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人教版PEP小学英语六年级下册《Unit3 Where did you go B Lets try Lets talk》教学设计.docx

1、人教版PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit3 Where did you go B Lets try Lets talk教学设计 人教版PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit3 Where did you go? B Lets try Lets talk 教学设计 Unit3 Where did you go?B Lets try Lets talk本部分的核心句型是:Where did you go?How did you go there? What did you do? 教材通过吴一帆和Amy在学校遇见Sarah,三人谈论Amy 的寒假活动的情景,感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。 二 教学目标1

2、知识与能力目标(1)能听懂Lets try 部分对话,并完成练习(2)能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(3 能够在语境中理解生词beach,sometime,went swimming 及took pictures 的意思,并能正确发音。(4) 能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型 Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do? 谈论假期活动.(5) 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。(6) 能够运用所学句型谈论自己的寒假生活。2、 德育目标:(1、)能够通过对话学习了解海南三亚

3、的海岛风光, 让学生热爱生活,享受假期,享受生活。(2、)通过对话假期旅行这一主线,引导学生感受中国的伟大,以及幅员辽阔,不同地域不同风情,以激发学生热爱祖国。(3、)引导学生懂得文明出行,保护环境。3、策略目标:积极运用所学的英语知识进行交流,加强合作学习,共同完成学习任务。三 教学重难点1重点: 能够听、说、读、写,句型 Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do? 谈论假期活动.2难点:在情景中运用Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do?及用所学

4、句型谈论和描述人物在过去干的事情。四 教具准备1.教学配套资源:学生用书,教师用书,教学配套CD-ROM2.自主创新资源:教学CIA课件,人物头像,图片,单词卡。五 教学过程(一)Preparation1. Greetings: T: Hello! Boys and girls! S: Hello! Cindy!T: Im so remember my name. Nice to see you again!S:Nice to see you too!【设计意图】简单问候,在和谐愉快的氛围中开始英语课的学习。 2 .Free talk(1) T: Do you like t

5、his song? S: Yes,I like.T:Its about S:Holiday.教师出示词卡并贴板书T: What holidays do you know in China?S1:Qingming FestivalS2:Spring Festival T: Very good! Lets see some pictures carefully!(课件出示几幅中国节日图片)S:观看T:Which holiday do you like best? S:T:Sounds great! (通过有关假日的简单交流,引导学生热爱祖国 In the world,more and more p

6、eople like China and our holidays,especially Spring Festival.Our country is so great! We love her! ) (二)Presentation T: Our friends Sarah and Amy also like China,Look! Yifan and Sarah meet Amy at school. They are talking, Listen and circle. )1. Lets try(1)第一遍听、回答问题并检查。(2)第二遍听、巩固。2 .Lets talk(1)As we

7、 know, Sarah went to Hang Zhou over the winter holiday. What about Amy?Do you want to know?(板书补充板书Amys)(2)Level 1:Watch the dialogue carefully and answer the questions。 (生看视频,回答问题.) 1. Where did Amy go over the winter holiday ? She went to Sanya.师引导学生练习句型:Where did you go? I went to(师适时板书)T:Sanya is

8、 famous of its sea and beach.(学习beach),(欣赏三亚美景,感受三亚风情。)T:Sanya is so beautiful.Do you like Sanya? S:Yes,I like.T:(出示两个句子)Lets go to Sanya together sometime. I come to school by car sometimes.(引导生比较sometime 、sometimes) 2 .How did she go there? She went there by plane. (练习句型,师适时板书))3. What did she do

9、there?She took pictures and went swimming. (师适时板书)【设计意图】学生通过看视频,对文本进行整体感知,回答问题,并欣赏三亚美景,进一步激发了学生的学习积极性和主动性。(3)Level 2 Now listen and choose. 1.When did Amy go to Hainan?A: Over the winter holiday B: Over the summer holiday 2.What was the weather like in Sanya?A: It was very cold B: It was very warm3.

10、Is Hainan near Beijing?A: Yes,it is. B: No, Hainan is far from Beijing.(订正答案,处理Hainan is far from Beijing.)T:Look at the map!T:In China,different weather occurs in different areas at the same time,becauseChina has a vast territory.we are proud of great country!(祖国幅员辽阔,不同地域所处的气候带有所不同。我们为伟大祖国感到骄傲!)【设计

11、意图】本环节带问题让学生再回顾文章,对文章具体细节进行理解,学生从文本中获取有效的信息。Step3 Practice(1) Listen and imitateT: Wow,you are so great. Now,lets imitate the text. First, look at your book, listen carefully and imitate. S: 跟读课文设计意图回归教材,让学生在听读的基础上建立声音与图片、语音与语调之间的联系加深理解,固化核心语言结构。 (2)Role-play (3)Retell Amys winter holiday.【设计目的】提供平台

12、让学生展示学习成果,体验获取学习成果的喜悦。四、Production 1、Make a survey 【设计意图】此环节通过调查老师的暑假生活,让学生开口说英语,巩固新句型,以达到良好的效果。生欣赏老师的假日图片,也为后面的report做铺垫T: Boys and girls,I went to Qingdao to see many beautiful things,but I also saw lots of bad things,I took lots of pictures for you,please look carefully.生看T:What do you think? 生自由

13、发言。T: (引导学生文明出行,保护环境Protecting environment is everyones duty!) 2、Make a report 【设计意图】汇报活动不仅能让学生连句成篇,并为后面的写作做了铺垫。(3) Writing T: Now boys and girls .Its your turn.Lets enjoy your holidays .Ss:写作文五、 Progress(1)情感提升T: Boys and girls, this class we followed Amy to Hainan. You followed me to Qingdao. B ut i n our country,there are many beautiful places .生欣赏T: we should go out and have a look sometime. Enjoy our holiday and enjoy our life.(2) Homework1、Retell Amywinter holiday 2、Talk about your winter holiday and enjoy the happiness with your friends.

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