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1、四年级上册unit5教案课 题Unit5 Our new home教学内容第一课时 教 学目 标1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom,home, sofa, come, kitchen, fridge, hungry”并理解单词的意思。2、通过在创设的情境中交流,能听、说、读句子:“Wheres/Where are ? Its/Theyre ”并会运用所学句型。3、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。5、能正确演唱歌曲。

2、教学重点及难点1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom,home, sofa, come, kitchen, fridge, hungry”并理解单词的意思。2、通过在创设的情境中交流,能听、说、读句子:“Wheres/Where are ?Its/Theyre 并会运用。3、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。教学准备挂图,卡片教 学 内 容 和 过 程二次备课Step1 Greeting & Warm up1. Gree

3、tingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, .T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2. Sing a songWhere is the bird? T: Do you like singing?S: Yes.T: I like singing very much. Can you answer my question? Wheres the bird? S: Its in the tree.T: But today the bird isnt in the tree. Its in Su Hai and S

4、u Yangs new home. Lets play a game. Where is the bird?Step2 Presentation1. Play a game and learn the new wordsT: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟) Now boys and girls, guess, where is the bird?S: Is it in the bedroom?S: Is it in the bathroom?S: Is it in the living room?T: Teach “bedroom, living room, bathroom”S: Is it

5、in the kitchen?T: Yes, its in the kitchen. (Teach “kitchen”) But where is it? Can you find it?Its on the table.Now its on the fridge.Now its behind the clock.Now its on the sofa. Its beautiful.Teach “table, fridge, clock, sofa” Read after the tape. Read one by one.2. Show the pictures. Example: Wher

6、e is the bird? Its in the living room, on the sofa. (展示的图片要能让学生操练到所学的单词:bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom, sofa, kitchen, fridge)Step3 Story time1. Listen to the tape and think:T: Where are Su Hai and Su Yang? S: They are in their new home.揭题:Today well learn a new lesson “Our new home” S

7、: Read the topic.2. Watch the cartoon and match.T: Where is Su Yangs bag? S: Its in Su Yangs bedroom.T: Where is Su Yangs white cap? S: Its in the kitchen.T: Where are Su Yang and Su Hais skirts? S: They are in the living room. 引导学生回答完以后,将相应的图连线。包的图 客厅的图鸭舌帽的图 卧室的图短裙的图 厨房的图3. Watch the cartoon again

8、and finish the exercises. Where is ? Its Where are ? They are Wheres ? Its 4. Listen to the tape and read after it. ( 注意模仿其语音语调。)5. Read in three. (分角色朗读对话。)6. Act the dialogue. (小组表演展示对话。)7. 引导学生将课文变成歌谣,进行诵读。 Where, where, wheres the bag?Here, here, in the bedroom.Where, where, where are the skirts

9、?There, there, in the living room, on the sofa. Where, where, wheres the cap?Sorry, sorry, I dont know.Oh, oh, in the kitchen.Step 4 Consolidation1. Match and say. 引导学生将对话中的人物、相关物品和房间位置进行搭配,然后用完整的句子进行表述。 skirt bedroomSu Yang white cap living roomSu Hai bag kitchen 2. 四人(a, b, c, d)一组,b, c, d询问a家中的摆设

10、,a要回答b, c, d每人提出的问题。b, c, d再根据a的回答,画出他/她家的摆设, 看谁画的最像,评选出优秀的一人。Step 5 Sing a song1. Say a rhymeT: (拿出一个卧室的图片)Look, whats in the bedroom?S: A sofa, a chair, a desk, a window, a door and a bed.T: Yes. Its nice and clean. I love my bedroom. I love my little bedroom. Try to say this rhyme. First read it

11、in two. (把歌词变为韵律诗,学生互相说一说)T: Lets try to say it together. T: Say it all together again.2. Sing the songT: This is a nice song. Lets listen to it. (播放歌曲动画)T: Can you try to follow it? (学生跟唱)Homework A 1.听磁带,读故事3遍并试着背一背。2. 用Where is /Where are? Its/They are 的句型来说说物品的位置;3. 试着复述课文。B 1.听磁带,读故事5遍;2. 用Wher

12、e is /Where are? Its/They are 的句型编一组对话。3. 用所学的句型试着说说自己家中的摆设,课后小组交流。板书设计 Unit 5 Our new homeA: Where is /Where are? B: Its/They are A: Is it in ? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.教学后记课 题Unit5 Our new home教学内容第二课时课 时目 标1. 能理解句型Wheres /Where are? Its /They are.的含义,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物

13、品的摆设。3. 能体会字母k在单词中的发音。教学重点及难点1. 能理解句型Wheres /Where are? Its /They are.的含义,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。教学准备挂图,卡片教 学 内 容 和 过 程二次备课Step1 Free talk and revision1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, .T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2. T: Do you like your home? S: Y

14、es, I do. T: Do you have a nice bed? S: Yes, I do. T: How many rooms do you have? S: I have T: What room do you like? S: I like T: Where is your cap?S: Its T: Where are your dolls? How many?S: They are I have six.T: Can your dolls dance? S: No, they cant.3. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer each oth

15、er.4. Review the text. 出示按课文内容所编的小诗,引导学生填所缺的词。Where, where, wheres the ?Here, here, in the .Where, where, where are the ?There, there, in the , on the .Where, where, wheres the ?Sorry, sorry, I dont know.Oh, oh, in the .5. T: Great! Now can you dub for the story? 你们能来给课文动画配音吗?S: 分角色给课文动画配音Step 2 Sin

