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1、常用眼科英语会话奥运英语一、眼部检查1您好,请问有什么能帮你Good morning/afternoon! Can I help you (What can I do for you)2请问您是检查眼睛还是配眼镜Would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist3这是裂隙灯,检查眼睛的时候会有比较强的光照射眼睛,请坚持一会儿。向前看,向上看,向下看,眨眨眼。眼睛有慢性结膜炎(角膜炎,倒睫,结石,滤泡,乳头,角膜异物)。This is slit-lamp. It will send strong light on your eyes. Keep you

2、r eyes open, please. Look straight, look up, look down, and blink your eyes. You have chronic conjunctivitis (keratitis, trichiasis, concretion, follicle, papilla, cornea foreign body). you should see an eye doctor.4您眼睛有没有如下症状:闪光、有漂浮物、光晕、复视、时常或严重的头痛,眼痛、眼红、流泪或沙砾感Do you have any of these problems with

3、 your eyes: flashes of light, floaters, halos around lights, double vision, frequent or severe headaches, eye pain, redness, tearing, or a gritty feeling in your eyes 5症状从什么时候开始的一般持续多长时间When did this happen How long has it lasted 6您曾经检查过眼睛吗有没有做过手术、受过外伤或严重的感染Have you ever had any medical examinations

4、 of your eyes Any surgeries, injuries, or serious infections of your eyes 7您曾经用过眼药吗若有,什么药,您服用了多长时间,它用来治疗什么病,剂量如何Have you ever used any medication for your eyes What medication have you used How long have you been taking the medication, what is it for, and what is the dosage8您的眼睛现在发炎了,目前不适宜配戴隐形眼镜,请去眼

5、科检查治疗,痊愈后才能继续配戴隐形眼镜。Your eyes have inflammation now. Contact lens is not good for you. You had better see an eye doctor. When your inflammation heals, you may use contact lens.9眼部手术后不宜马上配镜,因为眼睛还处于恢复期,屈光度不稳定。通常三个月后可以配镜.You should not take glasses immediately after your eye surgery, because the eye is

6、 in convalescence and the diopter isnt stable. Usually you may have optometry and dispense spectacles after three months.二、验光1请跟我来。请坐。现在先给您电脑验光。This way please! Have a seat, please. Let me test your vision first by computer optometry equipment.2请把下巴放在托上,把脑门贴靠在挡板上。请注视里面的小红房子。Please put your chin on t

7、he chinrest and your forehead against the board. Please look at the red house on the screen. 3这是气压式眼压计,像刚才一样坐好。将有一股气吹在眼睛上,对眼睛不会有影响。睁大眼睛。眼压正常(眼压高)。This is the eye pressure meter. Please be seated like before. A puff of air will blow on your eyes. It wont hurt you. Open your eyes. Your eye pressure is

8、 normal (high).4现在帮您检查裸眼视力。请您读出视标的缺口方向。Next I will test your eyesight. Please read out the open direction of the letter on the eye chart.5您之前戴过眼镜吗我先帮您检测下您自己的眼镜度数Have you worn eyeglasses before I would like to check the power of your own glasses.6您戴隐形眼镜吗您以前戴什么牌子的隐形眼镜Do you wear contact lenses Which b

9、rand did you wear7您戴镜有多长时间了眼镜是用来看远、看近还是两者都是How long have you been wearing glasses Are they for distance, near, or both 8您戴镜清楚和舒适吗Can you see clearly and comfortably with glasses9现在给您戴上试镜架进行进一步验光。请您注意视屏幕上面的视标。先检查右眼后查左眼。Now please wear the trial eyeglasses for further optometry test. Please look at th

10、e eye chart. Right eye first, then the left one.10请您睁大眼睛不要眯眼看。Please open your eyes widely, do not narrow your eyes.11. 您觉得加上这个镜片后是变清晰了还是模糊了还是一样这两个镜片哪个更清晰还是一样Do you see more clearly or blurred after I add this lens Or is it the same Which lens makes you see more clearly or are they the same12. 现在请注视

11、红色和绿色里面的数字“8”是否一样清晰哪个“8”颜色更黑更清晰Now look at the figure “eight” in the red background and the green background. Are the two figures equally clear Which figure is darker Which one is clearer13您通过镜片上的小孔向前看,视标是变清晰了还是模糊了Look forward through the pinhole on the lens. Do the letters become more clearly or bl

