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二年级上册英语教案Unit 9 Merry Christmas牛津译林版一起.docx

1、二年级上册英语教案Unit 9 Merry Christmas牛津译林版一起Unit 9 1单元教学目标:1.能用Merry Christmas!来表达圣诞祝福;能用The is for you.来赠送礼物,并能用Thank you.表示感谢。2.能听懂、会说、初步认读和口头运用单词gift,bell,chocolate和sweet.3.会唱歌曲Merry Christmas!4.让学生初步了解圣诞节的有关习俗。5.激发学生英语学习兴趣,养成良好学习习惯。2单元重点:1.能听懂句子Merry Christmas!并能用Merry Christmas!应答。2.The is for you.在情

2、景中的运用,并能用Thank you.表示感谢。3.能听懂、会说、初步认读和口头运用单词gift,bell,chocolate和sweet.3单元难点: 1. Merry Christmas!的正确发音。2. The bell is for you. the和for的正确朗读和使用。4学习基础 学生已学过句子: One for Tommy, one for Joe. (1A Unit 5) Open the door, please. Close the window.(1B Unit 7) Thank you.(1A Unit9 ) Here you are. (2A Unit 7) 学生已

3、学过单词:doll, flower, yo-yo, star, a new bag, a new book, banana, mango(可作为圣诞礼物)五教学安排:3教时1. 复习与新授 Part A C2. 操练与巩固 Part A B3. 检测与提高 Part D,拓展学习歌曲We wish you merry Christmas第一教时一、教学目标:1. 能用Merry Christmas!来表达圣诞祝福;能用The is for you.来赠送礼物,并能用Thank you.表示感谢。2. 能听懂、会说、初步认读 bell, Christmas hat发音正确。3. 会唱歌曲Merr

4、y Christmas!4. 让学生初步了解圣诞节的有关习俗。5. 让学生养成良好的听说演的习惯。二、教学重点:1. 能听懂句子Merry Christmas!并能用Merry Christmas!应答。2. The is for you.在情景中的运用,并能用Thank you.表示感谢。三、教学难点:1. Merry Christmas!的正确发音。2. The bell is for you. the和for的正确朗读。四、课前准备:圣诞帽和圣诞包裹,包裹内放置实物(doll, flower, yo-yo, star, a new book, banana, mango)、单词卡片、图片

5、、 PPT课件。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up (8)1. Listen and learn to sing: Merry Christmas(课件播放音乐, 师生跟唱。)2. Teach:Merry Christmas. Ss: Read after the teacher. Merry Christmas. (单词卡片,让学生跟读。)3. Play a game:The number game Check some students and invite the Ss to practice the dialogue.T:One , S1: two S2: three S3:

6、Merry Christmas, S4: One, S5: Two , S6: Three S7: Merry Christmas. 4. Sing the song together twice.(边唱边配以动作。)设计意图:动感音乐可以激发学生的情感,消除学生的紧张情绪,为学生营造一个轻松的氛围,并与下面的提问相衔接。在教歌曲时就把一部分新授内容处理掉,这样能高效的进入主题。Step 2 Presentation and practice (18)1 Practice using “Merry Christmas!”to say to the other students. (1)T: M

7、erry Christmas!Ss: Merry Christmas!Ss read the dialogue. T: Merry Christmas, xxx.S: Merry Christmas. Miss Zhu.T: Please say Merry Christmas to your desk mates.S1: Merry Christmas, xxx.S2: Merry Christmas, xxx.2 Teach:bell(2)给学生展示A部分的部分图片,问圣诞老人手里拿着什么。 T:Is this a star? Ss: No. T: Whats this? S: Its a

8、 bell.(单词卡片并让学生跟读。)3.Teach:The bell is for you.(4)Let the Ss listen to the tape three or four times and guide the Ss to imitate what the Father Christmas says. Ss should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask one student to imitate. Ask several students to imitate.Ask the students to

9、say together. (Pay attention to “the” and “for”)The teacher asks the Ss how to answer the question.Ss: Thank you. (单词卡片并边让学生跟读。)4. Practice the sentence: The . Is for you. Thank you.(4)拿出一个水果问:Whats this?S1: Its an apple.T: The apple is for you.(赠送给刚才的学生)S1: Thank you.设计意图: 利用各种实物进行教学,学生可亲自观察、感受、评价各

10、种实物的美,使英语学习日常生活化。通过看、听、说,使学生本来很陌生的知识一下子变得通俗易懂。6. Let the Ss open the books and read the text following the tape. (学生边朗读,边用手指出,这样让学生从小就养成一个朗读的好习惯。)(2)7. Group work: Invite the Ss to act the text out. (4)S1:Merry Christmas!(模仿圣诞老人的声音)S2: Merry Christmas!S1: The .is for you. (模仿圣诞老人的声音,作出赠送礼物的动作)S2: Th

