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人教修订版高二英语unit 12测试题.docx

1、人教修订版高二英语unit 12测试题人教修订版高二英语 unit 12 测试题高二英语(下) 能力训练题 Unit 121. - I prefer western food. Its a kind ofhealthy food.- _ But western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.A. Is that right? B. How do you know that?C. Do you really think so? D. Who told you that?2. Youre standing too near the camera.

2、 Can you move _?A. a bit far B. a little farther C. a bit of farther D. a little far3. - I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for them.- Well, _ could they live in such comfort?A. where else B. what else C. how D. why4. By taking the scientific developments of his day one step furth

3、er, JulesVerne _ of modern science fiction.A. laid the foundation B help set upC. made the creation D. made the discovery5. After he left college, he was employed in an international company and_ there ever since.A. worked B. has worked C. had worked D. wasworking6. In ancient times, people had no i

4、dea _ the inside of the earth might looklike.A. what B. that C. how D. why7. Unless (it is)_, this law will make life difficult for farmers.A. changed B. being changed C. to be changed D. unchanged8. Do you think therell be _time_ we can beat all diseases?A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; w

5、hen9. Thats an unpleasant thing to say about your mum after _ shes done foryou.A. something B. anything C. all D. that10. _ I known he was in trouble, I might have managed to help him.A. If B. When C. Unless D. Had11. _ from the earth to Mars!A. How long it is B. How far is itC. What a long distance

6、 it is D. What a long distance is it12. It is _ but not _ that Auntie will come over to see us on such asnowy day.A. likely; possible B. probably; likelyC. probably; possible D. possible; probable13. The two leaders have _ the foundations of a new era in cooperationbetween their countries.A. laid B.

7、 lied C. lain D. set14. As an economist, he was able to _ some light on the problem.A. put B. make C. throw D. bring15. Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter _to find themonster.A. set about B. set out C. set for D. set off16. As soon as I was on _, I began to have second thoughts abou

8、t leaving.A. abroad B. broad C. aboard D. board17. Whenever I see him, he is _ a happy smile.A. putting on B. wearing C. dressing D. having on18. _ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself _ atthe party.A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticedC. Dressed; noticing D. Dressing; bein

9、g noticing19. - Have you finished the work?- Not yet. I _ to do it just a moment ago.A. set off B. set up C. set out D. set down20. If you wish for any _ explanation, you had better apply in person tochief of police.A. farther B. further C. much farther D. more far21. Obviously what he said just now

10、 is a story of _. In fact, a car cant reachthat speed.A. science B. truth C. fact D. fiction22. I want to call his _ to the result of the experiment.A. attention B. attack C. information D. eye23. Dont _ call me if you need any help.A. think of B. remember to C. try to D. hesitate to24. At the begin

11、ning of 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea, one of Vernes mostfamous novels, ships are _ all over the world and it is believed _ bya sea monster.A. appearing; causing. B. gone; to causeC. disappearing; to be caused D. going; being caused25. _ the wheelchair, the old man thought of his son who bought it f

12、orhim.A. Sat B. When sitting C. Sitting in D. SittingI. Cloze Test:I was 15 when I walked into McCauleys Bookstore in Ashland. As I waslooking at titles on the shelves, the man behind the counter, 26 , asked if Id like27 I needed to start 28 for college, so I said yes. I 29 after school andduring su

13、mmers for the lowest wages, and the job helped 30 my freshman yearof college. I would work many other jobs: I made coffee in the Students Unionduring college, I was a hotel maid (or waitress) and 31 made maps for the U.S.Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most satisfying.One day a woma

14、n asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. Ishowed her almost 32 we had at that time in store and found other books wecould order. She left the store less 33 . Ive always remembered the 34 I felt inhaving helped her.Years later, as a 35 in Los Angeles, I heard about an immigrant childwho wa

15、s born 36 his fingers connected, web-like. His family could not afford acorrective(矫正;整形) operation, and the boy lived in 37 , hiding his hand in hispocket.I 38 my boss to let me do the story. After my story was broadcast, adoctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the 39 for free.I visited the

