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高考英语重点Module专题课件+讲义+练习 44.docx

1、高考英语重点Module专题课件+讲义+练习 44.Write down T (for true) or F (for false) according to the passage on Page 53.1English has many colourful and splendid expressions which may be easy to understand._2Idioms convey a concept which is different from the literal meaning._3To talk turkey means to get down to busi

2、ness._4Age before beauty is not meant to offend the other person._答案:14FTTT.Choose the main idea of paragraph(s) according to the passage on Page 55.Part 1 (Para. 1) AThe reason for the interest in Chinese.Part 2 (Paras. 23) BAn international exam system for learners of Chinese.Part 3 (Paras. 45) CT

3、he demand for Chinese as a foreign language is growing fast.答案:CAB.单词拼写1He was selected (选择) to play for Australia at the age of only 18.2This poem conveys (传达) the happiness of the poet.3After a fierce battle, the enemy was forced to withdraw (撤退)4They had to overcome (克服) all the difficulties on t

4、heir way.5In a library, books and magazines are usually classified (将分类) by subject.6There have been many conflicts (冲突) though the world is in peace generally.7Seek information about the new skill you want to acquire (获得). 8To our disappointment, some government leaders abuse (滥用) their position to

5、 get illegal profit for themselves. 9Lucy is a girl of great musical potential (潜力), and Im sure she will become a wellknown musician sooner or later. 10The house isnt big enough for us, and furthermore (而且), its too far from the town. .拓展词汇1complain v抱怨,不满complaint n抱怨2investigate v调查investigation

6、n调查3convinced adj.确信的,信服的convince v使确信,说服convincing adj.令人信服的4association n联系associate v联系;联合5tendency n趋向;倾向tend v倾向,易于6significance n意义;含义significant adj.有意义的7offence n得罪;使伤感情offend v得罪;冒犯8oppose v反对,反抗opposed adj.相反的;反对的opposition n对抗,反抗opposite adj.相对的,对面的 n反义词;对立的事物9resist v抵抗;反抗resistance n抵制,

7、抵抗resistant adj.有抵抗力的,抵制的10approval n赞许;赞成approve v赞成11curiosity n好奇心curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地12initially adv.起初initial adj.开始的,最初的巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨tend tendency动词ency构成名词resistresistance动词ance构成名词approveapproval动词去eal构成名词.补全短语1complain about . 对抱怨2find ones way into 进入3in conclusion 总之4a huge n

8、umber of 大量的5be relevant to 与相关6get down to sth. 开始做某事7let sb. down 使某人失望8be associated with 与有关,与有联系9be superior to 比好/强1教材原句It is estimated that 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050. 据估计到2050年,有13亿人会把英语作为第一或第二语言。句型点拨It is 过去分词that .佳句赏析今天的报纸上宣称总统下周要对中国

9、进行访问。It is announced that the President will pay a visit to China next week in todays newspaper.2教材原句English has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions which may be difficult to understand. 英语中有大量绚烂华丽但可能很难懂的表达。句型点拨主语beadj. to do sth.佳句赏析(2017全国卷满分作文)外国学习者很难理解唐诗的真实含义和文化。The true meaning

10、and the culture of Tang poems are difficult to understand for a foreign learner.3教材原句Not all idioms have been common for many years. 并非所有的习语都是多年来常用的。句型点拨部分否定。佳句赏析(2016江苏高考满分作文)众所周知,不是所有的人都愿意给那些渴望在比赛中获胜的人投票。As is known to us all, not all the people are willing to vote for the people who are eager to

11、be the winners in competitions.The Future of EnglishEver since the invention of the first telegraph at the end of the 19th century, English has been spreading around the world. It has a powerful influence in the media, on the Internet and in pop music that is not going to go away. This communication

12、 revolution has turned the world into a “global village” in which everyone needs to talk to each other and so often nowadays that means in English.More people now speak English as a second language across the world than as a native language. It is estimated that 1.3 billion people will use English a

13、s either a first or a second language by 2050. But what will that form of English be like? Traditionally, British English has been taught across the world, but it is only one variety. Experts believe that the future shape and grammar of English, especially in its spoken form, will no longer be deter

