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本文(本科毕业论文《雾都孤儿》中的浪漫主义与现实主义文学学士.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、本科毕业论文雾都孤儿中的浪漫主义与现实主义文学学士ABSTRACT Charles Dickens is one of the greatest novelists of 19th century in Britain, who is called as the “the founder and the great representative of British critical realism”. Oliver Twist is the second famous saga novel of Charles Dickens. So Oliver Twist is thought to b

2、e a realistic novel to reflect the society for it describes the darkness and rough scuff of British society, and exposures the real nature of capitalism. There is no doubt of these. However, there is also romanticism involved in this novel according to Charles Dickenss life background, language styl

3、e and plots of this novel. This paper not only focuses on realism reflected in Oliver Twist, but also tries to find out how romanticism presented in this book, moreover, this paper pays attention to how the author combines realism and romanticism together in this novel.Key Words: Oliver Twist; Charl

4、es Dickens; romanticism; realism; combination i中文摘要 查尔斯狄更斯是英国十九世纪最伟大的小说家之一。他还被誉为“英国文学上批判现实主义的创始人和最伟大的代表”。雾都孤儿是狄更斯的第二部著名长篇小说。也因为小说对当时英国社会的种种黑暗和下层人民生活的疾苦的描写和对资本主义的虎狼本质的揭露,人们将雾都孤儿定义为反映社会现实的现实主义小说。这当然是无可争议的。但从狄更斯的生活背景、语言风格、作品情节看来,雾都孤儿所包含的不仅仅是现实主义,还带有浪漫主义的色彩。本论文不但讲述雾都孤儿一书中所体现的现实主义,而且还尝试找出本书所体现的浪漫主义,与在本书中

5、作者是如何现实主义与浪漫主义是如何结合在一起。关键词:雾都孤儿;查尔斯狄更斯; 浪漫主义; 现实主义; 结合 ii11. Introduction1.1Charles Dickens and Oliver TwistCharles Dickens was born on February seventh, eighteen twelve in Portsmouth Britain. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk in the Navy Pay Office. In his childhood Dickens accepted education i

6、n a private school. However, when he was twelve, Dickens was sent to a shoes oil factory to be an apprentice because his father was in prison for debt. Nevertheless, Dickens returned to school, for his father came into a fortune. In the age of fifteen, he graduated from school and then become an emp

7、loyee of a law firm. Later, he became a correspondent. Dickens did not accept too much normal education, but taught himself. Maybe this experience made a deep impression on him, which made his articles more about the life of the working people from the bottom the society.He is one of the greatest cr

8、itical realists of nineteenth century of England. In his early works, he mainly described some ludicrous stories of the leading roles. However, in Dickenss later works, he was more concerned about fundamental social problems. Those later masterpieces are the union of narration, psychological descrip

9、tion of the characters and rich symbolization. In Dickenss age, Britain was transmitted from semi-feudal society into industrial capitalist society. Therefore, the works of Dickens widely record different life aspects of this certain period, which portray images of all walks of life distinguishingly

10、 and vividly. Also the author disclosed and criticized all kinds of vice of the society and its representatives in terms of humanitarianism. Moreover, he showed his sympathy and support to the working people and their resistances.Among the compositions of Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist is one of his

11、representative works. This book holds a very important position in world literature. Since the book was published 160 years ago, it is a best-seller, which has been translated into many languages in the world and has been adapted to TV series and movies. It is a book acknowledged as one of the maste

12、rpiece of worlds literature classic. In China, Oliver Twist is very popular among Chinese readers, as well as one of the earliest West European classic works brought into China. This book narrates different kinds of people and events that truly reflect London and its life during 19th century, whose

13、background is London and whose main clue is the encounters of an orphan who is called Oliver Twist. The book not only records the sufferings of an orphan, but also describes the life of the bottom society, such as orphanage, slum, as well as the rotten and the absurd of the upper society.1.2 Literat

14、ure Review There are a lot of researchers to study Charles Dickens and his compositions. Different researchers analyze from many different points of views and give us different ways to know more about the novelist and his works, which really do us a favor to understand the deeper meanings of those m

15、asterpieces written by Charles Dickens.“Dickens carried the good traditions of realism novels since eighteenth century of English and also developed it. He created his unique technique and formed his own style. Dickens works axe very important in English literary history. They established the base o

