语第十单元Home and work.docx

1、八年级英语第十单元Home and work八年级英语第十单元Home and work 内容教学目标 1 词汇 A单词 四会:doctor, aunt, bookseller, cleaner, grow, building, city, town, village,show, twelfth,use, start, lift, 三会:again, passage, province, Toronto。 B词组:part of the U。S。A, the town/city of , a place called, takedown, go upand down, get out of/i

2、nto, the last four floors, the ground floor, press the number ten。 2句型 How many floors does the building have? 3语法 the verb to do动词do。 动词do有两种功能,一为实意动词,二为助动词。 1)作为实意动词,do在句中可用作谓语,意思是“做”、“干”。例如:Do you live in China? Yes, I do你住在中国吗?是的。Does your father often have a walk after supper? No, he doesnt。你父亲

3、经常在晚饭后散步吗?不,不去。They dont live on the 14th floor。 他们不住在十四层楼。She doesnt look like her sister。 她看上去不象她的姐姐。 注:be动词构成疑问或否定句时,不能用助动词do/does,而是将be动词放在主语前面构成疑问,在be动词后加not构成否定。例如:1)肯定句:He is a teacher。 疑问句:Is he a doctor? 否定句:He is not a doctor。2)肯定句:They are playing football on the playground。 疑问句:Are they

4、playing basketball now? 否定句:They are not playing basketball how。3)肯定句:My parents are going to watch T V this evening。 疑问句:Are your parents going to watch T V this evening? 否定句:My parents are not going to watch T V this evening。 2。 do与某些动词的-ing形式搭配 这种搭配形式其实在意思上就相当于这些动词。例如:1) do some /the shopping购物,2

5、) do some /the cooking做饭,3) do some /the reading读书 4) do some /the cleaning打扫卫生,5) do some /the washing洗衣服 3动词双宾语(直接宾语something, 间接宾语somebody )这类动词常见的有give, pass, show, sell, buy, tell, read, teach, lend等。可用两种结构,即:v。sbsth或v。sth to/for sb。例如:1) Please give me the book。 =Please give the book to me。 请把

6、书给我。2) Will you please pass me a cup of tea? =Will you please pass a cup of tea to me?递给我一杯茶好吗?3) Could you show us your new pictures? =Could you show your new pictures to us?能让我们看看你的新照片吗?4) Mr。 Wang is going to tell us a story tomorrow afternoon。 =Mr。 Wang is going to tell a story to us tomorrow af

7、ternoon。 王先生明天下午要给我们讲一个故事。5) Mr。 Wu is going to teach them English this term。 =Mr。 Wu is going to teach English to them this term。 吴先生这学期要教他们英语。6) The students read their teacher English every day。 =The students read English to them every day。 学生们每天都给他们的老师读英语。7) Could you lend me your bike? =Could y

8、ou lend your bike to me?能把你的自行车借我用一下吗?8) The shop sells students all school things。 =The shop sells all school things to students。这所商店向学生们出售各种学习用品。9) My mother is going to buy me a new coat。 =My mother is going to buy a new coat for me。我妈妈打算给我买一件新外套。注:1)英语中习惯于把短的宾语放在长的宾语前面,以避免头重脚轻。例句2)中的pass me a cu

9、p of tea要比pass a cup of tea to me好。2)如果表示物(即something)的直接宾语是代词it/them, 则只能用v。sth to /for sb 例如:Pass it to me。而不能说Pass me it。3)show还可以表示“带/送某人到”。例如:Will you show me to the teachers office? 你可以带我去教师办公室吗?Let me show you into his home。 我来带你进他的住所。He is showing his friends around the school。 他正带着他的朋友参观学校。

10、 4grow的用法 1)可用作及物动词,表示“种植”、“栽培”。例如:We grow many trees and flowers on both sides of the street。我们在街道两旁种植了许多树木和花草。The farmers grow rice in this field。 农民们在这块田里种植水稻。The girl is growing her hair。 那个女孩儿正在留长发。 2)可用作不及物动词,表示“生长”、“增长”。例如:We have grown up。 我们已经长大了。He has grown into a strong boy。 他已经成长为一个健壮的小

11、伙子。The city of Beijing is growing fast。 北京城正在飞速发展。 5up and down () 表示“上上下下”,“来来回回”。例如:1)A cat is running up and down the tree。 一只猫正在上上下下地爬树。2)A lot of boats are coming /going up and down the river。许多船只在这条河流里来来回回地航行着。3)The old man is walking up and down the room。 那位老人在房间里来回踱着步。4)He goes up and down b

