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1、新高二Unit2新高二Unit2News MediaNew words:1. reliable adj. able to be trusted; dependable可信赖的,可靠的 (反)unreliable He looks a nice, reliable man.Is this information reliable? reliance n. 依靠,信赖have/ place / put reliance on sb.A child has reliance on his mother.You can put no reliance on Tom.Do you place much

2、reliance on your doctor?2. fire vt. 解雇, 开除dismiss from a job(反)take on , hire, employGet out! You are fired / dismissed!vi. shoot off bullets发射(子弹),射击fire at sb./ a gun at sb.He is firing at us.He ran into the bank and fired his gun into the air.Dont move or Ill fire.3. face n. 1)脸,面孔 c 2)

3、表面,面貌*face to faceShe stood face to face with him.a face-to-face interviewhide ones face (由于难为情或羞愧)低下头或把脸躲开*in ones face当面,迎面“Its your own fault!” he shouted in her face.*in the face ofWhat could he do in the face of all the difficulties?*look in the face正面看某人(而不羞愧),正视 If he knows -how can I look hi

4、m in the face? I want you to look the facts in the face.*lose (ones) face*make a face / faces*pull / wear a long facevt.1) 面向,朝着 The kitchen faces north. 2) 面临(形式,问题) Such was the situation we were facing.*be faced with面临,面对 We are all faced with the same problem of rising costs.4. reason n. 意思是理由,原

5、因,缘故着重指产生某种行为或想法的理由: the reason for /whyGive your reason for the plan.把你计划的理由讲一下. The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus. The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.理由=reason There is no cause/reason for alarm. You have no cause for complaint.cause n.1).起因,原因,缘故,理由,根源c 着重是指产生某种结果的原

6、因:the cause of The cause of the fire was dry. 起火的原因是干燥。 The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving two fast.事故的原因是他开车太快了. reason vt.i. 说服,推理,劝说 She can reason very clearly. I reason that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me. 我推断既然她不给我回信,她一定是生我的气了. reason wit

7、h sb. (try to persuade by fair argument)以理说服;劝说 You should reason with the child instead of just telling him to obey.5. injure vt.1)injure vt.事故中受伤或器官,the injured机能,外貌受损(外伤) 2)hurt vt.身体的内伤和精神上的伤 vi. 痛 3)harm vt.人们已认识到的客观害处,公认的害处 4)wound vt.肉体上的外伤 (多指刀枪伤) the woundeda) When I fell , I _ my leg.b) Hi

8、s words _ her.c) He was badly _ in the accident.d) Doctor says getting up early wont _ you.e) He got _ in the war.6. inform vt. to tell or give the information to (正式)告知,通知,报告 inform sb. that of 疑问词+ to do n. / pron. She informed him that she was to send for it the next day. He informed them of his

9、arrival. He will informed us where to go. If you saw the accident please inform the police. a well-informed man消息灵通的人*say, tell, inform, speak, talk用法 *say vt.只能用话语(不能用人)作宾语: He said, “Im tired.” He said a few words then sat down.*tell vt. 接宾语或双宾语 He told us that he was tired.*inform vt. 宾语是人 He inf

10、ormed us that he was tired. 只有say可以同原话连用 tell可以用于命令 speak, talk 不及物,有时可及物但绝不是人作宾语Do you speak French? informed adj.有知识的,见闻广的,了解情况的7relate vt. 1) to tell a story讲述(故事)relate to sb. sth.relate +clause He related (to us) the story of his escape. The witness related what he had seen.2) show a relation b

11、etween把联系起来,看出或显示出与的关系I cant relate those two ideas. 我看不出那两个想法之间的关系。 *relate to 1)和 有关,涉及This letter relates to the sale of the house.I dont know to what this relates2)和相处很好, 和.合得来 (通常用否定)She doesnt relate very well to her mother.*be related to 1)和有联系,和有关 All things were related to all other things.

12、2)和有亲属关系 Are you related to Mr Smith? 8. talent genius 是一个很重的词,只用于少见的才华或有天才的人: Einstein had genius./was a genius. She has a genius for mathematics. talent- 也表示特殊才能(她不指人本身not the person who has it),但不如genius重 a young actor with a lot of talent She has a talent for music. He is a talented football pla

13、yer. skill - talent和genius都是某人天生的能力,而skill指一种可以学到的本领,技能,只可以做好某事的能力 a skilled worker gift- a natural ability to do sth.天赋,天才 He has a gift for music. a gifted painter9. switch vt.i. change or exchange改变,交换They switched the positions.He got tired of teaching and switched to painting.*switch off = turn

14、 off 电器用品的开关用turn on, turn off或switch on / off 门窗或盒子的开关用open或shut 水龙头或煤气的开关用turn on或turn off10. interview n.会晤,接见 have an interview with sb. Father had an interview with the teacher about Johns work. receive an interview受到采访 give an interview to sb. 接受某人的采访He refused to give an interview to the jour

15、nalist.a face-to-face interview interviewee n. interviewer n. 11.present /prizent/ vt.1)呈献,赠予(尤指在典礼场合)e HH HHe presented a silver cup to the winner/ presented the winner with a silver cup. 2)bring to ones attention, offer for consideration呈递,提交The committee is presenting its report next week. 3)intr

