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1、新动力第二册原文unit12Unit 1 Customs We Should FollowPart OneWarming-up ActivityDirections: Enjoy the song “You are My Sunshine”.You are My SunshineThe other night, dear, as I lay sleepingI dreamed I held you in my armsBut when I awoke, dear, I was mistakenAnd I hung my head and criedYou are my sunshine, my

2、 only sunshineYou make me happy when skies are greyYou never know dear, how much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine awayI always love you and make you happyIf you will only say the sameBut if you leave me to loving anotherYoull regret it all some dayYou told me once dear, you really loved meAnd

3、no one else could come betweenBut now youve left me and loved anotherYes, you have shattered all my dreamsPart TwoConversationsDirections: Listen to the conversations and choose the best answers to the following questions you hear.1. W: Id like to make an appointment with Prof. Smith.M: Sorry, he is

4、 not in. He has gone to Beijing and hell probably be back next Monday.Q: Where is Prof. Smith now? (A)2. M: I cant decide which color to paint my room, green or pink?W: What about white? It matches the furniture.Q: What color does the woman suggest the man to use? (D)3. M: How about your trip to Chi

5、cago?W: To tell you the truth, I would rather have spent my vacation here.Q: What does the woman mean? (C)4. W: In India many people drink tea, but coffee is also popular. In China and Japan tea is more commonly drunk than coffee.M: I agree with the Chinese habit. Coffee tastes terrible to me.Q: Wha

6、t does the man usually drink? (B)5. M: Im not surprised you didnt like that movie. I found it really frightening myself.W: I did, too. I didnt care much for horror movies as a rule.Q: What does the woman mean? (B)6. W: Im not going swimming in the lake unless it warms up outside today.M: Me neither.

7、 Unfortunately I think its supposed to be so cold all day.Q: What can we conclude from the conversation? (B)7. W: Professor Conrad, have you heard the morning news report? Bill makes his election speech at New York.M: I didnt turn on the radio this morning, but I did see the headlines.Q: How did the

8、 professor learn the information? (A)8. W: Mr. Smith, Id like to confirm the date for your Roman conference, so I can make the necessary reservation.M: Well, its from the 4th to the 6th and Im leaving on Friday night and returning back or Monday.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two s

9、peakers? (C)9. M: Maggie, I hope you dont mind my asking, but are you taking up painting?W: Are you kidding, Tim? I cant paint! Im just asking for my sisters son. He is really into it.M: Ah, I see. Then are you still doing your paper-cutting?W: Sure, thats the one thing I really enjoy.Q: Who is good

10、 at painting? (D)10. W: I know you had a part-time job during this summer vacation. How about it?M: Hmmm. It wasnt easy.W: Wasnt it? Why? What did you have to do?M: On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, I lifted heavy boxes. On Tuesday and Sunday, I put hundreds of bottles on shelves.W: So you must be

11、tired. M: Oh, exhausted!Q: Which days work is not mentioned in this conversation? (D)Part ThreePassageI. Study the following before listening.demonstrate /demnstreit/ v. 演示 variability /vribilti/ n. 变化exceptionally /iksepnli/ adv. 例外的 compliment /kmplimnt/ n. 赞美embarrassment /imbrsmnt/ n. 尴尬 conceit

12、 /knsi:t/ n. 自负II. Listen to the passage and choose the best answers to the following questions you hear.As we all know, variability and differences exist in the world culture, perhaps nowhere better demonstrated than in the way people greet one another. In America, exceptionally good friends of the

13、 opposite sex kiss once and usually near the mouth but without touching the lips, while in Spain such people kiss twice, first on the right cheek and then on the left cheek. In Belgium people normally kiss three times, right, left, right. If a man says, “You are pretty.” To an American lady, she wil

14、l certainly feel quite happy and reply with “thank you”. It is assumed that the compliment is sincere. If the same thing happens to a Chinese lady in the past years, the thing will be totally different. The lady may consider the man is flirting and be angry to him immediately, or maybe she may answe

15、r, “where, where, (No, no.)” In Chinese culture acceptance of a compliment implies conceit or a lack of manners. Greetings also vary in different cultures. The British would like to begin a conversation with talking about weather, while Chinese people may greet other, “Have you eaten?” or “Where are

