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1、MTI复试常规问题教案资料1、questions about you and majorLearning 1、why do you choose this major, MTI(Masters of Translation andInterpreting)? instead your original major为什么选择这个专业?而非大学专业2、what do you know about MTI(Masters of Translation andInterpreting)? 你对MTI有什么了解?7.what is the difference between MA(master of

2、arts)and MTI(master of translation)MA和MTI的区别8 why do you choose our university? 为什么选择南开3、do you have any real experiences in translation or interpreting? If so,what have you learned from them?有没有翻译经验?从中学到了什么?4、have you ever met any full-time interpreter?有没有见过全职翻译?5、please give us a brief introductio

3、n about the translation courses inyour collage, what have you learned from that?简要介绍大学里的翻译课程?你从中学到了什么?7、Do you think to be a translator or an interpreter is profitable?你觉得做翻译赚钱吗?8、what should a good interpreter be like? What kind of qualities shouldhe have? 好的口译译员是什么样的?应该具备什么样的素质?Be an extremely goo

4、d listener. Interpreters need to pick up on every intent and every meaning. They must make sense of a message composed in one language while articulating the same message in another tongue.Have an extensive vocabulary of multiple languages.working in real-time, they can rarely consult a dictionary o

5、r reference materials. Be culturally aware. transform the words into a comparable statement that the target audience can understand.Cope with stress and self-control when dealing with difficult speakers. Not everyone speaks with precision and clarity accents can be difficult to discern. Show emotion

6、al resilienceLegal and medical interpreters are often involved in cases that are difficult to witness, such as murder trials, emergency medical situations or even deaths.9 、what is the difference between translation and interpreting?口译和笔译的区别?The interpreter translates orally, while a translator inte

7、rprets written text.The translators key ability to understand the source language and the culture of the country where the text originated, then using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, to render that material clearly into the target languageAn interpreter, must be able to trans

8、late in both directions on the spot, without using dictionaries or other reference materials. Interpreters must have extraordinary listening abilities10、Have you encountered any problems in interpreting?口译时有没有遇到什么问题?11、In your mind, what is the ideal life for an interpreter?口译译员的理想生活是什么样的?12 if you

9、are admitted by this university, what is your plan for next two years?如果录取,你研究生期间有什么计划?13、compared to other students, what is your strength? What is your weakness 你的优点是什么?优势 缺点 14 what is your thesis about?你的论文是关于什么的?15 do you know the history of interpretation? 口译的历史4. In history when do you think

10、the interpreting is applicable? 历史上你什么时候觉得口译有用?the identification of interpreting as a career was in 20th century1919 Paris peace conference1940s Nuremberg Trialssimultaneous interpreting16 do you know the type of interpretation? 口译的类型交替口译(alternating interpretation):译员同时以2种语言为交际双方进行轮回式口译。场合:政府首脑会谈,

11、记者招待会接续口译(consecutive interpretation):交替传译或交传以一段接一段的方式,在讲话者的自然停顿间隙,将信息一组接一组地传译给听众。场合:讲演、授课、新闻发布会同声传译(simultaneous interpretation):译员在不打断讲话者演讲的情况下,不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听众的一种口译方式。场合:国际会议、学术报告、讲座耳语口译(whispering interpretation):将一方讲话内容用耳语传译给另一方。同声传译听众:群体,如国际会议与会者耳语口译听众:个人,对象往往是外宾、国家元首、高级政府官员。视阅口译(sight interpre

12、tation):视译,以阅读接受来源语信息,以口头传出信息。内容:通常事先准备好的文件。除非情况紧急,或暂时保密缘故,译员一般可以在临场前几分钟(甚至更长的一段时间)得到讲稿或文件,手语口译(sign language interpretation):称视觉语言口译,聋哑人和非聋哑人间现场翻译形式。译员必须同时具备有声表达和手势表达的交流能力。18 how to prepare before interpretation?口译前应该做哪些准备?20 what is the difference between Simultaneous interpreting and Consecutive

13、interpreting?同传和交传的区别Consecutive Interpretation:1.waits for the speaker to finish an idea, and then renders the speakers words into the target language.2. trained in note-taking memory techniques to process passages as long as 6-8 minutes accurately.3.Its suited for situations involving a small numb

14、er of people:business meetings, press conferencesSimultaneous Interpretation:1. the participants wear headphones, and the interpreter renders the speakers words into the target language as he or she is speaking. in a sound-proof booth that enables everyone involved to focus on their work with

15、out the distraction of hearing another language.3. saves time, it is preferred for conferences and meetings in which a great deal of information has to be conveyed. 21、what did you learn in university? How will it help with your translation?大学学到了什么?本科的学习会对你的翻译有何帮助?5. what kind of translation do you