12、y lift。 他乘电梯上下。注:up and down在句1)2)3)中是介词,在句4)中是副词。 6英语和中文在表示地点和时间上的语序的不同。 中文是从大到小叙述,而英语则相反,是从小到大叙述。例如:1) I live in a house in a small village outside the city。 我住在城外小村庄的一所房子里。2) My son Peter studies in Class Four Grade One in No。14 Middle school。我的儿子彼得在第十四中学一年级四班学习。3) They are going to have a class

13、meeting at three tomorrow afternoon。他们打算明天下干三点开班会。4) I watch T V on Saturday evening every meek。 我每星期六晚上看电视。 7begin和start的用法 这两个动词意思相同,都可表示“开始”,用法也大致一样。例如:1) Classes begin /start at half past seven。 (我们)七点半钟开始上课。2) My father usually begins (starts ) his work / begins (starts) to work / begins (start

14、s)wording at eight in the morning。 我父亲通常早上八点种开始工作。3) We are beginning /starting to go over our lessons。 我们正在开始复习功课。4) Leaves begin /start to turn yellow。 树叶开始变黄了。注:1) begin和start即可作及物动词,也可做不及物动词。如句1)句2)。2) begin和start用于进行时的时候,后面只可接不定式,而不可接动词-ing形式。如句3)。3) 当主语表示事物时,begin和start后面也接不定式,不接动词-ing形式。如句4)。

15、 8finish的用法意思是“完成”,后面可接名词和动词的-ing形式。即可作及物动词,也可做不及物动词。例如:1) When are they going to finish their homework? 他们打算什么时候完成作业?2) I usually finish reading or writing at eight in the evening。我通常看书或写作到晚上八点钟。3) The building will finish in two years。 这座大楼两年后竣工。注:finish后不能接不定式。 9否定疑问句和why引导的否定疑问句否定疑问句往往表示说话人的惊奇或怀

16、疑,而why引导的否定疑问句则表示建议或疑问。试比较:1) Isnt she right? 难道她不对吗?(说话人认为她是对的,表示怀疑。)2) Dont you know me? 难道你不认识我了吗?(说话人认为对方应该认识自己,表示惊奇。)3) Why dont you go shopping with me? =Why not go shopping with me?你为何不跟我一起去购物呢?(说话人在向对方提建议)4) Why doesnt he answer your call? 他为什么不给你回电话呢?(说话人想要知道原因,即答案,表示疑问。) 10语音1) s 字母s, c (在

17、e, i, y前), 字母组合ss, se均可发此音。例如:say, yes, class, pass, house, house, horse, face, office, city, certainly。2) z 字母z, s, 字母组合se都发这个音。例如:zoo, busy, blouse。3) sp-, st-, sk-, sm-, sw-, 以上为辅音连缀sp, st, sk, sm和sw的发音。例如: speak, study, skirt, smile, sweater。同步练习 1找出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词( )1) Abusy Bblouse Cnose Dh

18、ouse( )2) Acar Bcity Cface Doffice( )3) Ashow Bwindow Cgrow Dtown( )4) Avillage Bpassage Cpast Dorange( )5) Adrink Bmachine Clift Dfish( )6) Agreat Bread Cleave Dclean( )7) Atwelve Belephant Cchicken Dquestion( )8) Acity Bwhy Csorry Dworry( )9) Aphoto Bhot Cpost Dclose( )10)Ablue Busually Cstudent D

19、use2根据要求改写下列句子1) Lucys brother works in London。 (改为否定句)2) They like to read books very much。 (改为一般疑句)3) The woman in white is a doctor。 (就划线部分提问)4) We live on the sixth floor。 (同上)5) My father usually takes a walk after supper。 (同上)3选词填空,一词限用一次 give, pass, buy, take, start, lend, show, mend, teach1)

20、 He is hungry。 Will you please him some bread in a shop?2) It is too late。 There is no bus now。 Youd better a taxi (出租车)。3) Daddy, Im going to write a letter。 Could you me some paper, Please?4) Is that your bike? -Yes, it is 。Can you it to me? -Certainly。5) This is not my ruler。 Its Kates。 Kate the