16、 boy in the recovery room soon after the operation. The firstthing he did was to hold up his 40 hand and say, “Thank you.” I felt a sense of41 .In the past, while I was 42 , I always sensed (or felt) I was working forthecustomers, not the store. Today its the 43 . NBC News pays my salary, 44I feel a

17、s if I work for the 45 , helping them make sense of the world.26. Athe reader Bthe college student Cthe shop owner Dthecustomer27. Aa book Ba job Csome tea Danyhelp28. Aplanning Bsaving CpreparingDstudying29. Aread Bstudied CcookedDworked30. Apay for Bfit for Crun for Denterfor31. Aso Byet CevenDsti

18、ll32. Aanything Bsomething CnothingDeverything33. Aworried Bsatisfied CexcitedDpuzzled34. Apride Bfailure CsadnessDsurprise35. Adoctor Bstore owner Cbookseller DTVreporter36. Ain Bwith CbyDfor37. Ashame Bhonor CterrorDdanger38. Aadvised Bforced CpersuadedDallowed39. Aaction Bprogram CtreatmentDopera

19、tion40. Arepaired Bconnected ChurtDimproved41. Apleasure Bdisappointment CinterestDsadness42. Aat the TV station Bin the Students UnionCat the U.S. Forest Service Dat McCauleys Bookstore43. Adifference Bsame CusualDrequest44. Aso Band CbutDbecause45. Areaders Bviewers CcustomersDpassengersII. Readin

20、g comprehension:AJules Verne was a Frenchman who was born in1828 and died in 1905. He read a great many scientific books and wrote a numberof exciting books about the things which he thought that scientists and inventorswould one day be able to do. Years later, many of the things really happened. At

21、that time, however, his stories seemed like fairy tales.Jules Vernes most famous book is 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.(A league isan old word meaning a distance of about three miles). In those days submarineshad not been invented but he described an underwater ship very like a modern one.Many of the

22、 things Jules wrote about in his books more than a hundred years agoto look into the future, however, were surprisingly exact. In his book From theEarth to the Moon he wrote at the age of about forty, three men and a dog made ajourney around the moon in a hollow ship fired from a gun. After going ar

23、ound themoon, they returned to the earth and splashed down into the sea not far from wherethe first real moon traveler landed in July, 1969.46. Jules wrote a lot of exciting books partly because he _.A. liked to do much reading on science B. liked reading fairy talesC. was a great inventor D. was a

24、famous scientist47. Some of what Jules described in his books _.A. is almost the same as what happened years laterB. is quite different from what happened years laterC. never comes trueD. seems impossible to the people today48. Many of the things really happened _.A. as soon as Jules books were publ

25、ishedB. some years after his books were publishedC. at that timeD. when Jules was in his forties49. The thing Jules described in his book From the Earth to the Moon is_.A. as large as the spaceship today B. similar to the spaceship todayC. a gun used to send up a ship D. an underwater ship BAn “appl

26、e-polisher” is one who gives gifts to win friendship or specialtreatment. It is not exactly a bribe, but is close to it.”Apple-polishing” is as old as human society, but the phrase itself is recent,about 50 years old. It comes from the schoolroom. For a long time, someschoolboys would leave a shiny

27、apple on the teachers desk. They would rub andpolish the apple to give it a bright shine, so as to make it look more tasty. Such agift, the students hoped, might make the teacher shut her eyes to their poor workand give them a good mark.All sorts of people are apple-polishers, including politicians

28、and people in highoffices-almost everybody.There are other phrases meaning the same thing as “apple-polishing”- “soft-soaping” or “buttering-up”. A gift is just one way to “soft-soap” somebody, or to“butter him up”.Another way that is just as effective as apple-polishing is flattery, givingsomeone h

29、igh praise - telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, orhow wise he is. Flattery, of course, is the cheapest kind of “apple polishing”.To flatter another costs you nothing and you can give it as freely as youwant. And you can always find somebody eagerly looking for it.50. An “apple-pol

30、isher” is one who _.A. tries to please someone to get favor B. bribes with money to get somethingC. is really friendly to everyone around himD. plants apple trees and polishes his apples every day51. Why did the students polish the apple for their teacher?A. They hoped that she would not pay attention to them.B. They didnt want her to wash the apple by herself.C. They wished to draw her attention.D. They longed for her giving them

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