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1、翻译二级笔译综合能力模拟30翻译二级笔译综合能力模拟 30( 总分: 119.60 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 I Vocabulary and Grammar (总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、 Part 1 Vocabulary Selection ( 总题数: 20,分数: 16.50)1.The long service of decades of the to-be-retired with the company was a present each fromthe President.(分数: 0.50 )A.confirmed byB.recorded inC.ackno

2、wledged with VD.appreciated for 解析: 解析 习语搭配。acknowledge with( 用馈赠或言辞 )表示感谢,作出反应: The producer wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Los Angeles Police Department in the making of the film 制片人希望对洛杉矶警察局在本片拍摄过程中所给予的协助表示感谢。2.Thousands of at the stadium cameto their feet to pay tribute to an outsta

3、nding performance.(分数: 1.00 )A.audienceB.participantsC.spectators VD.observers解析: 解析 audience 和 spectator 均指观众,但有区别。前者多用于对演讲类表演的观看;后者则多 用于表示观看节目和运动类事件。根据句子中的地点状语“ at the stadium ”可知,正确答案是 C。3.We cannot be the choices that our children are going to make. even though we havecontributed to those choice

4、s.(分数: 1.00 )A.subject toB.susceptible toC.accountable for VD.crazy about解析:解析be subject to 使服从,使遭受。 be susceptible to 对敏感。be accountable for 负责。crazy about 狂热,热衷。答案是 C。4.In the dim light, I managed to the shadowy figure of a big lion among the trees.(分数: 0.50 )A.make offB.make upC.make out VD.make

5、over解析: 解析 习语搭配A.make off离开,(尤指做了错事后)匆忙离开,逃走;B. make叩弥补,虚构,和解; C. make out辨认出,拼凑; D make over( 尤指依法律形式 ) 转让,移交;而本句意为:在昏暗的光线下,我努力辨认树 丛中一只大狮子的阴影。因此 C为答案。5.Although I spoke to her about the matter several times, she took little of what I said.(分数: 1.00 )A.remarkB.warningC.notice VD.attention解析: 解析 take

6、 notice of 为固定搭配,表示“注意,留心”。此外, pay attention to 也可表示“注 意”的意思。6.I will never the experiences of the four years at Howard University, though there wereunhappy encounters.(分数: 0.50 )A.dischargeB.rechargeC.discard VD.dispose解析:7.Things went well for her during her early life but in her middle age her se

7、emedto change.(分数: 1.00 )A.affairB.luck VC.eventD.chance解析: 解析 luck 除表示“运气,好运”外,还含有“命运”的意思,如: Its just my luck 我命该 如此。其余均不符合题意。8.Only hotel guests have the of using the private beach.(分数: 0.50 )A.occasionB.possibilityC.privilege VD.allowance解析: 解析 近义辨析。privilege 特权,特另U待遇: I had the privilege of meet

8、ing the queen .我有会见王后的特权。 occasion 时机,机会: A birthday is no occasion for tears 生日可不是哭鼻子的时候。 possibility 可能性:There is no possibility of his coming .他不可能来。 allowance 宽容,允许,被允许的东西 ( 如限额、限期等 ) : ask for an allowance of three days 要求给三天时间。9.His behavior madeeveryone nervous. He was always rushing to open

9、doors and perform othersmall tasks, apologizing unnecessarily for any inconvenience that he might have caused.(分数: 1.00 )A.obliviousB.observantC.obsequious VD.obsolescent解析: 解析 形近识另。obsequious 卑躬的;巴结的: He is an obsequious owner .他是个善于讨好的店主。 oblivious 未察觉; 不注意: The government seems oblivious of the l

10、ikely effects of the new legislation .政府似乎并没有注意到新法可能带来的后果。 ob servant 善于观察的 寂静的: An observant shop assistant had remembered ex actly what the manwas wearing .有个机警的店员准确记得那个男子的穿着。 obsolescent 即将过时的,逐步淘汰的: Electronic equipment quickly becomes obsolescent .电子设备淘汰得快。10.George Ernest Morrison, an Australi

