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1、外研社英语选修一Unit1Laughoutloud微课教学+课件教案下载 Unit 1 单词朗读:Unit 1 课文朗读:重点单词:1 mood/mud/ n.心情2 circus/sks/ n.马戏团3 amusement/mjuzmnt/,消遣4 amusement park游乐场5 curly/kli/ adj.卷曲的6 wig/w/ n.假发7 badge/bd/ n.徽章8 ankle/kl/ n.脚踝9 clown/klan/ n.小丑10 entertain/entten/ v.使快乐11 health care医疗保健12 cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起

2、来13 do the trick奏效,达到预期效果14 examine/zmn/ v.检查(身体)15 advertisement/dvtsmnt/ n.广告16 employer/mpl(r)/ n.雇用者,雇主17 essential/senl/ adj.极其重要的,必不可少的18 impress/mpres/ v.使钦佩,使留下深刻印象19 grin/rn/ v.露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑20 deserve/dzv/ v.应得,应受到21 long face愁眉苦脸22 laughing stock笑料,笑柄23 crack a smile笑了起来24 practical joke恶作剧25

3、fame/fem/ n.名声,声誉26 linguist/lwst/ n.语言学家27 witty/wti/ adj.说话风趣的;妙趣横生的28 medieval/mediivl/ adj.中世纪的,中古时期的29 emotive/mtv/ 使情绪激动的30 mischievous/mstvs/ adj. 调皮的,淘气的31 remark/rmk/ n.言论,意见,评论32 interaction/ntrkn/ n.交流33 barber/bb/ n.男理发师34 shave/ev/ n.刮脸,刮胡子35 fellow/fel/ n.男人,家伙36 brand/brnd/ n.品牌,牌子37

4、brand of humor某种类型的幽默38 concept/knsept/ n.概念;观念39 spot/spt/ n.地点,处所40 put sb on the spot(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪41 cruel/krul/ adj.残忍的42 roar/r(r)/ v.哄笑,大笑43 gently/dentli/ adv. 温和地;轻柔地44 tell off斥责,责骂45 illuminate/lumnet/ v.照亮,照明46 equation/kwen/ n.等式,方程47 complicated/kmplketd/ adj.难处理的;难懂的48 conclude

5、/knklud/ v.结束,终止49 composer/kmpz(r)/ n.作曲家50 fall behind不能按时完成(工作)重点句型:1.Lift the mood with a jokeand explore the area.用一个笑话来振奋情绪,探索这个区域。2.Show everyone you are worried andcomplain.向每个人显示你很担心和抱怨。3.As I approach the hospital wearing mywhite coat,I look just like any other doctor.当我穿着白大褂走近医院时,我看起来就像其他

6、医生一样。4.That is until I put on my curly rainbowwig,big red nose,and add my name badge “Doctor Larry Laugh-Out-Loud”.直到我戴上我的卷曲彩虹假发、大红鼻子,并加上我的名字徽章“大笑医生拉里”。5.Although the doctors and nurses did agreat job,hospitals werent really designed for children.虽然医生和护士做得很好,但医院并不是真正为儿童设计的。6.Mark Twain(18351910)was

7、an Americanwriter,humorist,lecturer and adventurer,who acquired international fame for histravel narratives.马克吐温(18351910)是美国作家、幽默作家、演说家和冒险家,他的旅行故事在国际上享有盛誉7.Closer to modern times,someonewho is remembered for his ability to combine humour with more serious messagesis American writer,Mark Twain.更接近现代

8、的一个人是美国作家马克吐温,他将幽默与更严肃的信息结合起来的能力为人们所铭记。8.Once,having been invited to dinner at auniversity,he was put on the spot when the president suddenly asked him to givea speech.有一次,他被邀请到一所大学参加晚宴,当校长突然请他发表演讲时,这令他很难堪。9.The man whispered something in thelions ear,after which the lion shook its head and walked a

9、way unhappily.那人在狮子耳边低声说了些什么,然后狮子摇摇头,不高兴地走开了。10.The tiger looked shocked and hurriedaway.老虎看起来很震惊,赶紧走开了。教案:The teaching aims :1.Knowledgeobjects:1.Lead students to read through the text quickly and find out the authorsexperience and feelings .2.Strengthen students reading comprehension ability by sk

10、imming, scanning and summarizingto solve reading comprehensive problems.3. Raise the students cooperative awarenessand individual thinking capability in their study and life.2.Abilityobjects:(1) To develop the students abilities oflistening, speaking and reading.(2)To train the students ability of w

11、orking in pairs.(3) ToImprove the students reading ability, especially their skimming and scanningability.3.Emotionor moral objects:a)Bycompleting the task,the students willincrease their interest and set up self-confidence ;b) To help the students understand the job ofclown doctors and inspire them

12、 to contribute themselves to the society.TeachingMethods: In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in theMiddle School is to develop the students abilities of listening, speaking,reading, writing and their good senseof the English第2页共4页language.So in this lesson Ill mainly use

13、“Communicative” Approach, “Whole languageteaching” and “Task-based” language teaching . I adopt the TSA method and TBLTmethod in my teaching . At the same time, Ill make use of the modernelectricity teaching equipment and all kinds of teaching means, it can developthe Sscreativity in learning Englis

