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1、最常用最地道美式英语口语1. What the fuck is that? 什么声音?2. Whats up? -Did l hit something? - 什么事? - 我是不是撞到什么了?Maybe you got a flat? 是不是爆胎啦?3. What the fuck? You better pull over and see.最好停下来看看4. As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a teacher. 从我有记忆开始 我就想当老师5. To me. .being a teacher was better t

2、han being president of the United States. 当时,对我来说 能参加老师 比当美国总统还好 6. Even before I went to the cabstand for an after-schooljob. 在我去计程车站找零工之前I knew I wanted to be part of them. 我就知道,我要成为他们的一分子7. It was there that I knew I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody. .in a neighborhood full of nobodies. 我

3、有种归属感 对我来说是一种成就感 在一个充满了无名小卒的环境中8. they werent like anybody else. They did whatever they wanted. 他们不像别人,他们能随心所欲9. They parked in front of hydrants and never got a ticket. 他们在消防栓前面停车 而从来也不会被开罚单10. When they played cards all night. 夏天通宵赌扑克nobody ever called the cops. 也没人敢叫警察11. Could this be the Canars

4、ie Kid? 这就是“加拿希小子”吗?12. Tuddy ran the cabstand and the Bella Vista Pizzeria .and other places for his brother, Paul, who was the boss of the neighborhood. 杜迪哥保利 是整个社区的大老板 他替他打理计程车站 和贝拉维斯塔披萨屋等地点13. Paulie might have moved slow. 保利看起来动作很慢.but it was only because Paulie didnt have to move for anybody.

5、那是因为 保利不需要为任何人做事14. lts your fault. -You started it! - 都是你不好 - 是你先开始的15. At first my parents loved that I found ajob across the street from the house. 起先我父母都很高兴 我在对街找到一份工作16. My father, who was Irish, was sent to work at the age of 11. 我父亲是爱尔兰人 他十一岁就被送去工作了17. He liked that I got myself ajob. 他很高兴我找到

6、工作18. He always used to say that American kids were spoiled lazy. 他常说美国孩子都被惯坏了19. Henry! Watch how you cross! 亨利,过马路要小心Bring back milk! 记得带牛奶回来!20. My mother was happy after she found out the Ciceros. .came from the same part of Sicily as she did. To my mother. 我妈妈也高兴 当她知道西席罗家和她是从西西里同一个地区出来的 对我妈妈而言t

7、hat was the answer to all her prayers. 就像她的祷告都应验了21. I was the luckiest kid in the world. 我是世上最幸运的小孩I could go anywhere, do anything. 我可以到任何地方,做任何事I knew everybody, and everybody knew me. 我认识每一个人 大家也都认识我22. Wiseguys would pull up and Tuddy would let me park their Cadillacs. 兄弟们开车来 杜迪就让我 帮他们停凯迪拉克车Her

8、e I am, this little kid, I cant even see over the steering wheel. 那时候我还是个小鬼 坐在方向盘后面,连看都看不见.and Im parking Cadillacs. 就能停凯迪拉克了23. But, it wasnt too long. 可是,没多久before my parents changed their minds about myjob at the cabstand. 我父母就反对我在计程车站的工作了For them, it was supposed to be a part-timejob. But for me

9、. 对他们来说 计程站的工作只是零工,对我.it was definitely full time. 却是全天候24. Thats all I wanted to do. 我唯一想做的事25. I belonged. I was treated like a grown-up. 我有所属,他们以成人待我26. Every day I was learning to score. 每天我都在学些有用的技巧A dollar here, a dollar there. I was living in a fantasy. 这里一块钱,那里一块钱 我好像活在梦幻里27. Pissed that he

10、made such lousy money, that my brother Michael. .was in a wheelchair. 他气自己赚钱太少 他气弟弟米奇活在轮椅上He was pissed that there were seven of us living in such a tiny house. 他气我们一家七口 挤在一间小房子里28. Tell me about this. 告诉我怎么回事lts a letter from school. 这是学校来的信29. Youre a bum! 你是个没用的混球Want to grow up to be a bum? 你长大想

11、做个流浪汉吗?30. After a while, he was mostly pissed because I hung around the cabstand. 过了一阵子之后 他气我整天泡在计程车站31. Every once in a while Id have to take a beating. But by then, I didnt care. 我经常挨揍 可是我已经不在乎了32. The way I saw it. 就我看来everybody takes a beating sometime. 每个人都有挨揍的时候33. l cant make any more delive

