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1、小学英语大猫分级阅读三级1教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思教学设计大猫分级阅读三级1 Around the WorldPail 1 Learning objectivesI Language abilitiesi Be able to understand, read and say the words went,Africa, India, around, world, China, boat, home, plane, snow, sun, train, world.ii Be able to read the story, and tiy to retell it according t

2、o the stoiy map. Tiy to use the sentence pattern: Where did you go? We went to. to tell pupils own travel stoiy.II Thinking qualitiesi Be able to guess reasonably and predict the development of stoiy plots according to the clues of pictures and language.ii Be able to judge by reasonable arguments.Il

3、l Leaming abilitiesi English leaniiiig interests is inspired by learning the story.ii Be able to cooperate in gioups to talk about travel.IV Culture charactersBe able to enjoy the travel around the world,widen pupils horizon and understand the difference of regions, countries and people.V Key points

4、 and difficult points.i Key points.Be able to imderstand, read, use the sentence pattern Wliere did you go?We went to. and the words of countries.Talk and guess what the pictures express.ii Difficult pointsSome words are difficult to read conectly and fluently, such as tliiough,world.Guide the pupil

5、s to comment the travel reasonably.Part 2 Learning procedures.I Pre-reading.i Sing the song.T: Lets sing the song: where did you go? Wliafs the song about?S: Travel.T: Yes.In this class, we are going to talk about travel.ii Free talk.T: Last summer vacation, we went to Jinan. We went to the zoo. I r

6、eally want to know where did you go ?Ss: We went to.Leani the word: went.设计意图:演唱歌曲,热身激趣,引入主题,复习并运用主要句型We went to.oII While-reading.i Presentation.Picture 3 Look and guess.T : Two pupils, one boy and one girl, they are brother and sister. They went around the world and back again. Lets Listen. Wliat

7、do you want to know about their travel ?Ss: How did they go? Wliere did they go? Wliat did they see? Wliat did they feel? .Learn the words: around, world, back.设计意图:导入故事,设置悬疑,鼓励学生自主提问.Picture 2 Guess and Listen.T: First, lets think How did they go? You guess.Ss: By boat, by ship, by train, by plane.

8、T: Lefs listen.Leani the phrases: by boat, by ship, by train, by plane.Picture 4 Look and guess.T: The two pupils they lived in south America. South America is their home. Tliis is the map of the world. Tliey went north. Look at the picture, what can you see?Ss: A sun, camels, desert.T: The sun is b

9、ig and red. So how is the weather there?S:Ifs hot.T:Guess, what were they talking about?SI: I will not come here, its so hot.S2:1 really want some food. Tm so hungiy.S3: Camels are helpfiil.T: In the desert, water is veiy important. So please take enough water. Leam the words: sun, tluougli.Picture

10、5 Look and talk.T: Look at the picture, is it hot here?S:No. Ws cold. We see the snow.T:Were they happy?Ss: Yes.T: Why?51:They could ski.52:They were playing with snow.53:Tliey were making a snow man. 设计意图:猜想人物内心世界,激活语言输出.Picture 7 Look and talk.T: Look at the picture, what do you see on it?Ss: Monk

11、eys, zebras, crocodiles, hippos,cars, buildings, trees.T: Wheie did they go? Please guess.S:Maybe its a zoo.T:Lets listen and look. They went to Afiica. Africa is the home ofanimals. Lets watch a video about it.Leani the words: Africa.Picture 9 Look and talk.T: Look at the picture, what do you see o

12、n it?Ss: Some fruit, some shoes, some people.T: Wheie did they go? Please guess.S:We dont know.T: Lefs listen and look. They went to India. India is our neighbour. Do you want to know the real India. Lets look some pictures. Tliese are sari, beautifiil Indian dresses. Women wears sari in the picture

13、 book. Some decorations and buildings about Hinduism, hi India, people use their figures to have dinner. Tliey have different kinds of taxis.Picture 11 Look and guess.T: Look at the picture, what do you see on it?Ss: Tall buildings, boats, kites.T:Wheie did they go? Please guess.Ss: Maybe its Hong K

14、ong. May be its Singapore.T: Lets listen and look They went to China. This is a coastal city.Maybe its Qingdao or Dalian. You guess what did they see ill China?Ss: Chinese kongfh, Beijing Opera, Pandas.T: Guess. What do they think of China?Ss: China is big. China is beautifiil. Chinese food is delic

15、ious. .Picture 12 Look and guess.T: Look at the picture, They went by plane. Guess, where did they go?Look at the map.Ss: May Japan. May be Russia.Picture 12 Look and talk.T: Look at the picture, there are mum and dad , brother and sister. AVhere did they go?Ss: Home.T: Yes. Theii sweet home. Lets r

16、ead after the CD.Leani the words: sweet.设计意图:看图说话,激活语言;视频图片,身临其境,拓展视野.ii Practice.Listen, read and retell.设计意图:听故事,整体感知文本;读故事,培养语言流畅度;复述 故事,检测课堂学习效果.III Post-readingi Talk in groups.T: How do you think the travel travel around the world? Do you think its good or not? Lets talk in groups.Gioupl: I th