21、ruler please, Li ly。6) His mother is a shop keeper。 She shoes。7) He doesnt know the way to Bei hai park。 Let me him the way。8) The first term of a school year in September。9) Miss Gao doesnt us English this term。10) There is something wrong with my watch。 Can you it for me?4选择填空1) does his uncle wor

22、k? On a farm。 A。 What B。 How C。 Where D。 When2)Jack not living on the top floor。 A。 dolikes B。 dolikes C。 dolikes D。 doeslike3)How is this elephant? Its about nine hundred Kilos。 A。 tall B。 heavy C。 far D。 long4)We have English lessons Friday afternoon。 A。 in B。 at C。 on D。 for5) He sometimes goes t

23、o work the bike。 A。 on B。 by C。 in D。 with6) They are living in a place Richmind。 A。 calls B。 called C。 call D。 to call7) what does Mary do? She 。 A。 does some readingB。 is helping her mother C。 is good at English D。 works in an office8) My father works in a town about 500 Kilometres here。 A。 away B

24、。 from C。 far from D。 near to9) How many floors the building ? A。 doeshave B。 dohave C。 doeshas D。 dohas10) This is my haw house let me 。 A。 show you in B。 show you into C。 show you it D。 show it to you11) Do you have a pen, Jack? No。 Can you buy ? A。 it for me B。 one to me C。 me it D。 one for me12)

25、 She is a worker。 She makes in a factory。 A。 shoesshoes B。 shoes shoe C。 shoe shoes D。 shoe shoe13) Who runs in your Class? A。 fastest B。 faster C。 fast D。 most fast14) After you use the pen。 Please in time (及时)。 A。 give it back to me B。 give to me it back C。 give it to me back D。 give me to it back

26、15) Can you someone outside the door? Yes。 Who is it? A。 hear B。 listen C。 hear about D。 listen5阅读理解 Its a Sunday morning。 Lin Tao has no school today。 He has breakfast and goes out。 He is going to his grand fathers home。 Now he is on his way there。 He walks and walks。 Then he comes to a river。 The

27、river is not wide (宽)。There is a bridge (桥) over the river。 Lin Tao walks onto the bridge。 Suddenly he falls into the river。 “Help! Help!” Lin Tao cries。 But no one comes。 There is no one nearby。 He waits in the water for sometime。 But nothing happens。 He begins to get up。 Aha, the water is not very

28、 deep。 It only comes to half his legs (腿)。1) Lin Tao goes to his grandfathers home 。 A。 at eight on a Sunday morning B。 at eight in the morning C。 on a Sunday morning D。 in a Sunday morning2) The river is 。 A。 very wide but not deep B。 very deep but not wide C。 very wide and deep D。 not wide or deep

29、3) Lin Tao falls into the river 。 A。 when he is walking on the bridge B。 when he comes to a river C。 when he gets to his grandfathers home D。 when he walks along the river4) comes to help him。 A。 A man nearby B。 no one C。 His grandfather D。 His friend5) Lin Tao the river at last。 A。 walks out of B。

30、waits in C。 walks into D。 walks on6完形填空 Bessie is only five。 She doesnt go to 1 and of course she 2 how to read and write。 But her 3 Mary is a school girl。 She is ten。 One day, Mary sees her little sister at a table with a 4 5 her hand and a big piece of 6 in front of 7 。 “What are you doing, Bessie

31、?” She asks。 “Im writing 8 to my friend kitty。” “But how can you? Says her sister, “You cant write。” “Well。” says Bessie, “It doesnt matter, 9 kitty doesnt know how to 10 。( )1Awork Bcity Cfarm Dschool( )2Aknow Bdoesnt know Cknows Ddont know( )3Asister Bmother Cbrother Dfriend( )4Aruler Bbook Cpen D

32、box( )5Aon Bwith Cin Dout of( )6Abread Bpaper Cmeat Dwood (木头)( )7Aher Bhers Cshe Dshes( )8Aa book Ba lesson Ca letter Da film( )9ASo Bbut Cand Dbecause( )10。 Aread Blisten Csee Dwrite答案1。 D A D C B A C B B A2。 1) Lncys brother doesnt work in London。2) Do they like to read very much?3) What is the woman in white? / What does the woman in white do?4) Which floor do you live on?5) What does your father usually do after supper?3。 1) buy 2) take 3) pass 4) lend 5) Give 6) sells

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