12、ries. - 我不能再送货了What? Youll fuck everything up. 什么?你这样会把所有事都搞砸34. Come with me. 跟我来35. How about him? -No. - 那一个呢? - 也不是36. Know this kid? -Yeah. - 认识这个小鬼吗? - 认得呀37. How could I go to love her?我怎么还能再爱她呢?38. Paulie hated phones. He wouldnt have one in his house. 保利最恨电话了 他不肯在家里装电话39. Mickey called. Wan

13、t me to call him back? 米奇打来了,要不要我回他电话?All right, make the call. 好吧,打过去40. He got all his calls second hand. Then youd have to call the people back. 他的电话都是由别人传达给他 然后手下再从公用电话回电41. Got a nickel? Get him on the phone. 你有没有五分钱? 帮我打个电话给他42. For a guy who moved all day long .Paulie didnt talk to six people

14、. 对一个整天忙碌不停的人来说 他很少跟人说话43. With union problems. .or a beef in the numbers. 假如工会有了问题 或彩票上有争议.only the top guys spoke with Paulie about the problem. 只有高级干部可以跟保利商议He didnt want anybody hearing what he said. 他不要别人听到他说的话or anyone listening to what he was being told. 或听到别人说给他听的话44. Hundreds of guys depend

15、ed on him, and he got a piece of everything they made. 好几百人以保利当靠山 他们所赚的都给保利一份45. it was a tribute, like in the old country, except they were doing it in America. 那就是保护费,就像在西西里 只不过这是美国46. All they got from Paulie was protection from the guys trying to rip them off. 保利也只不过保护他们 不被别人欺侮诈骗Thats what its a

16、ll about. Thats what the FBI could never understand. 就这样子 FBI始终搞不懂这一点47. People looked at me differently, and they knew I was with somebody. 别人看我的眼光都不一样 因为我和大人物在一起48. I didnt have to wait in line at the bakery on Sunday morning for fresh bread. The owner knew who I was with, and no matter how many p

17、eople were waiting. I was taken care of first. 我连礼拜天买新鲜面包 都用不着排队了 老板知道我跟谁在一起 他会从柜台后面走出来 不管有多少人在等 他都会先招呼我49. Our neighbors stopped parking in our driveway, even though we had no car. 邻居再也不把车停在我们车道上了 虽然我们没有车50. At 13. I was making more money than most of the grown-ups in the neighborhood. 我十三岁的时候,我赚的钱

18、已经比附近的大人还多51. You know why? 知道为什么吗?It was out of respect. 因为他们尊敬我52. Arent my shoes great? - 你看我的鞋,棒吧?You look like a gangster. 你像个流氓53. I remember feeling bad about the guy, but also. .feeling maybe Tuddy was right. 我记得我为那个人感到难过 我也记得也许杜迪是对的54. Youre a real jerk. You wasted eight fucking aprons 你真是个

19、大白痴 你糟蹋了八条围裙55. It was a glorious time. 那真是一段光彩的日子56. And wiseguys were all over the place. 到处都是兄弟们57. It was when I met the world. 我就是那时候认清世界And it was when I first met Jimmy Conway. 并认识吉米康威He couldnt have been more than 28 or 29 at the time, but he was already a legend. 他顶多不过28、9岁 但已经是个传奇人物了58. He

20、d walk in the door and everybody who worked the roomjust went wild. 他只要一走进来 厅里所有的人就像发疯一样Hed give a doorman $100 just for opening the door. 帮他开门,就给一百块小费Hed give hundreds to the dealers and the guys who ran the games. 他常塞百元大钞 给那些发牌跟主持赌局的人The bartender got $100just for keeping the ice cubes cold. 连酒保也有

21、百元小费 只要冰块够冰的话59. -Want a drink? -Give me a Seven and Seven. - 你要不要喝一杯? - 好,给我一杯七喜加海马七威士忌60. ld like you to meet the kid Henry. - 吉米,来见见这个小子亨利 - 你好,很高兴认识你61. Jimmy was one of the most feared guys in the city. 吉米是全城当时 最令人敬畏的人之一But what Jimmy really loved to do. what he really loved to do was steal. 但是

22、吉米真正的爱好 是偷东西He actually enjoyed it. 那对他来说是一种享受62. You might know who we are, but we know who you are. 你也许知道我们是谁 我们可清楚的知道你的底细,懂吗?63. They called him Jimmy the Gent. 他们甚至称他为“绅士吉米”64. Drivers loved him. They used to tip him off. about the really good loads. Of course, everybody got a piece. 开货车的都喜欢他 有好

23、货的时候他们都会把消息告诉他 当然,每个人都得到好处65. Thanks, lll be back for the rest later. 谢了,我等下再来拿剩下的东西 好吧,一会儿见66. Henry, come here. 亨利,到这里来Say hello to Tommy. - 跟汤米打个招呼Youre gonna be working together, okay? Help him. Go ahead. 你们好好的一起工作好吗? 尽管帮他67. Jimmy, you got anything good? 吉米,偷到什么好东西了吗?68. He made them partners.