16、prefer? Literature or technology 你更喜欢那种翻译?文学类翻译还是科技类翻译? 擅长什么样的翻译21 .whats your favorite course in university? 大学课程中你最喜欢的科目是什么?22 why do you want to learn translation? 为什么想学翻译6. do you know CAT? (computer aided translation) 知不知道CAT7. opinion on machine translation? 机器翻译的看法8 what is the essence of tra

17、nslation? 翻译的本质 你对翻译的理解9what is the difference between English and Chinese? 中文和英文有何区别?10 the general direction of translation research?专业研究的大体方向,Work 19 can you introduce the advantage of products in your company? 你所在公司的产品有什么优势Life 8. what is the book you are reading recently?你最近在读什么书?读过哪些书2. Englis

18、h books and translation books you have been read读过什么英文原著和翻译著作4.your favorite translator? Introduce his or her works最喜欢的译者是谁,介绍一下他的作品二、questions about translation theory1、what is translation? 2、what books on translation have you read? Which one impress you the most?3、What do you consider translation

19、to be, art, science or just craft? Please elaborate on your stand.4、What do you think the optimal translation criteria should be? Please make some comments on Yan Fus “faithfulness”, “expressiveness”and “elegance”.5、Do you know any translation masters? And who impresses you the most?6、what is Lin Yu

20、tangs translation strategy? 林语堂7、what does “similarity in spirit” refers to? And what is sublimation? (神似化境各指什么?)8、what is Xu Yuanchongs translation strategy? 许渊冲9、what translation strategy have Peter Newmark and Nida put forward?10、What are Venutis comments on domestication & foreignization?11、12、参

21、考文献与网址:How do you view the “cultural turn” phenomenon in translation studies nowadays?年轻有活力是我们最大的本钱。我们这个自己动手做的小店,就应该与时尚打交道,要有独特的新颖性,这正是我们年轻女孩的优势。可是创业不是一朝一夕的事,在创业过程中会遇到很多令人难以想象的疑难杂症,对我们这些80年代出生的温室小花朵来说,更是难上加难。12、How do you view the inter-relationship among language, culture and translation?(2)东西全众上所述

22、,我们认为:我们的创意小屋计划或许虽然会有很多的挑战和困难,但我们会吸取和借鉴“漂亮女生”和“碧芝”的成功经验,在产品的质量和创意上多下工夫,使自己的产品能领导潮流,领导时尚。在它们还没有打入学校这个市场时,我们要巩固我们的学生市场,制作一些吸引学生,又有使学生能接受的价格,勇敢的面对它们的挑战,使自己立于不败之地。13、How can these translation strategies guide your translation practices?“碧芝”最吸引人的是那些小巧的珠子、亮片等,都是平日里不常见的。据店长梁小姐介绍,店内的饰珠有威尼斯印第安的玻璃珠、秘鲁的陶珠、奥地利的

23、施华洛世奇水晶、法国的仿金片、日本的梦幻珠等,五彩缤纷,流光异彩。按照饰珠的质地可分为玻璃、骨质、角质、陶制、水晶、仿金、木制等种类,其造型更是千姿百态:珠型、圆柱型、动物造型、多边形、图腾形象等,美不胜收。全部都是进口的,从几毛钱一个到几十元一个的珠子,做一个成品饰物大约需要几十元,当然,还要决定于你的心意 尽管售价不菲,却仍没挡住喜欢它的人。三、主要竞争者分析39、how to improve your translation?、年“碧芝自制饰品店”在迪美购物中心开张,这里地理位置十分优越,交通四通八达,由于位于市中心,汇集了来自各地的游客和时尚人群,不用担心客流量的问题。迪美有多家商铺,

24、不包括柜台,现在这个商铺的位置还是比较合适的,位于中心地带,左边出口的自动扶梯直接通向地面,从正对着的旋转式楼梯阶而上就是人民广场中央,周边、条地下通道都交汇于此,从自家店铺门口经过的的顾客会因为好奇而进去看一下。5、你认为一件DIY手工艺制品在什么价位可以接受?40、What are the translation principles you follow?遵循什么翻译原则年“碧芝自制饰品店”在迪美购物中心开张,这里地理位置十分优越,交通四通八达,由于位于市中心,汇集了来自各地的游客和时尚人群,不用担心客流量的问题。迪美有多家商铺,不包括柜台,现在这个商铺的位置还是比较合适的,位于中心地带,左边出口的自动扶梯直接通向地面,从正对着的旋转式楼梯阶而上就是人民广场中央,周边、条地下通道都交汇于此,从自家店铺门口经过的的顾客会因为好奇而进去看一下。

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