11、an, traveled the five-foot roads, or foot paths, fromShanghai to Rangoon in 1894, China before it was engulfed in a century of revolution, warand political tumult.(分数: 0.50 )A.witnessB.witnessedC.witnessing witness解析: 解析 结构识别 本句考察的是用动词不定式、现在分词短语还是过去分词短语作状语:动词不定式表示还没有做的事,现 在分词表做过的事,现在分词含有主动的意思,

12、而过去分词形式含有被动的含义;此句要表达的是 GeorgeErnest Morrison 已做过的事,且表主动,因此 C为答案。11.Uncle Vernon, quite unlike Harry Potter who looked nothing like the rest of the family, waslarge, very fat, and , with an enormous black mustache.(分数: 0.50 )A.neckless VB.necklaceC.recklessD.rackless解析: 解析 形近识别。neckless 胖的没脖子的; neckl

13、ace 项链; reckless 鲁莽的; rackless 没支架的。12.Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, the color of hisskin.(分数: 1.00 )A.with the exception the light virtue ofD.regardless of V解析:解析四个选项的意思分别为:A项“除以外”;B项“根据,依据”;C项“依靠,凭借, 由于”; D 项“不顾,不管”。13.Arrogance and pride are simi

14、lar in meaning, but there is a (n) difference between them.(分数: 0.50 )A.submergedB.indecisiveC.indistinctD.subtle V解析: 解析 形容词辨析Asubmerged 在水中的, 淹没的; Bindecisive 非决定性的; Cindistinct 模糊的, 朦胧的; Dsubtle敏感的,微妙的;而本句意为:傲慢与骄傲在意思上近似,但两者间有着的不同。根据上下文,此处应表“微妙的”,因此 D为答案。14.The explanation given by the manager yes

15、terday was not at all to us.(分数: 1.00 )A.satisfyB.satisfiedC.satisfactory VD.satisfying解析: 解析 同义辨析。satisfactory 令人满意的: The result of the match was highly sarisfactory 比赛结果非常令人满意。 satisfy 使满足: I offered him $1,000 to keep quiet, but that did not satisfy him and he wanted even more 我给了他一千美元让他保持沉默,但他并不

16、满足,他还要更多的钱。 satisfied 满意的,满足的:Im not fully satisfied with the standard of your work .我对你的工作水准不太满意。 satisfying令人满意的,使人满意的: Its an immensely satisfying job 这是一个非常令人满意的工作。15. pollution control measures are expensive, many local governments hesitate to adopt them.(分数: 1.00 )A.AlthoughB.HoweverC.Because

17、VD.Moreover解析: 解析 连词辨析。 这两个句子是因果关系。16.The jury gave a of not guilty.(分数: 0.50 )A.sentenceB.judgementC.chargeD.verdict V解析: 解析 近义辨析。verdict 裁决,判决,判断 ( 指陪审团的裁决 ) : The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty 判决犯人有罪。 sentence 判决,宣判 ( 指法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定 ) :Hereceived a heavy sentence 他被判重刑。

18、 judgement 判断,审判, 裁判( 指法庭的判决, 法官的决定 ) : The judgement set a new precedent 那次判决树立了一个新的判例。 charge 指控,控告 ( 指提出对不法 行为的指控 ) :a charge of murder 指控犯谋杀罪。17.The speaker was very much by rude words and behavior of the audience in the hall.(分数: 1.00 )A.jerkedB.incensed VC.lacedD.limped解析: 解析 jerked 肌肉抽搐的,痉挛;

19、incensed 激怒的,发怒; laced 有花边的,有带子的; limped 跛行的,柔软的。答案是 B。18.The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, tothe body.(分数: 1.00 )A.the stress it is greaterB.greater is the stressC.greater stress isD.the greater the stress V解析: 解析 固定用法。 the+ 比较级, the+ 比较级。19.We cannot

20、see any possibility of business . your price is on the high side of the prevailingmarket trend.(分数: 0.50 )A.whichB.since VC.thatD.though解析: 解析 固定搭配。 后面的从句是对前面主句的解释说明,因而应选用表原因的“ Since”。20.The president of the corporation suggested that the phenomena should be and analyzedinto their smallest parts of

21、elements.(分数: 2.00 )A.buckled onB.nudged furtherC.broken down VD.broken into解析:三、Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement (总题数:15,分数:14.70)21.Although there is a great number of new books launched onto the market, most of them are merely for the birds.(分数:1.60 )A.a spate VB.a varietyC.a pileD.spit解析:a spate of