11、ank you. (作出接收礼物的动作,并表示感谢)Step 3 Practice: Play a game, Act as Father Christmas (6)T: Look, whats this?Ss: Its a Christmas hat. (单词卡片并边让学生跟读)T: Great! Now I will act as the Father Christmas. (戴好圣诞帽)T:Father Christmas, Father Christmas, I want a doll.(老师戴好圣诞帽做许愿状)(want单词卡片让学生跟读。) T: Who wants to have

12、 a try?(谁想上来试一试?)You can choose one of these things on the platform.( 老师从包裹内取出实物 doll, flower, yo-yo, star, a new book, banana, mango, etc.)Part1. Teacher gives an example first. S1: Father Christmas, Father Christmas, I want a yo-yo. (做许愿状) T: Merry Christmas! (模仿圣诞老人的声音) S1: Merry Christmas! T: Th

13、e yo-yo is for you. (模仿圣诞老人的声音,作出赠送礼物的动作) S1: Thank you. (作出接收礼物的动作,学生得到了他想要的礼物非常高兴)Part2. Let the Ss practice the dialogue in pairs and then have a presentation. S1: Father Christmas, Father Christmas, I want a flower. (做许愿状) S2: Merry Christmas! (模仿圣诞老人的声音) S1: Merry Christmas! S2: The new book is

14、 for you. (模仿圣诞老人的声音,作出赠送礼物的动作) S1: Thank you. (作出接收礼物的动作,学生没有得到他想要的礼物不高兴)Step 4 Exercise(7)1听句子,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。( )1. A. Hes my father. B. Hes a doctor.( )2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you .( )3. A. Merry Christmas.! B. Happy New Year!( )4. A. Ok, thanks. B. Here you are.( )5. A. Its small. B. All rig

15、ht.( )6. A. They are sweets. B. Its a gift.2连词成句,用序号表示。1. Christmas Merry _! 2. bell for the 4 is 5you_ _.3. thank you. _.Check the answerStep 5 Homework(1) 1. Read the dialogue several times following the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the sentences.2. Practice the di

16、alogue with their desk mates after class.3. Know more about Christmas in foreign countries.Ending: Song, Merry Christmas Blackboard Design:Unit 9 Merry Christmas (A) PPT图片或多媒体课件 A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A: The bell is for you.B: Thank you.第二教时一、教学目标:1. 巩固复习句型The is for you. 并能用Thank y

17、ou 来回答。2. 听见别人的祝福Merry Christmas !能够用Merry Christmas!进行正确的交流.3. 能够听懂会说单词a bell, a sweet , a chocolate , a gift 并能正确运用。二、教学重点: 1. 能够听懂会说单词a bell, a sweet , a chocolate , a gift 并能正确运用。2. 能够正确的运用句型The is for you,并能用Thank you 来回答。三、教学难点:The bell is for you. the和for和is的正确朗读。四、教学准备:1教具准备: 单词卡片,实物,录音,练习2板

18、书准备: 预先写好Unit9 Merry Christmas 五、教学过程:Step1: Free talk (5) T: Good morning boys and girls ! S: Good morning T Ask Ss several questions : 1. How are you ? 2. Nice to meet you ! 3. Whats your father? 4. Whats your mother? 5. Whats this ? 6. What are these ? 7. What are those ?If students answer is ver

19、y good, give them a gift T: The gift is for you.Step2: Presentation and practice(15) 经过四次礼物的发送以及老师说的The gift is for you .学生有所印象 Teach : a gift Ss : 跟读,开火车朗读,拼读 T: Your gift is very beautiful , open the gift please! S: Open the gift T: Oh ,Whats this ? S: Its a bell. 摇起铃铛,播放课件(出现jingle bells, jingle

20、bells jingle all the way,oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 这句音乐,圣诞老人出现 ) Father Christmas : Merry Christmas!T: say “Merry Christmas ” to Father Christmas. Ss: Merry Christmas !让第二个学生拆礼物S2: Open the gift .T&S: Oh, there is nothing in it .让第三个学生拆礼物S3: Open the gift.T: Whats this ?S3

21、: Its a chocolate .T: Yes, its a chocolate . I like chocolates. You like chocolates. She like chocolates . Teach : a chocolate Ss: 跟读,分组读,齐读,拼读让第四个学生拆礼物S4: Open the gift.T: Who know whats this ?S5: Its a sweet .T: Yes, its a. sweet I like sweets. You like sweets. She like sweets . Teach: a sweetStep