16、g the song1. T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, . T: (出示第一课时中的小卧室) Do you remember this little bedroom?S: Yes.T: Lets sing the song I love my bedroom. (播放歌曲,学生唱)2. Change the lyricsT: We know the little bedroom is nice and clean. Now can you change your words according to these pictures? 你能根据图片改编歌词唱

17、一唱吗?Now listen to me. (教师示范演唱第一段)T: I love my living room. Its bright and clean. I love my big living room. A TV, a sofa, two chairs and a picture. I love my living room. Its bright and clean. I love my big living room.T: Can you sing it like this? Now here are three more pictures from the text. (PP

18、T出课文另外三幅图片) Sing them in your groups.S: Sing the songs. (集体反馈唱歌)Step 3 Fun time1. Review the wordsT: 将所学的8个单词按照首字母的不同进行分类记忆。 T: /b/, /b/, /b/-bathroom, bedroom; /k/, /k/, /k/-clock, kitchen /f/, /f/, /f/- fridge; /l/, /l/, /l/- living room; /s/, /s/, /s/-sofa; /t/, /t/, /t/-table2. Play the gameT: 拿

19、出事先画好的图,同桌进行交流。边看图,边说一说。 Ask each other: Wheres my ? Its Where are my ? They are S: Practice in pairs and act the dialogue.Step 4 Sound time1. Watch the cartoon and answer. T: What does the boy like to do? S: He like to fly his kite. He like to ride his bike.2. 理出单词:like, bike, kite3. Watch the cart

20、oon again and answer. T: Where does he ride his bike? S: Near the lake. T: An old man is coming. He says to the boy: “Its very dangerous.” The boy thanks to the old man and rides away.4. 理出单词:lake, thank5. Read the words after the tape. 6. 总结发音规律:所含的字母k都发/k/这个音。引导学生举一些含有此相同发音的单词。cake, bake, fake, sn

21、ake, make, wake, jacket, black, back, duck, luck, pick, sick(学生小组内讨论,教师板书。)7. Read the sentence.T: How many words can you find? 在这句话中你能找到几个含有相同发音/k/的单词?S: Three.T: Can you read them all again?S: 再读5个单词 (学lake的意思)T: Now can you tell us the sound of the letter k?S: /k/.T: Good! Now read them like this

22、: /k/,/k/, /k/ bike, /k/, /k/, /k/ kite (学生读单词)T: Yes. And here are some words with the sound /k/, can you read them? (PPT显示单词,学生读)T: And can you choose three of them to complete this sentence? 你能根据图片挑选三个单词完成句子吗? Discuss in pairs. (学生讨论,反馈)板书设计Unit 5 Our new homeA: Wheres/Where are my/your? B: Its/T

23、hey are . k /k/ bike kite lake like thank I like to fly my kite. And I like to ride my bike.教学后记课 题Unit5 Our new home教学内容第三课时课 时目 标1. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达;2. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;3. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己家中物品摆放的位置。4. 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。教学重点及难点1. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分

24、内容进行表达。2. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己家中物品摆放的位置。教学准备图片、课件教 学 内 容 和 过 程二次备课Step1 Free talk and revision1. T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello.T: How are you today?S: Fine, thanks.2. T: Do you like your home? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you have a nice bed? S: Yes, I do. T: How many rooms do you have? S: I have T: What

25、 room do you like? S: I like T: Where is your cap?S: Its T: Where are your dolls? How many?S: They are I have six.T: Can your dolls dance? S: No, they cant.2. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer each other.Step2 Cartoon time1. Show the four pictures and think : What are they saying? Discuss in groups.

26、 小组讨论,自主提问,猜猜他们在说什么?2. 看看你猜的和他们说得一样吗?Watch the cartoon.T: Boys and girls, you did a good job. Look, who are they?S: They are Bobby and Sam.T: Yes. They met a bird. How is the bird? Whats wrong with it? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放动画)T: How is the bird?S: Its hungry.T: What would it like? S: A worm.3.

27、 Read and say ( 注意模仿Bobby和Sam的语气)T: Now please open your books and read this story. Its on your book, Page When you are reading, try to remember what they say (阅读Cartoon time部分,记一记每一幅图中的对话)(学生阅读Cartoon time)T: Now close your books. (PPT逐图显示) Who can be Sam / Bobby/the bird?S1: How are you?S2: Im hun

28、gry. ( 指导痛苦、可怜的语气)S1: Would you like an orange? (指导安慰、同情的语气)S3: What about a hot dog? (指导安慰、同情的语气)S2: No! (指导痛苦、可怜的语气)S1/S3: What would you like? (指导和蔼、安慰的语气)S2: Id like that. (指导渴望的语气)S1/S3: Here you are. ( 指导高兴、愉悦的语气)S2: Thank you. (指导开心、兴奋的语气)4. T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!)5. Do the d

29、ubbingT: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你们能为这个故事配音吗?S: Yes. (动画角色扮演Sam/Bobby/the bird 配音)6. Act the dialogueStep3 Ticking time & Checkout time1. Ticking time (Self assessment)T: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. But did you do a good job for the whole unit 5? Lets c

30、heck it out.T: What can you talk about? S: I can talk about my home.T: What can you say?S: I can say where my things are.T: What do you know?S: I know the sound of the letter “k”.T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now its your ticking time.Please open your books and turn to Page 37 and tick it.T: Have you finished it? Who gets three stars? (部分学生举手)T: OK. Now can you talk about your home? (问几个学生,学生问问题)T: And the next one, who gets three stars?Well, let me check. (把东西放在某处) Wheres /Where are?

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