16、f critical realism and had effect upon the development of the whole European realism novels.”(Lu Jianguo, 2004:40)According to Selected Readings of English Literature, there are fourteen full-length novels and a great number of short fictions, proses, letters, speeches, two manuscript notes and one

17、children English history produced by Charles Dickens during his lifetime. All his compositions can be classified into 3 periods. The first period is from 1833 to 1841; the second one is from 1842 to 1850; and last one is from1851 to 1870.During the first period, the main creations of Dickens are Pic

18、kwick Paper, Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, The Old Curiosity Shop, and Banaby Rudge. In these works, the author exposed the dark side of capitalism and expressed his satire to that darkness. However, his criticize is a little moderate on social criticism. And he thought the root of evil is some i

19、ndividual bad guys, and laws are defenders and executants of justice. Works of this period have some disadvantages that they are a bit loose and too much description. 2During the second period, Dickens composed American Note, which was written after his visit to America. He also brought out Martin C

20、hazzzleewit, Christmas Tales, Dombey and Son, and David Copperfield. At this point, Dickens began to criticize the bourgeoisie chronic illnesses such as the reigning by money and profiteering targeting. Moreover, the characters image holds more social significance than the early writings. Moreover,

21、means of artistic expression, the works of this period focus on the integrity of the story and individualized language of the characters.The time between 1851 and 1870 is the third composition time of Dickens. In this period, the masterpieces of the novelist are Bleaking House, Hard Time, Little Dor

22、rit, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectation, and so on. In this time, what he wrote is to point directly to the weakness of the Capitalism. Both the breadth and depth of criticize of this time do exceed the writings before. The compositions this time are covered with color of tragedy, and the s

23、atire is much sharper, in addition, there are less humor in his books, the so-called “happy ending” is not so happy. As for writing techniques, the coherence is more reasonable, and relation between topics and plots is much closer by delivering the main ideas through an image or a symbolization that

24、 links the whole story together.As this paper is to deal with Charles Dickens and his masterpieceOliver Twist, to know the characteristics of writings of the author is very essential.Generally speaking, the first distinguishing feature of Dickenss thought that appeared in his novels is critical real

25、ism. In his novels, Dickens exposed totally the selfishness of the British bourgeoisie, and their greed, hypocrisy and all kinds of unreasonable rules and regulations prevailing in that unreasonable society. The reveal of money worship in all his novels was also vivid and thorough. Dickens was also

26、good at mixing comic with tragedy, laughter and tears, humor and satire. And plots in Dickens writings were very complicated. In his novels, there is more than one main clue, but they were loosely linked with each other. Although the clues are scattered a little bit, his novels still had their own c

27、ores.Since we know the division of Charles Dickens works and the characteristics of Charles Dickens, let us know some study about the bookOliver Twist. From different angles, different study to this masterpiece will come. For examples, some researchers analyze the writing from the thoughts it contai

28、ns, from the characters of the book, from the origin of the leading characters; even some try to compare this novel to other works of Dickens.For the angle of thoughts, there is no doubt that realism is the main thought of this novel. However, some Chinese researchers assume that there is also anti-

29、Semitism in this novel. For instance, an article is written by Qiao Guoqiang. In this essay, the author analyzed the topic through history, a character called Fagin and his physical appearance. In this paper the writer found out that anti-Semitism exists around Europe since the very ancient time. An

30、d this thought had been deeply rotten in European. As a result, Dickens is not an exception of this thought. Fagin is the symbol of devil in Oliver Twist. In order to give reader a deep impression of Fagin, Dickens described this characters physical in detail.3Moreover, some researchers found out li

31、mitation of thought of Dickens through this novel, taking an article written by Lai Qiaolin for an example. She thought that in this novel the realism in it is named “ideal realism”, because she pointed out that the behavior of the Oliver Twist is too elegant to be an orphan, in that he even does no

32、t know what is a thief and he is always optimistic no matter how bad Fagin treats him. And Lai also said in this article that there are several incarnations of goodness, though they are capitalists. In Lais opinion, why some kind capitalists appear is that Dickens couldnt find solutions to solve the

33、 social problem, what he could do is to hope that the capitalists is merciful.As to the figures described in this novel, a most studied is Oliver and Nancy. Some researchers thought Nancy is a kindhearted girl though she is a thief. Although Nancy lives in the bottom of the society, she is full of love

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