22、3: Play a game 1.快速反应 游戏目的: 操练新学的三个单词 游戏做法: PPT 快速依次呈现大小不同,位置不同,顺序打乱的a sweet , a chocolate , a gift 三张图片和三个单词,学生需快速的反应并朗读。 组织比赛:学生分为四组,第一组先进行比赛,其余小组看,听,并判断该小组在规定的时间内读对多少个单词。依次第二,三,四组比赛。看最后哪个小组在规定的时间内读对单词最多的为胜。给予奖励,The sweet is for you . 2Guess (10) 游戏目的:练习对话The is for you . Thank you . 游戏做法:老师扮演圣诞老人

23、,背一大包礼物,给学生送礼物, Eg: 师拿出一个礼物给一个学生,并说Mike,Mike(学生英文名)The is for you,如果那个学生想要那个礼物,就说Thank you. 如果他不想要那个,想要别的就摇头。老师会拿出第二个礼物,引导学生一起说Mike,Mike(学生英文名)The is for you,直到那个学生说Thank you为止。继续送给第二,三,四位同学。Step4: Do exercise (9)一 听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。( )1. Merry Christmas !( )2. A humburger please .(

24、 )3. The bell is for you . Thank you .( )4. Whos he ? Hes my father .( )5. The chocolate is for you . Thank you .二 看图,选择正确的单词,并把他们抄写在对应的四线格里。a bag a sweet a bell a gift a chair a chocolate Ss do the exercise in 5 minutes T: Check the answer togetherStep5 : Assign homework (1) Read Unit 9 after the t

25、ape about 5 times .六板书设计Unit 9 Merry ChristmasA: Merry christmas! a giftB: Merry christmas! a bell a chocolateThe is for you . a sweet 第三课时一教学目标1.复习巩固本单元的新单词和句子Merry Christmas! The is for you. 及其应答。2.能根据情境灵活运用句子The is for you.3.会唱歌曲“We wish you Merry Christmas”4.学生乐于与朋友分享礼物。二教学重点:1.能根据情境灵活运用句子The is

26、 for you.2.能灵活运用本单元所学的单词,完成练习。三教学难点:1.能根据情境灵活运用句子The is for you.2.能灵活运用本单元所学的单词,完成练习。四教学准备:1.用圣诞树,装饰物以及一些礼物装饰班级2.让每个孩子提前准备好一张自制的圣诞贺卡。五教学过程:Step 1: Warm up and Revision.(8)Teacher act as Father Christmas.The children are sitting around the christmas tree.T: Hello, Everyone! Merry Christmas. Do you wa

27、nt Christmas presents?Ss: Yes!T:Ok, If you want presents, you should go through some exercises.Ok?1.Exercise one: Magic eyes. 课件呈现:新旧单词(有的是以图片出现,有的是以单词出现)如:文具类,玩具类和本单元的新授单词。这些步骤不仅复习了新旧单词,还可以用已学的句型进行提问。Eg: T: Whats this?S: Its a T: What colour?S: ItsT: What are these?S: They are2.Exercise two: excise

28、 on workbook. 活动手册a. Listen and tick. 1)同桌两人一起观察图片,并用英语说一说。 2)学生根据说听到的内容,选出和录音内容相符的图片,并打钩。 b. Listen and judge. 1)先请学生认读一下各图片中的物品。并用本单元相关句型与同桌进行对话。 2)根据所听内容判断图中物品是否是送给图中的人物的。Step 2: Practice(12)1.Giving presents T: Merry Christmas!S1:Merry Christmas!T: The is for you.S1: Thank you!老师与孩子点对点的操练是复习巩固本单

29、元的单词和句型。2. Ss give card they made by themselves to their good friends.while the game, teacher play the song we wish you merry christmas 扩大孩子们的操练范围,让孩子们之间进行互赠贺卡的活动,不仅操练了句型,更促进了孩子间情感的交流。Step 3: Sing a song(6)Teach the new song: we wish you Merry Christmas.T: Do you know the song we have just heard? Ss

30、: We wish Merry Christmas.1. Listen to the tape.2. Teach:We wish3. Sing the together.4. Hava a competition.Step4: Consolidation (7)Show a picture of an American family having a party at Christmas. Ask studentsto make dialogues according to the picture, and they should make as many sentences as possible.Eg: Son: Dad, Merry Christmas! Dad: Merry Christmas! Son: whats this? Dad(open the box): This is a pen,the pen is for you! Son: Thank you! (This is a . Is this a

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