17、ink it is good. Because we can leani a lot. I think its not good.Because its not safe .Gioup 2:1 think it is good. Because we can see different people.! think itsnot good. Because it needs lots of money.T: Ok , Children.Travel is to see and think. Travel is to feel and for fim. But its not safe for

18、children to travel alone. It is better with your mum and dad. And also, it needs lots of money. So it is not good for eveiy family. No matter where we go, home is our place to be. That is east or west, home is best.设计意图:评价故事,培养辩证思维.ii Name the stoiy设计意图:命名故事,培养概括水平.iiiIntroduce the writeand illustra

19、tor.设计意图:介绍书名作者,培养文本概念.ivPupils show a little e-book about their travel stories.设计意图:系统输出,展示示范. v Homework.Read the stoiy after CD. Make a little e-book about your travel.设计意图:稳固所学,拓展运用.学情分析本节课的授课对象是英语三年级起点五年级学生,年龄在10-11 岁.他们的抽象逻辑思维全面开展,逐渐成为思维的主要形式;已经 能够进行初步的辩证思维,但还未形成系统的辩证思维结构.作为五 年级学生,他们很喜欢通过一系列有内

20、在关联的问题来探究,展示他 们的语言水平和学习成果;通过评价故事来发表自己的意见.我校五 年级学生学习英语已有两年,有了一定的语言积累,但还缺乏以支撑 深刻细致的思考和表达.所以在教学设计时应该充分考虑他们的语言 水平,学生尽量用英语表达,但也允许用汉语.教师尽可能用简洁的, 他们己经学过的语言来激发他们的语言输出.绘本Around the World 以旅行为主题,超越现实富于想象,非常适合他们使用.他们喜欢旅 行,也喜欢探究.在他们看来,几乎不可能的环球旅行到底是个什么 样子,兄妹俩到底去过哪里,看到些什么,会有怎样的感受,他们真 的非常期待.效果评测一、语言水平方面由于学习本书时,学生通

21、过学唱歌曲Wliere did you go?接触过一 般过去时,所以在接下来的教学内容中,能够比拟熟练地运用 where,when,what, how等特殊疑问词进行提问.在图片环游过程中, 学生通过观察、推测和想象,来答复前面提出的问题.学生通过对绘 本内容的思考,驱动了语言的输出,积极参与到课堂讨论中来.最后 学生通过复述故事,制作小小书达成了本课的目标.可以说,针对绘 本的教学设计很好地促进了学生语言水平的开展.二、学习水平方面绘本的学习,大大激发了学生的英语学习兴趣,使学生重新熟悉 到英语作为全球通用语的人文性和工具性,感受到英语的美感和重要 性.三、文化品格方面本课通过环游世界,然

22、同学们充分感受到大千世界的多姿多彩, 接触到不同的地区和国家,感受异域文化的差异.通过文本中到中国 的旅行,为伟大祖国的繁荣富强感到由衷自豪.四、思维品质方面教师以学生自主提问的四个问题为核心,对绘本的图片展开观察、 推测与想象.有效得培养了学生的逻辑思维.教师让学生对这次环球 旅行进行评价,培养了学生的思辨水平,辩证全面地看问题.教材分析绘本Around the woild选自外研社出版的?大猫分级阅读?三级1, 本课的话题为旅行,主要讲述了兄妹二人周游世界的故事.他们乘坐 飞船、火车、轮船,穿越沙漠、雪山,到达非洲、印度、中国,最后 回到了温馨的家.该书内容超越了英语教材关于旅行的话题,视

23、野更 为宽阔,想象更为丰富,且又符合小学生喜爱探究的心理需要.绘本 图片为手绘插画,精美且富有创意,为驱动学生的语言输出和思考想 象创造了条件.绘本主要句型为Wliere did you go? We went to.复现 率高,符合语言学习的认知规律.并且?大猫分级阅读?作为教育部 重点课题“中国中小学生英语分级阅读体系标准研制的实验用书,在培养学生思维品质和文化品格方面起到的作用,超越了普通的英语 教材.一、 看图并选择正确的单词填空.We went byWe went throughWe went byWe went throughWe went to二、根据故事内容,给图片排序.) (

24、 )三、谈论自己的旅行故事.In summer vacation, we went to . We went by. Wliere did we go? We went to. Then, where did we go? We went to. Then, where did we go? We went to. Then, where did we go? We went back home. Home, sweet home.课后反思1.成功之处本堂课整体而言教学环节环环递进,前一环节为后一环节做好充分的认知铺垫,还是比拟顺畅的.学生的能够充分地思考表达,课堂参与 度比拟高.英语阅读教学

25、通常分为读前、读中和读后三个环节.本堂课读前 环节是演唱歌曲和师生交流.歌曲Wheie did you go?切合本课的主 题旅行,歌词的内容构成语篇,能够为学生课文的学习及自主提问做 好语言准备.师生交流以Wliere did you go? We went to.为主要句型, 拉近师生距离,引发学习兴趣,学生在表达中获得自信,为本堂课的 顺利进行做好了心理准备.在读中环节,教师先引出问题 What do you want to know about their travel?让学生自发提问,然后老师总结出四个主要问句How did they go? Wlieie did they go?