12、urred14请注视第一行视标,遮档一只眼然后再挡另一只您觉得哪边眼睛更清楚或者两眼差不多Look at the first line of the letters, cover one eye first, then the other. Which eye sees more clearly or are they almost the same15请您戴上试镜架在外边走一会儿,十分钟左右适应一会,刚戴上可能会有点晕。Please put on the trial eyeglasses and walk outside for about ten minutes. You may feel

13、 a little dizzy at first, but it is normal. Usually it will take your eyes several minutes to adapt to the new lenses.16请您看十分钟报纸,放在您习惯的阅读距离。Please read the newspaper for ten minutes and keep it at your habitual reading distance. 17您的眼睛是近视(远视,散光)。你右眼100度近视50度散光,左眼150度近视(远视)You have myopia (hyperopia,

14、 astigmatism). The power of your right eye is minus one diopter and two quarters cylinder, and the left eye is minus (plus) one point fifty diopter.18请您注视我的鼻子。我帮您检测瞳距。Please look at my nose and I will measure your pupil distance.19您的散光度数比较小,隐形眼镜不用刻意加散光,可以通过镜片和泪液进行矫正。但是对于视力仍有一些影响,如果您对这样的视力效果满意,就按这个度数

15、配镜。You have a little astigmatism, but it can be neutralized by lens and tear film, so you only need sphere lens. Surely the astigmatism may have slight influence on your eyesight, but if you can accept it, I will write you the prescription.20. 您的散光度数比较大,需要配戴散光隐形眼镜,这种镜片比较厚,舒适度差一些,而且配戴时镜片要按刻度进行配戴。You

16、have high astigmatism and need the toric contact lens. As the lens is thicker, it feels less comfortable. When you wear this lens, you should follow the marker.21. 您的镜片需要订做,镜片订做好以后会马上通知您。You need custom-made lenses. We will call you as soon as the lenses are made.22. 您还需要隐形眼镜的护理用品吗包括护理液,润眼液,镜盒。Do yo

17、u need any care system for contact lenses, solution, rewettings or cases23 .您会使用隐形眼镜吗如果不会请先学习隐形眼镜的使用方法。Do you know how to use contact lenses If not, please learn the proper use before you wear them.三、柜台1您喜欢无框、半框、还是无边的眼镜What kind of glasses would you like Full-frame, half-frame or without frame2您想选择一

18、副金属镜框还是板材框架板材镜架不易调整,金属镜架比较容易调整。What kind of frame would you like, metal or plastic Plastic frame is not easy to adjust, while metal frame is easier.3树脂镜片也根据折射率的不同薄厚有所差异,折射率越大镜片越薄,您的度数选择中等折射率的镜片就可以了。The thicknesses of resin lenses are different due to different refractive index. The more the refracti

19、ve index is, the thinner the lens is. According to your glasses diopter, it is fine for you to choose the glasses with medium refractive index. 4因为您的瞳距比较小,所以不适合配这么宽的镜架。A wide frame is not suitable for you because your pupil distance is narrow.5. 树脂镜片比较轻,但是表面不耐磨,加膜的镜片硬度会好一些,更耐磨而且比普通镜片的透光率高,清晰度高些。Resi

20、n lenses are light, but not wearable. But lenses with coatings enjoy higher hardness and wearability. Whats more, the transmittance and definition are better than ordinary lenses.6渐进多焦点镜片的上部分用来看远,下部分用来看近,中间是过渡带,周边是变形区,它比普通眼镜更方便,但是它的视野范围比较小,而且您必须学习如何使用这种镜片。If you wear progressive lenses, you could se

21、e the far through the upper part of the lenses, and see the near through lower part. The middle part is transition area and the transmission part is located around. They are more convenient than ordinary lenses, but the range of vision is limited and you have to learn how to use the lenses.7双光镜片有远近两

22、个焦点也比较方便,但外观不是很美观可以看到近用区的分界线。Bifocal lenses with far and near two focuses are convenient too, but they dont look beautiful because you can see the demarcation line.8遮光用的镜片分为两种,一种是染色镜片,一种使变色镜片。 染色镜片是室内室外同样深的颜色,变色镜片是光线强时是有色的镜片,光线弱时是无色的镜片。There are two kinds of sunglasses: dyeing lenses and photochromi

