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综合英语2Unit 11 课件.docx

1、综合英语2Unit 11 课件 UNIT 11How to be True to YourselfKey Structures Imperative sentences Tag questions Auxiliary verbs indicating the degree of politeness Wh-clauses as subject complementsKey Phrases sell out, at hand, in short supply, demand of, consist of, stand for, in the face of, account for, back

2、down, a company of, engage in VOCABULARYdemonstrate v.(1)to show or prove that something exists or is true: E.G. + that The survey clearly demonstrates that tourism can have positive benefits. These problems demonstrate the importance of planning. (2) T to show someone how to do something, or how so

3、mething works:e.g. She demonstrated how to use the new software.demonstration n.integrity N. U honesty and the ability to do or know what is morally right 正直;廉正;诚实e.g.: a woman of great integrityThe integrity of the judge is unquestioned. 这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。 【书】wholeness完整,完全 e.g. Our integrity as a nati

4、on is threatened. 我们国家的完整性受到了威胁。 integral adj.形容词 adj. 1.构成整体所必需的; 不可或缺的 Thats an integral part of the country. 那是构成国家所必需的一部分。 She is our best player, and is integral to our team. 她是我们最好的球员, 我们队离不开她。 2.作为组成部份的 3.完整的;完备的 morality 1n. U ideas and beliefs about what is right or wrong and how people sho

5、uld behave道德,伦理;品行e.g.: He is a man of strict morality .他是个品行极其端正的人。 sexual morality public/private/personal morality feudal fju:dl morality封建道德观 conventional/traditional morality Some leaders have blamed television for the decline in standards of morality.2. the degree to which something is right o

6、r acceptable道德规范P morality of a discussion on the morality of abortion the fundamental moralities of life基本的生活规范 Moral adj.ethic 1countable a general idea or belief that influences peoples behaviour and attitudese.g.: The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.

7、see also work ethic职业伦理 2 ethicspluralmoral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong;道德学;伦理学著作e.g.: a report on the ethics of gene therapy(疗法) professional/business/medical ethics (=the moral rules relating to a particular profession) public concern about medical ethics

8、Televised news is based on a code of ethics. ethical a.=moralsell out (1.+of+sth畅销;2出卖) intransitive phrasal verb if a shop, ticket office etc sells out of goods or tickets, or if goods or tickets sell out, all of them are sold so there are no more available注意不及物,无被动语态e.g.: I went to the store to ge

9、t some bread but they had sold out. Sunday newspapers often sell out by 10 oclock. sell out ofe.g.: They opened at 8 oclock, and by 8.30 they had sold out of tickets for the big game. be sold out (=when all the tickets for a performance or sports event have been sold)e.g.: We couldnt get tickets any

10、where - the show was completely sold out. French farmers feel theyve been sold out by their government in the negotiations.expedience n. U (ALSO expediency) when something is helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable适宜;方便;合算; 利己,权宜之计:e.g.: As a matter of exped

11、ience , we will not be taking on any new staff this year.I think this government operates on the basis of expediency, not of principle.expedient adj. 【FORMAL】 helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable:e.g.: It might be expedient not to pay him until the work i

12、s finished.The management has taken a series of expedient measures to improve the companys financial situation.( near/close+) at hand: 【空】(1)if a building or person is close at hand, they are very near and therefore available in case you need theme.g.: The Exhibition Centre is a great day out, with

13、plenty of parking and all the attractions of Manchester close at hand. Im very glad that, when my children were small, my mother was always close at hand. 【时】(2)Soon in time; imminent迫在眉睫;即将发生:e.g.: Retribution is at hand.惩罚就要到来.demand 【硬】 to ask for something very firmly, especially because you thi

14、nk you have a right to do this:e.g.: I caught Alice going through my letters and demanded an immediate explanation. 【demand to know/see/have etc something】e.g.: Lifting the phone from the desk, he demanded to know what was going on. Once in a while she sent food back to the kitchen and demanded to s

15、ee the cook. 【demand that】E.G.: For their part, opposition leaders demanded that Mr Fujimori step down immediately in favour of a transition(过渡) government. 【demand sth of sb】E.G.: It seemed that no matter what she did, more was demanded of her. Where are you going? she demanded angrily. 【if one thi