16、 you going?” If people do not know the cultural differences, inappropriate greetings may cause trouble and embarrassment.Questions:1. In which country do people kiss three times as a kind of greeting according to the passage? (D)2. Why do Chinese ladies reply, “No, no.” when hearing compliment? (C)3

17、. How do American good friends of the opposite sex kiss? (A)4. Which topic will the British choose to begin a conversation? (C)5. What will probably happen if people of different nations do not know the cultural differences? (A)Part FourTrue of FalseI. Study the following before listening.reservatio

18、n /rezvein/ n. 预定 indebted /indetid/ adj. 受惠的customary /kst,mri/ adj. 习俗的II. Listen to the passage carefully and decide whether the statements are true of false. Write “T” for true and “F”If you invite someone to join you for dinner in a restaurant, phone the restaurant first to find out if you need

19、 a reservation in order to avoid a long wait for a table. To make a reservation, just give your name, the number of people in your group, and the time you plan to arrive. When you invite someone to dinner, you should be prepared to pay the bill and reach for it when it arrives. However, if your comp

20、anion insists on paying his or her share, dont get into an argument about it. Some people prefer to pay their own way so that they dont feel indebted, and those feelings should be respected. In most American restaurants, the waiter or waitresss tip is not added to the bill. If the service was adequa

21、te, its customary to leave a tip equal to about 15% of the bill. In expensive restaurants, leave a bit more.1. When making a reservation, it is necessary to give your phone number. (F)2. You shouldnt let your companion pay for the meal in any situation. (F)3. The bill usually includes the tips. (F)4

22、. In expensive American restaurants, you should leave more than 15% of the bill as tip. (T)5. Sometimes, people would like to go Dutch to avoid indebted feelings. (T)Part FiveDictationDirections: In this part, you will hear the passage three times. Try to fill in the blanks according to the passage

23、youll hear. If you are invited to someones home (1) to have a meal, it is usual to take some flowers or a box of chocolates. It is not usual to take a bottle of (2) wine unless you know your (3) host well. Although flowers and chocolates (4) are quite acceptable, it would be very nice if you could t

24、ake something (5) from your country. It is different if you are invited to a party, and it (6) depends on what kind of party it is. Many parties these days are “bring a bottle” parties. Unless (7) your host is very rich, then a bottle of wine is always welcome. If it is a big party of (8) about 30 o

25、r more people, ask whether or not you should bring a bottle when you are invited (9) if you arent sure. Say something like, “Can I bring a bottle?” And (10) your host will tell you what to do.Part SixTime for PleasureDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. An old gentle

26、man was very unhappy about modern education and thought that young people nowadays were not being taught the importance of knowing the difference between right and wrong. One day he was taking a walk in the park near his home when he saw some young boys standing around a small cat. The old gentleman

27、 went up to the boys and asked them what was happening. One of the boys said to him, “Were having a contest. We are telling lies, and the one who tells the biggest one gets to keep the cat.” The old gentleman thought that this was a good opportunity to teach the boys a useful lesson. So he said to t

28、hem, “Ive never told a lie in my life.” All at once there was a great shout from all the boys, and they said, “Youve won, and the car is yours.”Questions:1. Why were all boys shouting after the old gentle mans remark?Because they thought the old man told the biggest lie.2. Why wasnt the gentleman sa

29、tisfied with the modern education?Because he thought the modern education did not tell young people the difference between right and wrong.3. What were the boys doing in the park?They were having a contest about telling lies.4. Why did the old man take part in the contest?The old gentleman thought t

30、hat this was a good opportunity to teach the boys a useful lesson.5. What do you learn from the story? (This is an open question.)Unit 2 The Way to SuccessPart One Warming-up ActivityDirections: Enjoy the movie “Notting Hill”. Anna is a famous star, while William is the owner of a little bookshop. O

31、ne day they meet in the bookshop. And there is a thief in the bookshop.William: Of course, Ive seen her films and always thought she was, well, fabulous. But you know, a million and million miles from the world I live in, which is here - Notting Hill - my favorite bit of London And so this is where

32、I spend my days and years - in this small village in the middle of the city, in a house with a blue door that my wife and I bound together before she left me for a man who looked exactly like Harrison Ford. And so it was just another hopeless Wednesday, as I moved a thousand yards through the market to word, never suspecting that this was the day which was gonna change my life forever. This is

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