23、c lenses. Dyeing lenses keep same color no matter indoors or outdoors. Photochromic lenses can change colors under different light.9染色镜片有不同的颜色,包括生理灰绿,生理灰,生理茶色。 变色镜片分为加膜和加硬两种。相同折射率的加膜镜片相对加硬镜片价格高一些。There are three colors for dyeing lenses, including physiological green, physiological grey and physiolo

24、gical brown. Photochromic lenses have film coating or hard coating. Film coating lens is more expensive than hard coating lens in the same index. 10您最快两天后可以来取眼镜。请写下您的姓名,联系方式,眼镜做好后我们打电话通知您。You could take your lenses in two days. Please write down your name, phone number and we will contact you as soo

25、n as the eyeglasses are ready.11这种镜片需要特殊订做所以需要十天您才可以取到眼镜。This kind of lenses needs to be customized and processed in a particular way, so you cannot take the eyeglasses until ten days later.12请您到收款台交费。购买商品可以刷卡。Please pay at the cashier. You may pay cash or credit card.四、取镜1您平时最好用双手摘眼镜这样眼镜不易变形。Youd b

26、etter put on and take off eyeglasses with both of your hands, in this way, they are not easy to be transformed. 2树脂镜片不易放在高温的地方。Resin lenses doesnt stand heat, ,so please keep away high temperature places.3调整(修理)眼镜。用水清洗眼镜、镜腿、鼻托、螺丝。Adjust (repair) glasses. Clean eyeglasses, eyeglasses leg, nose pad an

27、d screw with water.4. 镜腿和鼻托是否合适,舒服Are you comfortable with the eyeglasses leg and nose pad5. 您最好每两年验一次光,如果发现眼镜度数已经不合适了就需要马上更换镜片,这样可以更有效的保护视力。Youd better have a visual test every two years. If the vision is not good, youd better change glasses in time.6. 新眼镜戴了之后都会有点儿别扭需要几天的适应时间,即使是相同的度数。You might fee

28、l a little bit uncomfortable when you wear the new glasses. Dont worry, it is normal. Usually it will take you several days to adapt to new glasses even if the power is same as your previous one.7. 如果您的框架眼镜不合适,您要到专业的地方进行调整,不要自行调整,避免损坏眼镜。If your spectacles need adjustment, please go to the optician.

29、Dont adjust them by yourself in case of brokenness. 8. 擦镜片时要把镜片上的浮尘掸干净,再顺着镜片擦干净,否则镜片容易被磨花。Dusting the spectacles first, and then continue rubbing the lenses in the same direction. Otherwise lenses are easy to be damaged.9. 您的镜架断裂了,需要焊接修理。但是焊接后会出现变色的情况, 影响外观。如果您的镜架是钛金属材质的,更不容易修理。The frame of your spe

30、ctacles is broken and needs welding. However, weld will cause discoloration and affect the appearance. If it is a pure titanium frame, repair becomes harder.10. 您的眼镜螺丝掉了,需要安装一个螺丝就可以了The frames screw is lost and requires new one.11. 您的镜片已经磨坏了,您需要更换一副新镜片,如果只更换一只,两只镜片的颜色不同,戴上可能不舒服。Your lenses are outwo

31、rn. You need a new pair. If you only change one lens instead of a pair, different colors may cause discomfort.12. 很高兴为您服务,欢迎您下次再来.Its my pleasure, we are looking forward to your arrival next time.五、隐形眼镜1摘戴隐形眼镜之前要先剪短指甲,洗净双手。Wash (a non-perfumed soap is preferred), rinse & dry your hands before touchi

32、ng contact lenses. Clip your fingernails and do not touch your lenses with fingernails.2 首先,分清镜片的正反面。形状象碗状时是正面。形状象盘子时是反面。戴镜时,要戴正面。否则戴上后视力不好,感觉不舒服。First, be sure the lens is in right side ,the right side like a bowl, the incorrect side like a plate. If the lens is inside out, reverse it before proceeding. Incorrect wearing will make you feel uncomfortable and cause a poor eyesight. 3 每天戴镜时间为8

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