26、Wliat did they see? What did they feel ?形 成问题链.通过绘本第2-3页的学习答复第一个问题旅行的交通方式. 在接下来到达的地方,都是依据Wliere did they go? Wliat did they see? What did they feel?三个问题展开观察、推测与想象.通过一系列的思 维活动的驱动,引发学生的语言输出.应该说读中环节是最为精彩的 一个局部.学生的答复有时会出乎老师的想象,有时可能受语言的限 制,只能用中文,有时可能只能用一个单词来表达意思,但是往往这 一个单词老师也会惊讶运用的恰当.比方说,在 We went tluoug

27、h sun. 那一页,老师问,How did they feel? Guess what are they talking about? 引发学生的猜想,学生会说I want some water. Where is the oasis? AVliere is the end?用汉语猜想得合情合理.到了 We went to China. 那一页,看到图片上林立的高楼,老师问Wliere did they go?学生会 说Koiea, Japan 一些兴旺国家.文中的兄妹是到了中国的沿海城市. 其实我国比拟兴旺的沿海城市与韩国、日本的城市也不相上下了,并 且这两国临海的城市还特别多,他们的猜想

28、很有道理.在读后环节,教师让学生对这次环球旅行进行评价,是非对错众 说纷纭,最后老师全面总结.这一环节是为了培养学生的思辨水平, 辩证全面地看问题.让同学们为这本绘本起名字环节,目的是培养学 生的语言概括水平.名字起了很多,A Wonderfill Travel, A Forgetable Tizvel等等.电子小小书制作,让学生充分利用本课学习的主要句型 来描述自己的旅行,并且培养了学生的文本概念.2.缺乏之处由于录课不是在本校,教师对多媒体设备使用不够熟练,导致读 前环节歌曲没有播放跟唱.在讲到We went to Africa.那一页,学生 在说完图片上看到的内容后,应该有一个关于非洲动

29、物的视频,老师 也没有播放.由于绘本中的非洲动物出现的不全,学生提到的动物在 图上没有出现.缺少了歌曲和视频的运用,英语课堂的感染力就淡化 了许多.从图片Afiica到India到后面的文本封面都可以使用放大镜, 让学生一点一点观察仔细.图片应该完全呈现在ppt上,让图片越大 越好,这样小图能看得更清楚.教师课堂语言应根据教学设计,反复练习、熟练,不要出现错误 或语病.整个课堂学生的课堂语言,应多用They saw. I see. I think. 充分利用句型来表达内容.学生在答复对不同地区的感受后,教师一 定要注意时时总结.在录像中,没有对Africa进行总结,可以用视频 中的语言 Afi

30、ica is a big zoo. Ifs the home of animals.在评论环游世界时,教师应当采用小组讨论的方式,而不是单个 同学答复.小组讨论更有利于交流,取人之长看到自我思考的局限,使讨 论更加充分,观点更为全面.在做小小书之前,教师应根据本课主题 和主要句型设计一个语篇练习,做成练习纸发给学生,让学生有自由 填写表达的时间,并到前面来展示,这样能做到全员参与.最后再出 示一位同学的电子小小书,作为家庭作业的范例.如果不发练习纸, 直接进行电子小小书的展示,就感觉难度很大,而且参与的人太少.课标分析本堂课的学生为英语三年级起点五年级学生,在授课时是五年级 上学期开学1个月.

31、根据英语课标的要求一级目标已经达成,应朝着 二级目标努力.一、语言知识目标“要根据单词的音、义、形来学习单词.在具体语境中理解语法 工程的意义和用法本课的教学内容为绘本,丰富的图片和生动的背景 音为单词 world, train, boat, plane, sun, snow, Africa, India, China, home 和语法点一般过去时句型 Wliere did you go? We went to.的感知和运 用提供了充分的语境,能够使学生多感官参与到课堂学学习中来. 二、语言技能目标“能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事,能在图片的 帮助下表演小故事或小短剧,演唱简单的英语歌曲和歌谣.能根据图 片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的描述.绘本的使用为教学提供 了丰富的图片,整堂课学生都是在图片的引导下来理解故事.在本课 的热身环节,教师通过让学生学唱歌曲Wheie did you go?来熟悉一 般过去时.歌曲中的 Wliere did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet?为学生在接下来的自主提问环节做好了语言上铺垫.接下来 利用老师暑假去济南的照片和学生交流互动,让学生充分运用We wentto句型,学生在英语表达中找到自信,为本课的学习做好了心 理准备.板书的世界地图和路线图为复述故事为学生起到了

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