16、ng demands another, it needs that thing in order to happen or be done successfully 需要、要求】E.G.: Too many things demanded his attention at the same time. Its a desperate situation demanding a desperate remedy(治疗法,补救措施).stand for (代表;为奋斗,维护;(口)容忍容许) if a letter or symbol stands for something, it repres

17、ents a word or idea, especially as a short forme.g.: What does ATM (automated teller machine)stand for? to support a particular set of ideas, values, or principlese.g.: Its hard to tell what the party stands for these days. 【not stand for something】 (British English) to not allow something to contin

18、ue to happen or someone to do somethinge.g.: Shes been lying about me, and I wont stand for it.conviction n. C or U a strong opinion or belief:信念 e.g.: religious/moral convictionsa deep/strong/lifelong conviction+ that Its my personal conviction that all rapists should be locked away for the

19、 face of(不顾(问题、困难等);由于、因为) in the face of sth: 1.despite having to deal with a difficult situation or problem:e.g.: She left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents. We should stand firmly for our convictions in the face of personal pressure.2.As a result of sth.He was unable to deny

20、the charge in the face of new evidence.account foraccount for sth: 1)to explain the reason for something or the cause of something:e.g.: Can you account for your absence last Friday?He has to account to his manager for (= tell his manager about and explain) all his movements. give an account of sth.

21、2)占(数量上,比例上)eg: the Japanese market s for 35% of the companys revenue(收入) Account sth for sb/sth1) 尤指在事故之后,了解,查明AU passengers have now been d for.2)(imfml)打败,破坏,消灭Eg: our anti-aircraft have now ed five enemy bombersAccount for sth(to sb)说明钱财的处置情况,报账We habe to every penny we spend on business trips.B

22、ack(v.) down(退步) (phrasal verb) to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated:e.g.: Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.Local residents have forced the local council to back down from/on its plans to build a nightclub in their street.【重点】 credit(荣誉;信用;学分) n. U 1 praise, appr

23、oval or honour:e.g.: She got no credit for solving the problem.处理了这个问题,她却并没有得到任何荣誉嘉赏。Her boss took credit for it/took (all) the credit instead. 2 be a credit to sb/sth: to do something that makes a person, group or organization feel proud or receive praise: e.g.: She is a credit to her family. We sh

24、ould always give others credit that is rightfully theirs.rightful (合法的,理应享有的) adj. A rightful position or claim is one which is morally or legally correct:e.g.: Dont forget that I am the rightful owner of this house.rightfully adv. e.g.: The furniture rightfully belongs to you.appoint (任命,派遣;雇佣) v.

25、T to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility:e.g.: Hes just been appointed (as) director of the publishing division.+ to infinitive A commission has just been appointed to investigate fraud claims.appointed adj. e.g.: Id like to introduce our newly appointed members of staff.appointmen

26、t noun C or U e.g.: We would like to announce the appointment of Julia Lewis as head of sales.Our department expects to make five new appointments1.约会, 约定, 预约 2.任命, 委派 3.职务;职位 (= appoint five new people) this year alone.nest 1)n.(鸟窝;巢穴;藏匿处;家,安乐窝;一套物件)e.g.: Id like a nest of tables(套桌)for the living

27、room.2)v(to make and use a nest)筑巢nesting adj.n C a set of things that are similar but different in size and have been designed to fit inside each other:I bought a set of nesting dolls in Moscow.core n. S or U1 the basic and most important part of something:e.g.: The basic lack of government funding

28、 is at the core of the problem.Concern for environment is at the core of our polices. 2 core value/belief/issue, etc. a value, belief, etc. which is basic and more important than any other: e.g.: The negotiations would focus on the core issues of the peace process. 3 core business/operations/activit

29、ies the most important or largest part of a companys business activities, which it depends on in order to continue trading:e.g.: The companys core operations include entertainment and aviation. 4 core curriculum/subjects/courses the most important parts of a course of study, that all students must d

30、o 5 (参加某项活动的)一小群人 e.g. he gathered a small core of advisers around him.To the core so that the whole of a thing or a person is affected=直至核心,十足,透顶 E.g. she was shaken to the core by the news./he is a politician to the core.(十足的政客)preserve verb T 1 to keep something as it is, especially in order to p

31、revent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed; to conserve:保护,维护;保养e.g.: to preserve the environmentWe want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.2 to treat food in a particular way so that it can be kept for a long time without going bad:保鲜 preserved fruitoranges preserved in brandy(白兰地)【 sth/sb from sth】保护/

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