22、 意指 in great quantity 或 in great number 。22n the flint decades of the twentieth century, the individual gem could not be seen, but couldbe worked with fruitfully .(分数:1.00 )A.blindlyB.completelyC.productively VD.carefully解析:解析本题中,fruitfully 的意思是“产量多地,肥沃地。四个选项中, productively 的意思是“有结果地,有成果地”; blindly

23、的意思是“盲目地,摸索地”; completely的意思是“十分地,完全地”;carefully 的意思是“小心地,谨慎地”。只有 C项符合题意。23n 1982, Hitachi was indicted for stealing confidential documents from IBM. As part of a court settlement, the company paid IBM hundreds of millions of dollars.(分数:1.00)A.condemned forB.accused of VC.disciplined forD.disapprov

24、ed of解析:解析本题中,indicted for的意思是“被起诉”。 B项的“ accused of被控告符合题意,如:The police accused him of stealing .(警方控告他犯有盗窃罪 )。其他三项“ condemned for 被责难;disciplined for 被训练;disapproved of 不赞成”都不正确。24.That university has produced a large number of social celebrities, including four Presidents and three Speakers.(分数:1

25、.60 )A.sproutedB.spawned VC.stashedD.spouted解析:25.Trivial breaches of regulations we can pass over , but more serious ones will have to beinvestigated.(分数:1.00 )A.exceedB.witherC.overpassD.neglect V解析:解析本题空格处意为“我们对微不足道的违规可以忽略不计”。 neglect的意思是“忽略,忽视”,如:If you neglect this property, it will depreciate

26、.(如果你忽视这份资产,它无形中就贬值了 )。exceed的意思是“超出,超过”; wither的意思是“枯萎,衰退,使枯萎,使衰退”; overpass的意思是“胜过,通过,忽视”。只有 D项符合题意。26t is reported that the latest outbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania in the United Stateshas prompted China to slap a ban on poultry imports from the state.(分数:1.00)A.marine productsB.dairy prod

27、uctsC.industrial productsD.avian products V解析:解析本题意为“据报道,最近美国宾夕法利亚洲爆发的禽流感促使中国很快下令禁止从该地区进 口家禽类食品”。poultry的意思是“家禽类食品”; D项的“ avian products 鸟类食品”符合题意。其他三项“ marine products 海产食品; dairy products 孚L制食品;industrial products 工业产品”都不正确。27.Leonardo was fined $150 by the magistrate and given a strong warning.(分

28、数:0.50 )A.policemanB.supervisorC.judge VD.l awyer解析:解析名词辨析magistrate 表:文职官员,地方法官;A. policeman警察;B. supervisor 监督人,管理人,检察员;C. judge 法官,审判员,鉴定人;D. lawyer律师;因此C为答案。28.0bviously these are all factors affecting smooth operation, but the underlying problem is still to be identified.(分数:1.00 )A.operational

29、B.fundamental VC.operatingD.underneath解析:解析本题中,underlying 的意思是“在下面的,根本的,潜在的。四个选项中, fundamental的意思是“基础的,根本的”,如: a fundamental difference between their aims( 他们目标的根本差异)。operational 的意思是“操作的”; operating 的意思是“运行的,操作的”; underneath的意思是“下面的”。只有 B项符合题意。29.One of the things we have to do to prevent a pandemi

30、c is to make sure people understand and know what they can do to minimize the commotion .(分数:0.50 )A.commandB.collusionC.turmoil VD.tutelage解析:解析名词辨析。commotion 骚动,暴乱: produce a commotion 引起一阵骚动。 turmoil 骚动,混乱: a country in turmoil over labor strikes 处于工人罢工造成的动乱中的国家。 command命令,掌握:obey command服从命令。col

31、lusion 共谋,勾结;tutelage 监护。30.This reflects the priority being attached to economic over political activity, partly causedby a growing reluctance to enter a calling blighted by relentless publicity that all too oftenends in destroying careers and reputations. (分数:1.00 )A.powerfulnessB.unwillingness VC.renaissanceD.apologeticness解析:解析名词辨析。

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