16、oduce (正式) 介绍May I introduce Mr. Johnson ( to you)?introduce sb. tomake oneself known present adj. 1) in the place talked of出席的,到场的opp. absentHow many people were present at the meeting?People present will get a gift absent fromFour students are absent from class. 2)现存的, 现在的Whats your presen

17、t address?present n. 现在,当前,目前 We learn from the past, experience the present, and hope for success in the future. at present= at this time = now现在 for the present暂时12truthfully yours13. effort -努力,尽力the use of strength with (without)effort 费(不费)力 He lifted the heavy box without effort. make an/ ever

18、y effort to do努力做某事 spare no effort不遗余力 The prisoner made an effort to escape but he failed. power1)动力doing work, driving a machine, producing electricity Mills used to depend on wind power or water power. 2)力量 Knowledge is power. strength力气 force武力 energy精力14.ignore 不顾,不理,忽视refuse to notice, take n

19、o notice of 比较:ignore : He ignored the s peed limit (=he knew about it, but paid no attention to it) and drove very fast.它无视时速限制,车开得很快。 ignorant :无知的,不知道的 He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that (= he didnt know that) there was a speed limit. 他车开得很快,因为他不知道有时速限制。15attention

20、n. 注意 (力)u pay (close) attention to注意,重视 draw / catch / call /attract attention to devote ones attention to专注于 turn ones attention to注意力转向 give attention to concentrate / hold ones attention upon将注意力集中在 fix ones attention on留意,专心于02 Now they stopped to pay attention to him. He is very quiet and does

21、nt draw much attention to himself. All his attention was concentrated upon the great blue circle.16tolerate vt.忍受,容忍is used of people or behavior , but usually not of suffering (用于忍受人或行为,通常并不指忍受痛苦) tolerate doing I find it hard to tolerate your behavior. bear/stand极大的肉体痛苦 He bore/ stood the pain as

22、long as he could. 他尽力忍受痛苦. 还可同can连用,表非常讨厌的事情 I cant bear/ stand strong coffee.17. 1)affair事,事情c多指已发生的大小事情或必须去做的任何事情; Leave me alone: mind your own affair. Its no affair of mine. 事务(多用复数)多指经济,外交方面的重大事情 international affairs affairs of statefamily affair current affairs时事 2)event 事件,事c The important e

23、vent of the year was the big earthquake. 3)incident事件;事变;插曲July 7th Incident accident事故,意外的事by accident偶然 business n.商业,生意上的事18. concern vt. 1)关于,关系到,与有关to be about(无被动) The story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned.这个故事是关于一个被冤枉入狱的人. Does this concern me? 2)过去分词作表语be concerned with 和有关,牵涉 Im no

24、t concerned with that matter any longer. His work is concerned with the preparation of the documents for 3)过去分词作后置定语: 有关的 The man concerned was her husband. We shall have to consult the other countries concerned. 4)使担心,挂念worry concern oneself with / about be concerned about /with /for / over Please

25、dont be concerned about me. We are concerned about/for her safety. 5) so(as) far as is concerned就来说, 就而论 So far as Im concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory. It is impossible as far as we are concerned. n. 担心,焦虑 u There is no reason for concern. Mothers concern over her sick c

26、hild kept her awake all night.19. telegram n. 电报 He sent me a telegram yesterday. 比较: telegraph n. u The news was sent by telegraph. v.打电报 We telegraphed her the news.20. locate -v. 1)to learn the position of确定的地点,找到的位置 We located the library, schools, and stores as soon as we moved into the town. 我

27、们一搬到这个城镇里,就找到了图书馆,学校和商店的地点.2)使坐落于, 把设置在fix/ set in a certain place. be located位于 Where is it located? The firehouse is located on Main Street.The house is located next to the river.这房子坐落在河边.21.look up to =respect=admire (opp.) look down uponlook intolook onlook forward tolook on aslook out look thro

28、ugh22.bore vt.使厌烦make sb. uninterested The lesson was boring. The students were bored (by it).23.fall in love with be in love with24.attitude n.(1) a way of feeling态度,表现 attitude to( towards) What s you attitude towards this idea? (2) a position of the body (正式)姿态,姿势25.disappoint vt. 1)使失望, 使计划受挫unh

29、appy at not seeing hopes come true Im sorry to disappoint you, but I cant come after all. 让你失望了很抱歉,可我实在不能来. 2)disappointed adj. 失望的 *be disappointed about/ at/ in / with sb. /sth. be disappointed to do Are you disappointed about/ at losing the race? My parents will be disappointed in/ with me if I f

30、ail the examination.She was very disappointed to hear it. 3) disappointing adj.令人失望 Her acting was disappointing.; I hoped she would do better. What disappointing news ! He was disappointing , so his parents were very disappointed with him. to ones disappointment The film made all of us _. It is really _. A. disappointing; disappointed B. disappointed; disappointing C. disappointed: to be disappointedD. fell disappointing; disappointing Text:1. generous 1) 慷慨,大方 (opp) meanIt is generous of sb. to do It is generous of you to lend me your car yesterday. be ge

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