24、他把他们变成了同伙69. ld complain, but whod listen? 想抱怨也没人会听70. What do you need- 你要什么71. Here you go, Henry. -Thanks a lot. - 来,亨利 - 多谢72. Whered you get the cigarettes? -Get him out of here. - 你在哪里弄来的香烟? - 把他弄走73. You dont understand. -You dont understand. Stores closed. - 你不明白 - 是你不明白,店关了74. Henry got pin

25、ched. -Where? - 亨利被捕了 - 在哪被捕?75. Yes, sir. Thats me. 是的,法官,我就是76. Counselor, proceed. 律师,继续吧77. Just stand there. Now stay there. 走过来,站在那别动78. Heres your graduation present. 这是你的毕业礼物79. but you did it right但你表现得很好80. -l thought youd be mad. lm not mad, lm proud of you. - 我以为你会生气 - 我没生你的气,我为你骄傲81. Ne

26、ver rat on your friends. 绝不背叛你的朋友82. Here he is! 嗨,他来了83. by the time I grew up, there was 30 billion a year in cargo. .moving through Idlewild Airport, 到我长大,每年从艾得伟机场 进出的货值300亿84. we grew up near the airport. 我们是在机场旁边混大的85. It belonged to Paulie. We had friends and relatives who worked all over it.

27、机场是属于保利的 我们有亲威朋友在各部门工作86. They would tip us off about what was coming in and moving out. 他们会告诉我们 货物进出的消息87. If any truckers or airlines gave us trouble. 假如有航空公司 或是卡车司机找我们麻烦Paulies union people scared them with a strike. It was beautiful. 保利和他的工会人员 就以罢工吓他们,棒极了88. You got a phone? Come on! 你有电话吗?快呀!Tw

28、o niggers just stole my truck. Can you fucking believe that shit? 两个黑鬼偷了我的卡车 你相信这种事吗?89. lll get the papers, get the papers. 我要去拿报纸,拿报纸90. But its the middle of summer. Whatll l do with fur coats? 我知道,可是现在是夏天 你叫我怎么处理毛皮?lll take them away. 那我把毛皮拿走 91. For us, to live any other way was nuts. 要我们改变生活方式

29、 是不可能的92. They were suckers. They had no balls. 那些都是没勇气的弱者93. If we wanted something, wejust took it. 假如我们想要什么,我们就拿94. It was alljust routine. You didnt even think about it. 一切都好像顺理成章 根本不用多伤脑筋95. No problems? -lll take care of it. - 不会有问题吧? - 不会,我会把事弄妥的96. Too good to be true. - 好得难以置信97. Big score

30、coming from Air France. Bags of money coming in. 法国航空公司有大生意了 有一袋袋的钱要托运98. they change their money over into French money and send it back here.他们把美金换成法郎 美金又被运回来99. -Calm down. -lts beautiful. - 冷静一点 - 行吧,太美了100. Our only problem is getting a key, but l got a plan. 唯一的问题就是怎么拿到钥匙 但我已经想到办法了101. lts bea

31、utiful. -lt wont be a problem at all. - 太美了 - 不会出任何问题的102. Good. -Were on. - 好 - 就这么办103. This aint no beach or park. lm resting! l said. “这不是公园或海滩” 我说我在休息104. Funny. Youre really funny. 真好玩,真滑稽105. What do you mean, lm funny? 你是什么意思?106. Youre a funny guy. 你很幽默You mean the way l talk? What? 你说我讲话的样

32、子吗?You know, the way you tell the story. 你讲事情经过的样子,很有趣Funny how? Whats funny about it? 滑稽?好玩?有什么好玩?107. Tommy, you got it all wrong.汤米,你误会了108. Hes a big boy. 他又不是小孩子109. Let me understand this. 让我把事情弄清楚110. Maybe lm a little fucked up. 也许我有点醉了But, lm funny, how? Funny like a clown? l amuse you? 但我是怎么个有趣法 像小丑一样吗?111. l make you laugh? l

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