14、h.StudyingMethods:1.Teachthe students how to be successful language learners.2.Letthe students pass ObservationImitationPractice to study language.3.Teachthe students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.TeachingprocedureLeadin Free talk. What can make you happy in your daily l

15、ife?Fastreading I.Matchthe questions to the paragraphs and find out the answers.1Paragraph1 AWhich patient isin need of the clown doctors attention and why?2Paragraph2 BWhy did the authorchoose to be one?3Paragraph3 CHow does the author feel after adays work?4Paragraph4 DWhat are theresponsibilities

16、 of a clown doctor?5Paragraph5EHowdoes the clown doctor help the patient?6Paragraph6 F. What does this clown doctor wearand what is his working environment like?Carefulreading第3页共4页Task1: Read paragraph 1 and finish the task.1.Paraphrase the sentence.AsI approach the hospital wearing my white coat,

17、I look just like any otherdoctor.Task2: Read paragraph 2 and answer the question. What can I do for the crying girlLara?Task3: Read paragraph 3 and choose the best answer. What made Larry become a clowndoctor?A.Laras being injured while she rode her bicycle.B.His boyhood experience of going to hospi

18、tal.C.His love for the performances of the clowns.D.Seeing so many children crying in the hospital.Task4: Read paragraph 4 and summarize the responsibilities of a clown doctor.Task5: Read paragraph 5 and finish the task.1.Finda sentence that has the same meaning with the following gone.Andmy magic i

19、s like medicine. It does indeed seem to be effective.2.Fillin the blanks. Lara is still in some pain. When she sees my magic trick, herscared and anxious look has been replaced- first by , and then by.Task6: Read paragraph 6 and answer the question.第4页共4页Howdoes the author feel after a days work?Sum

20、mary Organizeinformation from the passage and complete the job advertisementGroup workWouldyou like to work as a clown doctor? Why or why not?Designa post to let more people know about clown doctors and call on them to joinyou.HomeworkUsewhat you have learned in this lesson and write a short passage

21、 to share yourunderstanding of happiness练习:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhen people make travel decisions regarding destinations,recreation usually sits at the top of the most considered factors.But in recent years,with a rising awareness of health,travelers are beginning to upgrade their expect

22、ations.We have selected several places around China that have a perfect combination of recreation and health,in case that is what you have in mind for your next holiday.Beijing Olympic ParkLocated at the north end of the Beijing central axis line,Beijing Olympic Park witnessed the glory of the 2008

23、Beijing Olympics.Apart from visiting the renowned Birds Nest and Water Cube,you can try some leisure and sports activities.Wanlong Ski Resort,North Chinas Hebei ProvinceWanlong Ski Resort in Shijiazhuang City is nicknamed “heaven for ski lovers”.The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held here,which will

24、boost ski development and tourism activities in Hebei Province.If you happen to be a skiing fan,try the professional trails here!Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center,East Chinas Shandong ProvinceThe Olympic sailing center has become a new landmark in Qingdao,a coastal city in East Chinas Shandong Province

25、.It was a host venue of the sailing games for the 29th Olympics in 2008 and the 13th Paralymic Games.You could visit the match venue and enjoy a cruise around Qingdao.Shapotou,Northwest Chinas Ningxia Hui Autonomous RegionShapotou scenic zone in Northwest Chinas Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is a tr

26、ansition zone between grassland and deserts.Apart from its unique natural landscape,Shapotou offers a sports program like sand skiing and rafting across the Yellow River.Wulong Karst Region in ChongqingWulong is about 130 kilometers from downtown Chongqing.The 2,900-square-kilometer district boasts

27、karsts,caves,forests,springs and primitive wilderness.UNESCO named Wulongs karsts as a World Natural Heritage in 2007.Sports options here include mountain climbing and hiking.【语篇解读】随着健康意识的提高,人们更加倾向于把旅游与体育运动结合在一起的旅游方式。本文主要向读者推荐了几个把娱乐与健康结合在一起的旅游景点。21.What is the text mainly about?A.The popular destina

28、tions to go for a holiday.B.The explanation for the emergence of sports tourism.C.Introducing the features of some sports traveling destinations.D.Recommending some places with sports features to go for a holiday.答案D解析主旨大意题。由第一段最后一句可知,本文主要是向读者推荐几个娱乐和健康相结合的旅游景点,故D项正确。22.If you want to experience the

29、beautiful scenery and sand skiing,you can go to.?A.ShapotouB.Wanlong Ski ResortC.Wulong Karst RegionD.Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center答案A解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段的“Apart from its unique natural landscape,Shapotou offers a sports program like sand skiing.”可知,A项正确。23.Whats the unique feature of Wulong Karst Region

30、 in Chongqing?A.It has grassland and deserts.B.Tourists can enjoy sports activities there.C.It was named as a World Natural Heritage.D.People can do rafting in Wulong Karst Region.答案C解析推理判断题。由最后一段的第三句“UNESCO named Wulongs karsts as a World Natural Heritage in 2007.”可知,C项正确。BJosh Morrison,17,dreamed

31、of raising $100,000 to build a home for a low-income family.After years of hard work,his dream has come true.The house is now in the early stages of building.Six years ago,Josh and his dad went into a Habitat for Humanity Restore,a home improvement store and donation center run by the nonprofit organization.They were there to buy a sink.Josh,then 11,also notic

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