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2、各题中均有一处错误,请指出并按下列情况改正。该题多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该题右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该题缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该题右边横线上写出该加的词。该题错一个词:在错的词下画一横线,在该题右边横线上写出该加的词。(1) When Bill Gates was young, he spent a lot of time developing computer programmes, doesnt he? _(2) Brown trousers are very popular this spring. Would you like to try

3、it on?_(3) What interesting the film Harry Potter is!_(4) Youd better not to read in poor light. Its bad for your eyes._(5) Beijing is changing fast. There will have more and more new parks and high buildings in the future. 2(北京市西城区)下列各句中均有一处错误,找出错误,并将该序号填在括号内,然后将正确答案写在横线上。(1) We can see lots of she

4、eps on the hill. ()_A B C D(2) They flying kites in the park now. ()_A B C D(3) The twins are good to maths.()_ ABC D(4) There will have a class meeting next Monday afternoon.()_A BC D3(北京市朝阳区)单句改错 下面每个句子中都有一个错误(不存在拼写错误)。在错处下画一横线,然后将其正确形式写在题后括号内。注意:不得改变句子原意。(只画线不改错,不得分。改错不画线,也不得分。)(1) How many worke

5、r are there in this factory? ()(2) We neednt worry about they. ()(3) Mary looks young than before. ()(4) Jim father teaches in a middle school. ()(5) June is the six month of the year. ()(6) The old woman walked slow up the hill. () 4(陕西省)句子改错 下列各句均有A、B、C、D四个画线部分,其中有一处错误,将其相应的字母填入句后的括号内,并在横线上加以改正。示例

6、: The police told us not play in the street, Its dangerous. (B) not to playA B C D(1) Ann didnt know how work out the problem in class. ()_ A B C D(2) Why not ask for help when you were with trouble? ()_ A B C D(3) Look! What happy the children are in the garden! ()_ A B C D(4) We have learned Engli

7、sh since two years and a half. ()_ A B C D(5) Ill go back home as soon as school will be over.()_ A B C D(6) Youd better speak as more English as you can. ()_ A B C D(7) With my help, he finished made the kite at last.()_ A B C D(8) Father tells his son how far is it from the earth to the moon. A B

8、C D()_(9) Neither you nor I were sending e-mails then. ()_ A B C D(10) A friend of him went to Japan last Sunday. ()_A BC D1. (1) doesnt改为didnt (2) it改为them (3) What改为How (4) to去掉 (5) have改为be2. (1) (C) sheep (2) (A) are flying (3) (D) at (4) (A) be3. (1) How many worker are there in this factory? (

9、workers) (2) We neednt worry about they. (them) (3) Mary looks young than before. (younger) (4) Jim father teaches in a middle school. (Jims) (5) June is the six month of the year. (sixth/6th) (6) The old woman walked slow up the hill. (slowly)4. (1) B (how to work out) (2) D (in) (3) A (How) (4) B

10、(for) (5) C (is) (6) B (much) (7) C (making) (8) C (it is) (9) B (was) (10) A (his)下列题要求你对各段文章改错。先对每一行作出判断是对还是错。如果是对的,在该行右边的横线上画一个勾();如果有错误(每行不会多于一个错误),则按情况改错如下:此行多一个词:在答题卷该行右边的横线上写出该词,并用斜线()划掉。此行缺一个词:在答题卷该行右边的横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在答题卷该行右边的横线上写出正确的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。Nick and Jack are twins. They are togethe

11、r, the most of time.(1)_Each of them like having a twin brother. They look the same. (2) _People often mistake them with each other. When they(3) _were small, something interesting was happened to them. (4) _One day they were given a bath(洗澡)one after another. Soon (5) _after the bath, the nurse hea

12、rd the two children laughed in bed. (6) _Whats for, your two children? she asked.(7) _Oh,nothing. answered Nick. Only you give(8) _Jack two baths, and havent given me anyone. (9) _I was really wrong. I fail to see you are different, she said (10) _ 2(安徽省,1998)Dear Wei Hua,I havent heard you for a lo

13、ng time. How are you?(1) _I have just finished the exams. Now Im nice I have(2) _time to write to you. Our teacher tell us that China is a(3) _large country. It has the most population in the world.(4) _It is very far away from the USA. Its on the other side(5) _Of the world. Now the sun is shining

14、brightly while I am(6) _writing to you. But perhaps you are sleeping in the(7) _dark night. How interesting! Im becoming more and(8) _more interesting in China .I wish to know more about(9) _your life. Could you tell me that what kind off food you(10) _often have for meals? Please write to me soon.

15、Best wishes to you!Yours,Kate 3(四川省,1998)Jimmy was five year old and his (1) _brother Billy was hardly a baby. (2) _A morning their mother waited for an (3) _important telephone call, but nobody calling. (4) _There were no food in the house (5) _and at last she could waited (6) _not longer. She had

16、to go for the shops. (7) _Jimmy stayed at house to look after (8) _the baby. When his mother was out, the telephone rung (9) _ and Jimmy answered them. (10) _ 4(贵州市,1998) The difference between life in one country and is (1) _quite often not so big as the difference between city(2) _We and village l

17、ife in same country. In an English(3) _village everybody know everybody else; they know what(4) _time when you get up and you go to bed, and what (5) _you usually have food for dinner. When you want some help. (6) _you can always get them. You are also glad to help any one else. (7) _In a large city

18、 like London, there are many things to see andmany places to go. But people often do not know each other well (8) _It sometimes happens that you have never seen your next-door neighbour(邻居)and dont know his name or nothing about (9) _ him. People living in London are often very lonely, particularly(

19、尤其)after workIf you walk throught thestreets in London on Sundaysit almost like an empty town (10) _5(呼和浩特布,1998)I have a twin sister. we never feel alone. We fight (1) _but soon we make friend with each other again (2) _People think we look same, and always mistake us (3) _with each other. Im calle

20、d Lucy. Dont call me Lily, (4) _do you? Usually we dont tell them that theyre wrong. (5) _But we have some differences. We hate the same colours. (6) _“Why did you give us two T-shirtsall the same colour?” (7) _we asked. So now, If Mom buys us new clothes, she chooses (8) _different colours. Lily wa

21、s born only few minutes before (9) _me, so Im a little young than her. We love each other. (10) _ 6(哈尔滨市,1997)When we talked about the universe, we mean the earth. (1) _the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space among them. (2) _Many of the stars cannot be seen so they are too far away. (3) _The

22、 moon is our satellite. It travels round the earth. (4) _Manmade satelites have been sent into space by many (5) _Countries. It help us learn more about the earth, the (6) _weather and another things. We can also use them to (7) _help us make telephone calls to foreign countries. (8) _Thanks to spac

23、e satellites, the would by itself is (9) _becoming much smaller place and people from different (10) _countries now understand each other better. 7(苏州市,2001)Mary was reading the newspaper. The newspaper say, (1) _Write a story about what your Mom is the best Mom (2) _A ten best stories will win a ni

24、ce present for (3) _Mom. Sending your stories to this newspaper. Mary (4) _wrote to her Mom. My Mom loves us. She listens to (5) _ours problems. She helps us feel better when we are (6) _sad. Even though she. works, she spends times with (7) _Tom, Mike and I each night. She reads us and (8) _help us with our homework. She is teaching us be (9) _kindly and to work hard. Do you think Mary won?

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