14、mined in the traditional Englishspeaking countries like Britain and America but in the rest of Europe, Asia and Africa.International organisations and businesses communicate with each other in English. But a new pattern of using English is developing that does not look the same to native speakers as

15、 “traditional” English. Researchers are now investigating “nonnative” English which is a new form of the language with changes in grammar, pronunciation and meaning. Often meanings and words from other languages find their way into English to produce a new dialect such as “Franglais” which combines

16、aspects of French and English. You could say this gives English a French flavour. All of these processes are a form of natural evolution. New dialects acquire their own complex features until they become real languages in their own right. Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future as

17、more and more people learn English and call it their own.英语的未来自从19世纪末第一台电报机发明以来,英语已经传遍了世界各地。它对媒体、网络及永不止步的流行音乐都有着极大的影响。这种交际革命已经把世界变成了一个“地球村”,在地球村里,人人都需要彼此交谈现在更多地指用英语交谈。现在全世界有更多的人把英语当作第二语言而不是母语来说。据估计,到2050年将会有13亿人把英语当作第一或第二语言。但是那种形式的英语将会是什么样呢?传统上,全世界都在教英式英语,但是只有一个种类。专家们认为未来英语的形式和语法,尤其是在英语口语中,将不再取决于英美这


19、rful EnglishEnglish has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions which may be difficult to understand. Even if the meaning of the words is straightforward, the cultural associations of the phrase may be ambiguous. The dilemma is to know which are explicit, which are figurative, and why th

20、ey are relevant to an everyday situation.Idioms are picturesque or absurd expressions conveying a concept which is different from the literal meaning and have been common in English for many years. The Pilgrim Fathers in America always asked for turkeys when they traded with Native Americans. Thus,

21、to talk turkey means to get down to business. But some idioms are very new and youll need to clarify what they mean. For example, mad as a box of frogs is a recent way of describing someone who has a tendency to be rather disorganised or vague. A bad hair day is one when you feel clumsy or depressed

22、, possibly because your hair doesnt look good.Many expressions are advertising slogans. Thatll do nicely, sir! comes from an old TV ad for American Express. Its the shop assistants reply to a customer who selects a credit card from his wallet and asks if the shop accepts American Express.Other commo

23、n expressions have metaphorical significance. Get your tanks off my lawn! means Back off! Withdraw your threats! and was first said by a British prime minister, rejecting the threat of a potential strike by a trade union leader. Age before beauty is used when inviting another person to go through a

24、door before you. Its not meant to abuse the other person, but it may sometimes cause offence. The Iron Curtain was the statesman Winston Churchills term for the dividing line between eastern and western Europe. With friends like these, who needs enemies? means a friend has betrayed your trust or let

25、 you down. We shall overcome dates from the American Civil War, and is used almost like a prayer by the Civil Rights movement in the USA, meaning we will oppose prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.Finally, there are traditional proverbs which express a moral or a pie

26、ce of advice. For example, When in Rome, do as the Romans do suggests you should adapt to local conditions. Some sayings have achieved the superior status of a proverb such as Money makes the world go around from the musical Cabaret (1966). This comes from the older proverb Love makes the world go r



29、了。“我们要战斗到底”来自美国内战,在美国民权运动中几乎被当作祈祷文一样使用着,意思是我们将会反抗对黑人的偏见和抵制美国人之间的冲突。最后,传统谚语常常是表达一个寓意或者一条规劝。例如:“入乡随俗”建议你应该适应当地的情况。一些谚语还被引申到更高的意义层次上来,例如出自1966年的音乐歌舞剧卡米洛特中的“钱能使世界运转”,它来自于古老的谚语“爱能让世界运转”。Chinese as a Foreign LanguageWho wants to learn Chinese? Just about everybody in the world, it seems. The demand for Ch

30、inese as a foreign language is growing fast, both in Englishspeaking countries, such as Britain and the USA, and in other countries like France, where the number of students studying Chinese has increased by 15% each year in recent years.There are a number of reasons for the interest. As China devel

31、ops economically, opportunities for doing business increase dramatically and if you know your partners language, your chances of success increase. But there is also a renewed interest in the culture and traditions of China; the fact that Chinese culture has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years is a source of curiosity and fascination for people in other parts of the world.A third reason is that learning Chinese is, simply, a challenge. With its characters and complicated tone system, most speakers of other languages think Chinese must b

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